xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/netstat/inet.c (revision cb4a39e8)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1983, 1988, 1993, 1995
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  */
8 #ifndef lint
9 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)inet.c	8.5 (Berkeley) 05/24/95";
10 #endif /* not lint */
12 #include <sys/param.h>
13 #include <sys/socket.h>
14 #include <sys/socketvar.h>
15 #include <sys/mbuf.h>
16 #include <sys/protosw.h>
18 #include <net/route.h>
19 #include <netinet/in.h>
20 #include <netinet/in_systm.h>
21 #include <netinet/ip.h>
22 #include <netinet/in_pcb.h>
23 #include <netinet/ip_icmp.h>
24 #include <netinet/icmp_var.h>
25 #include <netinet/igmp_var.h>
26 #include <netinet/ip_var.h>
27 #include <netinet/tcp.h>
28 #include <netinet/tcpip.h>
29 #include <netinet/tcp_seq.h>
30 #define TCPSTATES
31 #include <netinet/tcp_fsm.h>
32 #include <netinet/tcp_timer.h>
33 #include <netinet/tcp_var.h>
34 #include <netinet/tcp_debug.h>
35 #include <netinet/udp.h>
36 #include <netinet/udp_var.h>
38 #include <arpa/inet.h>
39 #include <netdb.h>
40 #include <stdio.h>
41 #include <string.h>
42 #include <unistd.h>
43 #include "netstat.h"
45 struct	inpcb inpcb;
46 struct	tcpcb tcpcb;
47 struct	socket sockb;
49 char	*inetname __P((struct in_addr *));
50 void	inetprint __P((struct in_addr *, int, char *));
52 /*
53  * Print a summary of connections related to an Internet
54  * protocol.  For TCP, also give state of connection.
55  * Listening processes (aflag) are suppressed unless the
56  * -a (all) flag is specified.
57  */
58 void
59 protopr(off, name)
60 	u_long off;
61 	char *name;
62 {
63 	struct inpcb cb;
64 	register struct inpcb *prev, *next;
65 	int istcp;
66 	static int first = 1;
68 	if (off == 0)
69 		return;
70 	istcp = strcmp(name, "tcp") == 0;
71 	kread(off, (char *)&cb, sizeof (struct inpcb));
72 	inpcb = cb;
73 	prev = (struct inpcb *)off;
74 	if (inpcb.inp_next == (struct inpcb *)off)
75 		return;
76 	while (inpcb.inp_next != (struct inpcb *)off) {
77 		next = inpcb.inp_next;
78 		kread((u_long)next, (char *)&inpcb, sizeof (inpcb));
79 		if (inpcb.inp_prev != prev) {
80 			printf("???\n");
81 			break;
82 		}
83 		if (!aflag &&
84 		  inet_lnaof(inpcb.inp_laddr) == INADDR_ANY) {
85 			prev = next;
86 			continue;
87 		}
88 		kread((u_long)inpcb.inp_socket, (char *)&sockb, sizeof (sockb));
89 		if (istcp) {
90 			kread((u_long)inpcb.inp_ppcb,
91 			    (char *)&tcpcb, sizeof (tcpcb));
92 		}
93 		if (first) {
94 			printf("Active Internet connections");
95 			if (aflag)
96 				printf(" (including servers)");
97 			putchar('\n');
98 			if (Aflag)
99 				printf("%-8.8s ", "PCB");
100 			printf(Aflag ?
101 				"%-5.5s %-6.6s %-6.6s  %-18.18s %-18.18s %s\n" :
102 				"%-5.5s %-6.6s %-6.6s  %-22.22s %-22.22s %s\n",
103 				"Proto", "Recv-Q", "Send-Q",
104 				"Local Address", "Foreign Address", "(state)");
105 			first = 0;
106 		}
107 		if (Aflag)
108 			if (istcp)
109 				printf("%8x ", inpcb.inp_ppcb);
110 			else
111 				printf("%8x ", next);
112 		printf("%-5.5s %6d %6d ", name, sockb.so_rcv.sb_cc,
113 			sockb.so_snd.sb_cc);
114 		inetprint(&inpcb.inp_laddr, (int)inpcb.inp_lport, name);
115 		inetprint(&inpcb.inp_faddr, (int)inpcb.inp_fport, name);
116 		if (istcp) {
117 			if (tcpcb.t_state < 0 || tcpcb.t_state >= TCP_NSTATES)
118 				printf(" %d", tcpcb.t_state);
119 			else
120 				printf(" %s", tcpstates[tcpcb.t_state]);
121 		}
122 		putchar('\n');
123 		prev = next;
124 	}
125 }
127 /*
128  * Dump TCP statistics structure.
