xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/sed/process.c (revision edfa42a8)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1992 Diomidis Spinellis.
3  * Copyright (c) 1992 The Regents of the University of California.
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
7  * Diomidis Spinellis of Imperial College, University of London.
8  *
9  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
10  */
12 #ifndef lint
13 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)process.c	5.12 (Berkeley) 01/15/93";
14 #endif /* not lint */
16 #include <sys/types.h>
17 #include <sys/stat.h>
18 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
19 #include <sys/uio.h>
21 #include <ctype.h>
22 #include <errno.h>
23 #include <fcntl.h>
24 #include <limits.h>
25 #include <regex.h>
26 #include <stdio.h>
27 #include <stdlib.h>
28 #include <string.h>
29 #include <unistd.h>
31 #include "defs.h"
32 #include "extern.h"
34 static SPACE HS, PS, SS;
35 #define	pd		PS.deleted
36 #define	ps		PS.space
37 #define	psl		PS.len
38 #define	hs		HS.space
39 #define	hsl		HS.len
41 static inline int	 applies __P((struct s_command *));
42 static void		 flush_appends __P((void));
43 static void		 lputs __P((char *));
44 static inline int	 regexec_e __P((regex_t *, const char *, int, int));
45 static void		 regsub __P((SPACE *, char *, char *));
46 static int		 substitute __P((struct s_command *));
48 struct s_appends *appends;	/* Array of pointers to strings to append. */
49 static int appendx;		/* Index into appends array. */
50 int appendnum;			/* Size of appends array. */
52 static int lastaddr;		/* Set by applies if last address of a range. */
53 static int sdone;		/* If any substitutes since last line input. */
54 				/* Iov structure for 'w' commands. */
55 static struct iovec iov[2] = { NULL, 0, "\n", 1 };
57 static regex_t *defpreg;
58 size_t maxnsub;
59 regmatch_t *match;
61 void
62 process()
63 {
64 	struct s_command *cp;
65 	SPACE tspace;
66 	size_t len;
67 	int r;
68 	char oldc, *p;
70 	for (linenum = 0; mf_fgets(&PS, REPLACE);) {
71 		pd = 0;
72 		cp = prog;
73 redirect:
74 		while (cp != NULL) {
75 			if (!applies(cp)) {
76 				cp = cp->next;
77 				continue;
78 			}
79 			switch (cp->code) {
80 			case '{':
81 				cp = cp->u.c;
82 				goto redirect;
83 			case 'a':
84 				if (appendx >= appendnum)
85 					appends = xrealloc(appends,
86 					    sizeof(struct s_appends) *
87 					    (appendnum *= 2));
88 				appends[appendx].type = AP_STRING;
89 				appends[appendx].s = cp->t;
90 				appendx++;
91 				break;
92 			case 'b':
93 				cp = cp->u.c;
94 				goto redirect;
95 			case 'c':
96 				pd = 1;
97 				psl = 0;
98 				if (cp->a2 == NULL || lastaddr)
99 					(void)printf("%s", cp->t);
100 				break;
101 			case 'd':
102 				pd = 1;
103 				goto new;
104 			case 'D':
105 				if (pd)
106 					goto new;
107 				if ((p = strchr(ps, '\n')) == NULL)
108 					pd = 1;
109 				else {
110 					psl -= (p - ps) - 1;
111 					memmove(ps, p + 1, psl);
112 				}
113 				goto new;
114 			case 'g':
115 				cspace(&PS, hs, hsl, REPLACE);
116 				break;
117 			case 'G':
118 				cspace(&PS, hs, hsl, APPENDNL);
119 				break;
120 			case 'h':
121 				cspace(&HS, ps, psl, REPLACE);
122 				break;
123 			case 'H':
124 				cspace(&HS, ps, psl, APPENDNL);
125 				break;
126 			case 'i':
127 				(void)printf("%s", cp->t);
128 				break;
129 			case 'l':
130 				lputs(ps);
131 				break;
132 			case 'n':
133 				if (!nflag && !pd)
134 					(void)printf("%s\n", ps);
135 				flush_appends();
136 				r = mf_fgets(&PS, REPLACE);
