xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/f77/libF77/trpfpe_.c (revision cd18b70b)
1 /* #define OLD_BSD if you're running < 4.2 bsd */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
4  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
5  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
6  *
7  *	@(#)trpfpe_.c	5.4	11/04/86
8  *
9  *
10  *	Fortran floating-point error handler
11  *
12  *	Synopsis:
13  *		call trpfpe (n, retval)
14  *			causes floating point faults to be trapped, with the
15  *			first 'n' errors getting a message printed.
16  *			'retval' is put in place of the bad result.
17  *		k = fpecnt()
18  *			causes 'k' to get the number of errors since the
19  *			last call to trpfpe().
20  *
21  *		common /fpeflt/ fpflag
22  *		logical fpflag
23  *			fpflag will become .true. on faults
24  *
25  *	David Wasley, UCBerkeley, June 1983.
26  */
29 #include <stdio.h>
30 #include <signal.h>
31 #include "../libI77/fiodefs.h"
33 #define	SIG_VAL		int (*)()
35 #ifdef vax
36 #include "opcodes.h"
37 #include "operand.h"
39 struct arglist {		/* what AP points to */
40 	long	al_numarg;	/* only true in CALLS format */
41 	long	al_arg[256];
42 };
44 struct cframe {			/* VAX call frame */
45 	long		cf_handler;
46 	unsigned short	cf_psw;
47 	unsigned short	cf_mask;
48 	struct arglist	*cf_ap;
49 	struct cframe	*cf_fp;
50 	char		*cf_pc;
51 };
53 /*
54  * bits in the PSW
55  */
56 #define	PSW_V	0x2
57 #define	PSW_FU	0x40
58 #define	PSW_IV	0x20
60 /*
61  * where the registers are stored as we see them in the handler
62  */
63 struct reg0_6 {
64 	long	reg[7];
65 };
67 struct reg7_11 {
68 	long	reg[5];
69 };
71 #define	iR0	reg0_6->reg[0]
72 #define	iR1	reg0_6->reg[1]
73 #define	iR2	reg0_6->reg[2]
74 #define	iR3	reg0_6->reg[3]
75 #define	iR4	reg0_6->reg[4]
76 #define	iR5	reg0_6->reg[5]
77 #define	iR6	reg0_6->reg[6]
78 #define	iR7	reg7_11->reg[0]
79 #define	iR8	reg7_11->reg[1]
80 #define	iR9	reg7_11->reg[2]
81 #define	iR10	reg7_11->reg[3]
82 #define	iR11	reg7_11->reg[4]
84 union objects {		/* for load/store */
85 	char	ua_byte;
86 	short	ua_word;
87 	long	ua_long;
88 	float	ua_float;
89 	double	ua_double;
90 	union objects	*ua_anything;
91 };
93 typedef union objects	anything;
94 enum object_type { BYTE, WORD, LONG, FLOAT, QUAD, DOUBLE, UNKNOWN };
97 /*
98  * assembly language assist
99  * There are some things you just can't do in C
100  */
101 asm(".text");
103 struct cframe	*myfp();
104 asm("_myfp: .word 0x0");
105 	asm("movl 12(fp),r0");
106 	asm("ret");
108 struct arglist	*myap();
109 asm("_myap: .word 0x0");
110 	asm("movl 8(fp),r0");
111 	asm("ret");
113 char	*mysp();
114 asm("_mysp: .word 0x0");
115 	asm("extzv $30,$2,4(fp),r0");
116 	asm("addl2 ap,r0");	/* SP in caller is AP+4 here + SPA bits! */
117 	asm("addl2 $4,r0");
118 	asm("ret");
120 char	*mypc();
121 asm("_mypc: .word 0x0");
122 	asm("movl 16(fp),r0");
123 	asm("ret");
125 asm(".data");
128 /*
129  * Where interrupted objects are
130  */
131 static struct cframe	**ifp;	/* addr of saved FP */
132 static struct arglist	**iap;	/* addr of saved AP */
133 static char		 *isp;	/* value of interrupted SP */
134 static char		**ipc;	/* addr of saved PC */
135 static struct reg0_6	*reg0_6;/* registers 0-6 are saved on the exception */
136 static struct reg7_11	*reg7_11;/* we save 7-11 by our entry mask */
137 static anything		*result_addr;	/* where the dummy result goes */
138 static enum object_type	 result_type;	/* what kind of object it is */
140 /*
141  * some globals
142  */
143 static union {
144 	long	rv_long[2];
145 	float	rv_float;
146 	double	rv_double;
147 			} retval; /* the user specified dummy result */
148 static int	max_messages	= 1;		/* the user can tell us */
149 static int	fpe_count	= 0;		/* how bad is it ? */
150        long	fpeflt_		= 0;	/* fortran "common /fpeflt/ flag" */
151 static int	(*sigfpe_dfl)()	= SIG_DFL;	/* if we can't fix it ... */
153 /*
154  * The fortran unit control table
155  */
156 extern unit units[];
158 /*
159  * Fortran message table is in main
160  */
161 struct msgtbl {
162 	char	*mesg;
163 	int	dummy;
164 };
165 extern struct msgtbl	act_fpe[];
168 /*
169  * Get the address of the (saved) next operand & update saved PC.
