xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/quota/quota.c (revision 7e21a27b)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1980, 1990, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
6  * Robert Elz at The University of Melbourne.
7  *
8  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
9  */
11 #ifndef lint
12 static char copyright[] =
13 "@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1990, 1993\n\
14 	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.\n";
15 #endif /* not lint */
17 #ifndef lint
18 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)quota.c	8.3 (Berkeley) 04/27/95";
19 #endif /* not lint */
21 /*
22  * Disk quota reporting program.
23  */
24 #include <sys/param.h>
25 #include <sys/file.h>
26 #include <sys/stat.h>
27 #include <sys/queue.h>
29 #include <ufs/ufs/quota.h>
31 #include <ctype.h>
32 #include <errno.h>
33 #include <fstab.h>
34 #include <grp.h>
35 #include <pwd.h>
36 #include <stdio.h>
38 char *qfname = QUOTAFILENAME;
39 char *qfextension[] = INITQFNAMES;
41 struct quotause {
42 	struct	quotause *next;
43 	long	flags;
44 	struct	dqblk dqblk;
45 	char	fsname[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
46 } *getprivs();
47 #define	FOUND	0x01
49 int	qflag;
50 int	vflag;
52 main(argc, argv)
53 	char *argv[];
54 {
55 	int ngroups, gidset[NGROUPS];
56 	int i, gflag = 0, uflag = 0;
57 	char ch;
58 	extern char *optarg;
59 	extern int optind, errno;
61 	if (quotactl("/", 0, 0, (caddr_t)0) < 0 && errno == EOPNOTSUPP) {
62 		fprintf(stderr, "There are no quotas on this system\n");
63 		exit(0);
64 	}
65 	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "ugvq")) != EOF) {
66 		switch(ch) {
67 		case 'g':
68 			gflag++;
69 			break;
70 		case 'u':
71 			uflag++;
72 			break;
73 		case 'v':
74 			vflag++;
75 			break;
76 		case 'q':
77 			qflag++;
78 			break;
79 		default:
80 			usage();
81 		}
82 	}
83 	argc -= optind;
84 	argv += optind;
85 	if (!uflag && !gflag)
86 		uflag++;
87 	if (argc == 0) {
88 		if (uflag)
89 			showuid(getuid());
90 		if (gflag) {
91 			ngroups = getgroups(NGROUPS, gidset);
92 			if (ngroups < 0) {
93 				perror("quota: getgroups");
94 				exit(1);
95 			}
96 			for (i = 1; i < ngroups; i++)
97 				showgid(gidset[i]);
98 		}
99 		exit(0);
100 	}
101 	if (uflag && gflag)
102 		usage();
103 	if (uflag) {
104 		for (; argc > 0; argc--, argv++) {
105 			if (alldigits(*argv))
106 				showuid(atoi(*argv));
107 			else
108 				showusrname(*argv);
109 		}
110 		exit(0);
111 	}
112 	if (gflag) {
113 		for (; argc > 0; argc--, argv++) {
114 			if (alldigits(*argv))
115 				showgid(atoi(*argv));
116 			else
117 				showgrpname(*argv);
118 		}
119 		exit(0);
120 	}
121 }
123 usage()
124 {
126 	fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n%s\n",
127 		"Usage: quota [-guqv]",
128 		"\tquota [-qv] -u username ...",
129 		"\tquota [-qv] -g groupname ...");
130 	exit(1);
131 }
133 /*
134  * Print out quotas for a specified user identifier.
135  */
136 showuid(uid)
137 	u_long uid;
138 {
139 	struct passwd *pwd = getpwuid(uid);
140 	u_long myuid;
141 	char *name;
143 	if (pwd == NULL)
144 		name = "(no account)";
145 	else
146 		name = pwd->pw_name;
147 	myuid = getuid();
148 	if (uid != myuid && myuid != 0) {
149 		printf("quota: %s (uid %d): permission denied\n", name, uid);
150 		return;
151 	}
152 	showquotas(USRQUOTA, uid, name);
153 }
155 /*
156  * Print out quotas for a specifed user name.