138 				if (!r)
139 					exit(0);
140 #endif
141 				pd = 0;
142 				break;
143 			case 'N':
144 				flush_appends();
145 				if (!mf_fgets(&PS, APPENDNL)) {
146 					if (!nflag && !pd)
147 						(void)printf("%s\n", ps);
148 					exit(0);
149 				}
150 				break;
151 			case 'p':
152 				if (pd)
153 					break;
154 				(void)printf("%s\n", ps);
155 				break;
156 			case 'P':
157 				if (pd)
158 					break;
159 				if ((p = strchr(ps, '\n')) != NULL) {
160 					oldc = *p;
161 					*p = '\0';
162 				}
163 				(void)printf("%s\n", ps);
164 				if (p != NULL)
165 					*p = oldc;
166 				break;
167 			case 'q':
168 				if (!nflag && !pd)
169 					(void)printf("%s\n", ps);
170 				flush_appends();
171 				exit(0);
172 			case 'r':
173 				if (appendx >= appendnum)
174 					appends = xrealloc(appends,
175 					    sizeof(struct s_appends) *
176 					    (appendnum *= 2));
177 				appends[appendx].type = AP_FILE;
178 				appends[appendx].s = cp->t;
179 				appendx++;
180 				break;
181 			case 's':
182 				sdone |= substitute(cp);
183 				break;
184 			case 't':
185 				if (sdone) {
186 					sdone = 0;
187 					cp = cp->u.c;
188 					goto redirect;
189 				}
190 				break;
191 			case 'w':
192 				if (pd)
193 					break;
194 				if (cp->u.fd == -1 && (cp->u.fd = open(cp->t,
196 				    DEFFILEMODE)) == -1)
197 					err(FATAL, "%s: %s\n",
198 					    cp->t, strerror(errno));
199 				iov[0].iov_base = ps;
200 				iov[0].iov_len = psl;
201 				if (writev(cp->u.fd, iov, 2) != psl + 1)
202 					err(FATAL, "%s: %s\n",
203 					    cp->t, strerror(errno));
204 				break;
205 			case 'x':
206 				if (hs == NULL)
207 					cspace(&HS, "", 0, REPLACE);
208 				tspace = PS;
209 				PS = HS;
210 				HS = tspace;
211 				break;
212 			case 'y':
213 				if (pd)
214 					break;
215 				for (p = ps, len = psl; len--; ++p)
216 					*p = cp->u.y[*p];
217 				break;
218 			case ':':
219 			case '}':
220 				break;
221 			case '=':
222 				(void)printf("%lu\n", linenum);
223 			}
224 			cp = cp->next;
225 		} /* for all cp */
227 new:		if (!nflag && !pd)
228 			(void)printf("%s\n", ps);
229 		flush_appends();
230 	} /* for all lines */
231 }
233 /*
234  * TRUE if the address passed matches the current program state
235  * (lastline, linenumber, ps).
236  */
237 #define	MATCH(a)							\
238 	(a)->type == AT_RE ? regexec_e((a)->u.r, ps, 0, 1) :		\
239 	    (a)->type == AT_LINE ? linenum == (a)->u.l : lastline
241 /*
242  * Return TRUE if the command applies to the current line.  Sets the inrange
243  * flag to process ranges.  Interprets the non-select (``!'') flag.
244  */
245 static inline int
246 applies(cp)
247 	struct s_command *cp;
248 {
249 	int r;
251 	lastaddr = 0;
252 	if (cp->a1 == NULL && cp->a2 == NULL)
253 		r = 1;
254 	else if (cp->a2)
255 		if (cp->inrange) {
256 			if (MATCH(cp->a2)) {
257 				cp->inrange = 0;
258 				lastaddr = 1;
259 			}
260 			r = 1;
261 		} else if (MATCH(cp->a1)) {
262 			/*
263 			 * If the second address is a number less than or
264 			 * equal to the line number first selected, only
265 			 * one line shall be selected.
266 			 *	-- POSIX 1003.2
267 			 */
268 			if (cp->a2->type == AT_LINE &&
269 			    linenum >= cp->a2->u.l)
270 				lastaddr = 1;
271 			else
272 				cp->inrange = 1;
273 			r = 1;
274 		} else
275 			r = 0;
276 	else
277 		r = MATCH(cp->a1);
278 	return (cp->nonsel ? ! r : r);
279 }
281 /*
282  * substitute --
283  *	Do substitutions in the pattern space.  Currently, we build a
284  *	copy of the new pattern space in the substitute space structure
285  *	and then swap them.
