xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/make/compat.c (revision d4e64eb8)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  * Copyright (c) 1989 by Berkeley Softworks
5  * All rights reserved.
6  *
7  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
8  * Adam de Boor.
9  *
10  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
11  */
13 #ifndef lint
14 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)compat.c	8.3 (Berkeley) 04/28/95";
15 #endif /* not lint */
17 /*-
18  * compat.c --
19  *	The routines in this file implement the full-compatibility
20  *	mode of PMake. Most of the special functionality of PMake
21  *	is available in this mode. Things not supported:
22  *	    - different shells.
23  *	    - friendly variable substitution.
24  *
25  * Interface:
26  *	Compat_Run	    Initialize things for this module and recreate
27  *	    	  	    thems as need creatin'
28  */
30 #include    <stdio.h>
31 #include    <sys/types.h>
32 #include    <sys/signal.h>
33 #include    <sys/wait.h>
34 #include    <sys/errno.h>
35 #include    <sys/stat.h>
36 #include    <ctype.h>
37 #include    "make.h"
38 #include    "hash.h"
39 #include    "dir.h"
40 #include    "job.h"
41 extern int errno;
43 /*
44  * The following array is used to make a fast determination of which
45  * characters are interpreted specially by the shell.  If a command
46  * contains any of these characters, it is executed by the shell, not
47  * directly by us.
48  */
50 static char 	    meta[256];
52 static GNode	    *curTarg = NILGNODE;
53 static GNode	    *ENDNode;
54 static void CompatInterrupt __P((int));
55 static int CompatRunCommand __P((ClientData, ClientData));
56 static int CompatMake __P((ClientData, ClientData));
58 /*-
59  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
60  * CompatInterrupt --
61  *	Interrupt the creation of the current target and remove it if
62  *	it ain't precious.
63  *
64  * Results:
65  *	None.
66  *
67  * Side Effects:
68  *	The target is removed and the process exits. If .INTERRUPT exists,
69  *	its commands are run first WITH INTERRUPTS IGNORED..
70  *
71  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
72  */
73 static void
74 CompatInterrupt (signo)
75     int	    signo;
76 {
77     GNode   *gn;
79     if ((curTarg != NILGNODE) && !Targ_Precious (curTarg)) {
80 	char	  *p1;
81 	char 	  *file = Var_Value (TARGET, curTarg, &p1);
82 	struct stat st;
84 	if (!noExecute && lstat(file, &st) != -1 && !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) &&
85 	    unlink(file) != -1) {
86 	    printf ("*** %s removed\n", file);
87 	}
88 	if (p1)
89 	    free(p1);
91 	/*
92 	 * Run .INTERRUPT only if hit with interrupt signal
93 	 */
94 	if (signo == SIGINT) {
95 	    gn = Targ_FindNode(".INTERRUPT", TARG_NOCREATE);
96 	    if (gn != NILGNODE) {
97 		Lst_ForEach(gn->commands, CompatRunCommand, (ClientData)gn);
98 	    }
99 	}
101     }
102     exit (signo);
103 }
105 /*-
106  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
107  * CompatRunCommand --
108  *	Execute the next command for a target. If the command returns an
109  *	error, the node's made field is set to ERROR and creation stops.
110  *
111  * Results:
112  *	0 if the command succeeded, 1 if an error occurred.
113  *
114  * Side Effects:
115  *	The node's 'made' field may be set to ERROR.
