xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/indent/io.c (revision 8a1064d0)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
4  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5  */
7 #ifndef lint
8 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)io.c	5.4 (Berkeley) 04/29/87";
9 #endif not lint
11 /*-
12  *			  Copyright (C) 1976
13  *				by the
14  *			  Board of Trustees
15  *				of the
16  *			University of Illinois
17  *			 All rights reserved
18  * FILE NAME:
19  *	io.c
20  * PURPOSE:
21  *	Contains routines to handle i/o related stuff for indent.
22  * GLOBALS:
23  *	None
25  *	dump_line
26  *	fill_buffer
27  *	pad_output
28  *	count_spaces
29  *	eqin
30  *	cmp
31  *
32  */
33 /*-
34  *
35  *			  Copyright (C) 1976
36  *				by the
37  *			  Board of Trustees
38  *				of the
39  *			University of Illinois
40  *
41  *			 All rights reserved
42  *
43  *
44  * NAME:
45  *	dump_line
46  *
48  *	Does the actual printing of the stored up line
49  *
51  *	For each of the label, code, and comment sections which are used on
52  *	this line:
53  *
54  *	1) Use pad_output to get the section aligned properly.
55  *	2) write the section
56  *
57  *	The indentation level used for the code is set by ps.ind_level.  After
58  *	printing, ps.ind_level is set to ps.i_l_follow.
59  *
60  *	An extra level of indentation is added if ps.ind_stmt is 1.  After
61  *	printing, ps.ind_stmt is set to 1 iff the line just printed has an
62  *	unterminated, non-declaration statement.
63  *
64  * HISTORY:
65  *	initial coding 	November 1976	D A Willcox of CAC
66  *
67  */
68 #include "indent_globs.h";
72 int         ff = 014;		/* used to write a form feed */
73 int         comment_open;
74 static      paren_target;
76 dump_line()
77 {				/* dump_line is the routine that actually
78 				 * effects the printing of the new source.
79 				 * It prints the label section, followed
80 				 * by the code section with the
81 				 * appropriate nesting level, followed by
82 				 * any comments */
83     register int cur_col,
84                 temp_col,
85                 target_col;
87     if (ps.procname[0]) {
88 	if (troff)
89 	    fprintf(output, ".Pr \"%s\"\n", ps.procname);
90 	ps.ind_level = 0;
91 	ps.procname[0] = 0;
92     }
93     if (s_code == e_code && s_lab == e_lab && s_com == e_com) {
94 	if (suppress_blanklines>0) suppress_blanklines--;
95 	else {
96 	ps.bl_line = true;
97 	n_real_blanklines++;
98 	}
99     }
100     else if (!inhibit_formatting) {
101 	suppress_blanklines = 0;
102 	ps.bl_line = false;
103 	if (prefix_blankline_requested)
104 	    if (swallow_optional_blanklines) {
105 		if (n_real_blanklines == 1)
106 		    n_real_blanklines = 0;
107 	    }
108 	    else {
109 		if (n_real_blanklines == 0)
110 		    n_real_blanklines = 1;
111 	    }
112 	while (--n_real_blanklines >= 0)
113 	    putc('\n', output);
114 	n_real_blanklines = 0;
115 	if (ps.ind_level == 0)
116 	    ps.ind_stmt = 0;	/* this is a class A kludge. dont do
117 				 * additional statement indentation if we
118 				 * are at bracket level 0 */
120 	if (e_lab != s_lab || e_code != s_code)
121 	    ++code_lines;	/* keep count of lines with code */
124 	if (e_lab != s_lab) {	/* print lab, if any */
125 	    if (comment_open) {
126 		comment_open = 0;
127 		fprintf(output, ".*/\n");
128 	    }
129 	    while (e_lab > s_lab && (e_lab[-1] == ' ' || e_lab[-1] == '\t'))
130 		e_lab--;
131 	    cur_col = pad_output(1, compute_label_target());
132 	    fprintf(output, "%.*s", e_lab - s_lab, s_lab);
133 	    cur_col = count_spaces(cur_col, s_lab);
134 	}
135 	else
136 	    cur_col = 1;	/* there is no label section */
138 	ps.pcase = false;
140 	if (s_code != e_code) {	/* print code section, if any */
141 	    register char *p;
