xref: /original-bsd/sys/vax/uba/vs.c (revision 04ace372)
1 /* @(#)vs.c	7.3 (MIT) 04/25/89 */
2  /****************************************************************************
3  *									    *
4  *  Copyright (c) 1983, 1984 by						    *
5  *  DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, Maynard, Massachusetts.		    *
6  *  All rights reserved.						    *
7  * 									    *
8  *  This software is furnished on an as-is basis and may be used and copied *
9  *  only with inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any *
10  *  other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to     *
11  *  others only for non-commercial purposes.  No title to or ownership of   *
12  *  the software is hereby transferred.					    *
13  * 									    *
14  *  The information in this software is  subject to change without notice   *
15  *  and  should  not  be  construed as  a commitment by DIGITAL EQUIPMENT   *
16  *  CORPORATION.							    *
17  * 									    *
18  *  DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use  or  reliability of its   *
19  *  software on equipment which is not supplied by DIGITAL.		    *
20  * 									    *
21  *									    *
22  ****************************************************************************/
24 #include "vs.h"
25 #if NVS > 0
27 #include "machine/pte.h"
29 #include "param.h"
30 #include "dir.h"
31 #include "user.h"
32 #include "buf.h"
33 #include "systm.h"
34 #include "map.h"
35 #include "kernel.h"
36 #include "ioctl.h"
38 #include "vsio.h"
40 #include "proc.h"
41 #include "uio.h"
42 #include "vmmac.h"
43 #include "file.h"
45 #include "ubareg.h"
46 #include "ubavar.h"
47 #include "vsreg.h"
49 #include "../vax/mtpr.h"
51 #define	VSWAITPRI	(PZERO+1)
52 #define	VSMAXEVQ	64	/* must be power of 2 */
53 #define EVROUND(x)	((x) & (VSMAXEVQ - 1))
56 #define VSBUFFSIZE	3072
57 struct vsBuffArea {
58 	vsIoAddr vsioa;
59 	char	obuff[VSBUFFSIZE];
60 	vsEvent ibuff[VSMAXEVQ];
61 };
62 struct vsBuffArea vsBuff[NVS];
65 int vsprobe(), vsattach();
66 struct uba_device *vsdinfo[NVS];
67 u_short vsstd[] = { 0 };
68 struct uba_driver vsdriver =
69 	{ vsprobe, 0, vsattach, 0, vsstd, "vs", vsdinfo, 0, 0 };
71 #define	VSUNIT(dev)	(minor(dev))
73 struct vs_softc {
74 	unsigned inited : 1;		/* has this ever been inited? */
75 	unsigned open : 1;		/* only one open, please */
76 	unsigned linkAvail : 1;		/* link is up */
77 	short	pgrp;			/* process group for SIGHUP */
78 	int	romVersion;		/* rom version */
79 	struct vs_fparm	offset;		/* address base */
80 	struct vs_csr	csr;		/* saved csr0 */
81 	struct vs_intr	irr;		/* saved interrupt reason */
82 	struct vs_kbd	krr;		/* saved keyboard */
83 	struct vs_fparm	pr;		/* saved parameter regs */
84 	struct proc *rsel;		/* process waiting for select */
85 	struct vs_fparm vs_nextgo;	/* next packet to go */
86 	short vs_status;		/* status from previous packet */
87 	vsStats stats;			/* statistics */
88 	int vsBuff_ubinfo;		/* ubinfo for vsBuff */
89 }vs_softc[NVS];
91 #define	TRUE	1
92 #define	FALSE	0
94 #define	printI	if (vsIntrPrintfs)printf
95 #define	printD	if (vsDebugPrintfs)printf
96 #define	printM	if (vsMlpPrintfs) vsMlpPrintfs--,printf
97 int	vsIntrPrintfs = 0;
98 int	vsDebugPrintfs = 0;
99 int	vsMlpPrintfs = 0;
101 /*
102  * Tell the system that it's out there, and set up the device's interrupt
103  * vector. Since we are supporting vs100s and vs125s,
104  * this is a bit kludgey. The vs100 works much
105  * as one expects, but the vs125 tries to set all the fiber link
106  * related bits when you hit VS_IE, ignoring the way the 100 works.
107  * Also, the vs100 will let you set the interrupt vector, but
108  * the vs125 ignores this and uses its hard-wired value.
