xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/pascal/src/tree.c (revision d25e1985)
1 /* Copyright (c) 1979 Regents of the University of California */
3 static	char sccsid[] = "@(#)tree.c 1.1 08/27/80";
5 #include "whoami.h"
6 #include "0.h"
8 /*
10  */
11 struct tr {
12 	int	*tr_low;
13 	int	*tr_high;
14 } ttab[MAXTREE], *tract;
16 /*
17  * The variable space is the
18  * absolute base of the tree segments.
19  * (exactly the same as ttab[0].tr_low)
20  * Spacep is maintained to point at the
21  * beginning of the next tree slot to
22  * be allocated for use by the grammar.
23  * Spacep is used "extern" by the semantic
24  * actions in pas.y.
25  * The variable tract is maintained to point
26  * at the tree segment out of which we are
27  * allocating (the active segment).
28  */
29 int	*space, *spacep;
31 /*
32  * TREENMAX is the maximum width
33  * in words that any tree node
34  * due to the way in which the parser uses
35  * the pointer spacep.
36  */
37 #define	TREENMAX	6
39 int	trspace[ITREE];
40 int	*space	= trspace;
41 int	*spacep	= trspace;
42 struct	tr *tract	= ttab;
44 /*
45  * Inittree allocates the first tree slot
46  * and sets up the first segment descriptor.
47  * A lot of this work is actually done statically
48  * above.
49  */
50 inittree()
51 {
53 	ttab[0].tr_low = space;
54 	ttab[0].tr_high = &space[ITREE];
55 }
57 /*
58  * Tree builds the nodes in the
59  * parse tree. It is rarely called
60  * directly, rather calls are made
61  * to tree[12345] which supplies the
62  * first argument to save space in
63  * the code. Tree also guarantees
64  * that spacep points to the beginning
65  * of the next slot it will return,
66  * a property required by the parser
67  * which was always true before we
68  * segmented the tree space.
69  */
70 int *tree(cnt, a)
71 	int cnt;
72 {
73 	register int *p, *q;
74 	register int i;
76 	i = cnt;
77 	p = spacep;
78 	q = &a;
79 	do
80 		*p++ = *q++;
81 	while (--i);
82 	q = spacep;
83 	spacep = p;
84 	if (p+TREENMAX >= tract->tr_high)
85 		/*
86 		 * this peek-ahead should
87 		 * save a great number of calls
88 		 * to tralloc.
89 		 */
90 		tralloc(TREENMAX);
91 	return (q);
92 }
94 /*
95  * Tralloc preallocates enough
96  * space in the tree to allow
97  * the grammar to use the variable
98  * spacep, as it did before the
99  * tree was segmented.
100  */
101 tralloc(howmuch)
102 {
103 	register char *cp;
104 	register i;
106 	if (spacep + howmuch >= tract->tr_high) {
107 		i = TRINC;
108 		cp = malloc(i * sizeof ( int ));
109 		if (cp == -1) {
110 			yerror("Ran out of memory (tralloc)");
111 			pexit(DIED);
112 		}
113 		spacep = cp;
114 		tract++;
115 		if (tract >= &ttab[MAXTREE]) {
116 			yerror("Ran out of tree tables");
117 			pexit(DIED);
118 		}
119 		tract->tr_low = cp;
120 		tract->tr_high = tract->tr_low+i;
121 	}
122 }
124 extern	int yylacnt;
125 extern	bottled;
126 #ifdef PXP
127 #endif
128 /*
129  * Free up the tree segments
130  * at the end of a block.
131  * If there is scanner lookahead,
132  * i.e. if yylacnt != 0 or there is bottled output, then we
133  * cannot free the tree space.
134  * This happens only when errors
135  * occur and the forward move extends
136  * across "units".
137  */
138 trfree()
139 {
141 	if (yylacnt != 0 || bottled != NIL)
142 		return;
143 #ifdef PXP
144 	if (needtree())
145 		return;
146 #endif
147 	spacep = space;
148 	while (tract->tr_low > spacep || tract->tr_high <= spacep) {
149 		free(tract->tr_low);
150 		tract->tr_low = NIL;
151 		tract->tr_high = NIL;
152 		tract--;
153 		if (tract < ttab)
154 			panic("ttab");
155 	}
156 #ifdef PXP
157 	packtree();
158 #endif
159 }
161 /*
162  * Copystr copies a token from
163  * the "token" buffer into the
164  * tree space.
165  */
166 copystr(token)
167 	register char *token;
168 {
169 	register char *cp;
170 	register int i;
172 	i = (strlen(token) + sizeof ( int )) & ~( ( sizeof ( int ) ) - 1 );
173 	tralloc(i / sizeof ( int ));
174 	strcpy(spacep, token);
175 	cp = spacep;
176 	spacep = cp + i;
177 	tralloc(TREENMAX);
178 	return (cp);
179 }