170  * The major purpose of this is to determine where to store the result.
171  * There is one case we can't deal with: -(SP) or (SP)+
172  * since we can't change the size of the stack.
173  * Let's just hope compilers don't generate that for results.
174  */
176 anything *
177 get_operand (oper_size)
178 	int	oper_size;	/* size of operand we expect */
179 {
180 	register int	regnum;
181 	register int	operand_code;
182 	int		index;
183 	anything	*oper_addr;
184 	anything	*reg_addr;
186 	regnum = (**ipc & 0xf);
187 	if (regnum == PC)
188 		operand_code = (*(*ipc)++ & 0xff);
189 	else
190 		operand_code = (*(*ipc)++ & 0xf0);
191 	if (regnum <= R6)
192 		reg_addr = (anything *)&reg0_6->reg[regnum];
193 	else if (regnum <= R11)
194 		reg_addr = (anything *)&reg7_11->reg[regnum];
195 	else if (regnum == AP)
196 		reg_addr = (anything *)iap;
197 	else if (regnum == FP)
198 		reg_addr = (anything *)ifp;
199 	else if (regnum == SP)
200 		reg_addr = (anything *)&isp;	/* We saved this ourselves */
201 	else if (regnum == PC)
202 		reg_addr = (anything *)ipc;
205 	switch (operand_code)
206 	{
207 		case IMMEDIATE:
208 			oper_addr = (anything *)(*ipc);
209 			*ipc += oper_size;
210 			return(oper_addr);
212 		case ABSOLUTE:
213 			oper_addr = (anything *)(**ipc);
214 			*ipc += sizeof (anything *);
215 			return(oper_addr);
217 		case LITERAL0:
218 		case LITERAL1:
219 		case LITERAL2:
220 		case LITERAL3:
221 			/* we don't care about the address of these */
222 			return((anything *)0);
224 		case INDEXED:
225 			index = reg_addr->ua_long * oper_size;
226 			oper_addr = (anything *)(get_operand(sizeof (long))->ua_long + index);
227 			return(oper_addr);
229 		case REGISTER:
230 			return(reg_addr);
232 		case REGDEFERED:
233 			return(reg_addr->ua_anything);
235 		case AUTODEC:
236 			if (regnum == SP)
237 			{
238 				fprintf(stderr, "trp: can't fix -(SP) operand\n");
239 				exit(1);
240 			}
241 			reg_addr->ua_long -= oper_size;
242 			oper_addr = reg_addr->ua_anything;
243 			return(oper_addr);
245 		case AUTOINC:
246 			if (regnum == SP)
247 			{
248 				fprintf(stderr, "trp: can't fix (SP)+ operand\n");
249 				exit(1);
250 			}
251 			oper_addr = reg_addr->ua_anything;
252 			reg_addr->ua_long += oper_size;
253 			return(oper_addr);
255 		case AUTOINCDEF:
256 			if (regnum == SP)
257 			{
258 				fprintf(stderr, "trp: can't fix @(SP)+ operand\n");
259 				exit(1);
260 			}
261 			oper_addr = (reg_addr->ua_anything)->ua_anything;
262 			reg_addr->ua_long += sizeof (anything *);
263 			return(oper_addr);
265 		case BYTEDISP:
266 		case BYTEREL:
267 			index = ((anything *)(*ipc))->ua_byte;
268 			*ipc += sizeof (char);	/* do it now in case reg==PC */
269 			oper_addr = (anything *)(index + reg_addr->ua_long);
270 			return(oper_addr);
272 		case BYTEDISPDEF:
273 		case BYTERELDEF:
274 			index = ((anything *)(*ipc))->ua_byte;
275 			*ipc += sizeof (char);	/* do it now in case reg==PC */
276 			oper_addr = (anything *)(index + reg_addr->ua_long);
277 			oper_addr = oper_addr->ua_anything;
278 			return(oper_addr);
280 		case WORDDISP:
281 		case WORDREL:
282 			index = ((anything *)(*ipc))->ua_word;
283 			*ipc += sizeof (short);	/* do it now in case reg==PC */
284 			oper_addr = (anything *)(index + reg_addr->ua_long);
285 			return(oper_addr);
287 		case WORDDISPDEF:
288 		case WORDRELDEF:
289 			index = ((anything *)(*ipc))->ua_word;
290 			*ipc += sizeof (short);	/* do it now in case reg==PC */
