xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/mail/optim.c (revision 1f3a482a)
1 #
3 /*
4  * Mail -- a program for sending and receiving mail.
5  *
6  * Network name modification routines.
7  */
9 #include "rcv.h"
10 #include <ctype.h>
12 static char *SccsId = "@(#)optim.c	2.1 07/01/81";
14 /*
15  * Map a name into the correct network "view" of the
16  * name.  This is done by prepending the name with the
17  * network address of the sender, then optimizing away
18  * nonsense.
19  */
21 char	*metanet = "!^:%@.";
23 char *
24 netmap(name, from)
25 	char name[], from[];
26 {
27 	char nbuf[BUFSIZ], ret[BUFSIZ];
28 	register char *cp;
30 	if (strlen(from) == 0)
31 		return(name);
32 	if (any('@', name) || any('%', name))
33 		return(arpafix(name, from));
34 	cp = revarpa(from);
35 	if (cp == NOSTR)
36 		return(name);
37 	strcpy(nbuf, cp);
38 	cp = &nbuf[strlen(nbuf) - 1];
39 	while (!any(*cp, metanet) && cp > nbuf)
40 		cp--;
41 	if (cp == nbuf)
42 		return(name);
43 	*++cp = 0;
44 	strcat(nbuf, revarpa(name));
45 	optim(nbuf, ret);
46 	cp = revarpa(ret);
47 	if (!icequal(name, cp))
48 		return((char *) savestr(cp));
49 	return(name);
50 }
52 /*
53  * Rename the given network path to use
54  * the kinds of names that we would right here.
55  */
57 char *
58 rename(str)
59 	char str[];
60 {
61 	register char *cp, *cp2;
62 	char buf[BUFSIZ], path[BUFSIZ];
63 	register int c, host;
65 	strcpy(path, "");
66 	for (;;) {
67 		if ((c = *cp++) == 0)
68 			break;
69 		cp2 = buf;
70 		while (!any(c, metanet) && c != 0) {
71 			*cp2++ = c;
72 			c = *cp++;
73 		}
74 		*cp2 = 0;
75 		if (c == 0) {
76 			strcat(path, buf);
77 			break;
78 		}
79 		host = netlook(buf, ntype(c));
80 		strcat(path, netname(host));
81 		stradd(path, c);
82 	}
83 	if (strcmp(str, path) != 0)
84 		return(savestr(path));
85 	return(str);
86 }
87 /*
88  * Turn a network machine name into a unique character
89  * + give connection-to status.  BN -- connected to Bell Net.
90  * AN -- connected to ARPA net, SN -- connected to Schmidt net.
91  * CN -- connected to COCANET.
92  */
94 #define	AN	1			/* Connected to ARPA net */
95 #define	BN	2			/* Connected to BTL net */
96 #define	CN	4			/* Connected to COCANET */
97 #define	SN	8			/* Connected to Schmidt net */
99 struct netmach {
100 	char	*nt_machine;
101 	char	nt_mid;
102 	short	nt_type;
103 } netmach[] = {
104 	"a",		'a',		SN,
105 	"b",		'b',		SN,
106 	"c",		'c',		SN,
107 	"d",		'd',		SN,
108 	"e",		'e',		SN,
109 	"f",		'f',		SN,
110 	"g",		'g',		SN,
111 	"ingres",	'i',		AN|SN,
112 	"ing70",	'i',		AN|SN,
113 	"berkeley",	'i',		AN|SN,
114 	"ingvax",	'j',		SN|BN,
115 	"virus",	'k',		SN,
116 	"vlsi",		'l',		SN,
117 	"image",	'm',		SN,
118 	"esvax",	'o',		SN,
119 	"sesm",		'o',		SN,
120 	"q",		'q',		SN,
121 	"research",	'R',		BN,
122 	"arpavax",	'r',		SN|BN,
123 	"src",		's',		SN,
124 	"mathstat",	't',		SN,
125 	"csvax",	'v',		BN|SN,
126 	"vax",		'v',		BN|SN,
127 	"ucb",		'v',		BN|SN,
128 	"ucbvax",	'v',		BN|SN,
129 	"onyx",		'x',		SN,
130 	"vax135",	'X',		BN,
131 	"cory",		'y',		SN,
132 	"eecs40",	'z',		SN,
133 	0,		0,		0
134 };
136 netlook(machine, attnet)
137 	char machine[];
138 {
139 	register struct netmach *np;
140 	register char *cp, *cp2;
141 	char nbuf[20];
143 	/*
144 	 * Make into lower case.
