xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/telnet/commands.c (revision 87febec0)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1988 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
6  * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
7  * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
8  * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
9  * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
10  * by the University of California, Berkeley.  The name of the
11  * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
12  * from this software without specific prior written permission.
16  */
18 #ifndef lint
19 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)commands.c	1.17 (Berkeley) 03/21/89";
20 #endif /* not lint */
22 #include <sys/types.h>
23 #if	defined(unix)
24 #include <sys/file.h>
25 #endif	/* defined(unix) */
26 #include <sys/socket.h>
27 #include <netinet/in.h>
29 #include <signal.h>
30 #include <netdb.h>
31 #include <ctype.h>
32 #include <varargs.h>
34 #include <arpa/telnet.h>
36 #include "general.h"
38 #include "ring.h"
40 #include "externs.h"
41 #include "defines.h"
42 #include "types.h"
44 char	*hostname;
46 #define Ambiguous(s)	((char **)s == &ambiguous)
47 static char *ambiguous;		/* special return value for command routines */
49 typedef struct {
50 	char	*name;		/* command name */
51 	char	*help;		/* help string */
52 	int	(*handler)();	/* routine which executes command */
53 	int	dohelp;		/* Should we give general help information? */
54 	int	needconnect;	/* Do we need to be connected to execute? */
55 } Command;
57 static char line[200];
58 static int margc;
59 static char *margv[20];
61 /*
62  * Various utility routines.
63  */
65 #if	!defined(BSD) || (BSD <= 43)
67 char	*h_errlist[] = {
68 	"Error 0",
69 	"Unknown host",				/* 1 HOST_NOT_FOUND */
70 	"Host name lookup failure",		/* 2 TRY_AGAIN */
71 	"Unknown server error",			/* 3 NO_RECOVERY */
72 	"No address associated with name",	/* 4 NO_ADDRESS */
73 };
74 int	h_nerr = { sizeof(h_errlist)/sizeof(h_errlist[0]) };
76 int h_errno;		/* In some version of SunOS this is necessary */
78 /*
79  * herror --
80  *	print the error indicated by the h_errno value.
81  */
82 herror(s)
83 	char *s;
84 {
85 	if (s && *s) {
86 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", s);
87 	}
88 	if ((h_errno < 0) || (h_errno >= h_nerr)) {
89 		fprintf(stderr, "Unknown error\n");
90 	} else if (h_errno == 0) {
91 #if	defined(sun)
92 		fprintf(stderr, "Host unknown\n");
93 #endif	/* defined(sun) */
94 	} else {
95 		fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", h_errlist[h_errno]);
96 	}
97 }
98 #endif	/* !define(BSD) || (BSD <= 43) */
100 static void
101 makeargv()
102 {
103     register char *cp;
104     register char **argp = margv;
106     margc = 0;
107     cp = line;
108     if (*cp == '!') {		/* Special case shell escape */
109 	*argp++ = "!";		/* No room in string to get this */
110 	margc++;
111 	cp++;
112     }
113     while (*cp) {
114 	while (isspace(*cp))
115 	    cp++;
116 	if (*cp == '\0')
117 	    break;
118 	*argp++ = cp;
119 	margc += 1;
120 	while (*cp != '\0' && !isspace(*cp))
121 	    cp++;
122 	if (*cp == '\0')
123 	    break;
124 	*cp++ = '\0';
125     }
126     *argp++ = 0;
127 }
130 static char **
131 genget(name, table, next)
132 char	*name;		/* name to match */
133 char	**table;		/* name entry in table */
134 char	**(*next)();	/* routine to return next entry in table */
135 {
136 	register char *p, *q;
137 	register char **c, **found;
138 	register int nmatches, longest;
140 	if (name == 0) {
141 	    return 0;
142 	}
143 	longest = 0;
144 	nmatches = 0;
145 	found = 0;
146 	for (c = table; (p = *c) != 0; c = (*next)(c)) {
147 		for (q = name;
148 		    (*q == *p) || (isupper(*q) && tolower(*q) == *p); p++, q++)
149 			if (*q == 0)		/* exact match? */
150 				return (c);
151 		if (!*q) {			/* the name was a prefix */
152 			if (q - name > longest) {
153 				longest = q - name;
154 				nmatches = 1;
155 				found = c;
156 			} else if (q - name == longest)
157 				nmatches++;
158 		}
159 	}
160 	if (nmatches > 1)
161 		return &ambiguous;
162 	return (found);
163 }
165 /*
166  * Make a character string into a number.
167  *
168  * Todo:  1.  Could take random integers (12, 0x12, 012, 0b1).
169  */
171 static
172 special(s)
173 register char *s;
174 {
175 	register char c;
176 	char b;
178 	switch (*s) {
179 	case '^':
180 		b = *++s;
181 		if (b == '?') {
182 		    c = b | 0x40;		/* DEL */
183 		} else {
184 		    c = b & 0x1f;
185 		}
186 		break;
187 	default:
188 		c = *s;
189 		break;
190 	}
191 	return c;
192 }
194 /*
195  * Construct a control character sequence
196  * for a special character.