291 			oper_addr = (anything *)(index + reg_addr->ua_long);
292 			oper_addr = oper_addr->ua_anything;
293 			return(oper_addr);
295 		case LONGDISP:
296 		case LONGREL:
297 			index = ((anything *)(*ipc))->ua_long;
298 			*ipc += sizeof (long);	/* do it now in case reg==PC */
299 			oper_addr = (anything *)(index + reg_addr->ua_long);
300 			return(oper_addr);
302 		case LONGDISPDEF:
303 		case LONGRELDEF:
304 			index = ((anything *)(*ipc))->ua_long;
305 			*ipc += sizeof (long);	/* do it now in case reg==PC */
306 			oper_addr = (anything *)(index + reg_addr->ua_long);
307 			oper_addr = oper_addr->ua_anything;
308 			return(oper_addr);
310 		/* NOTREACHED */
311 	}
312 }
314 /*
315  * Trap & repair floating exceptions so that a program may proceed.
316  * There is no notion of "correctness" here; just the ability to continue.
317  *
318  * The on_fpe() routine first checks the type code to see if the
319  * exception is repairable. If so, it checks the opcode to see if
320  * it is one that it knows. If this is true, it then simulates the
321  * VAX cpu in retrieving operands in order to increment iPC correctly.
322  * It notes where the result of the operation would have been stored
323  * and substitutes a previously supplied value.
324  */
326 #ifdef	OLD_BSD
327 on_fpe(signo, code, myaddr, pc, ps)
328 	int signo, code, ps;
329 	char *myaddr, *pc;
330 #else
331 on_fpe(signo, code, sc, grbg)
332 	int signo, code;
333 	struct sigcontext *sc;
334 #endif
335 {
336 	/*
337 	 * There must be at least 5 register variables here
338 	 * so our entry mask will save R11-R7.
339 	 */
340 	register long	*stk;
341 	register long	*sp;
342 	register struct arglist	*ap;
343 	register struct cframe	*fp;
344 	register FILE	*ef;
346 	ef = units[STDERR].ufd;		/* fortran error stream */
348 	switch (code)
349 	{
350 		case FPE_INTOVF_TRAP:	/* integer overflow */
351 		case FPE_INTDIV_TRAP:	/* integer divide by zero */
352 		case FPE_FLTOVF_TRAP:	/* floating overflow */
353 		case FPE_FLTDIV_TRAP:	/* floating/decimal divide by zero */
354 		case FPE_FLTUND_TRAP:	/* floating underflow */
355 		case FPE_DECOVF_TRAP:	/* decimal overflow */
356 		case FPE_SUBRNG_TRAP:	/* subscript out of range */
357 		default:
358 cant_fix:
359 			if (sigfpe_dfl > (SIG_VAL)7)	/* user specified */
360 #ifdef	OLD_BSD
361 				return((*sigfpe_dfl)(signo, code, myaddr, pc, ps));
362 #else
363 				return((*sigfpe_dfl)(signo, code, sc, grbg));
364 #endif
365 			else
366 #ifdef	OLD_BSD
367 				sigdie(signo, code, myaddr, pc, ps);
368 #else
369 				sigdie(signo, code, sc, grbg);
370 #endif
371 			/* NOTREACHED */
373 		case FPE_FLTOVF_FAULT:	/* floating overflow fault */
374 		case FPE_FLTDIV_FAULT:	/* divide by zero floating fault */
375 		case FPE_FLTUND_FAULT:	/* floating underflow fault */
376 			if (++fpe_count <= max_messages) {
377 				fprintf(ef, "trpfpe: %s",
378 					act_fpe[code-1].mesg);
379 				if (fpe_count == max_messages)
380 					fprintf(ef, ": No more messages will be printed.\n");
381 				else
382 					fputc('\n', ef);
383 			}
384 			fpeflt_ = -1;
385 			break;
386 	}
388 	ap = myap();			/* my arglist pointer */
389 	fp = myfp();			/* my frame pointer */
390 	ifp = &(fp->cf_fp)->cf_fp;	/* user's stored in next frame back */
391 	iap = &(fp->cf_fp)->cf_ap;
392 	/*
393 	 * these are likely to be system dependent
394 	 */
395 	reg0_6 = (struct reg0_6 *)((char *)fp->cf_fp + sizeof (struct cframe));
