xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/f77/pass1.vax/lex.c (revision 0a83ae40)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
4  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5  */
7 #ifndef lint
8 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)lex.c	5.3 (Berkeley) 01/07/86";
9 #endif not lint
11 /*
12  * lex.c
13  *
14  * Lexical scanner routines for the f77 compiler, pass 1, 4.2 BSD.
15  *
16  * University of Utah CS Dept modification history:
17  *
18  * $Log:	lex.c,v $
19  * Revision 5.4  86/01/07  14:01:13  donn
20  * Fix the scanning for character constants in gettok() so that it handles
21  * the case when an error has occurred and there is no closing quote.
22  *
23  * Revision 5.3  85/11/25  00:24:06  donn
24  * 4.3 beta
25  *
26  * Revision 5.2  85/08/10  04:45:41  donn
27  * Jerry Berkman's changes to ifdef 66 code and handle -r8/double flag.
28  *
29  * Revision 5.1  85/08/10  03:48:20  donn
30  * 4.3 alpha
31  *
32  * Revision 1.2  84/10/27  02:20:09  donn
33  * Fixed bug where the input file and the name field of the include file
34  * structure shared -- when the input file name was freed, the include file
35  * name got stomped on, leading to peculiar error messages.
36  *
37  */
39 #include "defs.h"
40 #include "tokdefs.h"
42 # define BLANK	' '
43 # define MYQUOTE (2)
44 # define SEOF 0
46 /* card types */
48 # define STEOF 1
49 # define STINITIAL 2
50 # define STCONTINUE 3
52 /* lex states */
54 #define NEWSTMT	1
55 #define FIRSTTOKEN	2
56 #define OTHERTOKEN	3
57 #define RETEOS	4
60 LOCAL int stkey;
61 LOCAL int lastend = 1;
62 ftnint yystno;
63 flag intonly;
64 LOCAL long int stno;
65 LOCAL long int nxtstno;
66 LOCAL int parlev;
67 LOCAL int expcom;
68 LOCAL int expeql;
69 LOCAL char *nextch;
70 LOCAL char *lastch;
71 LOCAL char *nextcd 	= NULL;
72 LOCAL char *endcd;
73 LOCAL int prevlin;
74 LOCAL int thislin;
75 LOCAL int code;
76 LOCAL int lexstate	= NEWSTMT;
77 LOCAL char s[1390];
78 LOCAL char *send	= s+20*66;
79 LOCAL int nincl	= 0;
80 LOCAL char *newname = NULL;
82 struct Inclfile
83 	{
84 	struct Inclfile *inclnext;
85 	FILEP inclfp;
86 	char *inclname;
87 	int incllno;
88 	char *incllinp;
89 	int incllen;
90 	int inclcode;
91 	ftnint inclstno;
92 	} ;
94 LOCAL struct Inclfile *inclp	=  NULL;
95 LOCAL struct Keylist { char *keyname; int keyval; char notinf66; } ;
96 LOCAL struct Punctlist { char punchar; int punval; };
97 LOCAL struct Fmtlist { char fmtchar; int fmtval; };
98 LOCAL struct Dotlist { char *dotname; int dotval; };
99 LOCAL struct Keylist *keystart[26], *keyend[26];
104 inilex(name)
105 char *name;
106 {
107 nincl = 0;
108 inclp = NULL;
109 doinclude(name);
110 lexstate = NEWSTMT;
111 return(NO);
112 }
116 /* throw away the rest of the current line */
117 flline()
118 {
119 lexstate = RETEOS;
120 }
124 char *lexline(n)
125 int *n;
126 {
127 *n = (lastch - nextch) + 1;
128 return(nextch);
129 }
135 doinclude(name)
136 char *name;
137 {
138 FILEP fp;
139 struct Inclfile *t;