129  */
130 void
131 tcp_stats(off, name)
132 	u_long off;
133 	char *name;
134 {
135 	struct tcpstat tcpstat;
137 	if (off == 0)
138 		return;
139 	printf ("%s:\n", name);
140 	kread(off, (char *)&tcpstat, sizeof (tcpstat));
142 #define	p(f, m) if (tcpstat.f || sflag <= 1) \
143     printf(m, tcpstat.f, plural(tcpstat.f))
144 #define	p2(f1, f2, m) if (tcpstat.f1 || tcpstat.f2 || sflag <= 1) \
145     printf(m, tcpstat.f1, plural(tcpstat.f1), tcpstat.f2, plural(tcpstat.f2))
146 #define	p3(f, m) if (tcpstat.f || sflag <= 1) \
147     printf(m, tcpstat.f, plurales(tcpstat.f))
149 	p(tcps_sndtotal, "\t%d packet%s sent\n");
150 	p2(tcps_sndpack,tcps_sndbyte,
151 		"\t\t%d data packet%s (%d byte%s)\n");
152 	p2(tcps_sndrexmitpack, tcps_sndrexmitbyte,
153 		"\t\t%d data packet%s (%d byte%s) retransmitted\n");
154 	p2(tcps_sndacks, tcps_delack,
155 		"\t\t%d ack-only packet%s (%d delayed)\n");
156 	p(tcps_sndurg, "\t\t%d URG only packet%s\n");
157 	p(tcps_sndprobe, "\t\t%d window probe packet%s\n");
158 	p(tcps_sndwinup, "\t\t%d window update packet%s\n");
159 	p(tcps_sndctrl, "\t\t%d control packet%s\n");
160 	p(tcps_rcvtotal, "\t%d packet%s received\n");
161 	p2(tcps_rcvackpack, tcps_rcvackbyte, "\t\t%d ack%s (for %d byte%s)\n");
162 	p(tcps_rcvdupack, "\t\t%d duplicate ack%s\n");
163 	p(tcps_rcvacktoomuch, "\t\t%d ack%s for unsent data\n");
164 	p2(tcps_rcvpack, tcps_rcvbyte,
165 		"\t\t%d packet%s (%d byte%s) received in-sequence\n");
166 	p2(tcps_rcvduppack, tcps_rcvdupbyte,
167 		"\t\t%d completely duplicate packet%s (%d byte%s)\n");
168 	p(tcps_pawsdrop, "\t\t%d old duplicate packet%s\n");
169 	p2(tcps_rcvpartduppack, tcps_rcvpartdupbyte,
170 		"\t\t%d packet%s with some dup. data (%d byte%s duped)\n");
171 	p2(tcps_rcvoopack, tcps_rcvoobyte,
172 		"\t\t%d out-of-order packet%s (%d byte%s)\n");
173 	p2(tcps_rcvpackafterwin, tcps_rcvbyteafterwin,
174 		"\t\t%d packet%s (%d byte%s) of data after window\n");
175 	p(tcps_rcvwinprobe, "\t\t%d window probe%s\n");
176 	p(tcps_rcvwinupd, "\t\t%d window update packet%s\n");
177 	p(tcps_rcvafterclose, "\t\t%d packet%s received after close\n");
178 	p(tcps_rcvbadsum, "\t\t%d discarded for bad checksum%s\n");
179 	p(tcps_rcvbadoff, "\t\t%d discarded for bad header offset field%s\n");
180 	p(tcps_rcvshort, "\t\t%d discarded because packet too short\n");
181 	p(tcps_connattempt, "\t%d connection request%s\n");
