xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/find/find.1 (revision 681f9c33)
1.\" Copyright (c) 1990, 1993
2.\"	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4.\" This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
5.\" the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
7.\" %sccs.include.redist.roff%
9.\"	@(#)find.1	8.6 (Berkeley) 03/25/95
12.Dt FIND 1
14.Sh NAME
15.Nm find
16.Nd walk a file hierarchy
18.Nm find
19.Op Fl H | Fl L | Fl P
20.Op Fl Xdx
21.Op Fl f Ar file
22.Op Ar file ...
23.Ar expression
25.Nm Find
26recursively descends the directory tree for each
27.Ar file
28listed, evaluating an
29.Ar expression
30(composed of the ``primaries'' and ``operands'' listed below) in terms
31of each file in the tree.
33The options are as follows:
35.Bl -tag -width Ds
36.It Fl H
38.Fl H
39option causes the file information and file type (see
40.Xr stat 2)
41returned for each symbolic link specified on the command line to be
42those of the file referenced by the link, not the link itself.
43If the referenced file does not exist, the file information and type will
44be for the link itself.  File information of all symbolic links not on
45the command line is that of the link itself.
46.It Fl L
48.Fl L
49option causes the file information and file type (see
50.Xr stat 2)
51returned for each symbolic link to be those of the file referenced by the
52link, not the link itself.
53If the referenced file does not exist, the file information and type will
54be for the link itself.
55.It Fl P
57.Fl P
58option causes the file information and file type (see
59.Xr stat 2)
60returned for each symbolic link to be those of the link itself.
61.It Fl X
63.Fl X
64option is a modification to permit
66to be safely used in conjunction with
67.Xr xargs 1 .
68If a file name contains any of the delimiting characters used by
69.Xr xargs ,
70a diagnostic message is displayed on standard error, and the file
71is skipped.
72The delimiting characters include single (`` ' '') and double (`` " '')
73quotes, backslash (``\e''), space, tab and newline characters.
74.It Fl d
76.Fl d
77option causes
78.Nm find
79to perform a depth\-first traversal, i.e. directories
80are visited in post\-order and all entries in a directory will be acted
81on before the directory itself.
82By default,
83.Nm find
84visits directories in pre\-order, i.e. before their contents.
85Note, the default is
86.Ar not
87a breadth\-first traversal.
88.It Fl f
90.Fl f
91option specifies a file hierarchy for
92.Nm find
93to traverse.
94File hierarchies may also be specified as the operands immediately
95following the options.
96.It Fl x
98.Fl x
99option prevents
100.Nm find
101from descending into directories that have a device number different
102than that of the file from which the descent began.
105.Bl -tag -width Ds
106.It Ic -atime Ar n
107True if the difference between the file last access time and the time
108.Nm find
109was started, rounded up to the next full 24\-hour period, is
110.Ar n
11124\-hour periods.
112.It Ic -ctime Ar n
113True if the difference between the time of last change of file status
114information and the time
115.Nm find
116was started, rounded up to the next full 24\-hour period, is
117.Ar n
11824\-hour periods.
119.It Ic -exec Ar utility Op argument ... ;
120True if the program named
121.Ar utility
122returns a zero value as its exit status.
123Optional arguments may be passed to the utility.
124The expression must be terminated by a semicolon (``;'').
125If the string ``{}'' appears anywhere in the utility name or the
126arguments it is replaced by the pathname of the current file.
127.Ar Utility
128will be executed from the directory from which
129.Nm find
130was executed.
131.It Ic -fstype Ar type
132True if the file is contained in a file system of type
133.Ar type .
134Currently supported types are ``local'', ``mfs'', ``nfs'', ``msdos'',
135``rdonly'' and ``ufs''.
136The types ``local'' and ``rdonly'' are not specific file system types.
137The former matches any file system physically mounted on the system where
139.Nm find
140is being executed and the latter matches any file system which is
141mounted read-only.
142.It Ic -group Ar gname
143True if the file belongs to the group
144.Ar gname  .
146.Ar gname
147is numeric and there is no such group name, then
148.Ar gname
149is treated as a group id.
150.It Ic -inum Ar n
151True if the file has inode number
152.Ar n  .