109  * And there's no sure fire to tell which variant it is.
110  * Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
111  */
113 vsprobe(reg)
114 caddr_t reg;
115 {
116 	register int br, cvec;		/* value-result */
117 	register struct vsdevice *vsaddr = (struct vsdevice *)reg;
119 #ifdef	lint
120 	br = 0; cvec = br; br = cvec;
121 	vsintr(0);
122 #endif
123 	br = 0x15;
124 	cvec = (uba_hd[numuba].uh_lastiv -= 4*8);
125 	/*
126 	 * uh_lastiv is the last free interrupt vector in the
127 	 * unibus addapter header (uba_hd).
128 	 */
130 	vsaddr->vs_csr0 = cvec >> 2;	/* Save the vector for use on next device */
131 	vsaddr->vs_irr = 0;		/* Csr will only be read if irr == 0 */
132 	vsaddr->vs_irr = 0;		/* Clear interrupt reason register */
133 	vsaddr->vs_pr1  = 0;		/* Clear function parameter */
134 	vsaddr->vs_pr2  = 0;		/* Clear function parameter */
135 	vsaddr->vs_ivr = cvec;		/* set up vector (no-op for vs125) */
137 	DELAY(100000);
138 	if (vsaddr->vs_csr0 & VS_LNK_AVL)
139 		return(0);	/* light won't go off! */
140 	vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_LNK_TRNS;
141 	vsaddr->vs_csr0 |= VS_IE;	/* enable interrupts */
142 	DELAY(200000);
144 	return sizeof(struct vsdevice);
145 }
147 vsattach(uip)
148 struct uba_device *uip;
149 {
150 	register struct vs_softc *vsp;
151 	register struct vsdevice *vsaddr;
153 	vsp = &vs_softc[VSUNIT(uip->ui_unit)];
154 	vsp->inited  = FALSE;
155 	vsp->open = FALSE;
156 	vsBuff[VSUNIT(uip->ui_unit)].vsioa.mbox.bottom = 0;
157 	vsp->linkAvail = FALSE;
158 	vsp->romVersion = 0;
159 	vsp->vs_nextgo.fparm_all = NULL;
161 	vsaddr = (struct vsdevice *) uip->ui_addr;
162 	vsaddr->vs_csr0 |= (VS_IE | VS_XMIT_ON);
163 }
165 vsopen(dev, flag)
166 dev_t dev;
167 int flag;
168 {
169 	register struct vs_softc *vsp;
170 	register struct uba_device *uip;
171 	register struct vsdevice *vsaddr;
172 	int s;
173 	int ret;
174 	struct buf vsbuf;
175 	struct vsBuffArea *vsb;
176 	caddr_t vsBuffpage;
177 	int vsBuffnpages;
179 	if (VSUNIT(dev) >= NVS || (vsp = &vs_softc[VSUNIT(dev)])->open ||
180 	    (uip = vsdinfo[VSUNIT(dev)]) == 0 || uip->ui_alive == 0)
181 		return (ENXIO);
183 	vsaddr = (struct vsdevice *) uip->ui_addr;
184 	vsb = &vsBuff[VSUNIT(dev)];
185 	printM("vsopen csr0=%x, csr1=%x, csr2=%x, csr3=%x, csr4=%x, csr5=%x, csr6=%x, csr7=%x\n",
186 		vsaddr->vs_csr0, vsaddr->vs_csr1, vsaddr->vs_csr2, vsaddr->vs_csr3,
187 		vsaddr->vs_csr4, vsaddr->vs_csr5, vsaddr->vs_csr6, vsaddr->vs_csr7);
189 	/*
190 	 * Finally! We can now set up the device.
