xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/mail/cmd1.c (revision dd75f133)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1980, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  */
8 #ifndef lint
9 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)cmd1.c	8.2 (Berkeley) 04/20/95";
10 #endif /* not lint */
12 #include "rcv.h"
13 #include "extern.h"
15 /*
16  * Mail -- a mail program
17  *
18  * User commands.
19  */
21 /*
22  * Print the current active headings.
23  * Don't change dot if invoker didn't give an argument.
24  */
26 static int screen;
28 int
29 headers(msgvec)
30 	int *msgvec;
31 {
32 	register int n, mesg, flag;
33 	register struct message *mp;
34 	int size;
36 	size = screensize();
37 	n = msgvec[0];
38 	if (n != 0)
39 		screen = (n-1)/size;
40 	if (screen < 0)
41 		screen = 0;
42 	mp = &message[screen * size];
43 	if (mp >= &message[msgCount])
44 		mp = &message[msgCount - size];
45 	if (mp < &message[0])
46 		mp = &message[0];
47 	flag = 0;
48 	mesg = mp - &message[0];
49 	if (dot != &message[n-1])
50 		dot = mp;
51 	for (; mp < &message[msgCount]; mp++) {
52 		mesg++;
53 		if (mp->m_flag & MDELETED)
54 			continue;
55 		if (flag++ >= size)
56 			break;
57 		printhead(mesg);
58 	}
59 	if (flag == 0) {
60 		printf("No more mail.\n");
61 		return(1);
62 	}
63 	return(0);
64 }
66 /*
67  * Scroll to the next/previous screen
68  */
69 int
70 scroll(arg)
71 	char arg[];
72 {
73 	register int s, size;
74 	int cur[1];
76 	cur[0] = 0;
77 	size = screensize();
78 	s = screen;
79 	switch (*arg) {
80 	case 0:
81 	case '+':
82 		s++;
83 		if (s * size > msgCount) {
84 			printf("On last screenful of messages\n");
85 			return(0);
86 		}
87 		screen = s;
88 		break;
90 	case '-':
91 		if (--s < 0) {
92 			printf("On first screenful of messages\n");
93 			return(0);
94 		}
95 		screen = s;
96 		break;
98 	default:
99 		printf("Unrecognized scrolling command \"%s\"\n", arg);
100 		return(1);
101 	}
102 	return(headers(cur));
103 }
105 /*
106  * Compute screen size.
107  */
108 int
109 screensize()
110 {
111 	int s;
112 	char *cp;
114 	if ((cp = value("screen")) != NOSTR && (s = atoi(cp)) > 0)
115 		return s;
116 	return screenheight - 4;
117 }
119 /*
120  * Print out the headlines for each message
121  * in the passed message list.
122  */
123 int
124 from(msgvec)
125 	int *msgvec;
126 {
127 	register int *ip;
129 	for (ip = msgvec; *ip != NULL; ip++)
130 		printhead(*ip);
131 	if (--ip >= msgvec)
132 		dot = &message[*ip - 1];
133 	return(0);
134 }
136 /*
137  * Print out the header of a specific message.
138  * This is a slight improvement to the standard one.
139  */
140 void
141 printhead(mesg)
142 	int mesg;
143 {
144 	struct message *mp;
145 	char headline[LINESIZE], wcount[LINESIZE], *subjline, dispc, curind;
146 	char pbuf[BUFSIZ];
147 	struct headline hl;
148 	int subjlen;
149 	char *name;
151 	mp = &message[mesg-1];
152 	(void) readline(setinput(mp), headline, LINESIZE);
153 	if ((subjline = hfield("subject", mp)) == NOSTR)
154 		subjline = hfield("subj", mp);
155 	/*
156 	 * Bletch!