396 	reg7_11 = (struct reg7_11 *)((char *)fp->cf_fp - sizeof (struct reg7_11));
398 #ifdef	OLD_BSD
399 	ipc = &pc;
400 	isp = (char *)&ap->al_arg[ap->al_numarg + 2];	/* assumes 2 dummys */
401 	ps &= ~(PSW_V|PSW_FU);
402 #else
403 	ipc = (char **)&sc->sc_pc;
404 	isp = (char *)sc + sizeof (struct sigcontext);
405 	sc->sc_ps &= ~(PSW_V|PSW_FU);
406 #endif
409 	switch (*(*ipc)++)
410 	{
411 		case ADDD3:
412 		case DIVD3:
413 		case MULD3:
414 		case SUBD3:
415 			(void) get_operand(sizeof (double));
416 			/* intentional fall-thru */
418 		case ADDD2:
419 		case DIVD2:
420 		case MULD2:
421 		case SUBD2:
422 		case MNEGD:
423 		case MOVD:
424 			(void) get_operand(sizeof (double));
425 			result_addr = get_operand(sizeof (double));
426 			result_type = DOUBLE;
427 			break;
429 		case ADDF3:
430 		case DIVF3:
431 		case MULF3:
432 		case SUBF3:
433 			(void) get_operand(sizeof (float));
434 			/* intentional fall-thru */
436 		case ADDF2:
437 		case DIVF2:
438 		case MULF2:
439 		case SUBF2:
440 		case MNEGF:
441 		case MOVF:
442 			(void) get_operand(sizeof (float));
443 			result_addr = get_operand(sizeof (float));
444 			result_type = FLOAT;
445 			break;
447 		case CVTDF:
448 			(void) get_operand(sizeof (double));
449 			result_addr = get_operand(sizeof (float));
450 			result_type = FLOAT;
451 			break;
453 		case CVTFD:
454 			(void) get_operand(sizeof (float));
455 			result_addr = get_operand(sizeof (double));
456 			result_type = DOUBLE;
457 			break;
459 		case EMODF:
460 		case EMODD:
461 			fprintf(ef, "trpfpe: can't fix emod yet\n");
462 			goto cant_fix;
464 		case POLYF:
465 		case POLYD:
466 			fprintf(ef, "trpfpe: can't fix poly yet\n");
467 			goto cant_fix;
469 		case ACBD:
470 		case ACBF:
471 		case CMPD:
472 		case CMPF:
473 		case TSTD:
474 		case TSTF:
475 		case CVTDB:
476 		case CVTDL:
477 		case CVTDW:
478 		case CVTFB:
479 		case CVTFL:
480 		case CVTFW:
481 		case CVTRDL:
482 		case CVTRFL:
483 			/* These can generate only reserved operand faults */
484 			/* They are shown here for completeness */
486 		default:
487 			fprintf(stderr, "trp: opcode 0x%02x unknown\n",
488 				*(--(*ipc)) & 0xff);
489 			goto cant_fix;
490 			/* NOTREACHED */
491 	}
493 	if (result_type == FLOAT)
494 		result_addr->ua_float = retval.rv_float;
495 	else
496 	{
497 		if (result_addr == (anything *)&iR6)
498 		{	/*
499 			 * special case - the R6/R7 pair is stored apart
500 			 */
501 			result_addr->ua_long = retval.rv_long[0];
502 			((anything *)&iR7)->ua_long = retval.rv_long[1];
503 		}
504 		else
505 			result_addr->ua_double = retval.rv_double;
506 	}
507 	signal(SIGFPE, on_fpe);
508 }
510 trpfpe_ (count, rval)
511 	long	*count;	/* how many to announce */
512 	double	*rval;	/* dummy return value */
513 {
514 	max_messages = *count;
515 	retval.rv_double = *rval;
516 	sigfpe_dfl = signal(SIGFPE, on_fpe);
517 	fpe_count = 0;
518 }
520 long
521 fpecnt_ ()
522 {
523 	return (fpe_count);
524 }
525 #endif vax
527 #ifdef tahoe
528 /*
529  *	This handler just prints a message. It cannot fix anything
530  * 	on Power6 because of its fpp architecture. In any case, there
531  * 	are no arithmetic faults (only traps) around, so that no instruction
532  *	is interrupted befor it completes, and PC points to the next floating
533  *	point instruction (not necessarily next executable instr after the one
534  *	that got the exception).