143 	    if (comment_open) {
144 		comment_open = 0;
145 		fprintf(output, ".*/\n");
146 	    }
147 	    target_col = compute_code_target();
148 	    {
149 		register    i;
151 		for (i = 0; i < ps.p_l_follow; i++)
152 		    if (ps.paren_indents[i] >= 0)
153 			ps.paren_indents[i] = -(ps.paren_indents[i] + target_col);
154 	    }
155 	    cur_col = pad_output(cur_col, target_col);
156 	    for (p = s_code; p < e_code; p++)
157 		if (*p == 0200)
158 		    fprintf(output, "%d", target_col * 7);
159 		else
160 		    putc(*p, output);
161 	    cur_col = count_spaces(cur_col, s_code);
162 	}
163 	if (s_com != e_com)
164 	    if (troff) {
165 		register char *p;
167 		if (e_com[-1] == '/' && e_com[-2] == '*')
168 		    e_com -= 2;
169 		while (e_com > s_com && e_com[-1] == ' ')
170 		    e_com--;
171 		*e_com = 0;
172 		p = s_com;
173 		while (*p == ' ')
174 		    p++;
175 		if (p[0] == '/' && p[1] == '*')
176 		    p += 2;
177 		else if (p[0] == '*')
178 		    p += p[1] == '/' ? 2 : 1;
179 		while (*p == ' ')
180 		    p++;
181 		if (*p == 0)
182 		    goto inhibit_newline;
183 		if (!comment_open) {
184 		    if ('a' <= *p && *p <= 'z')
185 			*p = *p + 'A' - 'a';
186 		    if (s_code != e_code || s_lab != e_lab) {
187 			fprintf(output, "\\c\n./* %dp 1 %dp\n",
188 				ps.com_col * 7, target_col * 7);
189 		    }
190 		    else
191 			fprintf(output, "./* %dp 0 %dp\n",
192 				ps.com_col * 7, target_col * 7);
193 		}
194 		comment_open = 1;
195 		while (*p) {
196 		    if (*p == BACKSLASH)
197 			putc(BACKSLASH, output);
198 		    putc(*p++, output);
199 		}
200 	    }
201 	    else {		/* print comment, if any */
202 		register    target = ps.com_col;
203 		register char *com_st = s_com;
205 		target += ps.comment_delta;
206 		while (target <= 0)
207 		    if (*s_com == ' ')
208 			target++, s_com++;
209 		    else if (*s_com == '\t')
210 			target = ((target - 1) & ~7) + 9, s_com++;
211 		    else
212 			target = 1;
213 		if (cur_col > target) {	/* if comment cant fit on this
214 					 * line, put it on next line */
215 		    putc('\n', output);
216 		    cur_col = 1;
217 		    ++ps.out_lines;
218 		}
219 		cur_col = pad_output(cur_col, target);
220 		if (!ps.box_com) {
221 		    if (star_comment_cont && com_st[1] != '*')
222 			if (com_st[1] == ' ' && com_st[0] == ' ')
223 			    com_st[1] = '*';
224 			else
225 			    fwrite(" * ", com_st[0] == '\t' ? 2 : com_st[0] == '*' ? 1 : 3, 1, output);
226 		}
227 		fwrite(com_st, e_com - com_st, 1, output);
228 		ps.comment_delta = ps.n_comment_delta;
229 		cur_col = count_spaces(cur_col, com_st);
230 		++ps.com_lines;	/* count lines with comments */
231 	    }
232 	if (ps.use_ff)
233 	    putc('\014', output);
234 	else
235 	    putc('\n', output);
236 inhibit_newline:
237 	++ps.out_lines;
238 	if (ps.just_saw_decl == 1 && blanklines_after_declarations) {
239 	    prefix_blankline_requested = 1;
240 	    ps.just_saw_decl = 0;
241 	}
242 	else
243 	    prefix_blankline_requested = postfix_blankline_requested;
244 	postfix_blankline_requested = 0;
245     }
246     ps.decl_on_line = ps.in_decl;	/* if we are in the middle of a
247 					 * declaration, remember that fact
248 					 * for proper comment indentation */
249     ps.ind_stmt = ps.in_stmt & ~ps.in_decl;	/* next line should be
250 						 * indented if we have not
251 						 * completed this stmt and
252 						 * if we are not in the
253 						 * middle of a declaration */
254     ps.use_ff = false;
255     ps.dumped_decl_indent = 0;
256     *(e_lab = s_lab) = '\0';	/* reset buffers */
257     *(e_code = s_code) = '\0';
258     *(e_com = s_com) = '\0';
259     ps.ind_level = ps.i_l_follow;
260     ps.paren_level = ps.p_l_follow;
261     paren_target = -ps.paren_indents[ps.paren_level - 1];
262     return;
263 };