286  */
287 static int
288 substitute(cp)
289 	struct s_command *cp;
290 {
291 	SPACE tspace;
292 	regex_t *re;
293 	size_t re_off;
294 	int n;
295 	char *s;
297 	s = ps;
298 	re = cp->u.s->re;
299 	if (re == NULL) {
300 		if (defpreg != NULL && cp->u.s->maxbref > defpreg->re_nsub) {
301 			linenum = cp->u.s->linenum;
302 			err(COMPILE, "\\%d not defined in the RE",
303 			    cp->u.s->maxbref);
304 		}
305 	}
306 	if (!regexec_e(re, s, 0, 0))
307 		return (0);
309 	SS.len = 0;				/* Clean substitute space. */
310 	n = cp->u.s->n;
311 	switch (n) {
312 	case 0:					/* Global */
313 		do {
314 			/* Locate start of replaced string. */
315 			re_off = match[0].rm_so;
316 			/* Copy leading retained string. */
317 			cspace(&SS, s, re_off, APPEND);
318 			/* Add in regular expression. */
319 			regsub(&SS, s, cp->u.s->new);
320 			/* Move past this match. */
321 			s += match[0].rm_eo;
322 		} while(regexec_e(re, s, REG_NOTBOL, 0));
323 		/* Copy trailing retained string. */
324 		cspace(&SS, s, strlen(s), APPEND);
325 		break;
326 	default:				/* Nth occurrence */
327 		while (--n) {
328 			s += match[0].rm_eo;
329 			if (!regexec_e(re, s, REG_NOTBOL, 0))
330 				return (0);
331 		}
332 		/* FALLTHROUGH */
333 	case 1:					/* 1st occurrence */
334 		/* Locate start of replaced string. */
335 		re_off = match[0].rm_so + (s - ps);
336 		/* Copy leading retained string. */
337 		cspace(&SS, ps, re_off, APPEND);
338 		/* Add in regular expression. */
339 		regsub(&SS, s, cp->u.s->new);
340 		/* Copy trailing retained string. */
341 		s += match[0].rm_eo;
342 		cspace(&SS, s, strlen(s), APPEND);
343 		break;
344 	}
346 	/*
347 	 * Swap the substitute space and the pattern space, and make sure
348 	 * that any leftover pointers into stdio memory get lost.
349 	 */
350 	tspace = PS;
351 	PS = SS;
352 	SS = tspace;
353 	SS.space = SS.back;
355 	/* Handle the 'p' flag. */
356 	if (cp->u.s->p)
357 		(void)printf("%s\n", ps);
359 	/* Handle the 'w' flag. */
360 	if (cp->u.s->wfile && !pd) {
361 		if (cp->u.s->wfd == -1 && (cp->u.s->wfd = open(cp->u.s->wfile,
363 			err(FATAL, "%s: %s\n", cp->u.s->wfile, strerror(errno));
364 		iov[0].iov_base = ps;
365 		iov[0].iov_len = psl;
366 		if (writev(cp->u.s->wfd, iov, 2) != psl + 1)
367 			err(FATAL, "%s: %s\n", cp->u.s->wfile, strerror(errno));
368 	}
369 	return (1);
370 }
372 /*
373  * Flush append requests.  Always called before reading a line,
374  * therefore it also resets the substitution done (sdone) flag.
375  */
376 static void
377 flush_appends()
378 {
379 	FILE *f;
380 	int count, i;
381 	char buf[8 * 1024];
383 	for (i = 0; i < appendx; i++)
384 		switch (appends[i].type) {
385 		case AP_STRING:
386 			(void)printf("%s", appends[i].s);
387 			break;
388 		case AP_FILE:
389 			/*
390 			 * Read files probably shouldn't be cached.  Since
391 			 * it's not an error to read a non-existent file,
392 			 * it's possible that another program is interacting
393 			 * with the sed script through the file system.  It
394 			 * would be truly bizarre, but possible.  It's probably
395 			 * not that big a performance win, anyhow.
