1\"	@(#)abstract.me	1.5 03/14/82
2.sp 1
3.ce 1000
4\fB\s+2gprof: a Call Graph Execution Profiler\s-2\fP\**
6\**This work was supported by grant MCS80-05144
7from the National Science Foundation.
9.sp 1
11\fISusan L. Graham\fP
12\fIPeter B. Kessler\fP
13\fIMarshall K. McKusick\fP
14.sp 1
15Computer Science Division
16Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
17University of California, Berkeley
18Berkeley, California 94720
19.ce 0
20.sp 1
21.sh 0 "Abstract"
23Large complex programs are composed of many small routines
24that implement abstractions for the routines that call them.
25To be useful, an execution profiler must attribute
26execution time in a way that is significant for the
27logical structure of a program
28as well as for its textual decomposition.
29This data must then be displayed to the user
30in a convenient and informative way.
31The \fBgprof\fP profiler
32accounts for the running time of called routines
33in the running time of the routines that call them.
34The design and use of this profiler is described.