265 compute_code_target() {
266     register    target_col = ps.ind_size * ps.ind_level + 1;
268     if (ps.paren_level)
269 	if (!lineup_to_parens)
270 	    target_col += continuation_indent * ps.paren_level;
271 	else {
272 	    register    w;
273 	    register    t = paren_target;
275 	    if ((w = count_spaces(t, s_code) - max_col) > 0
276 		&& count_spaces(target_col, s_code) <= max_col) {
277 		t -= w + 1;
278 		if (t > target_col)
279 		    target_col = t;
280 	    }
281 	    else
282 		target_col = t;
283 	}
284     else if (ps.ind_stmt)
285 	target_col += continuation_indent;
286     return target_col;
287 }
289 compute_label_target()
290 {
291     return
292 	ps.pcase ? (int) (case_ind * ps.ind_size) +1
293 	: *s_lab == '#' ? 1
294 	: ps.ind_size * (ps.ind_level - label_offset) +1;
295 }
298 /*
299  * Copyright (C) 1976 by the Board of Trustees of the University of
300  * Illinois
301  *
302  * All rights reserved
303  *
304  *
305  * NAME: fill_buffer
306  *
307  * FUNCTION: Reads one block of input into input_buffer
308  *
309  * HISTORY: initial coding 	November 1976	D A Willcox of CAC 1/7/77
310  * A Willcox of CAC	Added check for switch back to partly full input
311  * buffer from temporary buffer
312  *
313  */
314 int
315 fill_buffer()
316 {				/* this routine reads stuff from the input */
317     int         count;
318     register char *p;
319     register int i;
320     register FILE *f = input;
322     if (bp_save != 0) {		/* there is a partly filled input buffer
323 				 * left */
324 	buf_ptr = bp_save;	/* dont read anything, just switch buffers */
325 	buf_end = be_save;
326 	bp_save = be_save = 0;
327 	if (buf_ptr < buf_end)
328 	    return;		/* only return if there is really
329 				 * something in this buffer */
330     }
331     p = in_buffer;
332     buf_ptr = p;
333     while ((*p++ = i = getc(f)) != EOF && i != '\n');
334     if (i == EOF) {
335 	p[-1] = ' ';
336 	*p++ = '\n';
337 	had_eof = true;
338     }
339     buf_end = p;
340     if (p[-2] == '/' && p[-3] == '*') {
341 	if (in_buffer[3] == 'I' && strncmp(in_buffer, "/**INDENT**", 11) == 0)
342 	    fill_buffer();	/* flush indent error message */
343 	else {
344 	    int         com = 0;
346 	    p = in_buffer;
347 	    while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
348 		p++;
349 	    if (*p == '/' && p[1] == '*') {
350 		p += 2;
351 		while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
352 		    p++;
353 		if (p[0] == 'I' && p[1] == 'N' && p[2] == 'D' && p[3] == 'E'
354 		    && p[4] == 'N' && p[5] == 'T') {
355 		    p += 6;
356 		    while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
357 			p++;
358 		    if (*p == '*')
359 			com = 1;
360 		    else if (*p == 'O')
361 			if (*++p == 'N')
362 			    p++, com = 1;
363 			else if (*p == 'F' && *++p == 'F')
364 			    p++, com = 2;
365 		    while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
366 			p++;
367 		    if (p[0] == '*' && p[1] == '/' && p[2] == '\n' && com) {
368 			if (s_com != e_com || s_lab != e_lab || s_code != e_code)
369 			    dump_line();
370 			if (!(inhibit_formatting = com - 1)) {
371 			    n_real_blanklines = 0;
372 			    postfix_blankline_requested = 0;
373 			    prefix_blankline_requested = 0;
374 			    suppress_blanklines = 1;
375 			}
376 		    }
377 		}
378 	    }
379 	}
380     }
381     if (inhibit_formatting) {
382 	p = in_buffer;
383 	do
384 	    putc(*p, output);
385 	while (*p++ != '\n');
386     }
387     return;
388 };
390 /*
391  * Copyright (C) 1976 by the Board of Trustees of the University of
392  * Illinois
393  *
394  * All rights reserved
395  *
396  *
397  * NAME: pad_output
398  *
399  * FUNCTION: Writes tabs and spaces to move the current column up to the
400  * desired position.