191 	 */
193 	if (!vsp->inited && !(flag & FNDELAY)) {
194 		vsInitDev(dev, TRUE);
195 		if (ret = vsError(vsp))
196 			return(ret);
197 	}
199 	vsp->open = TRUE;		/* we're open */
200 	vsp->pgrp = u.u_procp->p_pgrp;
202 	/* reset statistics */
203 	bzero((caddr_t) &vsp->stats, sizeof(vsStats));
205 	/* initialize user I/O addresses */
206 	vsb->vsioa.ioreg = (short *)vsaddr;
207 	vsb->vsioa.status = 0;
208 	vsb->vsioa.obuff = vsb->obuff;
209 	vsb->vsioa.obufflen = VSBUFFSIZE;
210 	vsb->vsioa.ibuff = vsb->ibuff;
211 	vsb->vsioa.ihead = 0;
212 	vsb->vsioa.itail = 0;
213 	vsb->vsioa.iqsize = VSMAXEVQ;
214 	/* map io regs into user address space (assume they don't cross a page) */
215 	maptouser(vsaddr);
216 	/* map vsBuff into user address space */
217 	vsBuffpage = (caddr_t)((int)vsb & ~PGOFSET);
218 	vsBuffnpages = (((int)vsb & PGOFSET) +
219 			 (NBPG-1) + sizeof(struct vsBuffArea)) >> PGSHIFT;
220 	while (vsBuffnpages>0) {
221 	    maptouser(vsBuffpage);
222 	    vsBuffpage += NBPG;
223 	    vsBuffnpages--;
224 	}
225 	/* lock in the buffer */
226 	vsbuf.b_error = 0;
227 	vsbuf.b_proc = u.u_procp;
228 	vsbuf.b_un.b_addr = vsb->obuff;
229 	vsbuf.b_flags = B_BUSY;
230 	vsbuf.b_bcount = VSBUFFSIZE;
231 	vsp->vsBuff_ubinfo = ubasetup(uip->ui_ubanum, &vsbuf, UBA_CANTWAIT);
233 	vsb->vsioa.reloc = (int) (vsp->offset.fparm_all
234 			+ UBAI_ADDR(vsp->vsBuff_ubinfo));
235 	return(0);
236 }
238 vsclose(dev)
239 dev_t dev;
240 {
241 	register struct uba_device *uip = vsdinfo[VSUNIT(dev)];
242 	register struct vs_softc *vsp = &vs_softc[VSUNIT(dev)];
243 	int s, i;
244 	struct vsdevice *vsaddr;
245 	struct vsBuffArea *vsb;
246 	caddr_t vsBuffpage;
247 	int vsBuffnpages;
249 	vsaddr = (struct vsdevice *) uip->ui_addr;
250 	printM("vsclose csr0=%x, csr1=%x, csr2=%x, csr3=%x, csr4=%x, csr5=%x, csr6=%x, csr7=%x\n",
251 		vsaddr->vs_csr0, vsaddr->vs_csr1, vsaddr->vs_csr2, vsaddr->vs_csr3,
252 		vsaddr->vs_csr4, vsaddr->vs_csr5, vsaddr->vs_csr6, vsaddr->vs_csr7);
253 		vsb = &vsBuff[VSUNIT(dev)];
254 	if (vsDebugPrintfs) {
255 		printf("vs%d: %d errors, %d unsolicited interrupts",
256 			VSUNIT(dev), vsp->stats.errors, vsp->stats.unsolIntr);
257 		printf(", %d link errors", vsp->stats.linkErrors);
258 		printf(", %d overruns", vsp->stats.overruns);
259 		printf(", csr0 %x, csr1 %x", vsaddr->vs_csr0, vsaddr->vs_csr1);
260 		printf("\n");
261 	}
263 	vsp->open = FALSE;
264 	vsp->inited = FALSE;		/* init on every open */
265 	vsp->vs_nextgo.fparm_all = NULL;
266 	vsb->vsioa.mbox.bottom = 0;
267 	/* release the buffer */
268 	if (vsp->vsBuff_ubinfo!=0) {
269 		ubarelse(uip->ui_ubanum, &vsp->vsBuff_ubinfo);
270 	}
272 #ifdef notdef
273 	/* unmap io regs into user address space (assume they don't cross a page) */
274 	unmaptouser(vsaddr);
275 	/* unmap vsBuff into user address space */
276 	vsBuffpage = (caddr_t)((int)vsb & ~PGOFSET);
277 	vsBuffnpages = (((int)vsb&PGOFSET) +
278 			 (NBPG-1)+ sizeof(struct vsBuffArea)) >> PGSHIFT;
279 	while (vsBuffnpages>0) {
280 	    unmaptouser(vsBuffpage);
281 	    vsBuffpage += NBPG;
282 	    vsBuffnpages--;
283 	}
284 #endif
285 }
287 vsread(dev,uio)
288 dev_t   dev;
289 struct uio      *uio;
290 {
291         return(-1);
292 }
294 vswrite(dev, uio)
295 dev_t   dev;