140 char temp[100];
141 register char *lastslash, *s;
143 if(inclp)
144 	{
145 	inclp->incllno = thislin;
146 	inclp->inclcode = code;
147 	inclp->inclstno = nxtstno;
148 	if(nextcd)
149 		inclp->incllinp = copyn(inclp->incllen = endcd-nextcd , nextcd);
150 	else
151 		inclp->incllinp = 0;
152 	}
153 nextcd = NULL;
155 if(++nincl >= MAXINCLUDES)
156 	fatal("includes nested too deep");
157 if(name[0] == '\0')
158 	fp = stdin;
159 else if(name[0]=='/' || inclp==NULL)
160 	fp = fopen(name, "r");
161 else	{
162 	lastslash = NULL;
163 	for(s = inclp->inclname ; *s ; ++s)
164 		if(*s == '/')
165 			lastslash = s;
166 	if(lastslash)
167 		{
168 		*lastslash = '\0';
169 		sprintf(temp, "%s/%s", inclp->inclname, name);
170 		*lastslash = '/';
171 		}
172 	else
173 		strcpy(temp, name);
175 	if( (fp = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL )
176 		{
177 		sprintf(temp, "/usr/include/%s", name);
178 		fp = fopen(temp, "r");
179 		}
180 	if(fp)
181 		name = copys(temp);
182 	}
184 if( fp )
185 	{
186 	t = inclp;
187 	inclp = ALLOC(Inclfile);
188 	inclp->inclnext = t;
189 	prevlin = thislin = 0;
190 	inclp->inclname = name;
191 	infname = copys(name);
192 	infile = inclp->inclfp = fp;
193 	}
194 else
195 	{
196 	fprintf(diagfile, "Cannot open file %s", name);
197 	done(1);
198 	}
199 }
204 LOCAL popinclude()
205 {
206 struct Inclfile *t;
207 register char *p;
208 register int k;
210 if(infile != stdin)
211 	clf(&infile);
212 free(infname);
214 --nincl;
215 t = inclp->inclnext;
216 free(inclp->inclname);
217 free( (charptr) inclp);
218 inclp = t;
219 if(inclp == NULL)
220 	return(NO);
222 infile = inclp->inclfp;
223 infname = copys(inclp->inclname);
224 prevlin = thislin = inclp->incllno;
225 code = inclp->inclcode;
226 stno = nxtstno = inclp->inclstno;
227 if(inclp->incllinp)
228 	{
229 	endcd = nextcd = s;
230 	k = inclp->incllen;
231 	p = inclp->incllinp;
232 	while(--k >= 0)
233 		*endcd++ = *p++;
234 	free( (charptr) (inclp->incllinp) );
235 	}
236 else
237 	nextcd = NULL;
238 return(YES);
239 }
244 yylex()
245 {
246 static int  tokno;
248 	switch(lexstate)
249 	{
250 case NEWSTMT :	/* need a new statement */
251 	if(getcds() == STEOF)
252 		return(SEOF);
253 	lastend =  stkey == SEND;
254 	crunch();
255 	tokno = 0;
256 	lexstate = FIRSTTOKEN;
257 	yystno = stno;
258 	stno = nxtstno;
259 	toklen = 0;
260 	return(SLABEL);
262 first:
263 case FIRSTTOKEN :	/* first step on a statement */
264 	analyz();
265 	lexstate = OTHERTOKEN;
266 	tokno = 1;
267 	return(stkey);
269 case OTHERTOKEN :	/* return next token */
270 	if(nextch > lastch)
271 		goto reteos;
272 	++tokno;
273 	if( (stkey==SLOGIF || stkey==SELSEIF) && parlev==0 && tokno>3)
274 		goto first;
276 	if(stkey==SASSIGN && tokno==3 && nextch<lastch &&
277 		nextch[0]=='t' && nextch[1]=='o')
278 			{
279 			nextch+=2;
280 			return(STO);
281 			}
282 	return(gettok());
284 reteos:
285 case RETEOS:
286 	lexstate = NEWSTMT;
287 	return(SEOS);
288 	}
289 fatali("impossible lexstate %d", lexstate);