116  *
117  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
118  */
119 static int
120 CompatRunCommand (cmdp, gnp)
121     ClientData    cmdp;	    	/* Command to execute */
122     ClientData    gnp;    	/* Node from which the command came */
123 {
124     char    	  *cmdStart;	/* Start of expanded command */
125     register char *cp;
126     Boolean 	  silent,   	/* Don't print command */
127 		  errCheck; 	/* Check errors */
128     union wait 	  reason;   	/* Reason for child's death */
129     int	    	  status;   	/* Description of child's death */
130     int	    	  cpid;	    	/* Child actually found */
131     ReturnStatus  stat;	    	/* Status of fork */
132     LstNode 	  cmdNode;  	/* Node where current command is located */
133     char    	  **av;	    	/* Argument vector for thing to exec */
134     int	    	  argc;	    	/* Number of arguments in av or 0 if not
135 				 * dynamically allocated */
136     Boolean 	  local;    	/* TRUE if command should be executed
137 				 * locally */
138     char	  *cmd = (char *) cmdp;
139     GNode	  *gn = (GNode *) gnp;
141     /*
142      * Avoid clobbered variable warnings by forcing the compiler
143      * to ``unregister'' variables
144      */
145 #if __GNUC__
146     (void) &av;
147     (void) &errCheck;
148 #endif
149     silent = gn->type & OP_SILENT;
150     errCheck = !(gn->type & OP_IGNORE);
152     cmdNode = Lst_Member (gn->commands, (ClientData)cmd);
153     cmdStart = Var_Subst (NULL, cmd, gn, FALSE);
155     /*
156      * brk_string will return an argv with a NULL in av[1], thus causing
157      * execvp to choke and die horribly. Besides, how can we execute a null
158      * command? In any case, we warn the user that the command expanded to
159      * nothing (is this the right thing to do?).
160      */
162     if (*cmdStart == '\0') {
163 	free(cmdStart);
164 	Error("%s expands to empty string", cmd);
165 	return(0);
166     } else {
167 	cmd = cmdStart;
168     }
169     Lst_Replace (cmdNode, (ClientData)cmdStart);
171     if ((gn->type & OP_SAVE_CMDS) && (gn != ENDNode)) {
172 	(void)Lst_AtEnd(ENDNode->commands, (ClientData)cmdStart);
173 	return(0);
174     } else if (strcmp(cmdStart, "...") == 0) {
175 	gn->type |= OP_SAVE_CMDS;
176 	return(0);
177     }
179     while ((*cmd == '@') || (*cmd == '-')) {
180 	if (*cmd == '@') {
181 	    silent = TRUE;
182 	} else {
183 	    errCheck = FALSE;
184 	}
185 	cmd++;
186     }
188     while (isspace((unsigned char)*cmd))
189 	cmd++;
191     /*
192      * Search for meta characters in the command. If there are no meta
193      * characters, there's no need to execute a shell to execute the
194      * command.
195      */
196     for (cp = cmd; !meta[(unsigned char)*cp]; cp++) {
197 	continue;
198     }
200     /*
201      * Print the command before echoing if we're not supposed to be quiet for
202      * this one. We also print the command if -n given.
203      */
204     if (!silent || noExecute) {
205 	printf ("%s\n", cmd);
206 	fflush(stdout);
207     }
209     /*
210      * If we're not supposed to execute any commands, this is as far as
211      * we go...
212      */
213     if (noExecute) {
214 	return (0);
215     }
217     if (*cp != '\0') {
218 	/*
219 	 * If *cp isn't the null character, we hit a "meta" character and
220 	 * need to pass the command off to the shell. We give the shell the
221 	 * -e flag as well as -c if it's supposed to exit when it hits an
222 	 * error.
223 	 */
224 	static char	*shargv[4] = { "/bin/sh" };
226 	shargv[1] = (errCheck ? "-ec" : "-c");
227 	shargv[2] = cmd;
228 	shargv[3] = (char *)NULL;
229 	av = shargv;
230 	argc = 0;
231     } else {
232 	/*
233 	 * No meta-characters, so no need to exec a shell. Break the command
234 	 * into words to form an argument vector we can execute.
235 	 * brk_string sticks our name in av[0], so we have to
236 	 * skip over it...
237 	 */
238 	av = brk_string(cmd, &argc, TRUE);
239 	av += 1;
240     }
242     local = TRUE;
244     /*
245      * Fork and execute the single command. If the fork fails, we abort.
246      */
247     cpid = vfork();
248     if (cpid < 0) {
249 	Fatal("Could not fork");
250     }
251     if (cpid == 0) {
252 	if (local) {
253 	    execvp(av[0], av);
254 	    (void) write (2, av[0], strlen (av[0]));
255 	    (void) write (2, ": not found\n", sizeof(": not found"));
256 	} else {
257 	    (void)execv(av[0], av);
258 	}
259 	exit(1);
260     }
261     free(cmdStart);
262     Lst_Replace (cmdNode, (ClientData) NULL);
264     /*
265      * The child is off and running. Now all we can do is wait...