296 struct uio      *uio;
297 {
298         return(-1);
299 }
301 /*ARGSUSED*/
302 vsioctl(dev, cmd, addr, flag)
303 dev_t dev;
304 register caddr_t addr;
305 {
306 	register struct uba_device *uip = vsdinfo[VSUNIT(dev)];
307 	register struct vs_softc *vsp = &vs_softc[VSUNIT(dev)];
308 	register struct vsdevice *vsaddr = (struct vsdevice *) uip->ui_addr;
309 	register struct vsBuffArea *vsb = &vsBuff[VSUNIT(dev)];
310 	struct vs_fparm vsAddr;
311 	int s;
312 	int func;
313 	int ret;
315 	switch(cmd) {			/* things that don't need the device */
316 	case VSIOWAITGO:
317 		/* wait for user I/O operation to complete, then go */
318 		s = spl5();
319 		if ((ret = vsb->vsioa.status) == 0) {
320 			vsp->vs_nextgo.fparm_all = ((struct vs_fparm *) addr)->fparm_all;
321 			do {
322 				sleep((caddr_t) vsp, VSWAITPRI);
323 			} while (vsp->vs_nextgo.fparm_all);
324 			ret = vsp->vs_status;
325 		} else {
326 			vsaddr->vs_pr1 = ((struct vs_fparm *)addr)->fparm_low;
327 			vsaddr->vs_pr2 = ((struct vs_fparm *)addr)->fparm_high;
328 			vsb->vsioa.status = 0;
329 			vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_FCN;	/* clear bits */
330 			vsaddr->vs_csr0 |= (VS_IE | (VS_SEND << VS_FCSHIFT) | VS_GO);
331 		}
332 		splx(s);
333 		if (ret & VS_ERROR)
334 			return ((ret & VS_REASON) + 128);
335 		return(0);
338 		/* wait for user I/O operation to complete */
339 		s = spl5();
340 		while (vsb->vsioa.status == 0) {
341 			sleep((caddr_t) vsp, VSWAITPRI);
342 		}
343 		splx(s);
344 		return (0);
346 	case VSIOGETVER:		/* get ROM version */
347 		if (!vsp->inited)
348 			return(ENODEV);
349 		*(int *) addr = vsp->romVersion;
350 		return(0);
352 	case VSIOGETSTATS:		/* get statistics block */
353 		*(vsStats *)addr = vsp->stats;
354 		return(0);
356 	case VSIOGETIOA:		/* get io addresses */
357 		if (vsp->vsBuff_ubinfo==0) {
358 		    return(EIO);
359 		}
360 		*((vsIoAddrAddr *)addr) = &vsb->vsioa;
361 		return(0);
363 	default:			/* a command that could block */
364 		if (ret = vsError(vsp))
365 			return(ret);
366 		break;
367 	}
369 	switch(cmd) {			/* Commands that cause an interrupt */
370 	case VSIOINIT:			/* initialize device */
371 		vsInitDev(dev, FALSE);
372 		return(vsError(vsp));
374 	case VSIOSTART:			/* start microcode */
375 		vsAddr.fparm_all = *(caddr_t *)addr;
376 		s = spl5();
377 		vsaddr->vs_pr1 = vsAddr.fparm_low;
378 		vsaddr->vs_pr2 = vsAddr.fparm_high;
379 		vsaddr->vs_irr = 0;
380 		vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_FCN;	/* clear bits */
381 		vsaddr->vs_csr0 |= (VS_IE | (VS_START << VS_FCSHIFT) | VS_GO);
382 		sleep((caddr_t) vsp, VSWAITPRI);	/* synchronous */
383 		splx(s);
384 		return(vsError(vsp));
386 	case VSIOABORT:			/* abort a command chain */
387 		s = spl5();
388 		vsaddr->vs_irr = 0;
389 		vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_FCN;
390 		vsaddr->vs_csr0 |= (VS_IE | (VS_ABORT << VS_FCSHIFT) | VS_GO);
391 		sleep((caddr_t) vsp, VSWAITPRI);
392 		splx(s);
393 		return(vsError(vsp));
395 	case VSIOPWRUP:			/* power-up reset */
396 		s = spl5();
397 		vsaddr->vs_irr = 0;
398 		vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_FCN;
399 		vsaddr->vs_csr0 |= (VS_IE | (VS_PWRUP << VS_FCSHIFT) | VS_GO);
400 		sleep((caddr_t) vsp, VSWAITPRI);