290 /* NOTREACHED */
291 }
293 LOCAL getcds()
294 {
295 register char *p, *q;
297 	if (newname)
298 		{
299 		free(infname);
300 		infname = newname;
301 		newname = NULL;
302 		}
304 top:
305 	if(nextcd == NULL)
306 		{
307 		code = getcd( nextcd = s );
308 		stno = nxtstno;
309 		if (newname)
310 			{
311 			free(infname);
312 			infname = newname;
313 			newname = NULL;
314 			}
315 		prevlin = thislin;
316 		}
317 	if(code == STEOF)
318 		if( popinclude() )
319 			goto top;
320 		else
321 			return(STEOF);
323 	if(code == STCONTINUE)
324 		{
325 		if (newname)
326 			{
327 			free(infname);
328 			infname = newname;
329 			newname = NULL;
330 			}
331 		lineno = thislin;
332 		err("illegal continuation card ignored");
333 		nextcd = NULL;
334 		goto top;
335 		}
337 	if(nextcd > s)
338 		{
339 		q = nextcd;
340 		p = s;
341 		while(q < endcd)
342 			*p++ = *q++;
343 		endcd = p;
344 		}
345 	for(nextcd = endcd ;
346 		nextcd+66<=send && (code = getcd(nextcd))==STCONTINUE ;
347 		nextcd = endcd )
348 			;
349 	nextch = s;
350 	lastch = nextcd - 1;
351 	if(nextcd >= send)
352 		nextcd = NULL;
353 	lineno = prevlin;
354 	prevlin = thislin;
355 	return(STINITIAL);
356 }
358 LOCAL getcd(b)
359 register char *b;
360 {
361 register int c;
362 register char *p, *bend;
363 int speclin;
364 static char a[6];
365 static char *aend	= a+6;
366 int num;
368 top:
369 	endcd = b;
370 	bend = b+66;
371 	speclin = NO;
373 	if( (c = getc(infile)) == '&')
374 		{
375 		a[0] = BLANK;
376 		a[5] = 'x';
377 		speclin = YES;
378 		bend = send;
379 		}
380 	else if(c=='c' || c=='C' || c=='*')
381 		{
382 		while( (c = getc(infile)) != '\n')
383 			if(c == EOF)
384 				return(STEOF);
385 		++thislin;
386 		goto top;
387 		}
388 	else if(c == '#')
389 		{
390 		c = getc(infile);
391 		while (c == BLANK || c == '\t')
392 			c = getc(infile);
394 		num = 0;
395 		while (isdigit(c))
396 			{
397 			num = 10*num + c - '0';
398 			c = getc(infile);
399 			}
400 		thislin = num - 1;
402 		while (c == BLANK || c == '\t')
403 			c = getc(infile);
405 		if (c == '"')
406 			{
407 			char fname[1024];
408 			int len = 0;
410 			c = getc(infile);
411 			while (c != '"' && c != '\n')
412 				{
413 				fname[len++] = c;
414 				c = getc(infile);
415 				}
416 			fname[len++] = '\0';
418 			if (newname)
419 				free(newname);
420 			newname = (char *) ckalloc(len);
421 			strcpy(newname, fname);
422 			}
424 		while (c != '\n')
425 			if (c == EOF)
426 				return (STEOF);
427 			else
428 				c = getc(infile);
429 		goto top;
430 		}
432 	else if(c != EOF)
433 		{
434 		/* a tab in columns 1-6 skips to column 7 */
435 		ungetc(c, infile);
436 		for(p=a; p<aend && (c=getc(infile)) != '\n' && c!=EOF; )
437 			if(c == '\t')
438 				{
439 				while(p < aend)
440 					*p++ = BLANK;
441 				speclin = YES;
442 				bend = send;
443 				}
444 			else
445 				*p++ = c;
446 		}
447 	if(c == EOF)
448 		return(STEOF);
449 	if(c == '\n')
450 		{
451 		while(p < aend)
