xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/su/su.c (revision 5b8431a2)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1988 The Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  */
8 #ifndef lint
9 char copyright[] =
10 "@(#) Copyright (c) 1988 The Regents of the University of California.\n\
11  All rights reserved.\n";
12 #endif /* not lint */
14 #ifndef lint
15 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)su.c	5.23 (Berkeley) 11/06/90";
16 #endif /* not lint */
18 #include <sys/param.h>
19 #include <sys/time.h>
20 #include <sys/resource.h>
21 #include <syslog.h>
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <pwd.h>
24 #include <grp.h>
25 #include <string.h>
26 #include <unistd.h>
27 #include "pathnames.h"
29 #ifdef KERBEROS
30 #include <kerberosIV/des.h>
31 #include <kerberosIV/krb.h>
32 #include <netdb.h>
34 #define	ARGSTR	"-Kflm"
36 int use_kerberos = 1;
37 #else
38 #define	ARGSTR	"-flm"
39 #endif
41 main(argc, argv)
42 	int argc;
43 	char **argv;
44 {
45 	extern char **environ;
46 	extern int errno, optind;
47 	register struct passwd *pwd;
48 	register char *p, **g;
49 	struct group *gr;
50 	uid_t ruid, getuid();
51 	int asme, ch, asthem, fastlogin, prio;
52 	enum { UNSET, YES, NO } iscsh = UNSET;
53 	char *user, *shell, *username, *cleanenv[2], *nargv[4], **np;
54 	char shellbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
55 	char *crypt(), *getpass(), *getenv(), *getlogin(), *ontty();
57 	np = &nargv[3];
58 	*np-- = NULL;
59 	asme = asthem = fastlogin = 0;
60 	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, ARGSTR)) != EOF)
61 		switch((char)ch) {
62 #ifdef KERBEROS
63 		case 'K':
64 			use_kerberos = 0;
65 			break;
66 #endif
67 		case 'f':
68 			fastlogin = 1;
69 			break;
70 		case '-':
71 		case 'l':
72 			asme = 0;
73 			asthem = 1;
74 			break;
75 		case 'm':
76 			asme = 1;
77 			asthem = 0;
78 			break;
79 		case '?':
80 		default:
81 			(void)fprintf(stderr, "usage: su [%s] [login]\n",
82 			    ARGSTR);
83 			exit(1);
84 		}
85 	argv += optind;
87 	errno = 0;
88 	prio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0);
89 	if (errno)
90 		prio = 0;
91 	(void)setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -2);
92 	openlog("su", LOG_CONS, 0);
94 	/* get current login name and shell */
95 	ruid = getuid();
96 	username = getlogin();
97 	if (username == NULL || (pwd = getpwnam(username)) == NULL ||
98 	    pwd->pw_uid != ruid)
99 		pwd = getpwuid(ruid);
100 	if (pwd == NULL) {
101 		fprintf(stderr, "su: who are you?\n");
102 		exit(1);
103 	}
104 	username = strdup(pwd->pw_name);
105 	if (asme)
106 		if (pwd->pw_shell && *pwd->pw_shell)
107 			shell = strcpy(shellbuf,  pwd->pw_shell);
108 		else {
109 			shell = _PATH_BSHELL;
110 			iscsh = NO;
111 		}
113 	/* get target login information, default to root */
114 	user = *argv ? *argv : "root";
115 	if ((pwd = getpwnam(user)) == NULL) {
116 		fprintf(stderr, "su: unknown login %s\n", user);
117 		exit(1);
118 	}
120 	/* only allow those in group zero to su to root. */
121 	if (pwd->pw_uid == 0 && (gr = getgrgid((gid_t)0)))
122 		for (g = gr->gr_mem;; ++g) {
123 			if (!*g) {
124 				(void)fprintf(stderr,
125 				    "su: you are not in the correct group to su %s.\n", user);
126 				exit(1);
127 			}
128 			if (!strcmp(username, *g))
129 				break;
130 		}
132 	if (ruid) {
133 #ifdef KERBEROS
134 		if (!use_kerberos || kerberos(username, user, pwd->pw_uid))
135 #endif
136 		/* if target requires a password, verify it */
137 		if (*pwd->pw_passwd) {
138 			p = getpass("Password:");
