xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/pascal/src/conv.c (revision 2301fdfb)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
4  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5  */
7 #ifndef lint
8 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)conv.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 06/05/85";
9 #endif not lint
11 #include "whoami.h"
12 #ifdef PI
13 #include "0.h"
14 #include "opcode.h"
15 #ifdef PC
16 #   include	<pcc.h>
17 #endif PC
18 #include "tree_ty.h"
20 #ifndef PC
21 #ifndef PI0
22 /*
23  * Convert a p1 into a p2.
24  * Mostly used for different
25  * length integers and "to real" conversions.
26  */
27 convert(p1, p2)
28 	struct nl *p1, *p2;
29 {
30 	if (p1 == NLNIL || p2 == NLNIL)
31 		return;
32 	switch (width(p1) - width(p2)) {
33 		case -7:
34 		case -6:
35 			(void) put(1, O_STOD);
36 			return;
37 		case -4:
38 			(void) put(1, O_ITOD);
39 			return;
40 		case -3:
41 		case -2:
42 			(void) put(1, O_STOI);
43 			return;
44 		case -1:
45 		case 0:
46 		case 1:
47 			return;
48 		case 2:
49 		case 3:
50 			(void) put(1, O_ITOS);
51 			return;
52 		default:
53 			panic("convert");
54 	}
55 }
56 #endif
57 #endif PC
59 /*
60  * Compat tells whether
61  * p1 and p2 are compatible
62  * types for an assignment like
63  * context, i.e. value parameters,
64  * indicies for 'in', etc.
65  */
66 compat(p1, p2, t)
67 	struct nl *p1, *p2;
68 	struct tnode *t;
69 {
70 	register c1, c2;
72 	c1 = classify(p1);
73 	if (c1 == NIL)
74 		return (NIL);
75 	c2 = classify(p2);
76 	if (c2 == NIL)
77 		return (NIL);
78 	switch (c1) {
79 		case TBOOL:
80 		case TCHAR:
81 			if (c1 == c2)
82 				return (1);
83 			break;
84 		case TINT:
85 			if (c2 == TINT)
86 				return (1);
87 		case TDOUBLE:
88 			if (c2 == TDOUBLE)
89 				return (1);
90 #ifndef PI0
91 			if (c2 == TINT && divflg == FALSE && t != TR_NIL ) {
92 				divchk= TRUE;
93 				c1 = classify(rvalue(t, NLNIL , RREQ ));
94 				divchk = FALSE;
95 				if (c1 == TINT) {
96 					error("Type clash: real is incompatible with integer");
97 					cerror("This resulted because you used '/' which always returns real rather");
98 					cerror("than 'div' which divides integers and returns integers");
99 					divflg = TRUE;
100 					return (NIL);
101 				}
102 			}
103 #endif
104 			break;
105 		case TSCAL:
106 			if (c2 != TSCAL)
107 				break;
108 			if (scalar(p1) != scalar(p2)) {
109 				derror("Type clash: non-identical scalar types");
110 				return (NIL);
111 			}
112 			return (1);
113 		case TSTR:
114 			if (c2 != TSTR)
115 				break;
116 			if (width(p1) != width(p2)) {
117 				derror("Type clash: unequal length strings");
118 				return (NIL);
119 			}
120 			return (1);
121 		case TNIL:
122 			if (c2 != TPTR)
123 				break;
124 			return (1);
125 		case TFILE:
126 			if (c1 != c2)
127 				break;
128 			derror("Type clash: files not allowed in this context");
129 			return (NIL);
130 		default:
131 			if (c1 != c2)
132 				break;
133 			if (p1 != p2) {
134 				derror("Type clash: non-identical %s types", clnames[c1]);
135 				return (NIL);
136 			}
137 			if (p1->nl_flags & NFILES) {
138 				derror("Type clash: %ss with file components not allowed in this context", clnames[c1]);
139 				return (NIL);
140 			}
141 			return (1);
142 	}
143 	derror("Type clash: %s is incompatible with %s", clnames[c1], clnames[c2]);
144 	return (NIL);
145 }
147 #ifndef PI0
148 #ifndef PC
149 /*
150  * Rangechk generates code to
151  * check if the type p on top
152  * of the stack is in range for
153  * assignment to a variable
154  * of type q.