197  */
198 static char *
199 control(c)
200 	register int c;
201 {
202 	static char buf[3];
204 	if (c == 0x7f)
205 		return ("^?");
206 	if (c == '\377') {
207 		return "off";
208 	}
209 	if (c >= 0x20) {
210 		buf[0] = c;
211 		buf[1] = 0;
212 	} else {
213 		buf[0] = '^';
214 		buf[1] = '@'+c;
215 		buf[2] = 0;
216 	}
217 	return (buf);
218 }
222 /*
223  *	The following are data structures and routines for
224  *	the "send" command.
225  *
226  */
228 struct sendlist {
229     char	*name;		/* How user refers to it (case independent) */
230     int		what;		/* Character to be sent (<0 ==> special) */
231     char	*help;		/* Help information (0 ==> no help) */
232 #if	defined(NOT43)
233     int		(*routine)();	/* Routine to perform (for special ops) */
234 #else	/* defined(NOT43) */
235     void	(*routine)();	/* Routine to perform (for special ops) */
236 #endif	/* defined(NOT43) */
237 };
239 #define	SENDQUESTION	-1
240 #define	SENDESCAPE	-3
242 static struct sendlist Sendlist[] = {
243     { "ao", AO, "Send Telnet Abort output" },
244     { "ayt", AYT, "Send Telnet 'Are You There'" },
245     { "brk", BREAK, "Send Telnet Break" },
246     { "ec", EC, "Send Telnet Erase Character" },
247     { "el", EL, "Send Telnet Erase Line" },
248     { "escape", SENDESCAPE, "Send current escape character" },
249     { "ga", GA, "Send Telnet 'Go Ahead' sequence" },
250     { "ip", IP, "Send Telnet Interrupt Process" },
251     { "nop", NOP, "Send Telnet 'No operation'" },
252     { "synch", SYNCH, "Perform Telnet 'Synch operation'", dosynch },
253     { "?", SENDQUESTION, "Display send options" },
254     { 0 }
255 };
257 static struct sendlist Sendlist2[] = {		/* some synonyms */
258 	{ "break", BREAK, 0 },
260 	{ "intp", IP, 0 },
261 	{ "interrupt", IP, 0 },
262 	{ "intr", IP, 0 },
264 	{ "help", SENDQUESTION, 0 },
266 	{ 0 }
267 };
269 static char **
270 getnextsend(name)
271 char *name;
272 {
273     struct sendlist *c = (struct sendlist *) name;
275     return (char **) (c+1);
276 }
278 static struct sendlist *
279 getsend(name)
280 char *name;
281 {
282     struct sendlist *sl;
284     if ((sl = (struct sendlist *)
285 			genget(name, (char **) Sendlist, getnextsend)) != 0) {
286 	return sl;
287     } else {
288 	return (struct sendlist *)
289 				genget(name, (char **) Sendlist2, getnextsend);
290     }
291 }
293 static
294 sendcmd(argc, argv)
295 int	argc;
296 char	**argv;
297 {
298     int what;		/* what we are sending this time */
299     int count;		/* how many bytes we are going to need to send */
300     int i;
301     int question = 0;	/* was at least one argument a question */
302     struct sendlist *s;	/* pointer to current command */
304     if (argc < 2) {
305 	printf("need at least one argument for 'send' command\n");
306 	printf("'send ?' for help\n");
307 	return 0;
308     }
309     /*
310      * First, validate all the send arguments.
311      * In addition, we see how much space we are going to need, and
312      * whether or not we will be doing a "SYNCH" operation (which
313      * flushes the network queue).
314      */
315     count = 0;
316     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
317 	s = getsend(argv[i]);
318 	if (s == 0) {
319 	    printf("Unknown send argument '%s'\n'send ?' for help.\n",
320 			argv[i]);
321 	    return 0;
322 	} else if (Ambiguous(s)) {
323 	    printf("Ambiguous send argument '%s'\n'send ?' for help.\n",
324 			argv[i]);
325 	    return 0;
326 	}
327 	switch (s->what) {
329 	    break;
330 	case SENDESCAPE:
331 	    count += 1;
332 	    break;
333 	case SYNCH:
334 	    count += 2;
335 	    break;
336 	default:
337 	    count += 2;
338 	    break;
339 	}
340     }
341     /* Now, do we have enough room? */
342     if (NETROOM() < count) {
343 	printf("There is not enough room in the buffer TO the network\n");
344 	printf("to process your request.  Nothing will be done.\n");
345 	printf("('send synch' will throw away most data in the network\n");
346 	printf("buffer, if this might help.)\n");
347 	return 0;
348     }
349     /* OK, they are all OK, now go through again and actually send */
350     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
351 	if ((s = getsend(argv[i])) == 0) {
352 	    fprintf(stderr, "Telnet 'send' error - argument disappeared!\n");
353 	    quit();
354 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
355 	}
356 	if (s->routine) {
357 	    (*s->routine)(s);
358 	} else {
359 	    switch (what = s->what) {
360 	    case SYNCH:
361 		dosynch();
362 		break;
363 	    case SENDQUESTION:
364 		for (s = Sendlist; s->name; s++) {
365 		    if (s->help) {
366 			printf(s->name);
367 			if (s->help) {
368 			    printf("\t%s", s->help);
369 			}
370 			printf("\n");
371 		    }
372 		}
373 		question = 1;
374 		break;
375 	    case SENDESCAPE:
376 		NETADD(escape);
377 		break;
378 	    default:
379 		NET2ADD(IAC, what);
380 		break;
381 	    }
382 	}
383     }
384     return !question;
385 }
387 /*
388  * The following are the routines and data structures referred
389  * to by the arguments to the "toggle" command.