139 			if (strcmp(pwd->pw_passwd, crypt(p, pwd->pw_passwd))) {
140 				fprintf(stderr, "Sorry\n");
141 				syslog(LOG_AUTH|LOG_WARNING,
142 					"BAD SU %s to %s%s", username,
143 					user, ontty());
144 				exit(1);
145 			}
146 		}
147 	}
149 	if (asme) {
150 		/* if asme and non-standard target shell, must be root */
151 		if (!chshell(pwd->pw_shell) && ruid) {
152 			(void)fprintf(stderr,
153 				"su: permission denied (shell).\n");
154 			exit(1);
155 		}
156 	} else if (pwd->pw_shell && *pwd->pw_shell) {
157 		shell = pwd->pw_shell;
158 		iscsh = UNSET;
159 	} else {
160 		shell = _PATH_BSHELL;
161 		iscsh = NO;
162 	}
164 	/* if we're forking a csh, we want to slightly muck the args */
165 	if (iscsh == UNSET) {
166 		if (p = rindex(shell, '/'))
167 			++p;
168 		else
169 			p = shell;
170 		iscsh = strcmp(p, "csh") ? NO : YES;
171 	}
173 	/* set permissions */
174 	if (setgid(pwd->pw_gid) < 0) {
175 		perror("su: setgid");
176 		exit(1);
177 	}
178 	if (initgroups(user, pwd->pw_gid)) {
179 		(void)fprintf(stderr, "su: initgroups failed.\n");
180 		exit(1);
181 	}
182 	if (setuid(pwd->pw_uid) < 0) {
183 		perror("su: setuid");
184 		exit(1);
185 	}
187 	if (!asme) {
188 		if (asthem) {
189 			p = getenv("TERM");
190 			cleanenv[0] = _PATH_SEARCHPATH;
191 			cleanenv[1] = NULL;
192 			environ = cleanenv;
193 			(void)setenv("TERM", p, 1);
194 			if (chdir(pwd->pw_dir) < 0) {
195 				fprintf(stderr, "su: no directory\n");
196 				exit(1);
197 			}
198 		}
199 		if (asthem || pwd->pw_uid)
200 			(void)setenv("USER", pwd->pw_name, 1);
201 		(void)setenv("HOME", pwd->pw_dir, 1);
202 		(void)setenv("SHELL", shell, 1);
203 	}
205 	if (iscsh == YES) {
206 		if (fastlogin)
207 			*np-- = "-f";
208 		if (asme)
209 			*np-- = "-m";
210 	}
212 	/* csh strips the first character... */
213 	*np = asthem ? "-su" : iscsh == YES ? "_su" : "su";
215 	if (ruid != 0)
216 		syslog(LOG_NOTICE|LOG_AUTH, "%s to %s%s",
217 		    username, user, ontty());
219 	(void)setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, prio);
221 	execv(shell, np);
222 	(void)fprintf(stderr, "su: %s not found.\n", shell);
223 	exit(1);
224 }
226 chshell(sh)
227 	char *sh;
228 {
229 	register char *cp;
230 	char *getusershell();
232 	while ((cp = getusershell()) != NULL)
233 		if (!strcmp(cp, sh))
234 			return(1);
235 	return(0);
236 }
238 char *
239 ontty()
240 {
241 	char *p, *ttyname();
242 	static char buf[MAXPATHLEN + 4];
244 	buf[0] = 0;
245 	if (p = ttyname(STDERR_FILENO))
246 		sprintf(buf, " on %s", p);
247 	return (buf);
248 }
250 #ifdef KERBEROS
251 kerberos(username, user, uid)
252 	char *username, *user;
253 	int uid;
254 {
255 	extern char *krb_err_txt[];
256 	KTEXT_ST ticket;
257 	AUTH_DAT authdata;
258 	struct hostent *hp;
259 	register char *p;
260 	int kerno;
261 	u_long faddr;
262 	char lrealm[REALM_SZ], krbtkfile[MAXPATHLEN];
263 	char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN], savehost[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
264 	char *ontty();
266 	if (krb_get_lrealm(lrealm, 1) != KSUCCESS) {
267 		(void)fprintf(stderr, "su: couldn't get local realm.\n");
268 		return(1);
269 	}
270 	if (koktologin(username, lrealm, user) && !uid) {
271 		(void)fprintf(stderr, "kerberos su: not in %s's ACL.\n", user);
272 		return(1);
273 	}
274 	(void)sprintf(krbtkfile, "%s_%s_%d", TKT_ROOT, user, getuid());
276 	(void)setenv("KRBTKFILE", krbtkfile, 1);
277 	/*
278 	 * Set real as well as effective ID to 0 for the moment,
279 	 * to make the kerberos library do the right thing.