182 	p(tcps_accepts, "\t%d connection accept%s\n");
183 	p(tcps_badsyn, "\t%d bad connection attempt%s\n");
184 	p(tcps_connects, "\t%d connection%s established (including accepts)\n");
185 	p2(tcps_closed, tcps_drops,
186 		"\t%d connection%s closed (including %d drop%s)\n");
187 	p(tcps_conndrops, "\t%d embryonic connection%s dropped\n");
188 	p2(tcps_rttupdated, tcps_segstimed,
189 		"\t%d segment%s updated rtt (of %d attempt%s)\n");
190 	p(tcps_rexmttimeo, "\t%d retransmit timeout%s\n");
191 	p(tcps_timeoutdrop, "\t\t%d connection%s dropped by rexmit timeout\n");
192 	p(tcps_persisttimeo, "\t%d persist timeout%s\n");
193 	p(tcps_persistdrop, "\t%d connection%s timed out in persist\n");
194 	p(tcps_keeptimeo, "\t%d keepalive timeout%s\n");
195 	p(tcps_keepprobe, "\t\t%d keepalive probe%s sent\n");
196 	p(tcps_keepdrops, "\t\t%d connection%s dropped by keepalive\n");
197 	p(tcps_predack, "\t%d correct ACK header prediction%s\n");
198 	p(tcps_preddat, "\t%d correct data packet header prediction%s\n");
199 	p3(tcps_pcbcachemiss, "\t%d PCB cache miss%s\n");
200 #undef p
201 #undef p2
202 #undef p3
203 }
205 /*
206  * Dump UDP statistics structure.
207  */
208 void
209 udp_stats(off, name)
210 	u_long off;
211 	char *name;
212 {
213 	struct udpstat udpstat;
214 	u_long delivered;
216 	if (off == 0)
217 		return;
218 	kread(off, (char *)&udpstat, sizeof (udpstat));
219 	printf("%s:\n", name);
220 #define	p(f, m) if (udpstat.f || sflag <= 1) \
221     printf(m, udpstat.f, plural(udpstat.f))
222 	p(udps_ipackets, "\t%u datagram%s received\n");
223 	p(udps_hdrops, "\t%u with incomplete header\n");
224 	p(udps_badlen, "\t%u with bad data length field\n");
225 	p(udps_badsum, "\t%u with bad checksum\n");
226 	p(udps_noport, "\t%u dropped due to no socket\n");
227 	p(udps_noportbcast, "\t%u broadcast/multicast datagram%s dropped due to no socket\n");
228 	p(udps_fullsock, "\t%u dropped due to full socket buffers\n");
229 	delivered = udpstat.udps_ipackets -
230 		    udpstat.udps_hdrops -
231 		    udpstat.udps_badlen -
232 		    udpstat.udps_badsum -
233 		    udpstat.udps_noport -
234 		    udpstat.udps_noportbcast -
235 		    udpstat.udps_fullsock;
236 	if (delivered || sflag <= 1)
237 		printf("\t%u delivered\n", delivered);
238 	p(udps_opackets, "\t%u datagram%s output\n");
239 #undef p
240 }
242 /*
243  * Dump IP statistics structure.