535  */
537 struct arglist {		/* what AP points to */
538 	long	al_arg[256];
539 };
541 struct reg0_1 {
542 	long	reg[2];
543 };
544 struct reg2_12 {
545 	long	reg[11];
546 };
547 #include <sys/types.h>
548 #include <frame.h>
549 #include "sigframe.h"
551 /*
552  * bits in the PSL
553  */
554 #include <machine/psl.h>
556 /*
557  * where the registers are stored as we see them in the handler
558  */
561 #define	iR0	reg0_1->reg[1]
562 #define	iR1	reg0_1->reg[0]
564 #define	iR2	reg2_12->reg[0]
565 #define	iR3	reg2_12->reg[1]
566 #define	iR4	reg2_12->reg[2]
567 #define	iR5	reg2_12->reg[3]
568 #define	iR6	reg2_12->reg[4]
569 #define	iR7	reg2_12->reg[5]
570 #define	iR8	reg2_12->reg[6]
571 #define	iR9	reg2_12->reg[7]
572 #define	iR10	reg2_12->reg[8]
573 #define	iR11	reg2_12->reg[9]
574 #define	iR12	reg2_12->reg[10]
576 union objects {		/* for load/store */
577 	char	ua_byte;
578 	short	ua_word;
579 	long	ua_long;
580 	float	ua_float;
581 	double	ua_double;
582 	union objects	*ua_anything;
583 };
585 typedef union objects	anything;
586 enum object_type { BYTE, WORD, LONG, FLOAT, QUAD, DOUBLE, UNKNOWN };
589 /*
590  * assembly language assist
591  * There are some things you just can't do in C
592  */
593 asm(".text");
595 long *myfp();
596 asm("_myfp: .word 0");
597 	asm("movl (fp),r0");
598 	asm("ret");
600 struct frame *framep(p)
601 long *p;
602 {
603 	return((struct frame *)(p-2));
604 }
606 struct arglist	*argp(p)
607 long *p;
608 {
609 	return((struct arglist *)(p+1));
610 }
612 char	*mysp();
613 asm("_mysp: .word 0");
614 	asm("addl3 $4,fp,r0");
615 	asm("ret");
617 char	*mypc();
618 asm("_mypc: .word 0");
619 	asm("movl -8(fp),r0");
620 	asm("ret");
622 asm(".data");
625 /*
626  * Where interrupted objects are
627  */
628 static struct frame	*ifp;	/* addr of saved FP */
629 static struct arglist	*iap;	/* addr of saved AP */
630 static char		 *isp;	/* value of interrupted SP */
631 static char		**ipc;	/* addr of saved PC */
632 static struct reg0_1	*reg0_1;/* registers 0-1 are saved on the exception */
633 static struct reg2_12	*reg2_12;/* we save 2-12 by our entry mask */
634 static anything		*result_addr;	/* where the dummy result goes */
635 static enum object_type	 result_type;	/* what kind of object it is */
637 /*
638  * some globals
639  */
640 static union {
641 	long	rv_long[2];
642 	float	rv_float;
643 	double	rv_double;
644 			} retval; /* the user specified dummy result */
645 static int	max_messages	= 1;		/* the user can tell us */
646 static int	fpe_count	= 0;		/* how bad is it ? */
647        long	fpeflt_		= 0;	/* fortran "common /fpeflt/ flag" */
648 static int	(*sigfpe_dfl)()	= SIG_DFL;	/* if we can't fix it ... */
650 /*
651  * The fortran unit control table
652  */
653 extern unit units[];
655 /*
656  * Fortran message table is in main
657  */
658 struct msgtbl {
659 	char	*mesg;
660 	int	dummy;
661 };
662 extern struct msgtbl	act_fpe[];
665 /* VALID ONLY ON VAX !!!