401 		splx(s);
402 		return(vsError(vsp));
404 	case VSIOBBACTL:		/* enable/disable BBA */
405 		s = spl5();
406 		vsaddr->vs_irr = 0;
407 		vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_FCN;
408 		func = *(int *)addr == VSIO_ON ? VS_ENABBA : VS_DISBBA;
409 		vsaddr->vs_csr0 |= (VS_IE | (func << VS_FCSHIFT) | VS_GO);
410 		sleep((caddr_t) vsp, VSWAITPRI);
411 		splx(s);
412 		return(vsError(vsp));
414 	case VSIOFIBCTL:		/* turn the fiber lamp on/off */
415 		s = spl5();
416 		if (*(int *)addr == VSIO_OFF)
417 			vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_XMIT_ON;
418 		else
419 			vsaddr->vs_csr0 |= (VS_IE | VS_XMIT_ON);
420 		sleep((caddr_t) vsp, VSWAITPRI);
421 		splx(s);
422 		return(vsError(vsp));
424 	case VSIOFIBRETRY:		/* set fiber retries */
425 		s = spl5();
426 		vsaddr->vs_irr = 0;
427 		vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_FCN;
428 		func = *(int *)addr == VS_FIB_FINITE ? VS_FINITE : VS_INFINITE;
429 		vsaddr->vs_csr0 |= (VS_IE | (func << VS_FCSHIFT) | VS_GO);
430 		sleep((caddr_t) vsp, VSWAITPRI);
431 		splx(s);
432 		return(vsError(vsp));
434 	case VSIOSYNC:			/* get synchronized with device */
435 		break;
437 	default:
438 		return(ENOTTY);
439 	}
441 	return(0);
442 }
444 vsintr(dev)
445 dev_t dev;
446 {
447 	register struct vsdevice *vsaddr;
448 	register struct vs_softc *vsp;
449 	register vsEvent *vep;
450 	struct uba_device *uip;
451 	register struct vsBuffArea *vsb;
452 	int i;
453 	vsCursor cur;
455 	if (VSUNIT(dev) >= NVS || (uip = vsdinfo[VSUNIT(dev)]) == 0
456 	    || uip->ui_alive == 0) {
457 		printI("vs%d stray interrupt\n", VSUNIT(dev));
458 		return;
459 	}
461 	vsaddr = (struct vsdevice *) uip->ui_addr;
462 	vsp = &vs_softc[VSUNIT(dev)];
463 	vsb = &vsBuff[VSUNIT(dev)];
464 #ifdef notdef
465 	printM("vsintr csr0=%x, csr1=%x, csr2=%x, csr3=%x, csr4=%x, csr5=%x, csr6=%x, csr7=%x\n",
466 		vsaddr->vs_csr0, vsaddr->vs_csr1, vsaddr->vs_csr2, vsaddr->vs_csr3,
467 		vsaddr->vs_csr4, vsaddr->vs_csr5, vsaddr->vs_csr6, vsaddr->vs_csr7);
469 	printI("vs%dintr ", VSUNIT(dev));
470 #endif
472 	/*
473 	 * get the information out of the soft registers
474 	 */
476 	vsp->irr.intr_reg = vsaddr->vs_irr;
477 	vsp->krr.kbd_reg = vsaddr->vs_krr;
478 	vsp->pr.fparm_low = vsaddr->vs_pr1;
479 	vsp->pr.fparm_high = vsaddr->vs_pr2;
480 	cur.x = vsaddr->vs_cxr;
481 	cur.y = vsaddr->vs_cyr;
482 	vsp->csr.csr_reg = vsaddr->vs_csr0;
484 	if (vsp->irr.intr_reason)
485 		vsaddr->vs_irr = 0;	/* clear int reason, if any */
487 	vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_OWN;	/* clear owner bit */
489 	if (vsp->csr.csr_linkTran) {
490 		vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_LNK_TRNS;	/* clear the bit */
491 		printI("link transition: ");
492 		if (vsp->csr.csr_linkErr)
493 			vsp->stats.linkErrors++;
495 		if (vsp->csr.csr_linkAvail == vsp->linkAvail) {	/* flash */
496 			vsp->stats.flashes++;
497 			printI("flash\n");
498 		} else if (!vsp->csr.csr_linkAvail && vsp->linkAvail) { /* on -> off */
499 			vsp->stats.douses++;
500 			printI("douse\n");
501 			vsp->inited = FALSE;
502 			if (vsp->open && vsp->pgrp)
503 				gsignal(vsp->pgrp, SIGHUP);
504 			wakeup((caddr_t) vsp);
505 		} else {						/* off -> on */
506 			vsp->stats.ignites++;
