xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/telnet/utilities.c (revision c95cd016)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1988 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
6  * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
7  * to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
8  * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
9  * software without specific prior written permission. This software
10  * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
11  */
13 #ifndef lint
14 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)utilities.c	1.5 (Berkeley) 05/15/88";
15 #endif /* not lint */
17 #define	TELOPTS
18 #include <arpa/telnet.h>
19 #include <sys/types.h>
21 #include <ctype.h>
23 #include "general.h"
25 #include "ring.h"
27 #include "externs.h"
29 FILE	*NetTrace = 0;		/* Not in bss, since needs to stay */
31 /*
32  * upcase()
33  *
34  *	Upcase (in place) the argument.
35  */
37 void
38 upcase(argument)
39 register char *argument;
40 {
41     register int c;
43     while ((c = *argument) != 0) {
44 	if (islower(c)) {
45 	    *argument = toupper(c);
46 	}
47 	argument++;
48     }
49 }
51 /*
52  * SetSockOpt()
53  *
54  * Compensate for differences in 4.2 and 4.3 systems.
55  */
57 int
58 SetSockOpt(fd, level, option, yesno)
59 int
60 	fd,
61 	level,
62 	option,
63 	yesno;
64 {
65 #ifndef	NOT43
66     return setsockopt(fd, level, option,
67 				(char *)&yesno, sizeof yesno);
68 #else	/* NOT43 */
69     if (yesno == 0) {		/* Can't do that in 4.2! */
70 	fprintf(stderr, "Error: attempt to turn off an option 0x%x.\n",
71 				option);
72 	return -1;
73     }
74     return setsockopt(fd, level, option, 0, 0);
75 #endif	/* NOT43 */
76 }
78 /*
79  * The following are routines used to print out debugging information.
80  */
83 void
84 Dump(direction, buffer, length)
85 char	direction;
86 char	*buffer;
87 int	length;
88 {
89 #   define BYTES_PER_LINE	32
90 #   define min(x,y)	((x<y)? x:y)
91     char *pThis;
92     int offset;
94     offset = 0;
96     while (length) {
97 	/* print one line */
98 	fprintf(NetTrace, "%c 0x%x\t", direction, offset);
99 	pThis = buffer;
100 	buffer = buffer+min(length, BYTES_PER_LINE);
101 	while (pThis < buffer) {
102 	    fprintf(NetTrace, "%.2x", (*pThis)&0xff);
103 	    pThis++;
104 	}
105 	fprintf(NetTrace, "\n");
106 	length -= BYTES_PER_LINE;
107 	offset += BYTES_PER_LINE;
108 	if (length < 0) {
109 	    return;
110 	}
111 	/* find next unique line */
112     }
113 }
116 /*VARARGS*/
117 void
118 printoption(direction, fmt, option, what)
119 	char *direction, *fmt;
120 	int option, what;
121 {
122 	if (!showoptions)
123 		return;
124 	fprintf(NetTrace, "%s ", direction+1);
125 	if (fmt == doopt)
126 		fmt = "do";
127 	else if (fmt == dont)
128 		fmt = "dont";
129 	else if (fmt == will)
130 		fmt = "will";
131 	else if (fmt == wont)
132 		fmt = "wont";
133 	else
134 		fmt = "???";
135 	if (option < (sizeof telopts/sizeof telopts[0]))
136 		fprintf(NetTrace, "%s %s", fmt, telopts[option]);
137 	else
138 		fprintf(NetTrace, "%s %d", fmt, option);
139 	if (*direction == '<') {
140 		fprintf(NetTrace, "\r\n");
141 		return;
142 	}
143 	fprintf(NetTrace, " (%s)\r\n", what ? "reply" : "don't reply");
144 }
146 void
147 printsub(direction, pointer, length)
148 char	*direction,		/* "<" or ">" */
149 	*pointer;		/* where suboption data sits */
150 int	length;			/* length of suboption data */
151 {
152     if (showoptions) {
153 	fprintf(NetTrace, "%s suboption ",
154 				(direction[0] == '<')? "Received":"Sent");
155 	switch (pointer[0]) {
156 	case TELOPT_TTYPE:
157 	    fprintf(NetTrace, "Terminal type ");
158 	    switch (pointer[1]) {
159 	    case TELQUAL_IS:
160 		{
161 		    char tmpbuf[SUBBUFSIZE];
162 		    int minlen = min(length, sizeof tmpbuf);
164 		    memcpy(tmpbuf, pointer+2, minlen);
165 		    tmpbuf[minlen-1] = 0;
166 		    fprintf(NetTrace, "is %s.\n", tmpbuf);
167 		}
168 		break;
169 	    case TELQUAL_SEND:
170 		fprintf(NetTrace, "- request to send.\n");
171 		break;
172 	    default:
173 		fprintf(NetTrace,
174 				"- unknown qualifier %d (0x%x).\n", pointer[1]);
175 	    }
176 	    break;
177 	default:
178 	    fprintf(NetTrace, "Unknown option %d (0x%x)\n",
179 					pointer[0], pointer[0]);
180 	}
181     }
182 }