666  *
667  * Get the address of the (saved) next operand & update saved PC.
668  * The major purpose of this is to determine where to store the result.
669  * There is one case we can't deal with: -(SP) or (SP)+
670  * since we can't change the size of the stack.
671  * Let's just hope compilers don't generate that for results.
672  */
675 /*
676  * Trap & repair floating exceptions so that a program may proceed.
677  * There is no notion of "correctness" here; just the ability to continue.
678  *
679  * The on_fpe() routine first checks the type code to see if the
680  * exception is repairable. If so, it checks the opcode to see if
681  * it is one that it knows. If this is true, it then simulates the
682  * VAX cpu in retrieving operands in order to increment iPC correctly.
683  * It notes where the result of the operation would have been stored
684  * and substitutes a previously supplied value.
686  */
688 on_fpe(signo, code, sc)
689 	int signo, code;
690 	struct sigcontext *sc;
691 {
692 	/*
693 	 * There must be at least 11 register variables here
694 	 * so our entry mask will save R12-R2.
695 	 */
696 	register long	*stk;
697 	register long	*sp, *rfp;
698 	register struct arglist	*ap;
699 	register struct frame	*fp;
700 	register FILE	*ef;
701 	register struct sigframe *sfp;
702 	register long dmy1, dmy2, dmy3, dmy4;
704 	dmy1 = dmy2 = dmy3 = dmy4 = 0;
706 	ef = units[STDERR].ufd;		/* fortran error stream */
708 	switch (code)
709 	{
710 		case FPE_INTOVF_TRAP:	/* integer overflow */
711 		case FPE_INTDIV_TRAP:	/* integer divide by zero */
712 		case FPE_FLTOVF_TRAP:	/* floating overflow */
713 		case FPE_FLTDIV_TRAP:	/* floating divide by zero */
714 		case FPE_FLTUND_TRAP:	/* floating underflow */
715 		default:
716 cant_fix:
717 			if (sigfpe_dfl > (SIG_VAL)7)	/* user specified */
718 				return((*sigfpe_dfl)(signo, code, sc));
719 			else
720 			if (++fpe_count <= max_messages) {
721 				fprintf(ef, "trpfpe: %s",
722 					act_fpe[code-1].mesg);
723 				if (fpe_count == max_messages)
724 					fprintf(ef, ": No more messages will be printed.\n");
725 				else
726 					fputc('\n', ef);
727 			}
728 			fpeflt_ = -1;
729 			break;
730 	}
732 /*
733  * Find all the registers just in case something better can be done.
734  */
736 	rfp = myfp();			/* contents of fp register */
737 	ap = argp(rfp);			/* my arglist pointer */
738 	fp = framep(rfp);		/* my frame pointer */
739 	ifp = framep(*rfp);		/* user's stored in next frame back */
740 	iap = argp(*rfp);
742 	sfp = (struct sigframe *)ap;	/* sigframe contains at its bottom the
743 					   signal handler arguments */
745 	reg0_1 = (struct reg0_1 *)&sfp->r1;
746 	reg2_12 = (struct reg2_12 *)((char *)fp - sizeof (struct reg2_12));
748 	ipc = (char **)&sc->sc_pc;
749 	isp = (char *)sc + sizeof (struct sigcontext);
750 	sc->sc_ps &= ~(PSL_V|PSL_FU);
752 	fprintf(ef, "Current PC = %X \n", sc->sc_pc);
754 	signal(SIGFPE, on_fpe);
755 	sigdie(signo, code, sc);
756 }
758 trpfpe_ (count, rval)
759 	long	*count;	/* how many to announce */
760 	double	*rval;	/* dummy return value */
761 {
762 	max_messages = *count;
763 	retval.rv_double = *rval;
764 	sigfpe_dfl = signal(SIGFPE, on_fpe);
765 	fpe_count = 0;
766 }
768 long
769 fpecnt_ ()
770 {
771 	return (fpe_count);
772 }
774 #endif tahoe