xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/pascal/src/objfmt.h (revision 57124d5e)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
4  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5  *
6  *	@(#)objfmt.h	5.2 (Berkeley) 11/11/86
7  */
9 /*
10  * The size of the display.
11  */
12 #define DSPLYSZ 20
14 /*
15  *	The structure of the runtime display
16  */
17 #ifdef OBJ
18 struct dispsave {
19 	char *locvars;		/* pointer to local variables */
20 	struct blockmark *stp;	/* pointer to local stack frame */
21 };
22 	/*
23 	 * The following union allows fast access to
24 	 * precomputed display entries
25 	 */
26 union display {
27 	struct dispsave frame[DSPLYSZ];
28 	char *raw[2*DSPLYSZ];
29 } display;
30 #endif OBJ
31 #ifdef PC
32 #ifdef vax
33 	/*
34 	 *	the display is made up of saved AP's and FP's.
35 	 *	FP's are used to find locals,
36 	 *	and AP's are used to find parameters.
37 	 *	FP and AP are untyped pointers,
38 	 *	but are used throughout as (char *).
39 	 *	the display is used by adding AP_OFFSET or FP_OFFSET to the
40 	 *	address of the approriate display entry.
41 	 */
42     struct dispsave {
43 	char	*savedAP;
44 	char	*savedFP;
45     } display[ DSPLYSZ ];
47 #   define	AP_OFFSET	( 0 )
48 #   define	FP_OFFSET	( sizeof (char *) )
49 #endif vax
50 #ifdef mc68000
51 	/*
52 	 *	the display is just the saved a6.
53 	 *	arguments are at positive offsets,
54 	 *	locals are at negative offsets.
55 	 *	there are no offsets within the saved display structure.
56 	 */
57     struct dispsave {
58 	char	*saveda6;
59     } display[ DSPLYSZ ];
61 #   define	AP_OFFSET	(0)
62 #   define	FP_OFFSET	(0)
63 #endif mc68000
64 #ifdef tahoe
65 	/*
66 	 *	the display is just the saved FP.
67 	 *	arguments are at positive offsets,
68 	 *	locals are at negative offsets.
69 	 *	there are no offsets within the saved display structure.
70 	 */
71     struct dispsave {
72 	char	*savedFP;
73     } display[ DSPLYSZ ];
75 #   define	AP_OFFSET	0
76 #   define	FP_OFFSET	0
77 #endif tahoe
78 #endif PC
80     /*
81      *	the structure below describes the block mark used by the architecture.
82      *	this is the space used by the machine between the arguments and the
83      *	whatever is used to point to the arguments.
84      */
85 #ifdef OBJ
86 struct blockmark {
87 	char *tos;		/* pointer to top of stack frame */
88 	struct iorec *file;	/* pointer to active file name */
89 	struct hdr {
90 		long framesze;	/* number of bytes of local vars */
91 		long nargs;	/* number of bytes of arguments */
92 		long tests;	/* TRUE => perform runtime tests */
93 		short offset;	/* offset of procedure in source file */
94 		char name[1];	/* name of active procedure */
95 	} *entry;
96 	struct dispsave odisp;	/* previous display value for this level */
97 	struct dispsave *dp;	/* pointer to active display entry */
98 	char *pc;		/* previous location counter */
99 	long lino;		/* previous line number */
100 };
101 #endif OBJ
102 #ifdef PC
103 #ifdef vax
104 	/*
105 	 *	since we have the ap pointing to the number of args:
106 	 */
107     struct blockmark {
108         long	nargs;
109     };
110 #endif vax
111 #ifdef mc68000
112 	/*
113 	 *	there's the saved pc (from the jsr)
114 	 *	and the saved a6 (from the link a6).
115 	 */
116     struct blockmark {
117 	char	*savedpc;
118 	char	*saveda6;
119     };
120 #endif mc68000
121 #ifdef tahoe
122 	/*
123 	 *	since we have the fp pointing to its predecessor
124 	 */
125     struct blockmark {
126 	long	savedfp;
127     };
128 #endif tahoe
129 #endif PC
131     /*
132      *	formal routine structure:
133      */
134 struct formalrtn {
135 	long		(*fentryaddr)();	/* formal entry point */
136 	long		fbn;			/* block number of function */
137 	struct dispsave	fdisp[ DSPLYSZ ];	/* saved at first passing */
138 };
139 #ifndef PC
140 #ifndef OBJ
141 struct formalrtn	frtn;
142 #endif
143 #endif
145 #define	FENTRYOFFSET	0
146 #define FBNOFFSET	( FENTRYOFFSET + sizeof frtn.fentryaddr )
147 #define	FDISPOFFSET	( FBNOFFSET + sizeof frtn.fbn )
149 #ifdef OBJ
150 	/*
151 	 *	the creation time, the size and the magic number of the obj file
152 	 */
153     struct pxhdr {
154 	    long	maketime;
155 	    long	objsize;
156 	    long	symtabsize;
157 	    short	magicnum;
158     };
160 /*
161  *	START defines the beginning of the text space.