157  */
158 showusrname(name)
159 	char *name;
160 {
161 	struct passwd *pwd = getpwnam(name);
162 	u_long myuid;
164 	if (pwd == NULL) {
165 		fprintf(stderr, "quota: %s: unknown user\n", name);
166 		return;
167 	}
168 	myuid = getuid();
169 	if (pwd->pw_uid != myuid && myuid != 0) {
170 		fprintf(stderr, "quota: %s (uid %d): permission denied\n",
171 		    name, pwd->pw_uid);
172 		return;
173 	}
174 	showquotas(USRQUOTA, pwd->pw_uid, name);
175 }
177 /*
178  * Print out quotas for a specified group identifier.
179  */
180 showgid(gid)
181 	u_long gid;
182 {
183 	struct group *grp = getgrgid(gid);
184 	int ngroups, gidset[NGROUPS];
185 	register int i;
186 	char *name;
188 	if (grp == NULL)
189 		name = "(no entry)";
190 	else
191 		name = grp->gr_name;
192 	ngroups = getgroups(NGROUPS, gidset);
193 	if (ngroups < 0) {
194 		perror("quota: getgroups");
195 		return;
196 	}
197 	for (i = 1; i < ngroups; i++)
198 		if (gid == gidset[i])
199 			break;
200 	if (i >= ngroups && getuid() != 0) {
201 		fprintf(stderr, "quota: %s (gid %d): permission denied\n",
202 		    name, gid);
203 		return;
204 	}
205 	showquotas(GRPQUOTA, gid, name);
206 }
208 /*
209  * Print out quotas for a specifed group name.
210  */
211 showgrpname(name)
212 	char *name;
213 {
214 	struct group *grp = getgrnam(name);
215 	int ngroups, gidset[NGROUPS];
216 	register int i;
218 	if (grp == NULL) {
219 		fprintf(stderr, "quota: %s: unknown group\n", name);
220 		return;
221 	}
222 	ngroups = getgroups(NGROUPS, gidset);
223 	if (ngroups < 0) {
224 		perror("quota: getgroups");
225 		return;
226 	}
227 	for (i = 1; i < ngroups; i++)
228 		if (grp->gr_gid == gidset[i])
229 			break;
230 	if (i >= ngroups && getuid() != 0) {
231 		fprintf(stderr, "quota: %s (gid %d): permission denied\n",
232 		    name, grp->gr_gid);
233 		return;
234 	}
235 	showquotas(GRPQUOTA, grp->gr_gid, name);
236 }
238 showquotas(type, id, name)
239 	int type;
240 	u_long id;
241 	char *name;
242 {
243 	register struct quotause *qup;
244 	struct quotause *quplist, *getprivs();
245 	char *msgi, *msgb, *timeprt();
246 	int myuid, fd, lines = 0;
247 	static int first;
248 	static time_t now;
250 	if (now == 0)
251 		time(&now);
252 	quplist = getprivs(id, type);
253 	for (qup = quplist; qup; qup = qup->next) {
254 		if (!vflag &&
255 		    qup->dqblk.dqb_isoftlimit == 0 &&
256 		    qup->dqblk.dqb_ihardlimit == 0 &&
257 		    qup->dqblk.dqb_bsoftlimit == 0 &&
258 		    qup->dqblk.dqb_bhardlimit == 0)
259 			continue;
260 		msgi = (char *)0;
261 		if (qup->dqblk.dqb_ihardlimit &&
262 		    qup->dqblk.dqb_curinodes >= qup->dqblk.dqb_ihardlimit)
263 			msgi = "File limit reached on";
264 		else if (qup->dqblk.dqb_isoftlimit &&
265 		    qup->dqblk.dqb_curinodes >= qup->dqblk.dqb_isoftlimit)
266 			if (qup->dqblk.dqb_itime > now)
267 				msgi = "In file grace period on";