390  */
392 static
393 lclchars()
394 {
395     donelclchars = 1;
396     return 1;
397 }
399 static
400 togdebug()
401 {
402 #ifndef	NOT43
403     if (net > 0 &&
404 	(SetSockOpt(net, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DEBUG, debug)) < 0) {
405 	    perror("setsockopt (SO_DEBUG)");
406     }
407 #else	/* NOT43 */
408     if (debug) {
409 	if (net > 0 && SetSockOpt(net, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DEBUG, 0, 0) < 0)
410 	    perror("setsockopt (SO_DEBUG)");
411     } else
412 	printf("Cannot turn off socket debugging\n");
413 #endif	/* NOT43 */
414     return 1;
415 }
418 static int
419 togcrlf()
420 {
421     if (crlf) {
422 	printf("Will send carriage returns as telnet <CR><LF>.\n");
423     } else {
424 	printf("Will send carriage returns as telnet <CR><NUL>.\n");
425     }
426     return 1;
427 }
430 static int
431 togbinary()
432 {
433     donebinarytoggle = 1;
435     if (did_he_say_will(TELOPT_BINARY) || did_I_say_will(TELOPT_BINARY)) {
436 	/* leave binary mode */
437 	printf("Negotiating network ascii mode with remote host.\n");
438 	tel_leave_binary();
439     } else {				/* Turn off binary mode */
440 	printf("Negotiating binary mode with remote host.\n");
441 	tel_enter_binary();
442     }
443     return 1;
444 }
448 extern int togglehelp();
450 struct togglelist {
451     char	*name;		/* name of toggle */
452     char	*help;		/* help message */
453     int		(*handler)();	/* routine to do actual setting */
454     int		dohelp;		/* should we display help information */
455     int		*variable;
456     char	*actionexplanation;
457 };
459 static struct togglelist Togglelist[] = {
460     { "autoflush",
461 	"toggle flushing of output when sending interrupt characters",
462 	    0,
463 		1,
464 		    &autoflush,
465 			"flush output when sending interrupt characters" },
466     { "autosynch",
467 	"toggle automatic sending of interrupt characters in urgent mode",
468 	    0,
469 		1,
470 		    &autosynch,
471 			"send interrupt characters in urgent mode" },
472     { "binary",
473 	"toggle sending and receiving of binary data",
474 	    togbinary,
475 		1,
476 		    0,
477 			0 },
478     { "crlf",
479 	"toggle sending carriage returns as telnet <CR><LF>",
480 	    togcrlf,
481 		1,
482 		    &crlf,
483 			0 },
484     { "crmod",
485 	"toggle mapping of received carriage returns",
486 	    0,
487 		1,
488 		    &crmod,
489 			"map carriage return on output" },
490     { "localchars",
491 	"toggle local recognition of certain control characters",
492 	    lclchars,
493 		1,
494 		    &localchars,
495 			"recognize certain control characters" },
496     { " ", "", 0, 1 },		/* empty line */
497     { "debug",
498 	"(debugging) toggle debugging",
499 	    togdebug,
500 		1,
501 		    &debug,
502 			"turn on socket level debugging" },
503     { "netdata",
504 	"(debugging) toggle printing of hexadecimal network data",
505 	    0,
506 		1,
507 		    &netdata,
508 			"print hexadecimal representation of network traffic" },
509     { "options",
510 	"(debugging) toggle viewing of options processing",
511 	    0,
512 		1,
513 		    &showoptions,
514 			"show option processing" },
515     { " ", "", 0, 1 },		/* empty line */
516     { "?",
517 	"display help information",
518 	    togglehelp,
519 		1 },
520     { "help",
521 	"display help information",
522 	    togglehelp,
523 		0 },
524     { 0 }
525 };
527 static
528 togglehelp()
529 {
530     struct togglelist *c;
532     for (c = Togglelist; c->name; c++) {
533 	if (c->dohelp) {
534 	    printf("%s\t%s\n", c->name, c->help);
535 	}
536     }
537     return 0;
538 }
540 static char **
541 getnexttoggle(name)
542 char *name;
543 {
544     struct togglelist *c = (struct togglelist *) name;
546     return (char **) (c+1);
547 }
549 static struct togglelist *
550 gettoggle(name)
551 char *name;
552 {
553     return (struct togglelist *)
554 			genget(name, (char **) Togglelist, getnexttoggle);
555 }
557 static
558 toggle(argc, argv)
559 int	argc;
560 char	*argv[];
561 {
562     int retval = 1;
563     char *name;
564     struct togglelist *c;
566     if (argc < 2) {
567 	fprintf(stderr,
568 	    "Need an argument to 'toggle' command.  'toggle ?' for help.\n");
569 	return 0;
570     }
571     argc--;
572     argv++;
573     while (argc--) {
574 	name = *argv++;
575 	c = gettoggle(name);
576 	if (Ambiguous(c)) {
577 	    fprintf(stderr, "'%s': ambiguous argument ('toggle ?' for help).\n",
578 					name);
579 	    return 0;
580 	} else if (c == 0) {
581 	    fprintf(stderr, "'%s': unknown argument ('toggle ?' for help).\n",
582 					name);
583 	    return 0;
584 	} else {
585 	    if (c->variable) {
586 		*c->variable = !*c->variable;		/* invert it */
587 		if (c->actionexplanation) {
588 		    printf("%s %s.\n", *c->variable? "Will" : "Won't",
589 							c->actionexplanation);
590 		}
591 	    }
592 	    if (c->handler) {
593 		retval &= (*c->handler)(c);
594 	    }
595 	}
596     }
597     return retval;
598 }
600 /*
601  * The following perform the "set" command.