452 			*p++ = BLANK;
453 		if( ! speclin )
454 			while(endcd < bend)
455 				*endcd++ = BLANK;
456 		}
457 	else	{	/* read body of line */
458 		while( endcd<bend && (c=getc(infile)) != '\n' && c!=EOF )
459 			*endcd++ = c;
460 		if(c == EOF)
461 			return(STEOF);
462 		if(c != '\n')
463 			{
464 			while( (c=getc(infile)) != '\n')
465 				if(c == EOF)
466 					return(STEOF);
467 			}
469 		if( ! speclin )
470 			while(endcd < bend)
471 				*endcd++ = BLANK;
472 		}
473 	++thislin;
474 	if( !isspace(a[5]) && a[5]!='0')
475 		return(STCONTINUE);
476 	for(p=a; p<aend; ++p)
477 		if( !isspace(*p) ) goto initline;
478 	for(p = b ; p<endcd ; ++p)
479 		if( !isspace(*p) ) goto initline;
480 	goto top;
482 initline:
483 	nxtstno = 0;
484 	for(p = a ; p<a+5 ; ++p)
485 		if( !isspace(*p) )
486 			if(isdigit(*p))
487 				nxtstno = 10*nxtstno + (*p - '0');
488 			else	{
489 				if (newname)
490 					{
491 					free(infname);
492 					infname = newname;
493 					newname = NULL;
494 					}
495 				lineno = thislin;
496 				err("nondigit in statement number field");
497 				nxtstno = 0;
498 				break;
499 				}
500 	return(STINITIAL);
501 }
503 LOCAL crunch()
504 {
505 register char *i, *j, *j0, *j1, *prvstr;
506 int ten, nh, quote;
508 /* i is the next input character to be looked at
509 j is the next output character */
510 parlev = 0;
511 expcom = 0;	/* exposed ','s */
512 expeql = 0;	/* exposed equal signs */
513 j = s;
514 prvstr = s;
515 for(i=s ; i<=lastch ; ++i)
516 	{
517 	if(isspace(*i) )
518 		continue;
519 	if(*i=='\'' ||  *i=='"')
520 		{
521 		quote = *i;
522 		*j = MYQUOTE; /* special marker */
523 		for(;;)
524 			{
525 			if(++i > lastch)
526 				{
527 				err("unbalanced quotes; closing quote supplied");
528 				break;
529 				}
530 			if(*i == quote)
531 				if(i<lastch && i[1]==quote) ++i;
532 				else break;
533 			else if(*i=='\\' && i<lastch)
534 				switch(*++i)
535 					{
536 					case 't':
537 						*i = '\t'; break;
538 					case 'b':
539 						*i = '\b'; break;
540 					case 'n':
541 						*i = '\n'; break;
542 					case 'f':
543 						*i = '\f'; break;
544 					case 'v':
545 						*i = '\v'; break;
546 					case '0':
547 						*i = '\0'; break;
548 					default:
549 						break;
550 					}
551 			*++j = *i;
552 			}
553 		j[1] = MYQUOTE;
554 		j += 2;
555 		prvstr = j;
556 		}
557 	else if( (*i=='h' || *i=='H')  && j>prvstr)	/* test for Hollerith strings */
558 		{
559 		if( ! isdigit(j[-1])) goto copychar;
560 		nh = j[-1] - '0';
561 		ten = 10;
562 		j1 = prvstr - 1;
563 		if (j1<j-5) j1=j-5;
564 		for(j0=j-2 ; j0>j1; -- j0)
565 			{
566 			if( ! isdigit(*j0 ) ) break;
567 			nh += ten * (*j0-'0');
568 			ten*=10;
569 			}
570 		if(j0 <= j1) goto copychar;
571 /* a hollerith must be preceded by a punctuation mark.
572    '*' is possible only as repetition factor in a data statement
573    not, in particular, in character*2h
574 */
576 		if( !(*j0=='*'&&s[0]=='d') && *j0!='/' && *j0!='(' &&
577 			*j0!=',' && *j0!='=' && *j0!='.')