153.It Ic -links Ar n
154True if the file has
155.Ar n
157.It Ic -ls
158This primary always evaluates to true.
159The following information for the current file is written to standard output:
160its inode number, size in 512\-byte blocks, file permissions, number of hard
161links, owner, group, size in bytes, last modification time, and pathname.
162If the file is a block or character special file, the major and minor numbers
163will be displayed instead of the size in bytes.
164If the file is a symbolic link, the pathname of the linked\-to file will be
165displayed preceded by ``\->''.
166The format is identical to that produced by ``ls \-dgils''.
167.It Ic -mtime Ar n
168True if the difference between the file last modification time and the time
169.Nm find
170was started, rounded up to the next full 24\-hour period, is
171.Ar n
17224\-hour periods.
173.It Ic \&-ok Ar utility Op argument ... ;
175.Ic \&-ok
176primary is identical to the
177.Ic -exec
178primary with the exception that
179.Nm find
180requests user affirmation for the execution of the utility by printing
181a message to the terminal and reading a response.
182If the response is other than ``y'' the command is not executed and the
183value of the
184.Ar \&ok
185expression is false.
186.It Ic -name Ar pattern
187True if the last component of the pathname being examined matches
188.Ar pattern  .
189Special shell pattern matching characters (``['', ``]'', ``*'', and ``?'')
190may be used as part of
191.Ar pattern  .
192These characters may be matched explicitly by escaping them with a
193backslash (``\e'').
194.It Ic -newer Ar file
195True if the current file has a more recent last modification time than
196.Ar file  .
197.It Ic -nouser
198True if the file belongs to an unknown user.
199.It Ic -nogroup
200True if the file belongs to an unknown group.
201.It Ic -path Ar pattern
202True if the pathname being examined matches
203.Ar pattern  .
204Special shell pattern matching characters (``['', ``]'', ``*'', and ``?'')
205may be used as part of
206.Ar pattern  .
207These characters may be matched explicitly by escaping them with a
208backslash (``\e'').
209Slashes (``/'') are treated as normal characters and do not have to be
210matched explicitly.
211.It Ic -perm Op Fl Ns Ar mode
213.Ar mode
214may be either symbolic (see
215.Xr chmod  1  )
216or an octal number.
217If the mode is symbolic, a starting value of zero is assumed and the
218mode sets or clears permissions without regard to the process' file mode
219creation mask.
220If the mode is octal, only bits 07777
221.Pf ( Dv S_ISUID
223.Dv S_ISGID
225.Dv S_ISTXT
227.Dv S_IRWXU
229.Dv S_IRWXG
231.Dv S_IRWXO )
232of the file's mode bits participate
233in the comparison.
234If the mode is preceded by a dash (``\-''), this primary evaluates to true
235if at least all of the bits in the mode are set in the file's mode bits.
236If the mode is not preceded by a dash, this primary evaluates to true if
237the bits in the mode exactly match the file's mode bits.
238Note, the first character of a symbolic mode may not be a dash (``\-'').
239.It Ic -print
240This primary always evaluates to true.
241It prints the pathname of the current file to standard output.
242If none of
243.Ic -exec ,
244.Ic -ls ,
246.Ic \&-ok
247is specified, the given expression shall be effectively replaced by
248.Cm \&( Ns Ar given\& expression Ns Cm \&)
249.Ic -print .
250.It Ic -prune
251This primary always evaluates to true.
252It causes
253.Nm find
254to not descend into the current file.
255Note, the
256.Ic -prune
257primary has no effect if the
258.Fl d
259option was specified.
260.It Ic -size Ar n Ns Op Cm c
261True if the file's size, rounded up, in 512\-byte blocks is
262.Ar n  .
264.Ar n
265is followed by a ``c'', then the primary is true if the
266file's size is
267.Ar n
269.It Ic -type Ar t
270True if the file is of the specified type.
271Possible file types are as follows:
273.Bl -tag -width flag -offset indent -compact
274.It Cm b
275block special
276.It Cm c
277character special
278.It Cm d
280.It Cm f
281regular file
282.It Cm l
283symbolic link
284.It Cm p
286.It Cm s
290.It Ic -user Ar uname
291True if the file belongs to the user
292.Ar uname  .