602  */
604 struct setlist {
605     char *name;				/* name */
606     char *help;				/* help information */
607     char *charp;			/* where it is located at */
608 };
610 static struct setlist Setlist[] = {
611     { "echo", 	"character to toggle local echoing on/off", &echoc },
612     { "escape",	"character to escape back to telnet command mode", &escape },
613     { " ", "" },
614     { " ", "The following need 'localchars' to be toggled true", 0 },
615     { "erase",	"character to cause an Erase Character", &termEraseChar },
616     { "flushoutput", "character to cause an Abort Oubput", &termFlushChar },
617     { "interrupt", "character to cause an Interrupt Process", &termIntChar },
618     { "kill",	"character to cause an Erase Line", &termKillChar },
619     { "quit",	"character to cause a Break", &termQuitChar },
620     { "eof",	"character to cause an EOF ", &termEofChar },
621     { 0 }
622 };
624 static char **
625 getnextset(name)
626 char *name;
627 {
628     struct setlist *c = (struct setlist *)name;
630     return (char **) (c+1);
631 }
633 static struct setlist *
634 getset(name)
635 char *name;
636 {
637     return (struct setlist *) genget(name, (char **) Setlist, getnextset);
638 }
640 static
641 setcmd(argc, argv)
642 int	argc;
643 char	*argv[];
644 {
645     int value;
646     struct setlist *ct;
648     /* XXX back we go... sigh */
649     if (argc != 3) {
650 	if ((argc == 2) &&
651 		    ((!strcmp(argv[1], "?")) || (!strcmp(argv[1], "help")))) {
652 	    for (ct = Setlist; ct->name; ct++) {
653 		printf("%s\t%s\n", ct->name, ct->help);
654 	    }
655 	    printf("?\tdisplay help information\n");
656 	} else {
657 	    printf("Format is 'set Name Value'\n'set ?' for help.\n");
658 	}
659 	return 0;
660     }
662     ct = getset(argv[1]);
663     if (ct == 0) {
664 	fprintf(stderr, "'%s': unknown argument ('set ?' for help).\n",
665 			argv[1]);
666 	return 0;
667     } else if (Ambiguous(ct)) {
668 	fprintf(stderr, "'%s': ambiguous argument ('set ?' for help).\n",
669 			argv[1]);
670 	return 0;
671     } else {
672 	if (strcmp("off", argv[2])) {
673 	    value = special(argv[2]);
674 	} else {
675 	    value = -1;
676 	}
677 	*(ct->charp) = value;
678 	printf("%s character is '%s'.\n", ct->name, control(*(ct->charp)));
679     }
680     return 1;
681 }
683 /*
684  * The following are the data structures and routines for the
685  * 'mode' command.
686  */
688 static
689 dolinemode()
690 {
691     if (did_I_say_do(TELOPT_SGA)) {
692 	send_dont(TELOPT_SGA);
693     }
694     if (did_I_say_do(TELOPT_ECHO)) {
695 	send_dont(TELOPT_ECHO);
696     }
697     return 1;
698 }
700 static
701 docharmode()
702 {
703     if (!did_I_say_do(TELOPT_SGA)) {
704 	send_do(TELOPT_SGA);
705     }
706     if (!did_I_say_do(TELOPT_ECHO)) {
707 	send_do(TELOPT_ECHO);
708     }
709     return 1;
710 }
712 static Command Mode_commands[] = {
713     { "character",	"character-at-a-time mode",	docharmode, 1, 1 },
714     { "line",		"line-by-line mode",		dolinemode, 1, 1 },
715     { 0 },
716 };
718 static char **
719 getnextmode(name)
720 char *name;
721 {
722     Command *c = (Command *) name;
724     return (char **) (c+1);
725 }
727 static Command *
728 getmodecmd(name)
729 char *name;
730 {
731     return (Command *) genget(name, (char **) Mode_commands, getnextmode);
732 }
734 static
735 modecmd(argc, argv)
736 int	argc;
737 char	*argv[];
738 {
739     Command *mt;
741     if ((argc != 2) || !strcmp(argv[1], "?") || !strcmp(argv[1], "help")) {
742 	printf("format is:  'mode Mode', where 'Mode' is one of:\n\n");
743 	for (mt = Mode_commands; mt->name; mt++) {
744 	    printf("%s\t%s\n", mt->name, mt->help);
745 	}
746 	return 0;
747     }
748     mt = getmodecmd(argv[1]);
749     if (mt == 0) {
750 	fprintf(stderr, "Unknown mode '%s' ('mode ?' for help).\n", argv[1]);
751 	return 0;
752     } else if (Ambiguous(mt)) {
753 	fprintf(stderr, "Ambiguous mode '%s' ('mode ?' for help).\n", argv[1]);
754 	return 0;
755     } else {
756 	(*mt->handler)();
757     }
758     return 1;
759 }
761 /*
762  * The following data structures and routines implement the
763  * "display" command.
