xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/rlogin/des_rw.c (revision 4670e840)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1989 The Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  */
8 #ifndef lint
9 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)des_rw.c	5.9 (Berkeley) 03/04/93";
10 #endif /* not lint */
12 #ifdef CRYPT
13 #ifdef KERBEROS
14 #include <sys/param.h>
16 #include <kerberosIV/des.h>
17 #include <kerberosIV/krb.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <string.h>
21 #include <time.h>
22 #include <unistd.h>
24 static unsigned char	des_inbuf[10240], storage[10240], *store_ptr;
25 static bit_64		*key;
26 static u_char		*key_schedule;
28 /* XXX these should be in a kerberos include file */
29 int	krb_net_read __P((int, char *, int));
30 #ifdef notdef
31 /* XXX too hard to make this work */
32 int	des_pcbc_encrypt __P((des_cblock *, des_cblock *, long,
33 	    des_key_schedule, des_cblock *, int));
34 #endif
36 /*
37  * NB: These routines will not function properly if NBIO
38  * 	is set
39  */
41 /*
42  * des_set_key
43  *
44  * Set des encryption/decryption key for use by the des_read and
45  * des_write routines
46  *
47  * The inkey parameter is actually the DES initial vector,
48  * and the insched is the DES Key unwrapped for faster decryption
49  */
51 void
52 des_set_key(inkey, insched)
53 	bit_64		*inkey;
54 	u_char		*insched;
55 {
56 	key = inkey;
57 	key_schedule = insched;
58 }
60 void
61 des_clear_key()
62 {
63 	bzero((char *) key, sizeof(C_Block));
64 	bzero((char *) key_schedule, sizeof(Key_schedule));
65 }
68 int
69 des_read(fd, buf, len)
70 	int fd;
71 	register char *buf;
72 	int len;
73 {
74 	int nreturned = 0;
75 	long net_len, rd_len;
76 	int nstored = 0;
78 	if (nstored >= len) {
79 		(void) bcopy(store_ptr, buf, len);
80 		store_ptr += len;
81 		nstored -= len;
82 		return(len);
83 	} else if (nstored) {
84 		(void) bcopy(store_ptr, buf, nstored);
85 		nreturned += nstored;
86 		buf += nstored;
87 		len -= nstored;
88 		nstored = 0;
89 	}
91 	if (krb_net_read(fd, (char *)&net_len, sizeof(net_len)) !=
92 	    sizeof(net_len)) {
93 		/* XXX can't read enough, pipe
94 		   must have closed */
95 		return(0);
96 	}
97 	net_len = ntohl(net_len);
98 	if (net_len <= 0 || net_len > sizeof(des_inbuf)) {
99 		/* preposterous length; assume out-of-sync; only
100 		   recourse is to close connection, so return 0 */
101 		return(0);
102 	}
103 	/* the writer tells us how much real data we are getting, but
104 	   we need to read the pad bytes (8-byte boundary) */
105 	rd_len = roundup(net_len, 8);
106 	if (krb_net_read(fd, (char *)des_inbuf, rd_len) != rd_len) {
107 		/* pipe must have closed, return 0 */
108 		return(0);
109 	}
110 	(void) des_pcbc_encrypt(des_inbuf,	/* inbuf */
111 			    storage,		/* outbuf */
112 			    net_len,		/* length */
113 			    key_schedule,	/* DES key */
114 			    key,		/* IV */
115 			    DECRYPT);		/* direction */
117 	if(net_len < 8)
118 		store_ptr = storage + 8 - net_len;
119 	else
120 		store_ptr = storage;
122 	nstored = net_len;
123 	if (nstored > len) {
124 		(void) bcopy(store_ptr, buf, len);
125 		nreturned += len;
126 		store_ptr += len;
127 		nstored -= len;
128 	} else {
129 		(void) bcopy(store_ptr, buf, nstored);
130 		nreturned += nstored;
131 		nstored = 0;
132 	}
134 	return(nreturned);
135 }
137 static	unsigned char des_outbuf[10240];	/* > longest write */
139 int
140 des_write(fd, buf, len)
141 	int fd;
142 	char *buf;
143 	int len;
144 {
145 	static	int	seeded = 0;
146 	static	char	garbage_buf[8];
147 	long net_len, garbage;
149 	if(len < 8) {
150 		if(!seeded) {
151 			seeded = 1;
152 			srandom((int) time((long *)0));
153 		}
154 		garbage = random();
155 		/* insert random garbage */
156 		(void) bcopy(&garbage, garbage_buf, MIN(sizeof(long),8));
157 		/* this "right-justifies" the data in the buffer */
158 		(void) bcopy(buf, garbage_buf + 8 - len, len);
159 	}
160 	/* pcbc_encrypt outputs in 8-byte (64 bit) increments */
162 	(void) des_pcbc_encrypt((len < 8) ? garbage_buf : buf,
163 			    des_outbuf,
164 			    (len < 8) ? 8 : len,
165 			    key_schedule,	/* DES key */
166 			    key,		/* IV */
167 			    ENCRYPT);
169 	/* tell the other end the real amount, but send an 8-byte padded
170 	   packet */
171 	net_len = htonl(len);
172 	(void) write(fd, &net_len, sizeof(net_len));
173 	(void) write(fd, des_outbuf, roundup(len,8));
174 	return(len);
175 }
176 #endif /* KERBEROS */
177 #endif /* CRYPT */