578 				goto copychar;
579 		if(i+nh > lastch)
580 			{
581 			erri("%dH too big", nh);
582 			nh = lastch - i;
583 			}
584 		j0[1] = MYQUOTE; /* special marker */
585 		j = j0 + 1;
586 		while(nh-- > 0)
587 			{
588 			if(*++i == '\\')
589 				switch(*++i)
590 					{
591 					case 't':
592 						*i = '\t'; break;
593 					case 'b':
594 						*i = '\b'; break;
595 					case 'n':
596 						*i = '\n'; break;
597 					case 'f':
598 						*i = '\f'; break;
599 					case '0':
600 						*i = '\0'; break;
601 					default:
602 						break;
603 					}
604 			*++j = *i;
605 			}
606 		j[1] = MYQUOTE;
607 		j+=2;
608 		prvstr = j;
609 		}
610 	else	{
611 		if(*i == '(') ++parlev;
612 		else if(*i == ')') --parlev;
613 		else if(parlev == 0)
614 			if(*i == '=') expeql = 1;
615 			else if(*i == ',') expcom = 1;
616 copychar:		/*not a string or space -- copy, shifting case if necessary */
617 		if(shiftcase && isupper(*i))
618 			*j++ = tolower(*i);
619 		else	*j++ = *i;
620 		}
621 	}
622 lastch = j - 1;
623 nextch = s;
624 }
626 LOCAL analyz()
627 {
628 register char *i;
630 	if(parlev != 0)
631 		{
632 		err("unbalanced parentheses, statement skipped");
633 		stkey = SUNKNOWN;
634 		return;
635 		}
636 	if(nextch+2<=lastch && nextch[0]=='i' && nextch[1]=='f' && nextch[2]=='(')
637 		{
638 /* assignment or if statement -- look at character after balancing paren */
639 		parlev = 1;
640 		for(i=nextch+3 ; i<=lastch; ++i)
641 			if(*i == (MYQUOTE))
642 				{
643 				while(*++i != MYQUOTE)
644 					;
645 				}
646 			else if(*i == '(')
647 				++parlev;
648 			else if(*i == ')')
649 				{
650 				if(--parlev == 0)
651 					break;
652 				}
653 		if(i >= lastch)
654 			stkey = SLOGIF;
655 		else if(i[1] == '=')
656 			stkey = SLET;
657 		else if( isdigit(i[1]) )
658 			stkey = SARITHIF;
659 		else	stkey = SLOGIF;
660 		if(stkey != SLET)
661 			nextch += 2;
662 		}
663 	else if(expeql) /* may be an assignment */
664 		{
665 		if(expcom && nextch<lastch &&
666 			nextch[0]=='d' && nextch[1]=='o')
667 				{
668 				stkey = SDO;
669 				nextch += 2;
670 				}
671 		else	stkey = SLET;
672 		}
673 /* otherwise search for keyword */
674 	else	{
675 		stkey = getkwd();
676 		if(stkey==SGOTO && lastch>=nextch)
677 			if(nextch[0]=='(')
678 				stkey = SCOMPGOTO;
679 			else if(isalpha(nextch[0]))
680 				stkey = SASGOTO;
681 		}
682 	parlev = 0;
683 }
687 LOCAL getkwd()
688 {
689 register char *i, *j;
690 register struct Keylist *pk, *pend;
691 int k;
693 if(! isalpha(nextch[0]) )
694 	return(SUNKNOWN);
695 k = nextch[0] - 'a';
696 if(pk = keystart[k])
697 	for(pend = keyend[k] ; pk<=pend ; ++pk )
698 		{
699 		i = pk->keyname;
700 		j = nextch;
