xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/find/operator.c (revision 2598cae2)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1990, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
6  * Cimarron D. Taylor of the University of California, Berkeley.
7  *
8  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
9  */
11 #ifndef lint
12 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)operator.c	8.1 (Berkeley) 06/06/93";
13 #endif /* not lint */
15 #include <sys/types.h>
17 #include <err.h>
18 #include <fts.h>
19 #include <stdio.h>
21 #include "find.h"
23 /*
24  * yanknode --
25  *	destructively removes the top from the plan
26  */
27 static PLAN *
28 yanknode(planp)
29 	PLAN **planp;		/* pointer to top of plan (modified) */
30 {
31 	PLAN *node;		/* top node removed from the plan */
33 	if ((node = (*planp)) == NULL)
34 		return (NULL);
35 	(*planp) = (*planp)->next;
36 	node->next = NULL;
37 	return (node);
38 }
40 /*
41  * yankexpr --
42  *	Removes one expression from the plan.  This is used mainly by
43  *	paren_squish.  In comments below, an expression is either a
44  *	simple node or a N_EXPR node containing a list of simple nodes.
45  */
46 static PLAN *
47 yankexpr(planp)
48 	PLAN **planp;		/* pointer to top of plan (modified) */
49 {
50 	register PLAN *next;	/* temp node holding subexpression results */
51 	PLAN *node;		/* pointer to returned node or expression */
52 	PLAN *tail;		/* pointer to tail of subplan */
53 	PLAN *subplan;		/* pointer to head of ( ) expression */
54 	int f_expr();
56 	/* first pull the top node from the plan */
57 	if ((node = yanknode(planp)) == NULL)
58 		return (NULL);
60 	/*
61 	 * If the node is an '(' then we recursively slurp up expressions
62 	 * until we find its associated ')'.  If it's a closing paren we
63 	 * just return it and unwind our recursion; all other nodes are
64 	 * complete expressions, so just return them.
65 	 */
66 	if (node->type == N_OPENPAREN)
67 		for (tail = subplan = NULL;;) {
68 			if ((next = yankexpr(planp)) == NULL)
69 				err(1, "(: missing closing ')'");
70 			/*
71 			 * If we find a closing ')' we store the collected
72 			 * subplan in our '(' node and convert the node to
73 			 * a N_EXPR.  The ')' we found is ignored.  Otherwise,
74 			 * we just continue to add whatever we get to our
75 			 * subplan.
76 			 */
77 			if (next->type == N_CLOSEPAREN) {
78 				if (subplan == NULL)
79 					errx(1, "(): empty inner expression");
80 				node->p_data[0] = subplan;
81 				node->type = N_EXPR;
82 				node->eval = f_expr;
83 				break;
84 			} else {
85 				if (subplan == NULL)
86 					tail = subplan = next;
87 				else {
88 					tail->next = next;
89 					tail = next;
90 				}
91 				tail->next = NULL;
92 			}
93 		}
94 	return (node);
95 }
97 /*
98  * paren_squish --
99  *	replaces "parentheisized" plans in our search plan with "expr" nodes.
100  */
101 PLAN *
102 paren_squish(plan)
103 	PLAN *plan;		/* plan with ( ) nodes */
104 {
105 	register PLAN *expr;	/* pointer to next expression */
106 	register PLAN *tail;	/* pointer to tail of result plan */
107 	PLAN *result;		/* pointer to head of result plan */
109 	result = tail = NULL;
111 	/*
112 	 * the basic idea is to have yankexpr do all our work and just
113 	 * collect it's results together.
114 	 */
115 	while ((expr = yankexpr(&plan)) != NULL) {
116 		/*
117 		 * if we find an unclaimed ')' it means there is a missing
118 		 * '(' someplace.
119 		 */
120 		if (expr->type == N_CLOSEPAREN)
121 			errx(1, "): no beginning '('");
123 		/* add the expression to our result plan */
124 		if (result == NULL)
125 			tail = result = expr;
126 		else {
127 			tail->next = expr;
128 			tail = expr;
129 		}
130 		tail->next = NULL;
131 	}
132 	return (result);
133 }
135 /*
136  * not_squish --
137  *	compresses "!" expressions in our search plan.
138  */
139 PLAN *
140 not_squish(plan)
141 	PLAN *plan;		/* plan to process */
142 {
143 	register PLAN *next;	/* next node being processed */
144 	register PLAN *node;	/* temporary node used in N_NOT processing */
145 	register PLAN *tail;	/* pointer to tail of result plan */
146 	PLAN *result;		/* pointer to head of result plan */
148 	tail = result = next = NULL;
150 	while ((next = yanknode(&plan)) != NULL) {
151 		/*
152 		 * if we encounter a ( expression ) then look for nots in
153 		 * the expr subplan.
154 		 */
155 		if (next->type == N_EXPR)
156 			next->p_data[0] = not_squish(next->p_data[0]);
158 		/*
159 		 * if we encounter a not, then snag the next node and place
160 		 * it in the not's subplan.  As an optimization we compress
161 		 * several not's to zero or one not.
162 		 */
163 		if (next->type == N_NOT) {
164 			int notlevel = 1;
166 			node = yanknode(&plan);
167 			while (node->type == N_NOT) {
168 				++notlevel;
169 				node = yanknode(&plan);
170 			}
171 			if (node == NULL)
172 				errx(1, "!: no following expression");
173 			if (node->type == N_OR)
174 				errx(1, "!: nothing between ! and -o");
175 			if (notlevel % 2 != 1)
176 				next = node;
177 			else
178 				next->p_data[0] = node;
179 		}
181 		/* add the node to our result plan */
182 		if (result == NULL)
183 			tail = result = next;
184 		else {
185 			tail->next = next;
186 			tail = next;
187 		}
188 		tail->next = NULL;
189 	}
190 	return (result);
191 }
193 /*
194  * or_squish --
195  *	compresses -o expressions in our search plan.
196  */
197 PLAN *
198 or_squish(plan)
199 	PLAN *plan;		/* plan with ors to be squished */
200 {
201 	register PLAN *next;	/* next node being processed */
202 	register PLAN *tail;	/* pointer to tail of result plan */
203 	PLAN *result;		/* pointer to head of result plan */
205 	tail = result = next = NULL;
207 	while ((next = yanknode(&plan)) != NULL) {
208 		/*
209 		 * if we encounter a ( expression ) then look for or's in
210 		 * the expr subplan.
211 		 */
212 		if (next->type == N_EXPR)
213 			next->p_data[0] = or_squish(next->p_data[0]);
215 		/* if we encounter a not then look for not's in the subplan */
216 		if (next->type == N_NOT)
217 			next->p_data[0] = or_squish(next->p_data[0]);
219 		/*
220 		 * if we encounter an or, then place our collected plan in the
221 		 * or's first subplan and then recursively collect the
222 		 * remaining stuff into the second subplan and return the or.
223 		 */
224 		if (next->type == N_OR) {
225 			if (result == NULL)
226 				errx(1, "-o: no expression before -o");
227 			next->p_data[0] = result;
228 			next->p_data[1] = or_squish(plan);
229 			if (next->p_data[1] == NULL)
230 				errx(1, "-o: no expression after -o");
231 			return (next);
232 		}
234 		/* add the node to our result plan */
235 		if (result == NULL)
236 			tail = result = next;
237 		else {
238 			tail->next = next;
239 			tail = next;
240 		}
241 		tail->next = NULL;
242 	}
243 	return (result);
244 }