268 			else
269 				msgi = "Over file quota on";
270 		msgb = (char *)0;
271 		if (qup->dqblk.dqb_bhardlimit &&
272 		    qup->dqblk.dqb_curblocks >= qup->dqblk.dqb_bhardlimit)
273 			msgb = "Block limit reached on";
274 		else if (qup->dqblk.dqb_bsoftlimit &&
275 		    qup->dqblk.dqb_curblocks >= qup->dqblk.dqb_bsoftlimit)
276 			if (qup->dqblk.dqb_btime > now)
277 				msgb = "In block grace period on";
278 			else
279 				msgb = "Over block quota on";
280 		if (qflag) {
281 			if ((msgi != (char *)0 || msgb != (char *)0) &&
282 			    lines++ == 0)
283 				heading(type, id, name, "");
284 			if (msgi != (char *)0)
285 				printf("\t%s %s\n", msgi, qup->fsname);
286 			if (msgb != (char *)0)
287 				printf("\t%s %s\n", msgb, qup->fsname);
288 			continue;
289 		}
290 		if (vflag ||
291 		    qup->dqblk.dqb_curblocks ||
292 		    qup->dqblk.dqb_curinodes) {
293 			if (lines++ == 0)
294 				heading(type, id, name, "");
295 			printf("%15s%8d%c%7d%8d%8s"
296 				, qup->fsname
297 				, dbtob(qup->dqblk.dqb_curblocks) / 1024
298 				, (msgb == (char *)0) ? ' ' : '*'
299 				, dbtob(qup->dqblk.dqb_bsoftlimit) / 1024
300 				, dbtob(qup->dqblk.dqb_bhardlimit) / 1024
301 				, (msgb == (char *)0) ? ""
302 				    : timeprt(qup->dqblk.dqb_btime));
303 			printf("%8d%c%7d%8d%8s\n"
304 				, qup->dqblk.dqb_curinodes
305 				, (msgi == (char *)0) ? ' ' : '*'
306 				, qup->dqblk.dqb_isoftlimit
307 				, qup->dqblk.dqb_ihardlimit
308 				, (msgi == (char *)0) ? ""
309 				    : timeprt(qup->dqblk.dqb_itime)
310 			);
311 			continue;
312 		}
313 	}
314 	if (!qflag && lines == 0)
315 		heading(type, id, name, "none");
316 }
318 heading(type, id, name, tag)
319 	int type;
320 	u_long id;
321 	char *name, *tag;
322 {
324 	printf("Disk quotas for %s %s (%cid %d): %s\n", qfextension[type],
325 	    name, *qfextension[type], id, tag);
326 	if (!qflag && tag[0] == '\0') {
327 		printf("%15s%8s %7s%8s%8s%8s %7s%8s%8s\n"
328 			, "Filesystem"
329 			, "blocks"
330 			, "quota"
331 			, "limit"
332 			, "grace"
333 			, "files"
334 			, "quota"
335 			, "limit"
336 			, "grace"
337 		);
338 	}
339 }
341 /*
342  * Calculate the grace period and return a printable string for it.
343  */
344 char *
345 timeprt(seconds)
346 	time_t seconds;
347 {
348 	time_t hours, minutes;
349 	static char buf[20];
350 	static time_t now;
352 	if (now == 0)
353 		time(&now);
354 	if (now > seconds)
355 		return ("none");
356 	seconds -= now;
357 	minutes = (seconds + 30) / 60;
358 	hours = (minutes + 30) / 60;
359 	if (hours >= 36) {
360 		sprintf(buf, "%ddays", (hours + 12) / 24);
361 		return (buf);
362 	}
363 	if (minutes >= 60) {
364 		sprintf(buf, "%2d:%d", minutes / 60, minutes % 60);
365 		return (buf);
366 	}
367 	sprintf(buf, "%2d", minutes);
368 	return (buf);
369 }
371 /*
372  * Collect the requested quota information.