145 	 */
147 	for (cp = machine, cp2 = nbuf; *cp; *cp2++ = little(*cp++))
148 		;
149 	*cp2 = 0;
151 	/*
152 	 * If a single letter machine, look through those first.
153 	 */
155 	if (strlen(nbuf) == 1)
156 		for (np = netmach; np->nt_mid != 0; np++)
157 			if (np->nt_mid == nbuf[0])
158 				return(nbuf[0]);
160 	/*
161 	 * Look for usual name
162 	 */
164 	for (np = netmach; np->nt_mid != 0; np++)
165 		if (strcmp(np->nt_machine, nbuf) == 0)
166 			return(np->nt_mid);
168 	/*
169 	 * Look in side hash table.
170 	 */
172 	return(mstash(nbuf, attnet));
173 }
175 /*
176  * Make a little character.
177  */
179 little(c)
180 	register int c;
181 {
183 	if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
184 		c += 'a' - 'A';
185 	return(c);
186 }
188 /*
189  * Turn a network unique character identifier into a network name.
190  */
192 char *
193 netname(mid)
194 {
195 	register struct netmach *np;
196 	char *mlook();
198 	if (mid & 0200)
199 		return(mlook(mid));
200 	for (np = netmach; np->nt_mid != 0; np++)
201 		if (np->nt_mid == mid)
202 			return(np->nt_machine);
203 	return(NOSTR);
204 }
206 /*
207  * Deal with arpa net addresses.  The way this is done is strange.
208  * In particular, if the destination arpa net host is not Berkeley,
209  * then the address is correct as stands.  Otherwise, we strip off
210  * the trailing @Berkeley, then cook up a phony person for it to
211  * be from and optimize the result.
212  */
213 char *
214 arpafix(name, from)
215 	char name[];
216 	char from[];
217 {
218 	register char *cp;
219 	register int arpamach;
220 	char newname[BUFSIZ];
221 	char fake[5];
222 	char fakepath[20];
224 	if (debug) {
225 		fprintf(stderr, "arpafix(%s, %s)\n", name, from);
226 	}
227 	cp = rindex(name, '@');
228 	if (cp == NOSTR)
229 		cp = rindex(name, '%');
230 	if (cp == NOSTR) {
231 		fprintf(stderr, "Somethings amiss -- no @ or % in arpafix\n");
232 		return(name);
233 	}
234 	cp++;
235 	arpamach = netlook(cp, '@');
236 	if (arpamach == 0) {
237 		if (debug)
238 			fprintf(stderr, "machine %s unknown, uses: %s\n", cp, name);
239 		return(name);
240 	}
241 	if (((nettype(arpamach) & nettype(LOCAL)) & ~AN) == 0) {
242 		if (debug)
243 			fprintf(stderr, "machine %s known but remote, uses: %s\n",
244 			    cp, name);
245 		return(name);
246 	}
247 	strcpy(newname, name);
248 	cp = rindex(newname, '@');
249 	if (cp == NOSTR)
250 		cp = rindex(newname, '%');
251 	*cp = 0;
252 	fake[0] = arpamach;
253 	fake[1] = ':';
254 	fake[2] = LOCAL;
255 	fake[3] = ':';
256 	fake[4] = 0;
257 	prefer(fake);
258 	strcpy(fakepath, netname(fake[0]));
259 	stradd(fakepath, fake[1]);
260 	strcat(fakepath, "daemon");
261 	if (debug)
262 		fprintf(stderr, "machine local, call netmap(%s, %s)\n",
263 		    newname, fakepath);
264 	return(netmap(newname, fakepath));
265 }
267 /*
268  * Take a network machine descriptor and find the types of connected
269  * nets and return it.
270  */
272 nettype(mid)
273 {
274 	register struct netmach *np;
276 	if (mid & 0200)
277 		return(mtype(mid));
278 	for (np = netmach; np->nt_mid != 0; np++)
279 		if (np->nt_mid == mid)
280 			return(np->nt_type);
281 	return(0);
282 }
284 /*
285  * Hashing routines to salt away machines seen scanning
286  * networks paths that we don't know about.