155  */
156 rangechk(p, q)
157 	struct nl *p, *q;
158 {
159 	register struct nl *rp;
160 #ifdef OBJ
161 	register op;
162 	int wq, wrp;
163 #endif
165 	if (opt('t') == 0)
166 		return;
167 	rp = p;
168 	if (rp == NIL)
169 		return;
170 	if (q == NIL)
171 		return;
172 #	ifdef OBJ
173 	    /*
174 	     * When op is 1 we are checking length
175 	     * 4 numbers against length 2 bounds,
176 	     * and adding it to the opcode forces
177 	     * generation of appropriate tests.
178 	     */
179 	    op = 0;
180 	    wq = width(q);
181 	    wrp = width(rp);
182 	    op = wq != wrp && (wq == 4 || wrp == 4);
183 	    if (rp->class == TYPE || rp->class == CRANGE)
184 		    rp = rp->type;
185 	    switch (rp->class) {
186 	    case RANGE:
187 		    if (rp->range[0] != 0) {
188 #    		    ifndef DEBUG
189 			    if (wrp <= 2)
190 				    (void) put(3, O_RANG2+op, ( short ) rp->range[0],
191 						     ( short ) rp->range[1]);
192 			    else if (rp != nl+T4INT)
193 				    (void) put(3, O_RANG4+op, rp->range[0], rp->range[1] );
194 #    		    else
195 			    if (!hp21mx) {
196 				    if (wrp <= 2)
197 					    (void) put(3, O_RANG2+op,( short ) rp->range[0],
198 							    ( short ) rp->range[1]);
199 				    else if (rp != nl+T4INT)
200 					    (void) put(3, O_RANG4+op,rp->range[0],
201 							     rp->range[1]);
202 			    } else
203 				    if (rp != nl+T2INT && rp != nl+T4INT)
204 					    (void) put(3, O_RANG2+op,( short ) rp->range[0],
205 							    ( short ) rp->range[1]);
206 #    		    endif
207 			break;
208 		    }
209 		    /*
210 		     * Range whose lower bounds are
211 		     * zero can be treated as scalars.
212 		     */
213 	    case SCAL:
214 		    if (wrp <= 2)
215 			    (void) put(2, O_RSNG2+op, ( short ) rp->range[1]);
216 		    else
217 			    (void) put( 2 , O_RSNG4+op, rp->range[1]);
218 		    break;
219 	    default:
220 		    panic("rangechk");
221 	    }
222 #	endif OBJ
223 #	ifdef PC
224 		/*
225 		 *	pc uses precheck() and postcheck().
226 		 */
227 	    panic("rangechk()");
228 #	endif PC
229 }
230 #endif
231 #endif
232 #endif
234 #ifdef PC
235     /*
236      *	if type p requires a range check,
237      *	    then put out the name of the checking function
238      *	for the beginning of a function call which is completed by postcheck.
239      *  (name1 is for a full check; name2 assumes a lower bound of zero)
240      */
241 precheck( p , name1 , name2 )
242     struct nl	*p;
243     char	*name1 , *name2;
244     {
246 	if ( opt( 't' ) == 0 ) {
247 	    return;
248 	}
249 	if ( p == NIL ) {
250 	    return;
251 	}
252 	if ( p -> class == TYPE ) {
253 	    p = p -> type;
254 	}
255 	switch ( p -> class ) {
256 	    case CRANGE:
257 		putleaf( PCC_ICON , 0 , 0 , PCCM_ADDTYPE( PCCTM_FTN | PCCT_INT , PCCTM_PTR )
258 			    , name1);
259 		break;
260 	    case RANGE:
261 		if ( p != nl + T4INT ) {
262 		    putleaf( PCC_ICON , 0 , 0 ,
264 			    p -> range[0] != 0 ? name1 : name2 );
265 		}
266 		break;
267 	    case SCAL:
268 		    /*
269 		     *	how could a scalar ever be out of range?