266      */
267     while (1) {
269 	while ((stat = wait((int *)&reason)) != cpid) {
270 	    if (stat == -1 && errno != EINTR) {
271 		break;
272 	    }
273 	}
275 	if (stat > -1) {
276 	    if (WIFSTOPPED(reason)) {
277 		status = reason.w_stopval;		/* stopped */
278 	    } else if (WIFEXITED(reason)) {
279 		status = reason.w_retcode;		/* exited */
280 		if (status != 0) {
281 		    printf ("*** Error code %d", status);
282 		}
283 	    } else {
284 		status = reason.w_termsig;		/* signaled */
285 		printf ("*** Signal %d", status);
286 	    }
289 	    if (!WIFEXITED(reason) || (status != 0)) {
290 		if (errCheck) {
291 		    gn->made = ERROR;
292 		    if (keepgoing) {
293 			/*
294 			 * Abort the current target, but let others
295 			 * continue.
296 			 */
297 			printf (" (continuing)\n");
298 		    }
299 		} else {
300 		    /*
301 		     * Continue executing commands for this target.
302 		     * If we return 0, this will happen...
303 		     */
304 		    printf (" (ignored)\n");
305 		    status = 0;
306 		}
307 	    }
308 	    break;
309 	} else {
310 	    Fatal ("error in wait: %d", stat);
311 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
312 	}
313     }
315     return (status);
316 }
318 /*-
319  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
320  * CompatMake --
321  *	Make a target.
322  *
323  * Results:
324  *	0
325  *
326  * Side Effects:
327  *	If an error is detected and not being ignored, the process exits.
328  *
329  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
330  */
331 static int
332 CompatMake (gnp, pgnp)
333     ClientData	gnp;	    /* The node to make */
334     ClientData  pgnp;	    /* Parent to abort if necessary */
335 {
336     GNode *gn = (GNode *) gnp;
337     GNode *pgn = (GNode *) pgnp;
338     if (gn->type & OP_USE) {
339 	Make_HandleUse(gn, pgn);
340     } else if (gn->made == UNMADE) {
341 	/*
342 	 * First mark ourselves to be made, then apply whatever transformations
343 	 * the suffix module thinks are necessary. Once that's done, we can
344 	 * descend and make all our children. If any of them has an error
345 	 * but the -k flag was given, our 'make' field will be set FALSE again.
346 	 * This is our signal to not attempt to do anything but abort our
347 	 * parent as well.
348 	 */
349 	gn->make = TRUE;
350 	gn->made = BEINGMADE;
351 	Suff_FindDeps (gn);
352 	Lst_ForEach (gn->children, CompatMake, (ClientData)gn);
353 	if (!gn->make) {
354 	    gn->made = ABORTED;
355 	    pgn->make = FALSE;
356 	    return (0);
357 	}
359 	if (Lst_Member (gn->iParents, pgn) != NILLNODE) {
360 	    char *p1;
361 	    Var_Set (IMPSRC, Var_Value(TARGET, gn, &p1), pgn);
362 	    if (p1)
363 		free(p1);
364 	}
366 	/*
367 	 * All the children were made ok. Now cmtime contains the modification
368 	 * time of the newest child, we need to find out if we exist and when
369 	 * we were modified last. The criteria for datedness are defined by the
370 	 * Make_OODate function.
371 	 */
372 	if (DEBUG(MAKE)) {
373 	    printf("Examining %s...", gn->name);
374 	}
375 	if (! Make_OODate(gn)) {
376 	    gn->made = UPTODATE;
377 	    if (DEBUG(MAKE)) {
378 		printf("up-to-date.\n");
379 	    }
380 	    return (0);
381 	} else if (DEBUG(MAKE)) {
382 	    printf("out-of-date.\n");
383 	}
385 	/*
386 	 * If the user is just seeing if something is out-of-date, exit now
387 	 * to tell him/her "yes".
388 	 */
389 	if (queryFlag) {
390 	    exit (-1);
391 	}
393 	/*
394 	 * We need to be re-made. We also have to make sure we've got a $?