701 		while(*++i==*++j && *i!='\0')
702 			;
703 		if(*i=='\0' && j<=lastch+1)
704 			{
705 			nextch = j;
706 #ifdef ONLY66
707 			if(no66flag && pk->notinf66)
708 				errstr("Not a Fortran 66 keyword: %s",
709 					pk->keyname);
710 #endif
711 			return(pk->keyval);
712 			}
713 		}
714 return(SUNKNOWN);
715 }
719 initkey()
720 {
721 extern struct Keylist keys[];
722 register struct Keylist *p;
723 register int i,j;
725 for(i = 0 ; i<26 ; ++i)
726 	keystart[i] = NULL;
728 for(p = keys ; p->keyname ; ++p)
729 	{
730 	j = p->keyname[0] - 'a';
731 	if(keystart[j] == NULL)
732 		keystart[j] = p;
733 	keyend[j] = p;
734 	}
735 }
737 LOCAL gettok()
738 {
739 int havdot, havexp, havdbl;
740 int radix, val;
741 extern struct Punctlist puncts[];
742 struct Punctlist *pp;
743 extern struct Fmtlist fmts[];
744 extern struct Dotlist dots[];
745 struct Dotlist *pd;
747 char *i, *j, *n1, *p;
749 	if(*nextch == (MYQUOTE))
750 		{
751 		++nextch;
752 		p = token;
753 		while(nextch <= lastch && *nextch != MYQUOTE)
754 			*p++ = *nextch++;
755 		++nextch;
756 		toklen = p - token;
757 		*p = '\0';
758 		return (SHOLLERITH);
759 		}
760 /*
761 	if(stkey == SFORMAT)
762 		{
763 		for(pf = fmts; pf->fmtchar; ++pf)
764 			{
765 			if(*nextch == pf->fmtchar)
766 				{
767 				++nextch;
768 				if(pf->fmtval == SLPAR)
769 					++parlev;
770 				else if(pf->fmtval == SRPAR)
771 					--parlev;
772 				return(pf->fmtval);
773 				}
774 			}
775 		if( isdigit(*nextch) )
776 			{
777 			p = token;
778 			*p++ = *nextch++;
779 			while(nextch<=lastch && isdigit(*nextch) )
780 				*p++ = *nextch++;
781 			toklen = p - token;
782 			*p = '\0';
783 			if(nextch<=lastch && *nextch=='p')
784 				{
785 				++nextch;
786 				return(SSCALE);
787 				}
788 			else	return(SICON);
789 			}
790 		if( isalpha(*nextch) )
791 			{
792 			p = token;
793 			*p++ = *nextch++;
794 			while(nextch<=lastch &&
795 				(*nextch=='.' || isdigit(*nextch) || isalpha(*nextch) ))
796 					*p++ = *nextch++;
797 			toklen = p - token;
798 			*p = '\0';
799 			return(SFIELD);
800 			}
801 		goto badchar;
802 		}
803 /* Not a format statement */
805 if(needkwd)
806 	{
807 	needkwd = 0;
808 	return( getkwd() );
809 	}
811 	for(pp=puncts; pp->punchar; ++pp)
812 		if(*nextch == pp->punchar)
813 			{
814 			if( (*nextch=='*' || *nextch=='/') &&
815 				nextch<lastch && nextch[1]==nextch[0])
816 					{
817 					if(*nextch == '*')
818 						val = SPOWER;
819 					else	val = SCONCAT;
820 					nextch+=2;
821 					}
822 			else	{
823 				val = pp->punval;
824 				if(val==SLPAR)
825 					++parlev;
826 				else if(val==SRPAR)
827 					--parlev;
828 				++nextch;
829 				}
830 			return(val);
831 			}
832 	if(*nextch == '.')