157 	 */
158 	curind = dot == mp ? '>' : ' ';
159 	dispc = ' ';
160 	if (mp->m_flag & MSAVED)
161 		dispc = '*';
162 	if (mp->m_flag & MPRESERVE)
163 		dispc = 'P';
164 	if ((mp->m_flag & (MREAD|MNEW)) == MNEW)
165 		dispc = 'N';
166 	if ((mp->m_flag & (MREAD|MNEW)) == 0)
167 		dispc = 'U';
168 	if (mp->m_flag & MBOX)
169 		dispc = 'M';
170 	parse(headline, &hl, pbuf);
171 	sprintf(wcount, "%3d/%-5ld", mp->m_lines, mp->m_size);
172 	subjlen = screenwidth - 50 - strlen(wcount);
173 	name = value("show-rcpt") != NOSTR ?
174 		skin(hfield("to", mp)) : nameof(mp, 0);
175 	if (subjline == NOSTR || subjlen < 0)		/* pretty pathetic */
176 		printf("%c%c%3d %-20.20s  %16.16s %s\n",
177 			curind, dispc, mesg, name, hl.l_date, wcount);
178 	else
179 		printf("%c%c%3d %-20.20s  %16.16s %s \"%.*s\"\n",
180 			curind, dispc, mesg, name, hl.l_date, wcount,
181 			subjlen, subjline);
182 }
184 /*
185  * Print out the value of dot.
186  */
187 int
188 pdot()
189 {
190 	printf("%d\n", dot - &message[0] + 1);
191 	return(0);
192 }
194 /*
195  * Print out all the possible commands.
196  */
197 int
198 pcmdlist()
199 {
200 	register struct cmd *cp;
201 	register int cc;
202 	extern struct cmd cmdtab[];
204 	printf("Commands are:\n");
205 	for (cc = 0, cp = cmdtab; cp->c_name != NULL; cp++) {
206 		cc += strlen(cp->c_name) + 2;
207 		if (cc > 72) {
208 			printf("\n");
209 			cc = strlen(cp->c_name) + 2;
210 		}
211 		if ((cp+1)->c_name != NOSTR)
212 			printf("%s, ", cp->c_name);
213 		else
214 			printf("%s\n", cp->c_name);
215 	}
216 	return(0);
217 }
219 /*
220  * Paginate messages, honor ignored fields.
221  */
222 int
223 more(msgvec)
224 	int *msgvec;
225 {
226 	return (type1(msgvec, 1, 1));
227 }
229 /*
230  * Paginate messages, even printing ignored fields.
231  */
232 int
233 More(msgvec)
234 	int *msgvec;
235 {
237 	return (type1(msgvec, 0, 1));
238 }
240 /*
241  * Type out messages, honor ignored fields.
242  */
243 int
244 type(msgvec)
245 	int *msgvec;
246 {
248 	return(type1(msgvec, 1, 0));
249 }
251 /*
252  * Type out messages, even printing ignored fields.
253  */
254 int
255 Type(msgvec)
256 	int *msgvec;
257 {
259 	return(type1(msgvec, 0, 0));
260 }
262 /*
263  * Type out the messages requested.
264  */
265 jmp_buf	pipestop;
266 int
267 type1(msgvec, doign, page)
268 	int *msgvec;
269 	int doign, page;
270 {
271 	register *ip;
272 	register struct message *mp;
273 	register char *cp;
274 	int nlines;
275 	FILE *obuf;
277 	obuf = stdout;
278 	if (setjmp(pipestop))
279 		goto close_pipe;
280 	if (value("interactive") != NOSTR &&
281 	    (page || (cp = value("crt")) != NOSTR)) {
282 		nlines = 0;
283 		if (!page) {
284 			for (ip = msgvec; *ip && ip-msgvec < msgCount; ip++)
285 				nlines += message[*ip - 1].m_lines;
286 		}
287 		if (page || nlines > (*cp ? atoi(cp) : realscreenheight)) {
288 			cp = value("PAGER");
289 			if (cp == NULL || *cp == '\0')
290 				cp = _PATH_MORE;
291 			obuf = Popen(cp, "w");
292 			if (obuf == NULL) {
293 				perror(cp);
294 				obuf = stdout;
295 			} else
296 				signal(SIGPIPE, brokpipe);
297 		}
298 	}
299 	for (ip = msgvec; *ip && ip - msgvec < msgCount; ip++) {
300 		mp = &message[*ip - 1];
301 		touch(mp);
302 		dot = mp;
303 		if (value("quiet") == NOSTR)
304 			fprintf(obuf, "Message %d:\n", *ip);
305 		(void) send(mp, obuf, doign ? ignore : 0, NOSTR);
306 	}
307 close_pipe:
308 	if (obuf != stdout) {
309 		/*
310 		 * Ignore SIGPIPE so it can't cause a duplicate close.