395 	 * variable. To be nice, we also define the $> variable using
396 	 * Make_DoAllVar().
397 	 */
398 	Make_DoAllVar(gn);
400 	/*
401 	 * Alter our type to tell if errors should be ignored or things
402 	 * should not be printed so CompatRunCommand knows what to do.
403 	 */
404 	if (Targ_Ignore (gn)) {
405 	    gn->type |= OP_IGNORE;
406 	}
407 	if (Targ_Silent (gn)) {
408 	    gn->type |= OP_SILENT;
409 	}
411 	if (Job_CheckCommands (gn, Fatal)) {
412 	    /*
413 	     * Our commands are ok, but we still have to worry about the -t
414 	     * flag...
415 	     */
416 	    if (!touchFlag) {
417 		curTarg = gn;
418 		Lst_ForEach (gn->commands, CompatRunCommand, (ClientData)gn);
419 		curTarg = NILGNODE;
420 	    } else {
421 		Job_Touch (gn, gn->type & OP_SILENT);
422 	    }
423 	} else {
424 	    gn->made = ERROR;
425 	}
427 	if (gn->made != ERROR) {
428 	    /*
429 	     * If the node was made successfully, mark it so, update
430 	     * its modification time and timestamp all its parents. Note
431 	     * that for .ZEROTIME targets, the timestamping isn't done.
432 	     * This is to keep its state from affecting that of its parent.
433 	     */
434 	    gn->made = MADE;
435 #ifndef RECHECK
436 	    /*
437 	     * We can't re-stat the thing, but we can at least take care of
438 	     * rules where a target depends on a source that actually creates
439 	     * the target, but only if it has changed, e.g.
440 	     *
441 	     * parse.h : parse.o
442 	     *
443 	     * parse.o : parse.y
444 	     *  	yacc -d parse.y
445 	     *  	cc -c y.tab.c
446 	     *  	mv y.tab.o parse.o
447 	     *  	cmp -s y.tab.h parse.h || mv y.tab.h parse.h
448 	     *
449 	     * In this case, if the definitions produced by yacc haven't
450 	     * changed from before, parse.h won't have been updated and
451 	     * gn->mtime will reflect the current modification time for
452 	     * parse.h. This is something of a kludge, I admit, but it's a
453 	     * useful one..
454 	     *
455 	     * XXX: People like to use a rule like
456 	     *
457 	     * FRC:
458 	     *
459 	     * To force things that depend on FRC to be made, so we have to
460 	     * check for gn->children being empty as well...
461 	     */
462 	    if (!Lst_IsEmpty(gn->commands) || Lst_IsEmpty(gn->children)) {
463 		gn->mtime = now;
464 	    }
465 #else
466 	    /*
467 	     * This is what Make does and it's actually a good thing, as it
468 	     * allows rules like
469 	     *
470 	     *	cmp -s y.tab.h parse.h || cp y.tab.h parse.h
471 	     *
472 	     * to function as intended. Unfortunately, thanks to the stateless
473 	     * nature of NFS (and the speed of this program), there are times
474 	     * when the modification time of a file created on a remote
475 	     * machine will not be modified before the stat() implied by
476 	     * the Dir_MTime occurs, thus leading us to believe that the file
477 	     * is unchanged, wreaking havoc with files that depend on this one.
478 	     *
479 	     * I have decided it is better to make too much than to make too
480 	     * little, so this stuff is commented out unless you're sure it's
481 	     * ok.
482 	     * -- ardeb 1/12/88
483 	     */
484 	    if (noExecute || Dir_MTime(gn) == 0) {
485 		gn->mtime = now;
486 	    }
487 	    if (gn->cmtime > gn->mtime)
488 		gn->mtime = gn->cmtime;
489 	    if (DEBUG(MAKE)) {
490 		printf("update time: %s\n", Targ_FmtTime(gn->mtime));
491 	    }
492 #endif
493 	    if (!(gn->type & OP_EXEC)) {
494 		pgn->childMade = TRUE;
495 		Make_TimeStamp(pgn, gn);
496 	    }
497 	} else if (keepgoing) {
498 	    pgn->make = FALSE;
499 	} else {
500 	    printf ("\n\nStop.\n");
501 	    exit (1);
502 	}
503     } else if (gn->made == ERROR) {
504 	/*
505 	 * Already had an error when making this beastie. Tell the parent
506 	 * to abort.