244  */
245 void
246 ip_stats(off, name)
247 	u_long off;
248 	char *name;
249 {
250 	struct ipstat ipstat;
252 	if (off == 0)
253 		return;
254 	kread(off, (char *)&ipstat, sizeof (ipstat));
255 	printf("%s:\n", name);
257 #define	p(f, m) if (ipstat.f || sflag <= 1) \
258     printf(m, ipstat.f, plural(ipstat.f))
260 	p(ips_total, "\t%u total packet%s received\n");
261 	p(ips_badsum, "\t%u bad header checksum%s\n");
262 	p(ips_toosmall, "\t%u with size smaller than minimum\n");
263 	p(ips_tooshort, "\t%u with data size < data length\n");
264 	p(ips_badhlen, "\t%u with header length < data size\n");
265 	p(ips_badlen, "\t%u with data length < header length\n");
266 	p(ips_badoptions, "\t%u with bad options\n");
267 	p(ips_badvers, "\t%u with incorrect version number\n");
268 	p(ips_fragments, "\t%u fragment%s received\n");
269 	p(ips_fragdropped, "\t%u fragment%s dropped (dup or out of space)\n");
270 	p(ips_fragtimeout, "\t%u fragment%s dropped after timeout\n");
271 	p(ips_reassembled, "\t%u packet%s reassembled ok\n");
272 	p(ips_delivered, "\t%u packet%s for this host\n");
273 	p(ips_noproto, "\t%u packet%s for unknown/unsupported protocol\n");
274 	p(ips_forward, "\t%u packet%s forwarded\n");
275 	p(ips_cantforward, "\t%u packet%s not forwardable\n");
276 	p(ips_redirectsent, "\t%u redirect%s sent\n");
277 	p(ips_localout, "\t%u packet%s sent from this host\n");
278 	p(ips_rawout, "\t%u packet%s sent with fabricated ip header\n");
279 	p(ips_odropped, "\t%u output packet%s dropped due to no bufs, etc.\n");
280 	p(ips_noroute, "\t%u output packet%s discarded due to no route\n");
281 	p(ips_fragmented, "\t%u output datagram%s fragmented\n");
282 	p(ips_ofragments, "\t%u fragment%s created\n");
283 	p(ips_cantfrag, "\t%u datagram%s that can't be fragmented\n");
284 #undef p
285 }
287 static	char *icmpnames[] = {
288 	"echo reply",
289 	"#1",
290 	"#2",
291 	"destination unreachable",
292 	"source quench",
293 	"routing redirect",
294 	"#6",
295 	"#7",
296 	"echo",
297 	"#9",
298 	"#10",
299 	"time exceeded",
300 	"parameter problem",
301 	"time stamp",
302 	"time stamp reply",
303 	"information request",
304 	"information request reply",
305 	"address mask request",
306 	"address mask reply",
307 };
309 /*
310  * Dump ICMP statistics.
311  */
312 void
313 icmp_stats(off, name)
314 	u_long off;
315 	char *name;
316 {
317 	struct icmpstat icmpstat;
318 	register int i, first;
320 	if (off == 0)
321 		return;
322 	kread(off, (char *)&icmpstat, sizeof (icmpstat));
323 	printf("%s:\n", name);
325 #define	p(f, m) if (icmpstat.f || sflag <= 1) \
326     printf(m, icmpstat.f, plural(icmpstat.f))
328 	p(icps_error, "\t%u call%s to icmp_error\n");
329 	p(icps_oldicmp,
330 	    "\t%u error%s not generated 'cuz old message was icmp\n");
331 	for (first = 1, i = 0; i < ICMP_MAXTYPE + 1; i++)
332 		if (icmpstat.icps_outhist[i] != 0) {
333 			if (first) {
334 				printf("\tOutput histogram:\n");
335 				first = 0;
336 			}
337 			printf("\t\t%s: %u\n", icmpnames[i],
338 				icmpstat.icps_outhist[i]);
339 		}
340 	p(icps_badcode, "\t%u message%s with bad code fields\n");
341 	p(icps_tooshort, "\t%u message%s < minimum length\n");
342 	p(icps_checksum, "\t%u bad checksum%s\n");
343 	p(icps_badlen, "\t%u message%s with bad length\n");
344 	for (first = 1, i = 0; i < ICMP_MAXTYPE + 1; i++)
345 		if (icmpstat.icps_inhist[i] != 0) {
346 			if (first) {
347 				printf("\tInput histogram:\n");
348 				first = 0;
349 			}
350 			printf("\t\t%s: %u\n", icmpnames[i],
351 				icmpstat.icps_inhist[i]);
352 		}
353 	p(icps_reflect, "\t%u message response%s generated\n");
354 #undef p
355 }
357 /*
358  * Dump IGMP statistics structure.