287  */
289 #define	XHSIZE		19		/* Size of extra hash table */
290 #define	NXMID		(XHSIZE*3/4)	/* Max extra machines */
292 struct xtrahash {
293 	char	*xh_name;		/* Name of machine */
294 	short	xh_mid;			/* Machine ID */
295 	short	xh_attnet;		/* Attached networks */
296 } xtrahash[XHSIZE];
298 struct xtrahash	*xtab[XHSIZE];		/* F: mid-->machine name */
300 short	midfree;			/* Next free machine id */
302 /*
303  * Initialize the extra host hash table.
304  * Called by sreset.
305  */
307 minit()
308 {
309 	register struct xtrahash *xp, **tp;
310 	register int i;
312 	midfree = 0;
313 	tp = &xtab[0];
314 	for (xp = &xtrahash[0]; xp < &xtrahash[XHSIZE]; xp++) {
315 		xp->xh_name = NOSTR;
316 		xp->xh_mid = 0;
317 		xp->xh_attnet = 0;
318 		*tp++ = (struct xtrahash *) 0;
319 	}
320 }
322 /*
323  * Stash a net name in the extra host hash table.
324  * If a new entry is put in the hash table, deduce what
325  * net the machine is attached to from the net character.
326  *
327  * If the machine is already known, add the given attached
328  * net to those already known.
329  */
331 mstash(name, attnet)
332 	char name[];
333 {
334 	register struct xtrahash *xp;
335 	struct xtrahash *xlocate();
337 	xp = xlocate(name);
338 	if (xp == (struct xtrahash *) 0) {
339 		printf("Ran out of machine id spots\n");
340 		return(0);
341 	}
342 	if (xp->xh_name == NOSTR) {
343 		if (midfree >= XHSIZE) {
344 			printf("Out of machine ids\n");
345 			return(0);
346 		}
347 		xtab[midfree] = xp;
348 		xp->xh_name = savestr(name);
349 		xp->xh_mid = 0200 + midfree++;
350 	}
351 	switch (attnet) {
352 	case '!':
353 	case '^':
354 		xp->xh_attnet |= BN;
355 		break;
357 	default:
358 	case ':':
359 		xp->xh_attnet |= SN;
360 		break;
362 	case '@':
363 	case '%':
364 		xp->xh_attnet |= AN;
365 		break;
366 	}
367 	return(xp->xh_mid);
368 }
370 /*
371  * Search for the given name in the hash table
372  * and return the pointer to it if found, or to the first
373  * empty slot if not found.
374  *
375  * If no free slots can be found, return 0.
376  */
378 struct xtrahash *
379 xlocate(name)
380 	char name[];
381 {
382 	register int h, q, i;
383 	register char *cp;
384 	register struct xtrahash *xp;
386 	for (h = 0, cp = name; *cp; h = (h << 2) + *cp++)
387 		;
388 	if (h < 0 && (h = -h) < 0)
389 		h = 0;
390 	h = h % XHSIZE;
391 	cp = name;
392 	for (i = 0, q = 0; q < XHSIZE; i++, q = i * i) {
393 		xp = &xtrahash[(h + q) % XHSIZE];
394 		if (xp->xh_name == NOSTR)
395 			return(xp);
396 		if (strcmp(cp, xp->xh_name) == 0)
397 			return(xp);
398 		if (h - q < 0)
399 			q += XHSIZE;
400 		xp = &xtrahash[(h - q) % XHSIZE];
401 		if (xp->xh_name == NOSTR)
402 			return(xp);
403 		if (strcmp(cp, xp->xh_name) == 0)
404 			return(xp);
405 	}
406 	return((struct xtrahash *) 0);
407 }
409 /*
410  * Return the name from the extra host hash table corresponding
411  * to the passed machine id.
412  */
414 char *
415 mlook(mid)
416 {
417 	register int m;
419 	if ((mid & 0200) == 0)
420 		return(NOSTR);
421 	m = mid & 0177;
422 	if (m >= midfree) {
423 		printf("Use made of undefined machine id\n");
424 		return(NOSTR);
425 	}
426 	return(xtab[m]->xh_name);
427 }
429 /*
430  * Return the bit mask of net's that the given extra host machine
431  * id has so far.