833 		if(nextch >= lastch) goto badchar;
834 		else if(isdigit(nextch[1])) goto numconst;
835 		else	{
836 			for(pd=dots ; (j=pd->dotname) ; ++pd)
837 				{
838 				for(i=nextch+1 ; i<=lastch ; ++i)
839 					if(*i != *j) break;
840 					else if(*i != '.') ++j;
841 					else	{
842 						nextch = i+1;
843 						return(pd->dotval);
844 						}
845 				}
846 			goto badchar;
847 			}
848 	if( isalpha(*nextch) )
849 		{
850 		p = token;
851 		*p++ = *nextch++;
852 		while(nextch<=lastch)
853 			if( isalpha(*nextch) || isdigit(*nextch) )
854 				*p++ = *nextch++;
855 			else break;
856 		toklen = p - token;
857 		*p = '\0';
858 		if(inioctl && nextch<=lastch && *nextch=='=')
859 			{
860 			++nextch;
861 			return(SNAMEEQ);
862 			}
863 		if(toklen>8 && eqn(8,token,"function") && isalpha(token[8]) &&
864 			nextch<lastch && nextch[0]=='(' &&
865 			(nextch[1]==')' | isalpha(nextch[1])) )
866 				{
867 				nextch -= (toklen - 8);
868 				return(SFUNCTION);
869 				}
870 		if(toklen > VL)
871 			{
872 			char buff[30];
873 			sprintf(buff, "name %s too long, truncated to %d",
874 				token, VL);
875 			err(buff);
876 			toklen = VL;
877 			token[VL] = '\0';
878 			}
879 		if(toklen==1 && *nextch==MYQUOTE)
880 			{
881 			switch(token[0])
882 				{
883 				case 'z':  case 'Z':
884 				case 'x':  case 'X':
885 					radix = 16; break;
886 				case 'o':  case 'O':
887 					radix = 8; break;
888 				case 'b':  case 'B':
889 					radix = 2; break;
890 				default:
891 					err("bad bit identifier");
892 					return(SNAME);
893 				}
894 			++nextch;
895 			for(p = token ; *nextch!=MYQUOTE ; )
896 				if ( *nextch == BLANK || *nextch == '\t')
897 					nextch++;
898 				else
899 					{
900 					if (isupper(*nextch))
901 						*nextch = tolower(*nextch);
902 					if (hextoi(*p++ = *nextch++) >= radix)
903 						{
904 						err("invalid binary character");
905 						break;
906 						}
907 					}
908 			++nextch;
909 			toklen = p - token;
910 			return( radix==16 ? SHEXCON :
911 				(radix==8 ? SOCTCON : SBITCON) );
912 			}
913 		return(SNAME);
914 		}
915 	if( ! isdigit(*nextch) ) goto badchar;
916 numconst:
917 	havdot = NO;
918 	havexp = NO;
919 	havdbl = NO;
920 	for(n1 = nextch ; nextch<=lastch ; ++nextch)
921 		{
922 		if(*nextch == '.')
923 			if(havdot) break;
924 			else if(nextch+2<=lastch && isalpha(nextch[1])
925 				&& isalpha(nextch[2]))
926 					break;
927 			else	havdot = YES;
928 		else if( !intonly && (*nextch=='d' || *nextch=='e') )
929 			{
930 			p = nextch;
931 			havexp = YES;
932 			if(*nextch == 'd')
933 				havdbl = YES;
934 			if(nextch<lastch)
935 				if(nextch[1]=='+' || nextch[1]=='-')
936 					++nextch;
937 			if( (nextch >= lastch) || ! isdigit(*++nextch) )
938 				{
939 				nextch = p;
940 				havdbl = havexp = NO;
941 				break;
942 				}
943 			for(++nextch ;
944 				nextch<=lastch && isdigit(*nextch);
945 				++nextch);
946 			break;
947 			}
948 		else if( ! isdigit(*nextch) )
