xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/pascal/src/hash.c (revision f0fd5f8a)
1 /* Copyright (c) 1979 Regents of the University of California */
3 static	char sccsid[] = "@(#)hash.c 1.4 08/29/82";
5 #include "whoami.h"
6 #include "0.h"
7 #include "yy.h"
9 /*
10  * The definition for the segmented hash tables.
11  */
12 struct ht {
13 	int	*ht_low;
14 	int	*ht_high;
15 	int	ht_used;
16 } htab[MAXHASH];
18 /*
19  * This is the array of keywords and their
20  * token values, which are hashed into the table
21  * by inithash.
22  */
23 struct kwtab yykey[] = {
24 	"and",		YAND,
25 	"array",	YARRAY,
26 	"begin",	YBEGIN,
27 	"case",		YCASE,
28 	"const",	YCONST,
29 	"div",		YDIV,
30 	"do",		YDO,
31 	"downto",	YDOWNTO,
32 	"else",		YELSE,
33 	"end",		YEND,
34 	"file",		YFILE,
35 	"for",		YFOR,
36 	"forward",	YFORWARD,
37 	"function",	YFUNCTION,
38 	"goto",		YGOTO,
39 	"if",		YIF,
40 	"in",		YIN,
41 	"label",	YLABEL,
42 	"mod",		YMOD,
43 	"nil",		YNIL,
44 	"not",		YNOT,
45 	"of",		YOF,
46 	"or",		YOR,
47 	"packed",	YPACKED,
48 	"procedure",	YPROCEDURE,
49 	"program",	YPROG,
50 	"record",	YRECORD,
51 	"repeat",	YREPEAT,
52 	"set",		YSET,
53 	"then",		YTHEN,
54 	"to",		YTO,
55 	"type",		YTYPE,
56 	"until",	YUNTIL,
57 	"var",		YVAR,
58 	"while",	YWHILE,
59 	"with",		YWITH,
60 	0,		0,	 /* the following keywords are non-standard */
61 	"oct",		YOCT,
62 	"hex",		YHEX,
63 	"external",	YEXTERN,
64 	0
65 };
67 char *lastkey;
69 /*
70  * Inithash initializes the hash table routines
71  * by allocating the first hash table segment using
72  * an already existing memory slot.
73  */
74 #ifndef PI0
75 inithash()
76 #else
77 inithash(hshtab)
78 	int *hshtab;
79 #endif
80 {
81 	register int *ip;
82 #ifndef PI0
83 	static int hshtab[HASHINC];
84 #endif
86 	htab[0].ht_low = hshtab;
87 	htab[0].ht_high = &hshtab[HASHINC];
88 	for (ip = yykey; *ip; ip += 2)
89 		hash(ip[0], 0)[0] = ip;
90 	/*
91 	 * If we are not running in "standard-only" mode,
92 	 * we load the non-standard keywords.
93 	 */
94 	if (!opt('s'))
95 		for (ip += 2; *ip; ip += 2)
96 			hash(ip[0], 0)[0] = ip;
97 	lastkey = (char *)ip;
98 }
100 /*
101  * Hash looks up the s(ymbol) argument
102  * in the string table, entering it if
103  * it is not found. If save is 0, then
104  * the argument string is already in
105  * a safe place. Otherwise, if hash is
106  * entering the symbol for the first time
107  * it will save the symbol in the string
108  * table using savestr.
109  */
110 int *hash(s, save)
111 	char *s;
112 	int save;
113 {
114 	register int *h;
115 	register i;
116 	register char *cp;
117 	int *sym;
118 	struct ht *htp;
119 	int sh;
121 	/*
122 	 * The hash function is a modular hash of
123 	 * the sum of the characters with the sum
124 	 * doubled before each successive character
125 	 * is added.
126 	 */
127 	cp = s;
128 	if (cp == NIL)
129 		cp = token;	/* default symbol to be hashed */
130 	i = 0;
131 	while (*cp)
132 		i = i*2 + *cp++;
133 	sh = (i&077777) % HASHINC;
134 	cp = s;
135 	if (cp == NIL)
136 		cp = token;
137 	/*
138 	 * There are as many as MAXHASH active
139 	 * hash tables at any given point in time.
140 	 * The search starts with the first table
141 	 * and continues through the active tables
142 	 * as necessary.
143 	 */
144 	for (htp = htab; htp < &htab[MAXHASH]; htp++) {
145 		if (htp->ht_low == NIL) {
146 			cp = (char *) calloc(sizeof ( int * ), HASHINC);
147 			if (cp == 0) {
148 				yerror("Ran out of memory (hash)");
149 				pexit(DIED);
150 			}
151 			htp->ht_low = cp;
152 			htp->ht_high = htp->ht_low + HASHINC;
153 			cp = s;
154 			if (cp == NIL)
155 				cp = token;
156 		}
157 		h = htp->ht_low + sh;
158 		/*
159 		 * quadratic rehash increment
160 		 * starts at 1 and incremented
161 		 * by two each rehash.
162 		 */
163 		i = 1;
164 		do {
165 			if (*h == 0) {
166 				if (htp->ht_used > (HASHINC * 3)/4)
167 					break;
168 				htp->ht_used++;
169 				if (save != 0) {
170 					*h = (int) savestr(cp);
171 				} else
172 					*h = s;
173 				return (h);
174 			}
175 			sym = *h;
176 			if (sym < lastkey && sym >= yykey)
177 				sym = *sym;
178 			if (sym->pchar == *cp && strcmp(sym, cp) == 0)
179 				return (h);
180 			h += i;
181 			i += 2;
182 			if (h >= htp->ht_high)
183 				h -= HASHINC;
184 		} while (i < HASHINC);
185 	}
186 	yerror("Ran out of hash tables");
187 	pexit(DIED);
188 }