764  */
766 static
767 display(argc, argv)
768 int	argc;
769 char	*argv[];
770 {
771 #define	dotog(tl)	if (tl->variable && tl->actionexplanation) { \
772 			    if (*tl->variable) { \
773 				printf("will"); \
774 			    } else { \
775 				printf("won't"); \
776 			    } \
777 			    printf(" %s.\n", tl->actionexplanation); \
778 			}
780 #define	doset(sl)   if (sl->name && *sl->name != ' ') { \
781 			printf("[%s]\t%s.\n", control(*sl->charp), sl->name); \
782 		    }
784     struct togglelist *tl;
785     struct setlist *sl;
787     if (argc == 1) {
788 	for (tl = Togglelist; tl->name; tl++) {
789 	    dotog(tl);
790 	}
791 	printf("\n");
792 	for (sl = Setlist; sl->name; sl++) {
793 	    doset(sl);
794 	}
795     } else {
796 	int i;
798 	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
799 	    sl = getset(argv[i]);
800 	    tl = gettoggle(argv[i]);
801 	    if (Ambiguous(sl) || Ambiguous(tl)) {
802 		printf("?Ambiguous argument '%s'.\n", argv[i]);
803 		return 0;
804 	    } else if (!sl && !tl) {
805 		printf("?Unknown argument '%s'.\n", argv[i]);
806 		return 0;
807 	    } else {
808 		if (tl) {
809 		    dotog(tl);
810 		}
811 		if (sl) {
812 		    doset(sl);
813 		}
814 	    }
815 	}
816     }
817     return 1;
818 #undef	doset
819 #undef	dotog
820 }
822 /*
823  * The following are the data structures, and many of the routines,
824  * relating to command processing.
825  */
827 /*
828  * Set the escape character.
829  */
830 static
831 setescape(argc, argv)
832 	int argc;
833 	char *argv[];
834 {
835 	register char *arg;
836 	char buf[50];
838 	printf(
839 	    "Deprecated usage - please use 'set escape%s%s' in the future.\n",
840 				(argc > 2)? " ":"", (argc > 2)? argv[1]: "");
841 	if (argc > 2)
842 		arg = argv[1];
843 	else {
844 		printf("new escape character: ");
845 		(void) gets(buf);
846 		arg = buf;
847 	}
848 	if (arg[0] != '\0')
849 		escape = arg[0];
850 	if (!In3270) {
851 		printf("Escape character is '%s'.\n", control(escape));
852 	}
853 	(void) fflush(stdout);
854 	return 1;
855 }
857 /*VARARGS*/
858 static
859 togcrmod()
860 {
861     crmod = !crmod;
862     printf("Deprecated usage - please use 'toggle crmod' in the future.\n");
863     printf("%s map carriage return on output.\n", crmod ? "Will" : "Won't");
864     (void) fflush(stdout);
865     return 1;
866 }
868 /*VARARGS*/
869 suspend()
870 {
871     setcommandmode();
872 #if	defined(unix)
873     {
874 	long oldrows, oldcols, newrows, newcols;
876 	TerminalWindowSize(&oldrows, &oldcols);
877 	(void) kill(0, SIGTSTP);
878 	TerminalWindowSize(&newrows, &newcols);
879 	if ((oldrows != newrows) || (oldcols != newcols)) {
880 	    if (connected) {
881 		sendnaws();
882 	    }
883 	}
884     }
885 #endif	/* defined(unix) */
886     /* reget parameters in case they were changed */
887     TerminalSaveState();
888     setconnmode();
889     return 1;
890 }
892 /*VARARGS*/
893 static
894 bye(argc, argv)
895 int	argc;		/* Number of arguments */
896 char	*argv[];	/* arguments */
897 {
898     if (connected) {
899 	(void) shutdown(net, 2);
900 	printf("Connection closed.\n");
901 	(void) NetClose(net);
902 	connected = 0;
903 	/* reset options */
904 	tninit();
905 #if	defined(TN3270)
906 	SetIn3270();		/* Get out of 3270 mode */
907 #endif	/* defined(TN3270) */
908     }
909     if ((argc != 2) || (strcmp(argv[1], "fromquit") != 0)) {
910 	longjmp(toplevel, 1);
911 	/* NOTREACHED */
912     }
913     return 1;			/* Keep lint, etc., happy */
914 }
916 /*VARARGS*/
917 quit()
918 {
919 	(void) call(bye, "bye", "fromquit", 0);
920 	Exit(0);
921 	return 1;			/* just to keep lint happy */
922 }
924 #if	defined(unix)
925 /*
926  * Some information about our file descriptors.