949 			break;
950 		}
951 	p = token;
952 	i = n1;
953 	while(i < nextch)
954 		*p++ = *i++;
955 	toklen = p - token;
956 	*p = '\0';
957 	if(havdbl) return(SDCON);
958 	if(havdot || havexp) return( dblflag ? SDCON : SRCON);
959 	return(SICON);
960 badchar:
961 	s[0] = *nextch++;
962 	return(SUNKNOWN);
963 }
966 */
968 struct Punctlist puncts[ ] =
969 	{
970 	'(', SLPAR,
971 	')', SRPAR,
972 	'=', SEQUALS,
973 	',', SCOMMA,
974 	'+', SPLUS,
975 	'-', SMINUS,
976 	'*', SSTAR,
977 	'/', SSLASH,
978 	'$', SCURRENCY,
979 	':', SCOLON,
980 	0, 0 } ;
982 /*
983 LOCAL struct Fmtlist  fmts[ ] =
984 	{
985 	'(', SLPAR,
986 	')', SRPAR,
987 	'/', SSLASH,
988 	',', SCOMMA,
989 	'-', SMINUS,
990 	':', SCOLON,
991 	0, 0 } ;
992 */
994 LOCAL struct Dotlist  dots[ ] =
995 	{
996 	"and.", SAND,
997 	"or.", SOR,
998 	"not.", SNOT,
999 	"true.", STRUE,
1000 	"false.", SFALSE,
1001 	"eq.", SEQ,
1002 	"ne.", SNE,
1003 	"lt.", SLT,
1004 	"le.", SLE,
1005 	"gt.", SGT,
1006 	"ge.", SGE,
1007 	"neqv.", SNEQV,
1008 	"eqv.", SEQV,
1009 	0, 0 } ;
1011 LOCAL struct Keylist  keys[ ] =
1012 	{
1013 	 	{ "assign",  SASSIGN  },
1014 	 	{ "automatic",  SAUTOMATIC, YES  },
1015 	 	{ "backspace",  SBACKSPACE  },
1016 	 	{ "blockdata",  SBLOCK  },
1017 	 	{ "call",  SCALL  },
1018 	 	{ "character",  SCHARACTER, YES  },
1019 	 	{ "close",  SCLOSE, YES  },
1020 	 	{ "common",  SCOMMON  },
1021 	 	{ "complex",  SCOMPLEX  },
1022 	 	{ "continue",  SCONTINUE  },
1023 	 	{ "data",  SDATA  },
1024 	 	{ "dimension",  SDIMENSION  },
1025 	 	{ "doubleprecision",  SDOUBLE  },
1026 	 	{ "doublecomplex", SDCOMPLEX, YES  },
1027 	 	{ "elseif",  SELSEIF, YES  },
1028 	 	{ "else",  SELSE, YES  },
1029 	 	{ "endfile",  SENDFILE  },
1030 	 	{ "endif",  SENDIF, YES  },
1031 	 	{ "end",  SEND  },
1032 	 	{ "entry",  SENTRY, YES  },
1033 	 	{ "equivalence",  SEQUIV  },
1034 	 	{ "external",  SEXTERNAL  },
1035 	 	{ "format",  SFORMAT  },
1036 	 	{ "function",  SFUNCTION  },
1037 	 	{ "goto",  SGOTO  },
1038 	 	{ "implicit",  SIMPLICIT, YES  },
1039 	 	{ "include",  SINCLUDE, YES  },
1040 	 	{ "inquire",  SINQUIRE, YES  },
1041 	 	{ "intrinsic",  SINTRINSIC, YES  },
1042 	 	{ "integer",  SINTEGER  },
1043 	 	{ "logical",  SLOGICAL  },
1044 #ifdef NAMELIST
1045 		{ "namelist", SNAMELIST, YES },
1046 #endif
1047 		{ "none", SUNDEFINED, YES },
1048 	 	{ "open",  SOPEN, YES  },
1049 	 	{ "parameter",  SPARAM, YES  },
1050 	 	{ "pause",  SPAUSE  },
1051 	 	{ "print",  SPRINT  },
1052 	 	{ "program",  SPROGRAM, YES  },
1053 	 	{ "punch",  SPUNCH, YES  },
1054 	 	{ "read",  SREAD  },
1055 	 	{ "real",  SREAL  },
1056 	 	{ "return",  SRETURN  },
1057 	 	{ "rewind",  SREWIND  },
1058 	 	{ "save",  SSAVE, YES  },
1059 	 	{ "static",  SSTATIC, YES  },
1060 	 	{ "stop",  SSTOP  },
1061 	 	{ "subroutine",  SSUBROUTINE  },
1062 	 	{ "then",  STHEN, YES  },
1063 	 	{ "undefined", SUNDEFINED, YES  },
1064 	 	{ "write",  SWRITE  },
1065 			{ 0, 0 }
1066 	};