162  *	This should be the defined external label "start",
163  *	however there is no way to access externals from C
164  *	whose names do not begin with an "_".
165  */
166 #ifdef vax
167 #   define HEADER_BYTES	2048			/* the size of px_header */
168 #   define START 0x0				/* beginning of text */
169 #endif vax
170 #ifdef tahoe
171 #   define HEADER_BYTES	2048			/* the size of px_header */
172 #   define START 0x0				/* beginning of text */
173 #endif tahoe
174 #ifdef mc68000
175 #   define HEADER_BYTES	3072			/* the size of px_header */
176 #   define START 0x8000				/* beginning of text */
177 #endif mc68000
178 #   define INDX 1				/* amt to shift display index */
179 #endif OBJ
181 	    /*
182 	     *	these are because of varying sizes of pointers
183 	     */
184 #ifdef ADDR16
185 #	define PTR_AS O_AS2
186 #	define PTR_RV O_RV2
187 #	define PTR_IND O_IND2
188 #	define PTR_CON O_CON2
189 #	define PTR_DUP O_SDUP2
190 #	define CON_INT O_CON2
191 #	define INT_TYP (nl + T2INT)
192 #	define PTR_DCL char *
193 #	define TOOMUCH 50000
194 #	define SHORTADDR 65536
195 #	define MAXSET 65536		/* maximum set size */
196 #endif ADDR16
197 #ifdef ADDR32
198 #	define PTR_AS O_AS4
199 #	define PTR_RV O_RV4
200 #	define PTR_IND O_IND4
201 #	define PTR_CON O_CON4
202 #	define PTR_DUP O_SDUP4
203 #	define CON_INT O_CON24
204 #	define INT_TYP (nl + T4INT)
205 #	define PTR_DCL unsigned long		/* for pointer variables */
206 #	define SHORTADDR 32768			/* maximum short address */
207 #	define TOOMUCH 65536			/* maximum variable size */
208 #	define MAXSET 65536			/* maximum set size */
209 #endif ADDR32
210 	/*
211 	 * Offsets due to the structure of the runtime stack.
212 	 * DPOFF1	is the amount of fixed storage in each block allocated
213 	 * 		as local variables for the runtime system.
214 	 *		since locals are allocated negative offsets,
215 	 *		-DPOFF1 is the last used implicit local offset.
216 	 * DPOFF2	is the size of the block mark.
217 	 *		since arguments are allocated positive offsets,
218 	 *		DPOFF2 is the end of the implicit arguments.
219 	 *		for obj, the first argument has the highest offset
220 	 *		from the stackpointer.  and the block mark is an
221 	 *		implicit last parameter.
222 	 *		for pc, the first argument has the lowest offset
223 	 *		from the argumentpointer.  and the block mark is an
224 	 *		implicit first parameter.
225 	 */
226 #	ifdef OBJ
227 #	    ifdef ADDR32
228 #		define MAGICNUM 0403	/* obj magic number */
229 #		define DPOFF1		0
230 #		define DPOFF2		(sizeof (struct blockmark))
231 #		define INPUT_OFF	-8	/* offset of `input' */
232 #		define OUTPUT_OFF	-4	/* offset of `output' */
233 #	    endif ADDR32
234 #	    ifdef ADDR16
235 #		define MAGICNUM 0404
236 #		define DPOFF1		0
237 #		define DPOFF2		(sizeof (struct blockmark))
238 #		define INPUT_OFF	-2
239 #		define OUTPUT_OFF	-4
240 #	    endif ADDR16
241 #	endif OBJ
242 #	ifdef	PC
243 #	    define DPOFF1	( sizeof (struct rtlocals) )
244 #	    define DPOFF2	( sizeof (struct blockmark) )
245 #	    define INPUT_OFF	0
246 #	    define OUTPUT_OFF	0
247 #	endif PC