xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/pascal/src/pccaseop.c (revision ba72ef4c)
1 /* Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California */
3 static	char sccsid[] = "@(#)pccaseop.c 1.4 10/09/80";
5 #include "whoami.h"
6 #ifdef PC
7     /*
8      *	and the rest of the file
9      */
10 #include "0.h"
11 #include "tree.h"
12 #include "objfmt.h"
13 #include "pcops.h"
14 #include "pc.h"
16     /*
17      *	structure for a case:
18      *	    its constant label, line number (for errors), and location label.
19      */
20 struct ct {
21     long	cconst;
22     int		cline;
23     int		clabel;
24 };
26     /*
27      *	the P2FORCE operator puts its operand into a register.
28      *	these to keep from thinking of it as r0 all over.
29      */
30 #define	FORCENAME	"r0"
31 #define	FORCENUMBER	0
33     /*
34      *	given a tree for a case statement, generate code for it.
35      *	this computes the expression into a register,
36      *	puts down the code for each of the cases,
37      *	and then decides how to do the case switching.
38      *	tcase	[0]	T_CASE
39      *		[1]	lineof "case"
40      *		[2]	expression
41      *		[3]	list of cased statements:
42      *			cstat	[0]	T_CSTAT
43      *				[1]	lineof ":"
44      *				[2]	list of constant labels
45      *				[3]	statement
46      */
47 pccaseop( tcase )
48     int	*tcase;
49 {
50     struct nl	*exprtype;
51     struct nl	*rangetype;
52     long	low;
53     long	high;
54     long	exprctype;
55     long	swlabel;
56     long	endlabel;
57     long	label;
58     long	count;
59     long	*cstatlp;
60     long	*cstatp;
61     long	*casep;
62     struct ct	*ctab;
63     struct ct	*ctp;
64     long	i;
65     long	nr;
66     long	goc;
67     int		casecmp();
68     bool	dupcases;
70     goc = gocnt;
71 	/*
72 	 *  find out the type of the case expression
73 	 *  even if the expression has errors (exprtype == NIL), continue.
74 	 */
75     line = tcase[1];
76     exprtype = rvalue( (int *) tcase[2] , NIL  , RREQ );
77     if ( exprtype != NIL ) {
78 	if ( isnta( exprtype , "bcsi" ) ) {
79 	    error("Case selectors cannot be %ss" , nameof( exprtype ) );
80 	    exprtype = NIL;
81 	} else {
82 	    if ( exprtype -> class != RANGE ) {
83 		rangetype = exprtype -> type;
84 	    } else {
85 		rangetype = exprtype;
86 	    }
87 	    if ( rangetype == NIL ) {
88 		exprtype = NIL;
89 	    } else {
90 		low = rangetype -> range[0];
91 		high = rangetype -> range[1];
92 	    }
93 	}
94     }
95     if ( exprtype != NIL ) {
96 	    /*
97 	     *	put expression into a register
98 	     *	save its c-type and jump to the code to do the switch.
99 	     */
100 	putop( P2FORCE , P2INT );
101 	putdot( filename , line );
102 	exprctype = p2type( exprtype );
103 	swlabel = getlab();
104 	putjbr( swlabel );
105     }
106 	/*
107 	 *  count the number of cases
108 	 *  and allocate table for cases, lines, and labels
109 	 *  default case goes in ctab[0].
110 	 */
111     count = 1;
112     for ( cstatlp = tcase[3] ; cstatlp != NIL ; cstatlp = cstatlp[2] ) {
113 	cstatp = cstatlp[1];
114 	if ( cstatp == NIL ) {
115 	    continue;
116 	}
117 	for ( casep = cstatp[2] ; casep != NIL ; casep = casep[2] ) {
118 	    count++;
119 	}
120     }
121 	/*
122 	 */
123     ctab = (struct ct *) malloc( count * sizeof( struct ct ) );
124     if ( ctab == (struct ct *) 0 ) {
125 	error("Ran out of memory (case)");
126 	pexit( DIED );
127     }
128 	/*
129 	 *  pick up default label and label for after case statement.
130 	 */
131     ctab[0].clabel = getlab();
132     endlabel = getlab();
133 	/*
134 	 *  generate code for each case
135 	 *  filling in ctab for each.
136 	 *  nr is for error if no case falls out bottom.
137 	 */
138     nr = 1;
139     count = 0;
140     for ( cstatlp = tcase[3] ; cstatlp != NIL ; cstatlp = cstatlp[2] ) {
141 	cstatp = cstatlp[1];
142 	if ( cstatp == NIL ) {
143 	    continue;
144 	}
145 	line = cstatp[1];
146 	label = getlab();
147 	for ( casep = cstatp[2] ; casep != NIL ; casep = casep[2] ) {
148 	    gconst( casep[1] );
149 	    if( exprtype == NIL || con.ctype == NIL ) {
150 		continue;
151 	    }
152 	    if ( incompat( con.ctype , exprtype , NIL ) ) {
153 		cerror("Case label type clashed with case selector expression type");
154 		continue;
155 	    }
156 	    if ( con.crval < low || con.crval > high ) {
157 		error("Case label out of range");
158 		continue;
159 	    }
160 	    count++;
161 	    ctab[ count ].cconst = con.crval;
162 	    ctab[ count ].cline = line;
163 	    ctab[ count ].clabel = label;
164 	}
165 	    /*
166 	     *	put out the statement
167 	     */
168 	putlab( label );
169 	putcnt();
170 	level++;
171 	statement( cstatp[3] );
172 	nr &= noreach;
173 	noreach = 0;
174 	level--;
175 	if (gotos[cbn]) {
176 		ungoto();
177 	}
178 	putjbr( endlabel );
179     }
180     noreach = nr;
181 	/*
182 	 *	default action is to call error
183 	 */
184     putlab( ctab[0].clabel );
185     putleaf( P2ICON , 0 , 0 , ADDTYPE( P2FTN | P2INT , P2PTR ) , "_ERROR" );
186     putleaf( P2ICON , ECASE , 0 , P2INT , 0 );
187     putleaf( P2REG , FORCENUMBER , 0 , P2INT , 0 );
188     putop( P2LISTOP , P2INT );
189     putop( P2CALL , P2INT );
190     putdot( filename , line );
191 	/*
192 	 *  sort the cases
193 	 */
194     qsort( &ctab[1] , count , sizeof (struct ct) , casecmp );
195 	/*
196 	 *  check for duplicates
197 	 */
198     dupcases = FALSE;
199     for ( ctp = &ctab[1] ; ctp < &ctab[ count ] ; ctp++ ) {
200 	if ( ctp[0].cconst == ctp[1].cconst ) {
201 	    error("Multiply defined label in case, lines %d and %d" ,
202 		    ctp[0].cline , ctp[1].cline );
203 	    dupcases = TRUE;
204 	}
205     }
206     if ( dupcases ) {
207 	return;
208     }
209 	/*
210 	 *  choose a switch algorithm and implement it:
211 	 *	direct switch	>= 1/3 full and >= 4 cases.