507 	 */
508 	pgn->make = FALSE;
509     } else {
510 	if (Lst_Member (gn->iParents, pgn) != NILLNODE) {
511 	    char *p1;
512 	    Var_Set (IMPSRC, Var_Value(TARGET, gn, &p1), pgn);
513 	    if (p1)
514 		free(p1);
515 	}
516 	switch(gn->made) {
517 	    case BEINGMADE:
518 		Error("Graph cycles through %s\n", gn->name);
519 		gn->made = ERROR;
520 		pgn->make = FALSE;
521 		break;
522 	    case MADE:
523 		if ((gn->type & OP_EXEC) == 0) {
524 		    pgn->childMade = TRUE;
525 		    Make_TimeStamp(pgn, gn);
526 		}
527 		break;
528 	    case UPTODATE:
529 		if ((gn->type & OP_EXEC) == 0) {
530 		    Make_TimeStamp(pgn, gn);
531 		}
532 		break;
533 	    default:
534 		break;
535 	}
536     }
538     return (0);
539 }
541 /*-
542  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
543  * Compat_Run --
544  *	Initialize this mode and start making.
545  *
546  * Results:
547  *	None.
548  *
549  * Side Effects:
550  *	Guess what?
551  *
552  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
553  */
554 void
555 Compat_Run(targs)
556     Lst	    	  targs;    /* List of target nodes to re-create */
557 {
558     char    	  *cp;	    /* Pointer to string of shell meta-characters */
559     GNode   	  *gn = NULL;/* Current root target */
560     int	    	  errors;   /* Number of targets not remade due to errors */
562     if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
563 	signal(SIGINT, CompatInterrupt);
564     }
565     if (signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
566 	signal(SIGTERM, CompatInterrupt);
567     }
568     if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
569 	signal(SIGHUP, CompatInterrupt);
570     }
571     if (signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
572 	signal(SIGQUIT, CompatInterrupt);
573     }
575     for (cp = "#=|^(){};&<>*?[]:$`\\\n"; *cp != '\0'; cp++) {
576 	meta[(unsigned char) *cp] = 1;
577     }
578     /*
579      * The null character serves as a sentinel in the string.
580      */
581     meta[0] = 1;
583     ENDNode = Targ_FindNode(".END", TARG_CREATE);
584     /*
585      * If the user has defined a .BEGIN target, execute the commands attached
586      * to it.
587      */
588     if (!queryFlag) {
589 	gn = Targ_FindNode(".BEGIN", TARG_NOCREATE);
590 	if (gn != NILGNODE) {
591 	    Lst_ForEach(gn->commands, CompatRunCommand, (ClientData)gn);
592 	}
593     }
595     /*
596      * For each entry in the list of targets to create, call CompatMake on
597      * it to create the thing. CompatMake will leave the 'made' field of gn
598      * in one of several states:
599      *	    UPTODATE	    gn was already up-to-date
600      *	    MADE  	    gn was recreated successfully
601      *	    ERROR 	    An error occurred while gn was being created
602      *	    ABORTED	    gn was not remade because one of its inferiors
603      *	    	  	    could not be made due to errors.
604      */
605     errors = 0;
606     while (!Lst_IsEmpty (targs)) {
607 	gn = (GNode *) Lst_DeQueue (targs);
608 	CompatMake (gn, gn);
610 	if (gn->made == UPTODATE) {
611 	    printf ("`%s' is up to date.\n", gn->name);
612 	} else if (gn->made == ABORTED) {
613 	    printf ("`%s' not remade because of errors.\n", gn->name);
614 	    errors += 1;
615 	}
616     }
618     /*
619      * If the user has defined a .END target, run its commands.
620      */
621     if (errors == 0) {
622 	Lst_ForEach(ENDNode->commands, CompatRunCommand, (ClientData)gn);
623     }
624 }