432  */
434 mtype(mid)
435 {
436 	register int m;
438 	if ((mid & 0200) == 0)
439 		return(0);
440 	m = mid & 0177;
441 	if (m >= midfree) {
442 		printf("Use made of undefined machine id\n");
443 		return(0);
444 	}
445 	return(xtab[m]->xh_attnet);
446 }
448 /*
449  * Take a network name and optimize it.  This gloriously messy
450  * operation takes place as follows:  the name with machine names
451  * in it is tokenized by mapping each machine name into a single
452  * character machine id (netlook).  The separator characters (network
453  * metacharacters) are left intact.  The last component of the network
454  * name is stripped off and assumed to be the destination user name --
455  * it does not participate in the optimization.  As an example, the
456  * name "research!vax135!research!ucbvax!bill" becomes, tokenized,
457  * "r!x!r!v!" and "bill"  A low level routine, optim1, fixes up the
458  * network part (eg, "r!x!r!v!"), then we convert back to network
459  * machine names and tack the user name on the end.
460  *
461  * The result of this is copied into the parameter "name"
462  */
464 optim(net, name)
465 	char net[], name[];
466 {
467 	char netcomp[BUFSIZ], netstr[40], xfstr[40];
468 	register char *cp, *cp2;
469 	register int c;
471 	strcpy(netstr, "");
472 	cp = net;
473 	for (;;) {
474 		/*
475 		 * Rip off next path component into netcomp
476 		 */
477 		cp2 = netcomp;
478 		while (*cp && !any(*cp, metanet))
479 			*cp2++ = *cp++;
480 		*cp2 = 0;
481 		/*
482 		 * If we hit null byte, then we just scanned
483 		 * the destination user name.  Go off and optimize
484 		 * if its so.
485 		 */
486 		if (*cp == 0)
487 			break;
488 		if ((c = netlook(netcomp, *cp)) == 0) {
489 			printf("No host named \"%s\"\n", netcomp);
490 err:
491 			strcpy(name, net);
492 			return;
493 		}
494 		stradd(netstr, c);
495 		stradd(netstr, *cp++);
496 		/*
497 		 * If multiple network separators given,
498 		 * throw away the extras.
499 		 */
500 		while (any(*cp, metanet))
501 			cp++;
502 	}
503 	if (strlen(netcomp) == 0) {
504 		printf("net name syntax\n");
505 		goto err;
506 	}
507 	optim1(netstr, xfstr);
509 	/*
510 	 * Convert back to machine names.
511 	 */
513 	cp = xfstr;
514 	strcpy(name, "");
515 	while (*cp) {
516 		if ((cp2 = netname(*cp++)) == NOSTR) {
517 			printf("Made up bad net name\n");
518 			goto err;
519 		}
520 		strcat(name, cp2);
521 		stradd(name, *cp++);
522 	}
523 	strcat(name, netcomp);
524 }
526 /*
527  * Take a string of network machine id's and separators and
528  * optimize them.  We process these by pulling off maximal
529  * leading strings of the same type, passing these to the appropriate
530  * optimizer and concatenating the results.
531  */
533 #define	IMPLICIT	1
534 #define	EXPLICIT	2
536 optim1(netstr, name)
537 	char netstr[], name[];
538 {
539 	char path[40], rpath[40];
540 	register char *cp, *cp2;
541 	register int tp, nc;
543 	cp = netstr;
544 	prefer(cp);
545 	/*
546 	 * If the address ultimately points back to us,
547 	 * just return a null network path.
548 	 */
549 	if (strlen(cp) > 1 && cp[strlen(cp) - 2] == LOCAL)
550 		return;
551 	strcpy(name, "");
552 	while (*cp != 0) {
553 		strcpy(path, "");
554 		tp = ntype(cp[1]);
555 		nc = cp[1];
556 		while (*cp && tp == ntype(cp[1])) {
557 			stradd(path, *cp++);
558 			cp++;
559 		}
560 		switch (netkind(tp)) {
561 		default:
562 			strcpy(rpath, path);
563 			break;
565 		case IMPLICIT:
566 			optimimp(path, rpath);
567 			break;
569 		case EXPLICIT:
570 			optimex(path, rpath);
571 			break;
572 		}
573 		for (cp2 = rpath; *cp2 != 0; cp2++) {
574 			stradd(name, *cp2);
575 			stradd(name, nc);
576 		}
577 	}
578 	optiboth(name);
579 	prefer(name);
580 }
582 /*
583  * Return the network of the separator --
584  *	AN for arpa net
585  *	BN for Bell labs net
586  *	SN for Schmidt (berkeley net)
587  *	0 if we don't know.