507 			printI("ignite\n");
508 			wakeup((caddr_t) vsp);
509 		}
511 		i = 200;
512 		while ((vsaddr->vs_csr0 & VS_LNK_TRNS) && i)
513 			i--;
514 		if (i == 0) {		/* bit stuck */
515 			printI("vs%d: Link Transition bit stuck\n", VSUNIT(dev));
516 			vsp->inited = FALSE;
517 			if (vsp->open && vsp->pgrp)
518 				gsignal(vsp->pgrp, SIGHUP);
519 			vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_XMIT_ON;
520 			vsp->csr.csr_linkAvail = FALSE;
521 		}
523 		vsp->linkAvail = vsp->csr.csr_linkAvail;
525 		return;
526 	}
528 	if (vsp->irr.intr_error) {
529 		printI("error 0x%x\n", vsp->irr.intr_reg&0xffff);
530 		vsp->stats.errors++;
531 		/* set status and wake up user if necessary */
532 		if (vsp->vs_nextgo.fparm_all) {
533 			vsp->vs_status = vsp->irr.intr_reg;
534 			vsaddr->vs_pr1 = vsp->vs_nextgo.fparm_low;
535 			vsaddr->vs_pr2 = vsp->vs_nextgo.fparm_high;
536 			vsp->vs_nextgo.fparm_all = NULL;
537 			vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_FCN;	/* clear bits */
538 			vsaddr->vs_csr0 |= (VS_IE | (VS_SEND << VS_FCSHIFT) | VS_GO);
539 		} else
540 			vsb->vsioa.status = vsp->irr.intr_reg;
541 		wakeup((caddr_t) vsp);
542 		return;
543 	}
545 #ifdef notdef
546 	printI("reason is %b\n", vsp->irr.intr_reason, VSIRR_BITS);
547 #endif
548 	switch(vsp->irr.intr_reason) {
549 	case VS_INT_CD:			/* command done */
550 		/* set status and start a new command if necessary */
551 		if (vsp->vs_nextgo.fparm_all) {
552 			vsp->vs_status = vsp->irr.intr_reg;
553 			vsaddr->vs_pr1 = vsp->vs_nextgo.fparm_low;
554 			vsaddr->vs_pr2 = vsp->vs_nextgo.fparm_high;
555 			vsp->vs_nextgo.fparm_all = NULL;
556 			vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_FCN;	/* clear bits */
557 			vsaddr->vs_csr0 |= (VS_IE | (VS_SEND << VS_FCSHIFT) | VS_GO);
558 		} else
559 			vsb->vsioa.status = vsp->irr.intr_reg;
560 		break;
562 	case VS_INT_MM:			/* mouse moved */
564 		vsb->vsioa.mouse = cur;
566                 if (!vsp->open)
567                         return;         /* ignore on closed device */
569 		/* no event if inside box */
570 		if (cur.y < vsb->vsioa.mbox.bottom &&
571 		    cur.y >= vsb->vsioa.mbox.top &&
572 		    cur.x < vsb->vsioa.mbox.right &&
573 		    cur.x >= vsb->vsioa.mbox.left)
574 		    return;
576 		/* trash box */
577 		vsb->vsioa.mbox.bottom = 0;
579 		if (EVROUND(vsb->vsioa.itail+1) == vsb->vsioa.ihead)
580 		    return;
581 		i = EVROUND(vsb->vsioa.itail-1);
582 		if ((vsb->vsioa.itail != vsb->vsioa.ihead) &&
583 		    (i != vsb->vsioa.ihead)) {
584 		    vep = &vsb->ibuff[i];
585 		    if (vep->vse_type == VSE_MMOTION) {
586 			vep->vse_x = cur.x;
587 			vep->vse_y = cur.y;
588 			vep->vse_time = mfpr(TODR);
589 			return;
590 		    }
591 		}
592 		/* put event into queue and do select */
593 		vep = &vsb->ibuff[vsb->vsioa.itail];
594 		vep->vse_type = VSE_MMOTION;
595 		vep->vse_x = cur.x;
596 		vep->vse_y = cur.y;
597 		vep->vse_time = mfpr(TODR);
598 		vsb->vsioa.itail = EVROUND(vsb->vsioa.itail+1);
599 		if (vsp->rsel) {
600 			selwakeup(vsp->rsel, 0);
601 			vsp->rsel = 0;
602 		}
603 		break;
605 	case VS_INT_BE:			/* button event */
606 		if (!vsp->open)
607 			return;		/* ignore on closed device */
609 		if (vsp->krr.kbd_device == VSE_MOUSE) {