927  */
929 char *
930 decodeflags(mask)
931 int mask;
932 {
933     static char buffer[100];
934 #define do(m,s) \
935 	if (mask&(m)) { \
936 	    strcat(buffer, (s)); \
937 	}
939     buffer[0] = 0;			/* Terminate it */
941 #ifdef FREAD
942     do(FREAD, " FREAD");
943 #endif
944 #ifdef FWRITE
945     do(FWRITE, " FWRITE");
946 #endif
947 #ifdef F_DUPFP
948     do(F_DUPFD, " F_DUPFD");
949 #endif
950 #ifdef FNDELAY
951     do(FNDELAY, " FNDELAY");
952 #endif
953 #ifdef FAPPEND
954     do(FAPPEND, " FAPPEND");
955 #endif
956 #ifdef FMARK
957     do(FMARK, " FMARK");
958 #endif
959 #ifdef FDEFER
960     do(FDEFER, " FDEFER");
961 #endif
962 #ifdef FASYNC
963     do(FASYNC, " FASYNC");
964 #endif
965 #ifdef FSHLOCK
966     do(FSHLOCK, " FSHLOCK");
967 #endif
968 #ifdef FEXLOCK
969     do(FEXLOCK, " FEXLOCK");
970 #endif
971 #ifdef FCREAT
972     do(FCREAT, " FCREAT");
973 #endif
974 #ifdef FTRUNC
975     do(FTRUNC, " FTRUNC");
976 #endif
977 #ifdef FEXCL
978     do(FEXCL, " FEXCL");
979 #endif
981     return buffer;
982 }
983 #undef do
985 static void
986 filestuff(fd)
987 int fd;
988 {
989     int res;
991     setconnmode();
992     res = fcntl(fd, F_GETOWN, 0);
993     setcommandmode();
995     if (res == -1) {
996 	perror("fcntl");
997 	return;
998     }
999     printf("\tOwner is %d.\n", res);
1001     setconnmode();
1002     res = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
1003     setcommandmode();
1005     if (res == -1) {
1006 	perror("fcntl");
1007 	return;
1008     }
1009     printf("\tFlags are 0x%x: %s\n", res, decodeflags(res));
1010 }
1013 #endif	/* defined(unix) */
1015 /*
1016  * Print status about the connection.
1017  */
1018 /*ARGSUSED*/
1019 static
1020 status(argc, argv)
1021 int	argc;
1022 char	*argv[];
1023 {
1024     if (connected) {
1025 	printf("Connected to %s.\n", hostname);
1026 	if ((argc < 2) || strcmp(argv[1], "notmuch")) {
1027 	    printf("Operating in %s.\n",
1028 				modelist[getconnmode()].modedescriptions);
1029 	    if (localchars) {
1030 		printf("Catching signals locally.\n");
1031 	    }
1032 	}
1033     } else {
1034 	printf("No connection.\n");
1035     }
1036 #   if !defined(TN3270)
1037     printf("Escape character is '%s'.\n", control(escape));
1038     (void) fflush(stdout);
1039 #   else /* !defined(TN3270) */
1040     if ((!In3270) && ((argc < 2) || strcmp(argv[1], "notmuch"))) {
1041 	printf("Escape character is '%s'.\n", control(escape));
1042     }
1043 #   if defined(unix)
1044     if ((argc >= 2) && !strcmp(argv[1], "everything")) {
1045 	printf("SIGIO received %d time%s.\n",
1046 				sigiocount, (sigiocount == 1)? "":"s");
1047 	if (In3270) {
1048 	    printf("Process ID %d, process group %d.\n",
1049 					    getpid(), getpgrp(getpid()));
1050 	    printf("Terminal input:\n");
1051 	    filestuff(tin);
1052 	    printf("Terminal output:\n");
1053 	    filestuff(tout);
1054 	    printf("Network socket:\n");
1055 	    filestuff(net);
1056 	}
1057     }
1058     if (In3270 && transcom) {
1059        printf("Transparent mode command is '%s'.\n", transcom);
1060     }
1061 #   endif /* defined(unix) */
1062     (void) fflush(stdout);
1063     if (In3270) {
1064 	return 0;
1065     }
1066 #   endif /* defined(TN3270) */
1067     return 1;
1068 }
1072 int
1073 tn(argc, argv)
1074 	int argc;
1075 	char *argv[];
1076 {
1077     register struct hostent *host = 0;
1078     struct sockaddr_in sin;
1079     struct servent *sp = 0;
1080     static char	hnamebuf[32];
1081     unsigned long inet_addr();
1082     extern char *inet_ntoa();
1085 #if defined(MSDOS)
1086     char *cp;
1087 #endif	/* defined(MSDOS) */
1089     if (connected) {
1090 	printf("?Already connected to %s\n", hostname);
1091 	return 0;
1092     }
1093     if (argc < 2) {
1094 	(void) strcpy(line, "Connect ");
1095 	printf("(to) ");
1096 	(void) gets(&line[strlen(line)]);
1097 	makeargv();
1098 	argc = margc;
1099 	argv = margv;
1100     }
1101     if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 3)) {
1102 	printf("usage: %s host-name [port]\n", argv[0]);
1103 	return 0;
1104     }
1105 #if	defined(MSDOS)
1106     for (cp = argv[1]; *cp; cp++) {
1107 	if (isupper(*cp)) {
1108 	    *cp = tolower(*cp);
1109 	}
1110     }
1111 #endif	/* defined(MSDOS) */
1112     sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
1113     if (sin.sin_addr.s_addr != (unsigned long) -1) {
1114 	sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
1115 	(void) strcpy(hnamebuf, argv[1]);
1116 	hostname = hnamebuf;
1117     } else {
1118 	host = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
1119 	if (host) {
1120 	    sin.sin_family = host->h_addrtype;
1121 #if	defined(h_addr)		/* In 4.3, this is a #define */