588  */
590 ntype(nc)
591 	register int nc;
592 {
594 	switch (nc) {
595 	case '^':
596 	case '!':
597 		return(BN);
599 	case ':':
600 	case '.':
601 		return(SN);
603 	case '@':
604 	case '%':
605 		return(AN);
607 	default:
608 		return(0);
609 	}
610 	/* NOTREACHED */
611 }
613 /*
614  * Return the kind of routing used for the particular net
615  * EXPLICIT means explicitly routed
616  * IMPLICIT means implicitly routed
617  * 0 means don't know
618  */
620 netkind(nt)
621 	register int nt;
622 {
624 	switch (nt) {
625 	case BN:
626 		return(EXPLICIT);
628 	case AN:
629 	case SN:
630 		return(IMPLICIT);
632 	default:
633 		return(0);
634 	}
635 	/* NOTREACHED */
636 }
638 /*
639  * Do name optimization for an explicitly routed network (eg BTL network).
640  */
642 optimex(net, name)
643 	char net[], name[];
644 {
645 	register char *cp, *rp;
646 	register int m;
647 	char *rindex();
649 	strcpy(name, net);
650 	cp = name;
651 	if (strlen(cp) == 0)
652 		return(-1);
653 	if (cp[strlen(cp)-1] == LOCAL) {
654 		name[0] = 0;
655 		return(0);
656 	}
657 	for (cp = name; *cp; cp++) {
658 		m = *cp;
659 		rp = rindex(cp+1, m);
660 		if (rp != NOSTR)
661 			strcpy(cp, rp);
662 	}
663 	return(0);
664 }
666 /*
667  * Do name optimization for implicitly routed network (eg, arpanet,
668  * Berkeley network)
669  */
671 optimimp(net, name)
672 	char net[], name[];
673 {
674 	register char *cp;
675 	register int m;
677 	cp = net;
678 	if (strlen(cp) == 0)
679 		return(-1);
680 	m = cp[strlen(cp) - 1];
681 	if (m == LOCAL) {
682 		strcpy(name, "");
683 		return(0);
684 	}
685 	name[0] = m;
686 	name[1] = 0;
687 	return(0);
688 }
690 /*
691  * Perform global optimization on the given network path.
692  * The trick here is to look ahead to see if there are any loops
693  * in the path and remove them.  The interpretation of loops is
694  * more strict here than in optimex since both the machine and net
695  * type must match.
696  */
698 optiboth(net)
699 	char net[];
700 {
701 	register char *cp, *cp2;
702 	char *rpair();
704 	cp = net;
705 	if (strlen(cp) == 0)
706 		return;
707 	if ((strlen(cp) % 2) != 0) {
708 		printf("Strange arg to optiboth\n");
709 		return;
710 	}
711 	while (*cp) {
712 		cp2 = rpair(cp+2, *cp);
713 		if (cp2 != NOSTR)
714 			strcpy(cp, cp2);
715 		cp += 2;
716 	}
717 }
719 /*
720  * Find the rightmost instance of the given (machine, type) pair.
721  */
723 char *
724 rpair(str, mach)
725 	char str[];
726 {
727 	register char *cp, *last;
729 	last = NOSTR;
730 	while (*cp) {
731 		if (*cp == mach)
732 			last = cp;
733 		cp += 2;
734 	}
735 	return(last);
736 }
738 /*
739  * Change the network separators in the given network path
740  * to the preferred network transmission means.
741  */
743 prefer(name)
744 	char name[];
745 {
746 	register char *cp;
747 	register int state, n;
749 	state = LOCAL;
750 	for (cp = name; *cp; cp += 2) {
751 		n = best(state, *cp);
752 		if (n)
753 			cp[1] = n;
754 		state = *cp;
755 	}
756 }
758 /*
759  * Return the best network separator for the given machine pair.