311 		 */
312 		signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
313 		Pclose(obuf);
314 		signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
315 	}
316 	return(0);
317 }
319 /*
320  * Respond to a broken pipe signal --
321  * probably caused by quitting more.
322  */
323 void
324 brokpipe(signo)
325 	int signo;
326 {
327 	longjmp(pipestop, 1);
328 }
330 /*
331  * Print the top so many lines of each desired message.
332  * The number of lines is taken from the variable "toplines"
333  * and defaults to 5.
334  */
335 int
336 top(msgvec)
337 	int *msgvec;
338 {
339 	register int *ip;
340 	register struct message *mp;
341 	int c, topl, lines, lineb;
342 	char *valtop, linebuf[LINESIZE];
343 	FILE *ibuf;
345 	topl = 5;
346 	valtop = value("toplines");
347 	if (valtop != NOSTR) {
348 		topl = atoi(valtop);
349 		if (topl < 0 || topl > 10000)
350 			topl = 5;
351 	}
352 	lineb = 1;
353 	for (ip = msgvec; *ip && ip-msgvec < msgCount; ip++) {
354 		mp = &message[*ip - 1];
355 		touch(mp);
356 		dot = mp;
357 		if (value("quiet") == NOSTR)
358 			printf("Message %d:\n", *ip);
359 		ibuf = setinput(mp);
360 		c = mp->m_lines;
361 		if (!lineb)
362 			printf("\n");
363 		for (lines = 0; lines < c && lines <= topl; lines++) {
364 			if (readline(ibuf, linebuf, LINESIZE) < 0)
365 				break;
366 			puts(linebuf);
367 			lineb = blankline(linebuf);
368 		}
369 	}
370 	return(0);
371 }
373 /*
374  * Touch all the given messages so that they will
375  * get mboxed.
376  */
377 int
378 stouch(msgvec)
379 	int msgvec[];
380 {
381 	register int *ip;
383 	for (ip = msgvec; *ip != 0; ip++) {
384 		dot = &message[*ip-1];
385 		dot->m_flag |= MTOUCH;
386 		dot->m_flag &= ~MPRESERVE;
387 	}
388 	return(0);
389 }
391 /*
392  * Make sure all passed messages get mboxed.
393  */
394 int
395 mboxit(msgvec)
396 	int msgvec[];
397 {
398 	register int *ip;
400 	for (ip = msgvec; *ip != 0; ip++) {
401 		dot = &message[*ip-1];
402 		dot->m_flag |= MTOUCH|MBOX;
403 		dot->m_flag &= ~MPRESERVE;
404 	}
405 	return(0);
406 }
408 /*
409  * List the folders the user currently has.
410  */
411 int
412 folders()
413 {
414 	char dirname[BUFSIZ];
415 	char *cmd;
417 	if (getfold(dirname) < 0) {
418 		printf("No value set for \"folder\"\n");
419 		return 1;
420 	}
421 	if ((cmd = value("LISTER")) == NOSTR)
422 		cmd = "ls";
423 	(void) run_command(cmd, 0, -1, -1, dirname, NOSTR, NOSTR);
424 	return 0;
425 }
427 /*
428  * Update the mail file with any new messages that have
429  * come in since we started reading mail.
430  */
431 inc()
432 {
433 	int nmsg, mdot;
435 	nmsg = incfile();
437 	if (nmsg == 0) {
438 		printf("No new mail.\n");
439 	} else if (nmsg > 0) {
440 		mdot = newfileinfo(msgCount - nmsg);
441 		dot = &message[mdot - 1];
442 	} else {
443 		printf("\"inc\" command failed...\n");
444 	}
446 	return 0;
447 }