396 			 */
397 			if ((f = fopen(appends[i].s, "r")) == NULL)
398 				break;
399 			while (count = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), f))
400 				(void)fwrite(buf, 1, count, stdout);
401 			(void)fclose(f);
402 			break;
403 		}
404 	if (ferror(stdout))
405 		err(FATAL, "stdout: %s", strerror(errno ? errno : EIO));
406 	appendx = sdone = 0;
407 }
409 static void
410 lputs(s)
411 	register char *s;
412 {
413 	register int count;
414 	register char *escapes, *p;
415 	struct winsize win;
416 	static int termwidth = -1;
418 	if (termwidth == -1)
419 		if (p = getenv("COLUMNS"))
420 			termwidth = atoi(p);
421 		else if (ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &win) == 0 &&
422 		    win.ws_col > 0)
423 			termwidth = win.ws_col;
424 		else
425 			termwidth = 60;
427 	for (count = 0; *s; ++s) {
428 		if (count >= termwidth) {
429 			(void)printf("\\\n");
430 			count = 0;
431 		}
432 		if (isascii(*s) && isprint(*s) && *s != '\\') {
433 			(void)putchar(*s);
434 			count++;
435 		} else {
436 			escapes = "\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v";
437 			(void)putchar('\\');
438 			if (p = strchr(escapes, *s)) {
439 				(void)putchar("\\abfnrtv"[p - escapes]);
440 				count += 2;
441 			} else {
442 				(void)printf("%03o", (u_char)*s);
443 				count += 4;
444 			}
445 		}
446 	}
447 	(void)putchar('$');
448 	(void)putchar('\n');
449 	if (ferror(stdout))
450 		err(FATAL, "stdout: %s", strerror(errno ? errno : EIO));
451 }
453 static inline int
454 regexec_e(preg, string, eflags, nomatch)
455 	regex_t *preg;
456 	const char *string;
457 	int eflags, nomatch;
458 {
459 	int eval;
461 	if (preg == NULL) {
462 		if (defpreg == NULL)
463 			err(FATAL, "first RE may not be empty");
464 	} else
465 		defpreg = preg;
467 	eval = regexec(defpreg, string,
468 	    nomatch ? 0 : maxnsub + 1, match, eflags);
469 	switch(eval) {
470 	case 0:
471 		return (1);
472 	case REG_NOMATCH:
473 		return (0);
474 	}
475 	err(FATAL, "RE error: %s", strregerror(eval, defpreg));
476 	/* NOTREACHED */
477 }
479 /*
480  * regsub - perform substitutions after a regexp match
481  * Based on a routine by Henry Spencer
482  */
483 static void
484 regsub(sp, string, src)
485 	SPACE *sp;
486 	char *string, *src;
487 {
488 	register int len, no;
489 	register char c, *dst;
491 #define	NEEDSP(reqlen)							\
492 	if (sp->len >= sp->blen - (reqlen) - 1) {			\
493 		sp->blen += (reqlen) + 1024;				\
494 		sp->space = sp->back = xrealloc(sp->back, sp->blen);	\
495 		dst = sp->space + sp->len;				\
496 	}
498 	dst = sp->space + sp->len;
499 	while ((c = *src++) != '\0') {
500 		if (c == '&')
501 			no = 0;
502 		else if (c == '\\' && isdigit(*src))
503 			no = *src++ - '0';
504 		else
505 			no = -1;
506 		if (no < 0) {		/* Ordinary character. */
507  			if (c == '\\' && (*src == '\\' || *src == '&'))
508  				c = *src++;
509 			NEEDSP(1);
510  			*dst++ = c;
511 			++sp->len;
512  		} else if (match[no].rm_so != -1 && match[no].rm_eo != -1) {
513 			len = match[no].rm_eo - match[no].rm_so;
514 			NEEDSP(len);
515 			memmove(dst, string + match[no].rm_so, len);
516 			dst += len;
517 			sp->len += len;
518 		}
519 	}
520 	NEEDSP(1);
521 	*dst = '\0';
522 }
524 /*
525  * aspace --
526  *	Append the source space to the destination space, allocating new
527  *	space as necessary.
528  */
529 void
530 cspace(sp, p, len, spflag)
531 	SPACE *sp;
532 	char *p;
533 	size_t len;
534 	enum e_spflag spflag;
535 {
536 	size_t tlen;
538 	/*
539 	 * Make sure SPACE has enough memory and ramp up quickly.  Appends
540 	 * need two extra bytes, one for the newline, one for a terminating
541 	 * NULL.
542 	 */
543 	tlen = sp->len + len + (spflag == APPENDNL ? 2 : 1);
544 	if (tlen > sp->blen) {
545 		sp->blen = tlen + 1024;
546 		sp->space = sp->back = xrealloc(sp->back, sp->blen);
547 	}
549 	if (spflag == APPENDNL)
550 		sp->space[sp->len++] = '\n';
551 	else if (spflag == REPLACE)
552 		sp->len = 0;
554 	memmove(sp->space + sp->len, p, len);
555 	sp->space[sp->len += len] = '\0';
556 }
558 /*
559  * Close all cached opened files and report any errors
560  */
561 void
562 cfclose(cp, end)
563 	register struct s_command *cp, *end;
564 {
566 	for (; cp != end; cp = cp->next)
567 		switch(cp->code) {
568 		case 's':
569 			if (cp->u.s->wfd != -1 && close(cp->u.s->wfd))
570 				err(FATAL,
571 				    "%s: %s", cp->u.s->wfile, strerror(errno));
572 			cp->u.s->wfd = -1;
573 			break;
574 		case 'w':
575 			if (cp->u.fd != -1 && close(cp->u.fd))
576 				err(FATAL, "%s: %s", cp->t, strerror(errno));
577 			cp->u.fd = -1;
578 			break;
579 		case '{':
580 			cfclose(cp->u.c, cp->next);
581 			break;
582 		}
583 }