760  */
762 struct netorder {
763 	short	no_stat;
764 	char	no_char;
765 } netorder[] = {
766 	CN,	':',
767 	AN,	'@',
768 	AN,	'%',
769 	SN,	':',
770 	BN,	'!',
771 	-1,	0
772 };
774 best(src, dest)
775 {
776 	register int dtype, stype;
777 	register struct netorder *np;
779 	stype = nettype(src);
780 	dtype = nettype(dest);
781 	fflush(stdout);
782 	if (stype == 0 || dtype == 0) {
783 		printf("ERROR:  unknown internal machine id\n");
784 		return(0);
785 	}
786 	if ((stype & dtype) == 0)
787 		return(0);
788 	np = &netorder[0];
789 	while ((np->no_stat & stype & dtype) == 0)
790 		np++;
791 	return(np->no_char);
792 }
794 /*
795  * Code to twist around arpa net names.
796  */
798 #define WORD 257			/* Token for a string */
800 static	char netbuf[256];
801 static	char *yylval;
803 /*
804  * Reverse all of the arpa net addresses in the given name to
805  * be of the form "host @ user" instead of "user @ host"
806  * This function is its own inverse.
807  */
809 char *
810 revarpa(str)
811 	char str[];
812 {
814 	if (yyinit(str) < 0)
815 		return(NOSTR);
816 	if (name())
817 		return(NOSTR);
818 	if (strcmp(str, netbuf) == 0)
819 		return(str);
820 	return(savestr(netbuf));
821 }
823 /*
824  * Parse (by recursive descent) network names, using the following grammar:
825  *	name:
826  *		term {':' term}
827  *		term {'^' term}
828  *		term {'!' term}
829  *		term '@' name
830  *		term '%' name
831  *
832  *	term:
833  *		string of characters.
834  */
836 name()
837 {
838 	register int t;
839 	register char *cp;
841 	for (;;) {
842 		t = yylex();
843 		if (t != WORD)
844 			return(-1);
845 		cp = yylval;
846 		t = yylex();
847 		switch (t) {
848 		case 0:
849 			strcat(netbuf, cp);
850 			return(0);
852 		case '@':
853 		case '%':
854 			if (name())
855 				return(-1);
856 			stradd(netbuf, '@');
857 			strcat(netbuf, cp);
858 			return(0);
860 		case WORD:
861 			return(-1);
863 		default:
864 			strcat(netbuf, cp);
865 			stradd(netbuf, t);
866 		}
867 	}
868 }
870 /*
871  * Scanner for network names.
872  */
874 static	char *charp;			/* Current input pointer */
875 static	int nexttok;			/* Salted away next token */
877 /*
878  * Initialize the network name scanner.
879  */
881 yyinit(str)
882 	char str[];
883 {
884 	static char lexbuf[BUFSIZ];
886 	netbuf[0] = 0;
887 	if (strlen(str) >= sizeof lexbuf - 1)
888 		return(-1);
889 	nexttok = 0;
890 	strcpy(lexbuf, str);
891 	charp = lexbuf;
892 	return(0);
893 }
895 /*
896  * Scan and return a single token.
897  * yylval is set to point to a scanned string.
898  */
900 yylex()
901 {
902 	register char *cp, *dot;
903 	register int s;
905 	if (nexttok) {
906 		s = nexttok;
907 		nexttok = 0;
908 		return(s);
909 	}
910 	cp = charp;
911 	while (*cp && isspace(*cp))
912 		cp++;
913 	if (*cp == 0)
914 		return(0);
915 	if (any(*cp, "!^@:%")) {
916 		charp = cp+1;
917 		return(*cp);
918 	}
919 	dot = cp;
920 	while (*cp && !any(*cp, " \t!^@:%"))
921 		cp++;
922 	if (any(*cp, "!^@:%"))
923 		nexttok = *cp;
924 	if (*cp == 0)
925 		charp = cp;
926 	else
927 		charp = cp+1;
928 	*cp = 0;
929 	yylval = dot;
930 	return(WORD);
931 }
933 /*
934  * Add a single character onto a string.
935  */
937 stradd(str, c)
938 	register char *str;
939 	register int c;
940 {
942 	str += strlen(str);
943 	*str++ = c;
944 	*str = 0;
945 }