xref: /original-bsd/sys/vax/stand/tm.c (revision 87a44d1b)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
4  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5  *
6  *	@(#)tm.c	7.5 (Berkeley) 07/09/88
7  */
9 /*
10  * TM11/TE??
11  */
13 #include "param.h"
14 #include "inode.h"
15 #include "fs.h"
17 #include "../vax/pte.h"
19 #include "../vaxuba/ubareg.h"
20 #include "../vaxuba/tmreg.h"
22 #include "saio.h"
23 #include "savax.h"
25 #define	MAXCTLR		1		/* all addresses must be specified */
26 u_short	tmstd[MAXCTLR] = { 0172520 };
28 tmopen(io)
29 	register struct iob *io;
30 {
31 	register int skip;
33 	if ((u_int)io->i_adapt >= nuba)
34 		return (EADAPT);
35 	if ((u_int)io->i_ctlr >= MAXCTLR)
36 		return (ECTLR);
37 	if (badaddr((char *)ubamem(io->i_adapt, tmstd[io->i_ctlr]), sizeof(short)))
38 		return (ENXIO);
39 	tmstrategy(io, TM_REW);
40 	for (skip = io->i_part; skip--;) {
41 		io->i_cc = 0;
42 		tmstrategy(io, TM_SFORW);
43 	}
44 	return (0);
45 }
47 tmclose(io)
48 	register struct iob *io;
49 {
50 	tmstrategy(io, TM_REW);
51 }
53 tmstrategy(io, func)
54 	register struct iob *io;
55 {
56 	register int com, errcnt;
57 	register struct tmdevice *tmaddr;
58 	int word, info;
60 	tmaddr = (struct tmdevice *)ubamem(io->i_adapt, tmstd[io->i_ctlr]);
61 	errcnt = 0;
62 retry:
63 	tmquiet(tmaddr);
64 	info = ubasetup(io, 1);
65 	tmaddr->tmbc = -io->i_cc;
66 	tmaddr->tmba = info;
67 	com = (io->i_unit<<8) | TM_GO;
68 	if (func == READ)
69 		tmaddr->tmcs = com | TM_RCOM;
70 	else if (func == WRITE)
71 		tmaddr->tmcs = com | TM_WCOM;
72 	else if (func == TM_SREV) {
73 		tmaddr->tmbc = -1;
74 		tmaddr->tmcs = com | TM_SREV;
75 		return (0);
76 	} else
77 		tmaddr->tmcs = com | func;
78 	for (;;) {
79 		word = tmaddr->tmcs;
80 		DELAY(100);
81 		if (word & TM_CUR)
82 			break;
83 	}
84 	ubafree(io, info);
85 	word = tmaddr->tmer;
86 	if (word & TMER_EOT)
87 		return (0);
88 	if (word & TM_ERR) {
89 		if (word & TMER_EOF)
90 			return (0);
91 		printf("tm tape error: er=%b\n", word, TMER_BITS);
92 		if (errcnt++ == 10) {
93 			printf("tm: unrecovered error\n");
94 			return (-1);
95 		}
96 		tmstrategy(io, TM_SREV);
97 		goto retry;
98 	}
99 	if (errcnt)
100 		printf("tm: recovered by retry\n");
101 	if (word & TMER_EOF)
102 		return (0);
103 	return (io->i_cc + tmaddr->tmbc);
104 }
106 tmquiet(tmaddr)
107 	register struct tmdevice *tmaddr;
108 {
109 	register word;
110 	for (;;) {
111 		word = tmaddr->tmcs;
112 		DELAY(100);
113 		if (word&TM_CUR)
114 			break;
115 	}
116 	for (;;) {
117 		word = tmaddr->tmer;
118 		DELAY(100);
119 		if ((word&TMER_TUR) && (word&TMER_SDWN)==0)
120 			break;
121 	}
122 }