xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/f77/libU77/qsort_.c (revision 7d595439)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
4  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5  *
6  *	@(#)qsort_.c	5.1	06/07/85
7  */
9 /*
10  * quick sort interface
11  *
12  * calling sequence:
13  *	external compar
14  *	call qsort (array, len, isize, compar)
15  *	----
16  *	integer*2 function compar (obj1, obj2)
17  * where:
18  *	array contains the elements to be sorted
19  *	len is the number of elements in the array
20  *	isize is the size of an element, typically -
21  *		4 for integer, float
22  *		8 for double precision
23  *		(length of character object) for character arrays
24  *	compar is the name of an integer*2 function that will return -
25  *		<0 if object 1 is logically less than object 2
26  *		=0 if object 1 is logically equal to object 2
27  *		>0 if object 1 is logically greater than object 2
28  */
30 qsort_(array, len, isize, compar)
31 long *len, *isize;
32 long *array;
33 int (*compar)(); /* may be problematical */
34 {
35 	qsort(array, (int)*len, (int)*isize, compar);
36 }