212 	 *	binary switch	not direct switch and > 8 cases.
213 	 *	ifthenelse	not direct or binary switch.
214 	 */
215     putlab( swlabel );
216     if ( ctab[ count ].cconst - ctab[1].cconst < 3 * count && count >= 4 ) {
217 	directsw( ctab , count );
218     } else if ( count > 8 ) {
219 	binarysw( ctab , count );
220     } else {
221 	itesw( ctab , count );
222     }
223     putlab( endlabel );
224     if ( goc != gocnt ) {
225 	    putcnt();
226     }
227 }
229     /*
230      *	direct switch
231      */
232 directsw( ctab , count )
233     struct ct	*ctab;
234     int		count;
235 {
236     int		fromlabel = getlab();
237     long	i;
238     long	j;
240     putprintf( "	casel	%s,$%d,$%d" , 0 , FORCENAME ,
241 	    ctab[1].cconst , ctab[ count ].cconst - ctab[1].cconst );
242     putlab( fromlabel );
243     i = 1;
244     j = ctab[1].cconst;
245     while ( i <= count ) {
246 	if ( j == ctab[ i ].cconst ) {
247 	    putprintf( "	.word	" , 1 );
248 	    putprintf( PREFIXFORMAT , 1 , LABELPREFIX , ctab[ i ].clabel );
249 	    putprintf( "-" , 1 );
250 	    putprintf( PREFIXFORMAT , 0 , LABELPREFIX , fromlabel );
251 	    i++;
252 	} else {
253 	    putprintf( "	.word	" , 1 );
254 	    putprintf( PREFIXFORMAT , 1 , LABELPREFIX , ctab[ 0 ].clabel );
255 	    putprintf( "-" , 1 );
256 	    putprintf( PREFIXFORMAT , 0 , LABELPREFIX , fromlabel );
257 	}
258 	j++;
259     }
260     putjbr( ctab[0].clabel );
261 }
263     /*
264      *	binary switch
265      *	special case out default label and start recursion.
266      */
267 binarysw( ctab , count )
268     struct ct	*ctab;
269     int		count;
270 {
272     bsrecur( ctab[0].clabel , &ctab[0] , count );
273 }
275     /*
276      *	recursive log( count ) search.
277      */
278 bsrecur( deflabel , ctab , count )
279     int		deflabel;
280     struct ct	*ctab;
281     int		count;
282 {
284     if ( count <= 0 ) {
285 	putprintf( "	jbr	L%d" , 0 , deflabel );
286 	return;
287     } else if ( count == 1 ) {
288 	putprintf( "	cmpl	%s,$%d" , 0 , FORCENAME , ctab[1].cconst );
289 	putprintf( "	jeql	L%d" , 0 , ctab[1].clabel );
290 	putprintf( "	jbr	L%d" , 0 , deflabel );
291 	return;
292     } else {
293 	int	half = ( count + 1 ) / 2;
294 	int	gtrlabel = getlab();
296 	putprintf( "	cmpl	%s,$%d" , 0 , FORCENAME , ctab[ half ].cconst );
297 	putprintf( "	jgtr	L%d" , 0 , gtrlabel );
298 	putprintf( "	jeql	L%d" , 0 , ctab[ half ].clabel );
299 	bsrecur( deflabel , &ctab[0] , half - 1 );
300 	putprintf( "L%d:" , 0 , gtrlabel );
301 	bsrecur( deflabel , &ctab[ half ] , count - half );
302 	return;
303     }
304 }
306 itesw( ctab , count )
307     struct ct	*ctab;
308     int		count;
309 {
310     int	i;
312     for ( i = 1 ; i <= count ; i++ ) {
313 	putprintf( "	cmpl	%s,$%d" , 0 , FORCENAME , ctab[ i ].cconst );
314 	putprintf( "	jeql	L%d" , 0 , ctab[ i ].clabel );
315     }
316     putprintf( "	jbr	L%d" , 0 , ctab[0].clabel );
317     return;
318 }
319 int
320 casecmp( this , that )
321     struct ct 	*this;
322     struct ct 	*that;
323 {
324     if ( this -> cconst < that -> cconst ) {
325 	return -1;
326     } else if ( this -> cconst > that -> cconst ) {
327 	return 1;
328     } else {
329 	return 0;
330     }
331 }
332 #endif PC