401  *
402  * ALGORITHM: Put tabs and/or blanks into pobuf, then write pobuf.
403  *
404  * PARAMETERS: current		integer		The current column target
405  * nteger		The desired column
406  *
407  * RETURNS: Integer value of the new column.  (If current >= target, no
408  * action is taken, and current is returned.
409  *
410  * GLOBALS: None
411  *
412  * CALLS: write (sys)
413  *
414  * CALLED BY: dump_line
415  *
416  * HISTORY: initial coding 	November 1976	D A Willcox of CAC
417  *
418  */
419 pad_output(current, target)	/* writes tabs and blanks (if necessary)
420 				 * to get the current output position up
421 				 * to the target column */
422     int         current;	/* the current column value */
423     int         target;		/* position we want it at */
424 {
425     register int curr;		/* internal column pointer */
426     register int tcur;
428     if (troff)
429 	fprintf(output, "\\h'|%dp'", (target - 1) * 7);
430     else {
431 	if (current >= target)
432 	    return (current);	/* line is already long enough */
433 	curr = current;
434 	while ((tcur = ((curr - 1) & tabmask) + tabsize + 1) <= target) {
435 	    putc('\t', output);
436 	    curr = tcur;
437 	}
438 	while (curr++ < target)
439 	    putc(' ', output);	/* pad with final blanks */
440     }
441     return (target);
442 };
444 /*
445  * Copyright (C) 1976 by the Board of Trustees of the University of
446  * Illinois
447  *
448  * All rights reserved
449  *
450  *
451  * NAME: count_spaces
452  *
453  * FUNCTION: Find out where printing of a given string will leave the current
454  * character position on output.
455  *
456  * ALGORITHM: Run thru input string and add appropriate values to current
457  * position.
458  *
459  * RETURNS: Integer value of position after printing "buffer" starting in
460  * column "current".
461  *
462  * HISTORY: initial coding 	November 1976	D A Willcox of CAC
463  *
464  */
465 int
466 count_spaces(current, buffer)
468 /*
469  * this routine figures out where the character position will be after
470  * printing the text in buffer starting at column "current"
471  */
472     int         current;
473     char       *buffer;
474 {
475     register char *buf;		/* used to look thru buffer */
476     register int cur;		/* current character counter */
478     cur = current;
480     for (buf = buffer; *buf != '\0'; ++buf) {
481 	switch (*buf) {
483 	    case '\n':
484 	    case 014:		/* form feed */
485 		cur = 1;
486 		break;
488 	    case '\t':
489 		cur = ((cur - 1) & tabmask) + tabsize + 1;
490 		break;
492 	    case '':		/* this is a backspace */
493 		--cur;
494 		break;
496 	    default:
497 		++cur;
498 		break;
499 	}			/* end of switch */
500     }				/* end of for loop */
501     return (cur);
502 };
504 int	found_err;
505 diag(level, msg, a, b)
506 {
507     if (level)
508 	found_err = 1;
509     if (output == stdout) {
510 	fprintf(stdout, "/**INDENT** %s@%d: ", level == 0 ? "Warning" : "Error", line_no);
511 	fprintf(stdout, msg, a, b);
512 	fprintf(stdout, " */\n");
513     }
514     else {
515 	fprintf(stderr, "%s@%d: ", level == 0 ? "Warning" : "Error", line_no);
516 	fprintf(stderr, msg, a, b);
517 	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
518     }
519 }