1122 	    memcpy((caddr_t)&sin.sin_addr,
1123 				host->h_addr_list[0], host->h_length);
1124 #else	/* defined(h_addr) */
1125 	    memcpy((caddr_t)&sin.sin_addr, host->h_addr, host->h_length);
1126 #endif	/* defined(h_addr) */
1127 	    hostname = host->h_name;
1128 	} else {
1129 	    herror(argv[1]);
1130 	    return 0;
1131 	}
1132     }
1133     if (argc == 3) {
1134 	sin.sin_port = atoi(argv[2]);
1135 	if (sin.sin_port == 0) {
1136 	    sp = getservbyname(argv[2], "tcp");
1137 	    if (sp)
1138 		sin.sin_port = sp->s_port;
1139 	    else {
1140 		printf("%s: bad port number\n", argv[2]);
1141 		return 0;
1142 	    }
1143 	} else {
1144 #if	!defined(htons)
1145 	    u_short htons();
1146 #endif	/* !defined(htons) */
1147 	    sin.sin_port = htons(sin.sin_port);
1148 	}
1149 	telnetport = 0;
1150     } else {
1151 	if (sp == 0) {
1152 	    sp = getservbyname("telnet", "tcp");
1153 	    if (sp == 0) {
1154 		fprintf(stderr, "telnet: tcp/telnet: unknown service\n");
1155 		return 0;
1156 	    }
1157 	    sin.sin_port = sp->s_port;
1158 	}
1159 	telnetport = 1;
1160     }
1161     printf("Trying %s...\n", inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr));
1162     do {
1163 	net = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
1164 	if (net < 0) {
1165 	    perror("telnet: socket");
1166 	    return 0;
1167 	}
1168 	if (debug && SetSockOpt(net, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DEBUG, 1) < 0) {
1169 		perror("setsockopt (SO_DEBUG)");
1170 	}
1172 	if (connect(net, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof (sin)) < 0) {
1173 #if	defined(h_addr)		/* In 4.3, this is a #define */
1174 	    if (host && host->h_addr_list[1]) {
1175 		int oerrno = errno;
1177 		fprintf(stderr, "telnet: connect to address %s: ",
1178 						inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr));
1179 		errno = oerrno;
1180 		perror((char *)0);
1181 		host->h_addr_list++;
1182 		memcpy((caddr_t)&sin.sin_addr,
1183 			host->h_addr_list[0], host->h_length);
1184 		(void) NetClose(net);
1185 		continue;
1186 	    }
1187 #endif	/* defined(h_addr) */
1188 	    perror("telnet: Unable to connect to remote host");
1189 	    return 0;
1190 	}
1191 	connected++;
1192     } while (connected == 0);
1193     (void) call(status, "status", "notmuch", 0);
1194     if (setjmp(peerdied) == 0)
1195 	telnet();
1196     (void) NetClose(net);
1197     ExitString("Connection closed by foreign host.\n",1);
1198     /*NOTREACHED*/
1199 }
1202 #define HELPINDENT (sizeof ("connect"))
1204 static char
1205 	openhelp[] =	"connect to a site",
1206 	closehelp[] =	"close current connection",
1207 	quithelp[] =	"exit telnet",
1208 	statushelp[] =	"print status information",
1209 	helphelp[] =	"print help information",
1210 	sendhelp[] =	"transmit special characters ('send ?' for more)",
1211 	sethelp[] = 	"set operating parameters ('set ?' for more)",
1212 	togglestring[] ="toggle operating parameters ('toggle ?' for more)",
1213 	displayhelp[] =	"display operating parameters",
1214 #if	defined(TN3270) && defined(unix)
1215 	transcomhelp[] = "specify Unix command for transparent mode pipe",
1216 #endif	/* defined(TN3270) && defined(unix) */
1217 #if	defined(unix)
1218 	zhelp[] =	"suspend telnet",
1219 #endif	/* defined(unix */
1220 #if	defined(TN3270)
1221 	shellhelp[] =	"invoke a subshell",
1222 #endif	/* defined(TN3270) */
1223 	modehelp[] = "try to enter line-by-line or character-at-a-time mode";
1225 extern int	help(), shell();
1227 static Command cmdtab[] = {
1228 	{ "close",	closehelp,	bye,		1, 1 },
1229 	{ "display",	displayhelp,	display,	1, 0 },
1230 	{ "mode",	modehelp,	modecmd,	1, 1 },
1231 	{ "open",	openhelp,	tn,		1, 0 },
1232 	{ "quit",	quithelp,	quit,		1, 0 },
1233 	{ "send",	sendhelp,	sendcmd,	1, 1 },
1234 	{ "set",	sethelp,	setcmd,		1, 0 },
1235 	{ "status",	statushelp,	status,		1, 0 },
1236 	{ "toggle",	togglestring,	toggle,		1, 0 },
1237 #if	defined(TN3270) && defined(unix)
1238 	{ "transcom",	transcomhelp,	settranscom,	1, 0 },
1239 #endif	/* defined(TN3270) && defined(unix) */
1240 #if	defined(unix)
1241 	{ "z",		zhelp,		suspend,	1, 0 },
1242 #endif	/* defined(unix) */
1243 #if	defined(TN3270)
1244 	{ "!",		shellhelp,	shell,		1, 1 },
1245 #endif	/* defined(TN3270) */
1246 	{ "?",		helphelp,	help,		1, 0 },
1247 	0
1248 };
1250 static char	crmodhelp[] =	"deprecated command -- use 'toggle crmod' instead";
1251 static char	escapehelp[] =	"deprecated command -- use 'set escape' instead";
1253 static Command cmdtab2[] = {
1254 	{ "help",	helphelp,	help,		0, 0 },
1255 	{ "escape",	escapehelp,	setescape,	1, 0 },
1256 	{ "crmod",	crmodhelp,	togcrmod,	1, 0 },
1257 	0
1258 };
1261 /*
1262  * Call routine with argc, argv set from args (terminated by 0).