373  */
374 struct quotause *
375 getprivs(id, quotatype)
376 	register long id;
377 	int quotatype;
378 {
379 	register struct fstab *fs;
380 	register struct quotause *qup, *quptail;
381 	struct quotause *quphead;
382 	char *qfpathname;
383 	int qcmd, fd;
385 	setfsent();
386 	quphead = (struct quotause *)0;
387 	qcmd = QCMD(Q_GETQUOTA, quotatype);
388 	while (fs = getfsent()) {
389 		if (strcmp(fs->fs_vfstype, "ufs"))
390 			continue;
391 		if (!hasquota(fs, quotatype, &qfpathname))
392 			continue;
393 		if ((qup = (struct quotause *)malloc(sizeof *qup)) == NULL) {
394 			fprintf(stderr, "quota: out of memory\n");
395 			exit(2);
396 		}
397 		if (quotactl(fs->fs_file, qcmd, id, &qup->dqblk) != 0) {
398 			if ((fd = open(qfpathname, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
399 				perror(qfpathname);
400 				free(qup);
401 				continue;
402 			}
403 			lseek(fd, (off_t)(id * sizeof(struct dqblk)), L_SET);
404 			switch (read(fd, &qup->dqblk, sizeof(struct dqblk))) {
405 			case 0:			/* EOF */
406 				/*
407 				 * Convert implicit 0 quota (EOF)
408 				 * into an explicit one (zero'ed dqblk)
409 				 */
410 				bzero((caddr_t)&qup->dqblk,
411 				    sizeof(struct dqblk));
412 				break;
414 			case sizeof(struct dqblk):	/* OK */
415 				break;
417 			default:		/* ERROR */
418 				fprintf(stderr, "quota: read error");
419 				perror(qfpathname);
420 				close(fd);
421 				free(qup);
422 				continue;
423 			}
424 			close(fd);
425 		}
426 		strcpy(qup->fsname, fs->fs_file);
427 		if (quphead == NULL)
428 			quphead = qup;
429 		else
430 			quptail->next = qup;
431 		quptail = qup;
432 		qup->next = 0;
433 	}
434 	endfsent();
435 	return (quphead);
436 }
438 /*
439  * Check to see if a particular quota is to be enabled.
440  */
441 hasquota(fs, type, qfnamep)
442 	register struct fstab *fs;
443 	int type;
444 	char **qfnamep;
445 {
446 	register char *opt;
447 	char *cp, *index(), *strtok();
448 	static char initname, usrname[100], grpname[100];
449 	static char buf[BUFSIZ];
451 	if (!initname) {
452 		sprintf(usrname, "%s%s", qfextension[USRQUOTA], qfname);
453 		sprintf(grpname, "%s%s", qfextension[GRPQUOTA], qfname);
454 		initname = 1;
455 	}
456 	strcpy(buf, fs->fs_mntops);
457 	for (opt = strtok(buf, ","); opt; opt = strtok(NULL, ",")) {
458 		if (cp = index(opt, '='))
459 			*cp++ = '\0';
460 		if (type == USRQUOTA && strcmp(opt, usrname) == 0)
461 			break;
462 		if (type == GRPQUOTA && strcmp(opt, grpname) == 0)
463 			break;
464 	}
465 	if (!opt)
466 		return (0);
467 	if (cp) {
468 		*qfnamep = cp;
469 		return (1);
470 	}
471 	(void) sprintf(buf, "%s/%s.%s", fs->fs_file, qfname, qfextension[type]);
472 	*qfnamep = buf;
473 	return (1);
474 }
476 alldigits(s)
477 	register char *s;
478 {
479 	register c;
481 	c = *s++;
482 	do {
483 		if (!isdigit(c))
484 			return (0);
485 	} while (c = *s++);
486 	return (1);
487 }