270 		     */
271 		break;
272 	    default:
273 		panic( "precheck" );
274 		break;
275 	}
276     }
278     /*
279      *	if type p requires a range check,
280      *	    then put out the rest of the arguments of to the checking function
281      *	a call to which was started by precheck.
282      *	the first argument is what is being rangechecked (put out by rvalue),
283      *	the second argument is the lower bound of the range,
284      *	the third argument is the upper bound of the range.
285      */
286 postcheck(need, have)
287     struct nl	*need;
288     struct nl	*have;
289 {
290     struct nl	*p;
292     if ( opt( 't' ) == 0 ) {
293 	return;
294     }
295     if ( need == NIL ) {
296 	return;
297     }
298     if ( need -> class == TYPE ) {
299 	need = need -> type;
300     }
301     switch ( need -> class ) {
302 	case RANGE:
303 	    if ( need != nl + T4INT ) {
304 		sconv(p2type(have), PCCT_INT);
305 		if (need -> range[0] != 0 ) {
306 		    putleaf( PCC_ICON , (int) need -> range[0] , 0 , PCCT_INT ,
307 							(char *) 0 );
308 		    putop( PCC_CM , PCCT_INT );
309 		}
310 		putleaf( PCC_ICON , (int) need -> range[1] , 0 , PCCT_INT ,
311 				(char *) 0 );
312 		putop( PCC_CM , PCCT_INT );
313 		putop( PCC_CALL , PCCT_INT );
314 		sconv(PCCT_INT, p2type(have));
315 	    }
316 	    break;
317 	case CRANGE:
318 	    sconv(p2type(have), PCCT_INT);
319 	    p = need->nptr[0];
320 	    putRV(p->symbol, (p->nl_block & 037), p->value[0],
321 		    p->extra_flags, p2type( p ) );
322 	    putop( PCC_CM , PCCT_INT );
323 	    p = need->nptr[1];
324 	    putRV(p->symbol, (p->nl_block & 037), p->value[0],
325 		    p->extra_flags, p2type( p ) );
326 	    putop( PCC_CM , PCCT_INT );
327 	    putop( PCC_CALL , PCCT_INT );
328 	    sconv(PCCT_INT, p2type(have));
329 	    break;
330 	case SCAL:
331 	    break;
332 	default:
333 	    panic( "postcheck" );
334 	    break;
335     }
336 }
337 #endif PC
339 #ifdef DEBUG
340 conv(dub)
341 	int *dub;
342 {
343 	int newfp[2];
344 	double *dp = ((double *) dub);
345 	long *lp = ((long *) dub);
346 	register int exp;
347 	long mant;
349 	newfp[0] = dub[0] & 0100000;
350 	newfp[1] = 0;
351 	if (*dp == 0.0)
352 		goto ret;
353 	exp = ((dub[0] >> 7) & 0377) - 0200;
354 	if (exp < 0) {
355 		newfp[1] = 1;
356 		exp = -exp;
357 	}
358 	if (exp > 63)
359 		exp = 63;
360 	dub[0] &= ~0177600;
361 	dub[0] |= 0200;
362 	mant = *lp;
363 	mant <<= 8;
364 	if (newfp[0])
365 		mant = -mant;
366 	newfp[0] |= (mant >> 17) & 077777;
367 	newfp[1] |= (((int) (mant >> 1)) & 0177400) | (exp << 1);
368 ret:
369 	dub[0] = newfp[0];
370 	dub[1] = newfp[1];
371 }
372 #endif