610 		    vsb->vsioa.mouse.x = cur.x;
611 		    vsb->vsioa.mouse.y = cur.y;
612 		}
613 		/* check for room in the queue */
614 		if ((i = EVROUND(vsb->vsioa.itail+1)) == vsb->vsioa.ihead)
615 		    return;
616 		/* put event into queue and do select */
617 		vep = &vsb->ibuff[vsb->vsioa.itail];
618 		vep->vse_type = VSE_BUTTON;
619 		vep->vse_key = vsp->krr.kbd_key;
620 		vep->vse_direction = vsp->krr.kbd_transition;
621 		vep->vse_device = vsp->krr.kbd_device;
622 	        vep->vse_time = mfpr(TODR);
623 		vep->vse_x = vsb->vsioa.mouse.x;
624 		vep->vse_y = vsb->vsioa.mouse.y;
625 		vsb->vsioa.itail = i;
626 		if (vsp->rsel) {
627 			selwakeup(vsp->rsel, 0);
628 			vsp->rsel = 0;
629 		}
630 		break;
632 	case VS_INT_TM:			/* tablet moved */
633 		if (!vsp->open)
634 			return;		/* ignore on closed device */
636 		if (EVROUND(vsb->vsioa.itail+1) == vsb->vsioa.ihead)
637 		    return;
638 		i = EVROUND(vsb->vsioa.itail-1);
639 		if ((vsb->vsioa.itail != vsb->vsioa.ihead) &&
640 		    (i != vsb->vsioa.ihead)) {
641 		    vep = &vsb->ibuff[i];
642 		    if (vep->vse_type == VSE_TMOTION) {
643 			vep->vse_x = cur.x;
644 			vep->vse_y = cur.y;
645 			vep->vse_time = mfpr(TODR);
646 			return;
647 		    }
648 		}
649 		/* put event into queue and do select */
650 		vep = &vsb->ibuff[vsb->vsioa.itail];
651 		vep->vse_type = VSE_TMOTION;
652 		vep->vse_x = cur.x;
653 		vep->vse_y = cur.y;
654 		vep->vse_time = mfpr(TODR);
655 		vsb->vsioa.itail = EVROUND(vsb->vsioa.itail+1);
656 		if (vsp->rsel) {
657 			selwakeup(vsp->rsel, 0);
658 			vsp->rsel = 0;
659 		}
660 		break;
662 	case VS_INT_US:			/* unsolicited */
663 		vsp->stats.unsolIntr++;
664 		return;
666 	case VS_INT_ID:			/* Initialization done */
667 					/* save offset from device */
668 		vsp->offset.fparm_all = vsp->pr.fparm_all;
669 					/* save rom version */
670 		vsp->romVersion = cur.x;
671 		vsp->inited = TRUE;
672 		break;
674 	case VS_INT_SE:			/* ucode started */
675 		break;
677 	case VS_INT_PWR:		/* power up complete */
678 					/* save rom version */
679 		vsp->romVersion = cur.x;
680 		vsp->inited = FALSE;
681 		if (vsp->open && vsp->pgrp)
682 			gsignal(vsp->pgrp, SIGHUP);
683 		break;
685 	default:
686 		printI("vs%d: unknown interrupt %b\n", VSUNIT(dev),
687 			vsp->irr.intr_reason, VSIRR_BITS);
688 		return;
689 	}
690 	wakeup((caddr_t) vsp);
691 }
693 vsreset(uban)
694 int uban;
695 {
696 	register int i;
697 	register struct uba_device *uip;
698 	register struct vs_softc *vsp = vs_softc;
700 	for (i = 0; i < NVS; i++, vsp++) {
701 		if ((uip = vsdinfo[i]) == 0 || uip->ui_alive == 0 ||
702 		    uip->ui_ubanum != uban || vsp->open == 0)
703 			continue;
704 		printf(" vs%d", i);
705 		vsp->inited = FALSE;
706 		if (vsp->open && vsp->pgrp)
707 			gsignal(vsp->pgrp, SIGHUP);
708 	}
709 }
711 vsselect(dev, rw)
712 dev_t dev;
713 {
714 	register struct vsBuffArea *vsb = &vsBuff[VSUNIT(dev)];
715 	int s = spl5();
717 	switch(rw) {
718 	case FREAD:
719 		if (vsb->vsioa.ihead != vsb->vsioa.itail) {
720 		    splx(s);
721 		    return(1);
722 		}
723 		vs_softc[VSUNIT(dev)].rsel = u.u_procp;
724 		splx(s);
725 		return(0);
727 	case FWRITE:
728 		splx(s);
729 		return(EACCES);
730 	}
731 }
733 /*
734  * Initialize VS100 or SBO.
