xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/ruptime/ruptime.c (revision a0a7d8f4)
1 #ifndef lint
2 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)ruptime.c	4.17 (Berkeley) 85/02/27";
3 #endif
5 #include <sys/param.h>
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <sys/dir.h>
8 #include "../etc/rwhod/rwhod.h"
10 DIR	*dirp;
12 #define	NHOSTS	100
13 int	nhosts;
14 struct	hs {
15 	struct	whod *hs_wd;
16 	int	hs_nusers;
17 } hs[NHOSTS];
18 struct	whod awhod;
19 int	hscmp(), ucmp(), lcmp(), tcmp();
21 #define	WHDRSIZE	(sizeof (awhod) - sizeof (awhod.wd_we))
22 #define	RWHODIR		"/usr/spool/rwho"
24 char	*interval();
25 int	now;
26 char	*malloc(), *sprintf();
27 int	aflg;
28 int 	rflg = 1;
30 #define down(h)		(now - (h)->hs_wd->wd_recvtime > 11 * 60)
32 main(argc, argv)
33 	int argc;
34 	char **argv;
35 {
36 	struct direct *dp;
37 	int f, i, t;
38 	char buf[sizeof(struct whod)]; int cc;
39 	char *name;
40 	register struct hs *hsp = hs;
41 	register struct whod *wd;
42 	register struct whoent *we;
43 	int maxloadav = 0;
44 	int (*cmp)() = hscmp;
46 	name = *argv;
47 	while (*++argv)
48 		while (**argv)
49 			switch (*(*argv)++) {
50 			case 'a':
51 				aflg++;
52 				break;
53 			case 'l':
54 				cmp = lcmp;
55 				break;
56 			case 'u':
57 				cmp = ucmp;
58 				break;
59 			case 't':
60 				cmp = tcmp;
61 				break;
62 			case 'r':
63 				rflg = -rflg;
64 				break;
65 			case '-':
66 				break;
67 			default:
68 				fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [ -ar [ lut ] ]\n",
69 					name);
70 				exit (1);
71 			}
72 	time(&t);
73 	if (chdir(RWHODIR) < 0) {
74 		perror(RWHODIR);
75 		exit(1);
76 	}
77 	dirp = opendir(".");
78 	if (dirp == NULL) {
79 		perror(RWHODIR);
80 		exit(1);
81 	}
82 	while (dp = readdir(dirp)) {
83 		if (dp->d_ino == 0)
84 			continue;
85 		if (strncmp(dp->d_name, "whod.", 5))
86 			continue;
87 		if (nhosts == NHOSTS) {
88 			fprintf(stderr, "too many hosts\n");
89 			exit(1);
90 		}
91 		f = open(dp->d_name, 0);
92 		if (f > 0) {
93 			cc = read(f, buf, sizeof(struct whod));
94 			if (cc >= WHDRSIZE) {
95 				hsp->hs_wd = (struct whod *)malloc(WHDRSIZE);
96 				wd = (struct whod *)buf;
97 				bcopy(buf, hsp->hs_wd, WHDRSIZE);
98 				hsp->hs_nusers = 0;
99 				for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
100 					if (wd->wd_loadav[i] > maxloadav)
101 						maxloadav = wd->wd_loadav[i];
102 				we = (struct whoent *)(buf+cc);
103 				while (--we >= wd->wd_we)
104 					if (aflg || we->we_idle < 3600)
105 						hsp->hs_nusers++;
106 				nhosts++; hsp++;
107 			}
108 		}
109 		(void) close(f);
110 	}
111 	(void) time(&now);
112 	qsort((char *)hs, nhosts, sizeof (hs[0]), cmp);
113 	if (nhosts == 0) {
114 		printf("no hosts!?!\n");
115 		exit(1);
116 	}
117 	for (i = 0; i < nhosts; i++) {
118 		hsp = &hs[i];
119 		if (down(hsp)) {
120 			printf("%-12.12s%s\n", hsp->hs_wd->wd_hostname,
121 			    interval(now - hsp->hs_wd->wd_recvtime, "down"));
122 			continue;
123 		}
124 		printf("%-12.12s%s,  %4d user%s  load %*.2f, %*.2f, %*.2f\n",
125 		    hsp->hs_wd->wd_hostname,
126 		    interval(hsp->hs_wd->wd_sendtime -
127 			hsp->hs_wd->wd_boottime, "  up"),
128 		    hsp->hs_nusers,
129 		    hsp->hs_nusers == 1 ? ", " : "s,",
130 		    maxloadav >= 1000 ? 5 : 4,
131 			hsp->hs_wd->wd_loadav[0] / 100.0,
132 		    maxloadav >= 1000 ? 5 : 4,
133 		        hsp->hs_wd->wd_loadav[1] / 100.0,
134 		    maxloadav >= 1000 ? 5 : 4,
135 		        hsp->hs_wd->wd_loadav[2] / 100.0);
136 		cfree(hsp->hs_wd);
137 	}
138 	exit(0);
139 }
141 char *
142 interval(time, updown)
143 	int time;
144 	char *updown;
145 {
146 	static char resbuf[32];
147 	int days, hours, minutes;
149 	if (time < 0 || time > 3*30*24*60*60) {
150 		(void) sprintf(resbuf, "   %s ??:??", updown);
151 		return (resbuf);
152 	}
153 	minutes = (time + 59) / 60;		/* round to minutes */
154 	hours = minutes / 60; minutes %= 60;
155 	days = hours / 24; hours %= 24;
156 	if (days)
157 		(void) sprintf(resbuf, "%s %2d+%02d:%02d",
158 		    updown, days, hours, minutes);
159 	else
160 		(void) sprintf(resbuf, "%s    %2d:%02d",
161 		    updown, hours, minutes);
162 	return (resbuf);
163 }
165 hscmp(h1, h2)
166 	struct hs *h1, *h2;
167 {
169 	return (rflg * strcmp(h1->hs_wd->wd_hostname, h2->hs_wd->wd_hostname));
170 }
172 /*
173  * Compare according to load average.
174  */
175 lcmp(h1, h2)
176 	struct hs *h1, *h2;
177 {
179 	if (down(h1))
180 		if (down(h2))
181 			return (tcmp(h1, h2));
182 		else
183 			return (rflg);
184 	else if (down(h2))
185 		return (-rflg);
186 	else
187 		return (rflg *
188 			(h2->hs_wd->wd_loadav[0] - h1->hs_wd->wd_loadav[0]));
189 }
191 /*
192  * Compare according to number of users.
193  */
194 ucmp(h1, h2)
195 	struct hs *h1, *h2;
196 {
198 	if (down(h1))
199 		if (down(h2))
200 			return (tcmp(h1, h2));
201 		else
202 			return (rflg);
203 	else if (down(h2))
204 		return (-rflg);
205 	else
206 		return (rflg * (h2->hs_nusers - h1->hs_nusers));
207 }
209 /*
210  * Compare according to uptime.
211  */
212 tcmp(h1, h2)
213 	struct hs *h1, *h2;
214 {
215 	long t1, t2;
217 	return (rflg * (
218 		(down(h2) ? h2->hs_wd->wd_recvtime - now
219 			  : h2->hs_wd->wd_sendtime - h2->hs_wd->wd_boottime)
220 		-
221 		(down(h1) ? h1->hs_wd->wd_recvtime - now
222 			  : h1->hs_wd->wd_sendtime - h1->hs_wd->wd_boottime)
223 	));
224 }