280 	 */
281 	if (setuid(0) < 0) {
282 		perror("su: setuid");
283 		return(1);
284 	}
285 	(void)unlink(krbtkfile);
287 	/*
288 	 * Little trick here -- if we are su'ing to root,
289 	 * we need to get a ticket for "xxx.root", where xxx represents
290 	 * the name of the person su'ing.  Otherwise (non-root case),
291 	 * we need to get a ticket for "yyy.", where yyy represents
292 	 * the name of the person being su'd to, and the instance is null
293 	 *
294 	 * We should have a way to set the ticket lifetime,
295 	 * with a system default for root.
296 	 */
297 	kerno = krb_get_pw_in_tkt((uid == 0 ? username : user),
298 		(uid == 0 ? "root" : ""), lrealm,
299 	    	"krbtgt", lrealm, DEFAULT_TKT_LIFE, 0);
301 	if (kerno != KSUCCESS) {
302 		if (kerno == KDC_PR_UNKNOWN) {
303 			fprintf(stderr, "principal unknown: %s.%s@%s\n",
304 				(uid == 0 ? username : user),
305 				(uid == 0 ? "root" : ""), lrealm);
306 			return(1);
307 		}
308 		(void)printf("su: unable to su: %s\n", krb_err_txt[kerno]);
309 		syslog(LOG_NOTICE|LOG_AUTH,
310 		    "su: BAD Kerberos SU: %s to %s%s: %s",
311 		    username, user, ontty(), krb_err_txt[kerno]);
312 		return(1);
313 	}
315 	if (chown(krbtkfile, uid, -1) < 0) {
316 		perror("su: chown:");
317 		(void)unlink(krbtkfile);
318 		return(1);
319 	}
321 	(void)setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -2);
323 	if (gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)) == -1) {
324 		perror("su: hostname");
325 		dest_tkt();
326 		return(1);
327 	}
329 	(void)strncpy(savehost, krb_get_phost(hostname), sizeof(savehost));
330 	savehost[sizeof(savehost) - 1] = '\0';
332 	kerno = krb_mk_req(&ticket, "rcmd", savehost, lrealm, 33);
334 	if (kerno == KDC_PR_UNKNOWN) {
335 		(void)printf("Warning: tgt not verified.\n");
336 		syslog(LOG_NOTICE|LOG_AUTH,
337 			"su: %s to %s%s, TGT not verified",
338 		    	username, user, ontty());
339 	} else if (kerno != KSUCCESS) {
340 		(void)printf("Unable to use TGT: %s\n", krb_err_txt[kerno]);
341 		syslog(LOG_NOTICE|LOG_AUTH, "su: failed su: %s to %s%s: %s",
342 		    username, user, ontty(), krb_err_txt[kerno]);
343 		dest_tkt();
344 		return(1);
345 	} else {
346 		if (!(hp = gethostbyname(hostname))) {
347 			(void)printf("su: can't get addr of %s\n", hostname);
348 			dest_tkt();
349 			return(1);
350 		}
351 		(void)bcopy((char *)hp->h_addr, (char *)&faddr, sizeof(faddr));
353 		if ((kerno = krb_rd_req(&ticket, "rcmd", savehost, faddr,
354 		    &authdata, "")) != KSUCCESS) {
355 			(void)printf("su: unable to verify rcmd ticket: %s\n",
356 			    krb_err_txt[kerno]);
357 			syslog(LOG_NOTICE|LOG_AUTH,
358 			    "su: failed su: %s to %s%s: %s", username,
359 			    ontty(), user, krb_err_txt[kerno]);
360 			dest_tkt();
361 			return(1);
362 		}
363 	}
364 	return(0);
365 }
367 koktologin(name, realm, toname)
368 	char *name, *realm, *toname;
369 {
370 	register AUTH_DAT *kdata;
371 	AUTH_DAT kdata_st;
373 	kdata = &kdata_st;
374 	bzero((caddr_t) kdata, sizeof(*kdata));
375 	(void)strcpy(kdata->pname, name);
376 	(void)strcpy(kdata->pinst,
377 	    ((strcmp(toname, "root") == 0) ? "root" : ""));
378 	(void)strcpy(kdata->prealm, realm);
379 	return(kuserok(kdata, toname));
380 }
381 #endif