735  * Set XMITON.  VS100 will respond with link available.  SBO won't, so
736  * don't wait forever; assume everything is OK and warn user.
737  */
739 vsInitFiber(dev)
740 dev_t dev;
741 {
742 	struct vsdevice *vsaddr = (struct vsdevice *) vsdinfo[VSUNIT(dev)]->ui_addr;
743 	register struct vs_softc *vsp = &vs_softc[VSUNIT(dev)];
744 	int s;
745 #ifdef VSSBO
746 	int vsFiberNudge();
748 	timeout(vsFiberNudge, (caddr_t) dev, 2*hz);
749 #endif
750 	s = spl5();
751 	vsaddr->vs_csr0 |= (VS_IE | VS_XMIT_ON);	/* turn link on */
752 	sleep((caddr_t) vsp, VSWAITPRI);
753 	splx(s);
754 #ifdef VSSBO
755 	if (!vsp->linkAvail) {
756 		uprintf("\007This had better be a vs125!\n");
757 		printf("vs%d must be a vs125\n", VSUNIT(dev));
758 		vsp->linkAvail = TRUE;
759 	}
760 #endif
761 }
763 #ifdef VSSBO
764 vsFiberNudge(dev)
765 dev_t dev;
766 {
767 	struct vs_softc *vsp = &vs_softc[VSUNIT(dev)];
769 	if (!vsp->linkAvail)
770 		wakeup((caddr_t) vsp);
771 }
772 #endif VSSBO
774 vsInitDev(dev, retry)
775 dev_t dev;
776 int retry;
777 {
778 	register struct vsdevice *vsaddr;
779 	register struct vs_softc *vsp;
780 	int s;
781 	int vsInitNudge();
783 	vsaddr = (struct vsdevice *) vsdinfo[VSUNIT(dev)]->ui_addr;
784 	vsp = &vs_softc[VSUNIT(dev)];
786 	if (!vsp->linkAvail)
787 		vsInitFiber(dev);
788 	while (1) {
789 		if (retry)
790 			timeout(vsInitNudge, (caddr_t) dev, 10*hz);
791 		s = spl5();
792 		vsaddr->vs_irr = 0;
793 		vsaddr->vs_csr0 &= ~VS_FCN;
794 		vsaddr->vs_csr0 |= (VS_IE | (VS_INIT << VS_FCSHIFT) | VS_GO);
795 		sleep((caddr_t) vsp, VSWAITPRI);
796 		splx(s);
797 		if (vsp->inited)
798 			break;
799 		printM("vs%d: VS_INIT fails\n", VSUNIT(dev));
800 		uprintf("vsInitDev %x %x\n",vsaddr->vs_csr0, vsaddr->vs_csr1);
801 	}
802 }
804 vsInitNudge(dev)
805 dev_t dev;
806 {
807 	struct vs_softc *vsp = &vs_softc[VSUNIT(dev)];
809 	if (!vsp->inited)
810 		wakeup((caddr_t) vsp);
811 }
813 vsError(vsp)
814 	register struct vs_softc *vsp;
815 {
816 	if (vsp->irr.intr_error) {
817 		register int ret = vsp->irr.intr_reg;
819 		printD("\treturning 0x%x\n", ret);
820 		vsp->irr.intr_reg = 0;
821 		return(ret+128);
822 	}
823 	return(0);
824 }
825 #endif