1 /* Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California */
3 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)symtab.c 1.2 05/19/82";
5 /*
6  * Symbol table implementation.
7  */
9 #include "defs.h"
10 #include "symtab.h"
11 #include "sym.h"
12 #include "sym/classes.h"
13 #include "sym/sym.rep"
15 /*
16  * The symbol table structure is currently assumes no deletions.
17  */
19 #define MAXHASHSIZE 1009    /* largest allowable hash table */
21 struct symtab {
22     int size;
23     int hshsize;
24     SYM **symhsh;
25     SYM *symarray;
26     int symindex;
27 };
29 /*
30  * Macro to hash a string.
31  *
32  * The hash value is returned through the "h" parameter which should
33  * an unsigned integer.  The other parameters are the symbol table, "st",
34  * and a pointer to the string to be hashed, "name".
35  */
37 #define hash(h, st, name) \
38 { \
39     register char *cp; \
40 \
41     h = 0; \
42     for (cp = name; *cp != '\0'; cp++) { \
43 	h = (h << 1) | (*cp); \
44     } \
45     h %= st->hshsize; \
46 }
48 /*
49  * To create a symbol table, we allocate space for the symbols and
50  * for a hash table that's twice as big (+1 to make it odd).
51  */
53 SYMTAB *st_creat(size)
54 int size;
55 {
56     register SYMTAB *st;
57     register int i;
59     st = alloc(1, SYMTAB);
60     st->size = size;
61     st->hshsize = 2*size + 1;
62     if (st->hshsize > MAXHASHSIZE) {
63 	st->hshsize = MAXHASHSIZE;
64     }
65     st->symhsh = alloc(st->hshsize, SYM *);
66     st->symarray = alloc(st->size, SYM);
67     st->symindex = 0;
68     for (i = 0; i < st->hshsize; i++) {
69 	st->symhsh[i] = NIL;
70     }
71     return(st);
72 }
74 st_destroy(st)
75 SYMTAB *st;
76 {
77     dispose(st->symhsh);
78     dispose(st->symarray);
79     dispose(st);
80 }
82 /*
83  * insert a symbol into a table
84  */
86 SYM *st_insert(st, name)
87 register SYMTAB *st;
88 char *name;
89 {
90     register SYM *s;
91     register unsigned int h;
92     static SYM zerosym;
94     if (st == NIL) {
95 	panic("tried to insert into NIL table");
96     }
97     if (st->symindex >= st->size) {
98 	panic("too many symbols");
99     }
100     hash(h, st, name);
101     s = &(st->symarray[st->symindex++]);
102     *s = zerosym;
103     s->symbol = name;
104     s->next_sym = st->symhsh[h];
105     st->symhsh[h] = s;
106     return(s);
107 }
109 /*
110  * symbol lookup
111  */
113 SYM *st_lookup(st, name)
114 SYMTAB *st;
115 char *name;
116 {
117     register SYM *s;
118     register unsigned int h;
120     if (st == NIL) {
121 	panic("tried to lookup in NIL table");
122     }
123     hash(h, st, name);
124     for (s = st->symhsh[h]; s != NIL; s = s->next_sym) {
125 	if (strcmp(s->symbol, name) == 0) {
126 	    break;
127 	}
128     }
129     return(s);
130 }
132 /*
133  * Dump out all the variables associated with the given
134  * procedure, function, or program at the given recursive level.
135  *
136  * This is quite inefficient.  We traverse the entire symbol table
137  * each time we're called.  The assumption is that this routine
138  * won't be called frequently enough to merit improved performance.
139  */
141 dumpvars(f, frame)
142 SYM *f;
143 FRAME *frame;
144 {
145     register SYM *s;
146     SYM *first, *last;
148     first = symtab->symarray;
149     last = first + symtab->symindex - 1;
150     for (s = first; s <= last; s++) {
151 	if (should_print(s, f)) {
152 	    printv(s, frame);
153 	    putchar('\n');
154 	}
155     }
156 }
158 /*
159  * Create an alias for a command.
160  *
161  * We put it into the given table with block 1, which is how it
162  * is distinguished for printing purposes.
163  */
165 enter_alias(table, new, old)
166 SYMTAB *table;
167 char *new, *old;
168 {
169     SYM *s, *t;
171     if ((s = st_lookup(table, old)) == NIL) {
172 	error("%s is not a known command", old);
173     }
174     if (st_lookup(table, new) != NIL) {
175 	error("cannot alias command names");
176     }
177     make_keyword(table, new, s->symvalue.token.toknum);
178     t = st_insert(table, new);
179     t->blkno = 1;
180     t->symvalue.token.toknum = s->symvalue.token.toknum;
181     t->type = s;
182 }
184 /*
185  * Print out the currently active aliases.
186  * The kludge is that the type pointer for an alias points to the
187  * symbol it is aliased to.
188  */
190 print_alias(table, name)
191 SYMTAB *table;
192 char *name;
193 {
194     SYM *s, *t;
195     SYM *first, *last;
197     if (name != NIL) {
198 	s = st_lookup(table, name);
199 	if (s == NIL) {
200 	    error("\"%s\" is not an alias", name);
201 	}
202 	printf("%s\n", s->type->symbol);
203     } else {
204 	first = table->symarray;
205 	last = first + table->symindex - 1;
206 	for (s = first; s <= last; s++) {
207 	    if (s->blkno == 1) {
208 		printf("%s\t%s\n", s->symbol, s->type->symbol);
209 	    }
210 	}
211     }
212 }
214 /*
215  * Find a named type that points to t; return NIL if there is none.
216  * This is necessary because of the way pi keeps symbols.
217  */
219 #define NSYMS_BACK 20       /* size of local context to try */
221 LOCAL SYM *search();
223 SYM *findtype(t)
224 SYM *t;
225 {
226     SYM *s;
227     SYM *first, *last;
228     SYM *lower;
230     first = symtab->symarray;
231     last = first + symtab->symindex - 1;
232     if ((lower = t - NSYMS_BACK) < first) {
233 	lower = first;
234     }
235     if ((s = search(t, lower, last)) == NIL) {
236 	s = search(t, first, last);
237     }
238     return(s);
239 }
241 /*
242  * Search the symbol table from first to last, looking for a
243  * named type pointing to the given type symbol.
244  */
246 LOCAL SYM *search(t, first, last)
247 SYM *t;
248 register SYM *first, *last;
249 {
250     register SYM *s;
252     for (s = first; s <= last; s++) {
253 	if (s->class == TYPE && s->type == t && s->symbol != NIL) {
254 	    return(s);
255 	}
256     }
257     return(NIL);
258 }