xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/pascal/pxp/error.c (revision 57124d5e)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
4  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5  */
7 #ifndef lint
8 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)error.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 06/05/85";
9 #endif not lint
11 /*
12  * pi - Pascal interpreter code translator
13  *
14  * Charles Haley, Bill Joy UCB
15  * Version 1.2 January 1979
16  *
17  *
18  * pxp - Pascal execution profiler
19  *
20  * Bill Joy UCB
21  * Version 1.2 January 1979
22  */
24 #include "whoami.h"
25 #include "0.h"
26 #include "yy.h"
28 #ifdef PXP
29 extern	int yyline;
30 extern	char errout;
31 #endif
33 char	errpfx	= 'E';
34 extern	int yyline;
35 /*
36  * Panic is called when impossible
37  * (supposedly, anyways) situations
38  * are encountered.
39 #ifdef PI
40  * Panic messages should be short
41  * as they do not go to the message
42  * file.
43 #endif
44  */
45 panic(s)
46 	char *s;
47 {
49 #ifdef DEBUG
50 	fprintf(stderr, "Snark (%s) line=%d yyline=%d\n", s, line, yyline);
51 #endif
52 #ifdef PXP
53 	Perror( "Snark in pxp", s);
54 #endif
55 #ifdef PI
56 	Perror( "Snark in pi", s);
57 #endif
58 	pexit(DIED);
59 }
61 extern	char *errfile;
62 /*
63  * Error is called for
64  * semantic errors and
65  * prints the error and
66  * a line number.
67  */
68 error(a1, a2, a3, a4)
69 {
70 #ifdef PI
71 	char buf[256];
72 	register int i;
73 #endif
74 #ifdef PXP
75 /*
76 	int ofout;
77 */
78 #endif
80 	if (errpfx == 'w' && opt('w') != 0) {
81 		errpfx == 'E';
82 		return;
83 	}
84 #ifdef PXP
85 /*
86 	flush();
87 	ofout = fout[0];
88 	fout[0] = errout;
89 */
90 #endif
91 #ifdef PI
92 	Enocascade = 0;
93 	geterr(a1, buf);
94 	a1 = buf;
95 #endif
96 	if (line < 0)
97 		line = -line;
98 	yySsync();
99 	yysetfile(filename);
100 #ifdef PI
101 	if (errpfx == ' ') {
102 		printf("  ");
103 		for (i = line; i >= 10; i =/ 10)
104 			putchar(' ');
105 		printf("... ");
106 	} else if (Enoline)
107 		printf("  %c - ", errpfx);
108 	else
109 #endif
110 		fprintf(stderr, "%c %d - ", errpfx, line);
111 	fprintf(stderr, a1, a2, a3, a4);
112 	if (errpfx == 'E')
113 #ifdef PI
114 		eflg++, cgenflg++;
115 #endif
116 #ifdef PXP
117 		eflg++;
118 #endif
119 	errpfx = 'E';
120 #ifdef PI
121 	if (Eholdnl)
122 		Eholdnl = 0;
123 	else
124 #endif
125 		putc('\n', stderr);
126 #ifdef PXP
127 /*
128 	flush();
129 	fout[0] = ofout;
130 */
131 #endif
132 }
134 #ifdef PI
135 cerror(a1, a2, a3, a4)
136 {
138 	if (Enocascade)
139 		return;
140 	setpfx(' ');
141 	error(a1, a2, a3, a4);
142 }
143 #endif