359  */
360 void
361 igmp_stats(off, name)
362 	u_long off;
363 	char *name;
364 {
365 	struct igmpstat igmpstat;
367 	if (off == 0)
368 		return;
369 	kread(off, (char *)&igmpstat, sizeof (igmpstat));
370 	printf("%s:\n", name);
372 #define	p(f, m) if (igmpstat.f || sflag <= 1) \
373     printf(m, igmpstat.f, plural(igmpstat.f))
374 #define	py(f, m) if (igmpstat.f || sflag <= 1) \
375     printf(m, igmpstat.f, igmpstat.f != 1 ? "ies" : "y")
376 	p(igps_rcv_total, "\t%u message%s received\n");
377         p(igps_rcv_tooshort, "\t%u message%s received with too few bytes\n");
378         p(igps_rcv_badsum, "\t%u message%s received with bad checksum\n");
379         py(igps_rcv_queries, "\t%u membership quer%s received\n");
380         py(igps_rcv_badqueries, "\t%u membership quer%s received with invalid field(s)\n");
381         p(igps_rcv_reports, "\t%u membership report%s received\n");
382         p(igps_rcv_badreports, "\t%u membership report%s received with invalid field(s)\n");
383         p(igps_rcv_ourreports, "\t%u membership report%s received for groups to which we belong\n");
384         p(igps_snd_reports, "\t%u membership report%s sent\n");
385 #undef p
386 #undef py
387 }
389 /*
390  * Pretty print an Internet address (net address + port).
391  * If the nflag was specified, use numbers instead of names.
392  */
393 void
394 inetprint(in, port, proto)
395 	register struct in_addr *in;
396 	int port;
397 	char *proto;
398 {
399 	struct servent *sp = 0;
400 	char line[80], *cp;
401 	int width;
403 	sprintf(line, "%.*s.", (Aflag && !nflag) ? 12 : 16, inetname(in));
404 	cp = index(line, '\0');
405 	if (!nflag && port)
406 		sp = getservbyport((int)port, proto);
407 	if (sp || port == 0)
408 		sprintf(cp, "%.8s", sp ? sp->s_name : "*");
409 	else
410 		sprintf(cp, "%d", ntohs((u_short)port));
411 	width = Aflag ? 18 : 22;
412 	printf(" %-*.*s", width, width, line);
413 }
415 /*
416  * Construct an Internet address representation.
417  * If the nflag has been supplied, give
418  * numeric value, otherwise try for symbolic name.
419  */
420 char *
421 inetname(inp)
422 	struct in_addr *inp;
423 {
424 	register char *cp;
425 	static char line[50];
426 	struct hostent *hp;
427 	struct netent *np;
428 	static char domain[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1];
429 	static int first = 1;
431 	if (first && !nflag) {
432 		first = 0;
433 		if (gethostname(domain, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) == 0 &&
434 		    (cp = index(domain, '.')))
435 			(void) strcpy(domain, cp + 1);
436 		else
437 			domain[0] = 0;
438 	}
439 	cp = 0;
440 	if (!nflag && inp->s_addr != INADDR_ANY) {
441 		int net = inet_netof(*inp);
442 		int lna = inet_lnaof(*inp);
444 		if (lna == INADDR_ANY) {
445 			np = getnetbyaddr(net, AF_INET);
446 			if (np)
447 				cp = np->n_name;
448 		}
449 		if (cp == 0) {
450 			hp = gethostbyaddr((char *)inp, sizeof (*inp), AF_INET);
451 			if (hp) {
452 				if ((cp = index(hp->h_name, '.')) &&
453 				    !strcmp(cp + 1, domain))
454 					*cp = 0;
455 				cp = hp->h_name;
456 			}
457 		}
458 	}
459 	if (inp->s_addr == INADDR_ANY)
460 		strcpy(line, "*");
461 	else if (cp)
462 		strcpy(line, cp);
463 	else {
464 		inp->s_addr = ntohl(inp->s_addr);
465 #define C(x)	((x) & 0xff)
466 		sprintf(line, "%u.%u.%u.%u", C(inp->s_addr >> 24),
467 		    C(inp->s_addr >> 16), C(inp->s_addr >> 8), C(inp->s_addr));
468 	}
469 	return (line);
470 }