1263  */
1265 /*VARARGS1*/
1266 static
1267 call(va_alist)
1268 va_dcl
1269 {
1270     va_list ap;
1271     typedef int (*intrtn_t)();
1272     intrtn_t routine;
1273     char *args[100];
1274     int argno = 0;
1276     va_start(ap);
1277     routine = (va_arg(ap, intrtn_t));
1278     while ((args[argno++] = va_arg(ap, char *)) != 0) {
1279 	;
1280     }
1281     va_end(ap);
1282     return (*routine)(argno-1, args);
1283 }
1286 static char **
1287 getnextcmd(name)
1288 char *name;
1289 {
1290     Command *c = (Command *) name;
1292     return (char **) (c+1);
1293 }
1295 static Command *
1296 getcmd(name)
1297 char *name;
1298 {
1299     Command *cm;
1301     if ((cm = (Command *) genget(name, (char **) cmdtab, getnextcmd)) != 0) {
1302 	return cm;
1303     } else {
1304 	return (Command *) genget(name, (char **) cmdtab2, getnextcmd);
1305     }
1306 }
1308 void
1309 command(top)
1310 	int top;
1311 {
1312     register Command *c;
1314     setcommandmode();
1315     if (!top) {
1316 	putchar('\n');
1317 #if	defined(unix)
1318     } else {
1319 	signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
1320 	signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL);
1321 #endif	/* defined(unix) */
1322     }
1323     for (;;) {
1324 	printf("%s> ", prompt);
1325 	if (gets(line) == NULL) {
1326 	    if (feof(stdin) || ferror(stdin))
1327 		quit();
1328 	    break;
1329 	}
1330 	if (line[0] == 0)
1331 	    break;
1332 	makeargv();
1333 	if (margv[0] == 0) {
1334 	    break;
1335 	}
1336 	c = getcmd(margv[0]);
1337 	if (Ambiguous(c)) {
1338 	    printf("?Ambiguous command\n");
1339 	    continue;
1340 	}
1341 	if (c == 0) {
1342 	    printf("?Invalid command\n");
1343 	    continue;
1344 	}
1345 	if (c->needconnect && !connected) {
1346 	    printf("?Need to be connected first.\n");
1347 	    continue;
1348 	}
1349 	if ((*c->handler)(margc, margv)) {
1350 	    break;
1351 	}
1352     }
1353     if (!top) {
1354 	if (!connected) {
1355 	    longjmp(toplevel, 1);
1356 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
1357 	}
1358 #if	defined(TN3270)
1359 	if (shell_active == 0) {
1360 	    setconnmode();
1361 	}
1362 #else	/* defined(TN3270) */
1363 	setconnmode();
1364 #endif	/* defined(TN3270) */
1365     }
1366 }
1368 /*
1369  * Help command.
1370  */
1371 static
1372 help(argc, argv)
1373 	int argc;
1374 	char *argv[];
1375 {
1376 	register Command *c;
1378 	if (argc == 1) {
1379 		printf("Commands may be abbreviated.  Commands are:\n\n");
1380 		for (c = cmdtab; c->name; c++)
1381 			if (c->dohelp) {
1382 				printf("%-*s\t%s\n", HELPINDENT, c->name,
1383 								    c->help);
1384 			}
1385 		return 0;
1386 	}
1387 	while (--argc > 0) {
1388 		register char *arg;
1389 		arg = *++argv;
1390 		c = getcmd(arg);
1391 		if (Ambiguous(c))
1392 			printf("?Ambiguous help command %s\n", arg);
1393 		else if (c == (Command *)0)
1394 			printf("?Invalid help command %s\n", arg);
1395 		else
1396 			printf("%s\n", c->help);
1397 	}
1398 	return 0;
1399 }