294.Ar uname
295is numeric and there is no such user name, then
296.Ar uname
297is treated as a user id.
300All primaries which take a numeric argument allow the number to be
301preceded by a plus sign (``+'') or a minus sign (``\-'').
302A preceding plus sign means ``more than n'', a preceding minus sign means
303``less than n'' and neither means ``exactly n'' .
305The primaries may be combined using the following operators.
306The operators are listed in order of decreasing precedence.
307.Bl -tag -width (expression)
308.It Cm \&( Ns Ar expression Ns Cm \&)
309This evaluates to true if the parenthesized expression evaluates to
312.It Cm \&! Ns Ar expression
313This is the unary
314.Tn NOT
316It evaluates to true if the expression is false.
318.It Ar expression Cm -and Ar expression
319.It Ar expression expression
321.Cm -and
322operator is the logical
323.Tn AND
325As it is implied by the juxtaposition of two expressions it does not
326have to be specified.
327The expression evaluates to true if both expressions are true.
328The second expression is not evaluated if the first expression is false.
330.It Ar expression Cm -or Ar expression
332.Cm -or
333operator is the logical
334.Tn OR
336The expression evaluates to true if either the first or the second expression
337is true.
338The second expression is not evaluated if the first expression is true.
341All operands and primaries must be separate arguments to
342.Nm find  .
343Primaries which themselves take arguments expect each argument
344to be a separate argument to
345.Nm find  .
348The following examples are shown as given to the shell:
349.Bl -tag -width findx
350.It Li "find  /  \e!  -name  \*q*.c\*q  -print"
351Print out a list of all the files whose names do not end in ``.c''.
352.It Li "find  /  -newer  ttt  -user  wnj  -print"
353Print out a list of all the files owned by user ``wnj'' that are newer
354than the file ``ttt''.
355.It Li "find  /  \e!  \e(  -newer  ttt  -user  wnj  \e)  -print"
356Print out a list of all the files which are not both newer than ``ttt''
357and owned by ``wnj''.
358.It Li "find  /  \e(  -newer  ttt  -or  -user wnj  \e)  -print"
359Print out a list of all the files that are either owned by ``wnj'' or
360that are newer than ``ttt''.
363.Xr chmod 1 ,
364.Xr locate 1 ,
365.Xr stat 2 ,
366.Xr fts 3 ,
367.Xr getgrent 3 ,
368.Xr getpwent 3 ,
369.Xr strmode 3 ,
370.Xr symlink 7
373.Nm find
374utility syntax is a superset of the syntax specified by the
375.St -p1003.2
379.Fl s
381.Fl X
382options and the
383.Ic -inum
385.Ic -ls
386primaries are extensions to
387.St -p1003.2 .
389Historically, the
390.Fl d ,
391.Fl h
393.Fl x
394options were implemented using the primaries ``\-depth'', ``\-follow'',
395and ``\-xdev''.
396These primaries always evaluated to true.
397As they were really global variables that took effect before the traversal
398began, some legal expressions could have unexpected results.
399An example is the expression ``\-print \-o \-depth''.
400As \-print always evaluates to true, the standard order of evaluation
401implies that \-depth would never be evaluated.
402This is not the case.
404The operator ``-or'' was implemented as ``\-o'', and the operator ``-and''
405was implemented as ``\-a''.
407Historic implementations of the
408.Ic exec
410.Ic ok
411primaries did not replace the string ``{}'' in the utility name or the
412utility arguments if it had preceding or following non-whitespace characters.
413This version replaces it no matter where in the utility name or arguments
414it appears.
415.Sh BUGS
416The special characters used by
417.Nm find
418are also special characters to many shell programs.
419In particular, the characters ``*'', ``['', ``]'', ``?'', ``('', ``)'',
420``!'', ``\e'' and ``;'' may have to be escaped from the shell.
422As there is no delimiter separating options and file names or file
423names and the
424.Ar expression ,
425it is difficult to specify files named ``-xdev'' or ``!''.
426These problems are handled by the
427.Fl f
428option and the
429.Xr getopt 3
430``--'' construct.