xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/tn3270/api/api_bsd.c (revision 9173330c)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1988, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  */
8 #ifndef lint
9 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)api_bsd.c	8.2 (Berkeley) 01/07/94";
10 #endif /* not lint */
12 #if	defined(unix)
14 #include <sys/types.h>
15 #include <sys/socket.h>
16 #include <netinet/in.h>
17 #include <netdb.h>
18 #include <stdio.h>
20 #include "../ctlr/api.h"
21 #include "api_exch.h"
24 int
25 api_close_api()
26 {
27     if (api_exch_outcommand(EXCH_CMD_DISASSOCIATE) == -1) {
28 	return -1;
29     } else if (api_exch_flush() == -1) {
30 	return -1;
31     } else {
32 	return 0;
33     }
34 }
37 int
38 api_open_api(string)
39 char	*string;		/* if non-zero, where to connect to */
40 {
41     struct sockaddr_in server;
42     struct hostent *hp;
43     struct storage_descriptor sd;
44     extern char *getenv();
45     char thehostname[100];
46     char keyname[100];
47     char inkey[100];
48     FILE *keyfile;
49     int sock;
50     unsigned int port;
51     int i;
53     if (string == 0) {
54 	string = getenv("API3270");	/* Get API */
55 	if (string == 0) {
56 	    fprintf(stderr,
57 			"API3270 environmental variable not set - no API.\n");
58 	    return -1;			/* Nothing */
59 	}
60     }
62     if (sscanf(string, "%[^:]:%d:%s", thehostname,
63 				(int *)&port, keyname) != 3) {
64 	fprintf(stderr, "API3270 environmental variable has bad format.\n");
65 	return -1;
66     }
67     /* Now, try to connect */
68     sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
69     if (sock < 0) {
70 	perror("opening API socket");
71 	return -1;
72     }
73     server.sin_family = AF_INET;
74     hp = gethostbyname(thehostname);
75     if (hp == 0) {
76 	fprintf(stderr, "%s specifies bad host name.\n", string);
77 	return -1;
78     }
79     bcopy(hp->h_addr, (char *)&server.sin_addr, hp->h_length);
80     server.sin_port = htons(port);
82     if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof server) < 0) {
83 	perror("connecting to API server");
84 	return -1;
85     }
86     /* Now, try application level connection */
87     if (api_exch_init(sock, "client") == -1) {
88 	return -1;
89     }
90     if (api_exch_outcommand(EXCH_CMD_ASSOCIATE) == -1) {
91 	return -1;
92     }
93     keyfile = fopen(keyname, "r");
94     if (keyfile == 0) {
95 	perror("fopen");
96 	return -1;
97     }
98     if (fscanf(keyfile, "%s\n", inkey) != 1) {
99 	perror("fscanf");
100 	return -1;
101     }
102     sd.length = strlen(inkey)+1;
103     if (api_exch_outtype(EXCH_TYPE_STORE_DESC, sizeof sd, (char *)&sd) == -1) {
104 	return -1;
105     }
106     if (api_exch_outtype(EXCH_TYPE_BYTES, sd.length, inkey) == -1) {
107 	return -1;
108     }
109     while ((i = api_exch_nextcommand()) != EXCH_CMD_ASSOCIATED) {
110 	int passwd_length;
111 	char *passwd, *getpass();
112 	char buffer[200];
114 	switch (i) {
116 	    if (api_exch_intype(EXCH_TYPE_STORE_DESC,
117 					sizeof sd, (char *)&sd) == -1) {
118 		return -1;
119 	    }
120 	    if (api_exch_intype(EXCH_TYPE_BYTES, sd.length, buffer) == -1) {
121 		return -1;
122 	    }
123 	    buffer[sd.length] = 0;
124 	    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buffer);
125 	    if (api_exch_outcommand(EXCH_CMD_ASSOCIATE) == -1) {
126 		return -1;
127 	    }
128 	    break;
130 	    if (api_exch_intype(EXCH_TYPE_STORE_DESC, sizeof sd, (char *)&sd) == -1) {
131 		return -1;
132 	    }
133 	    if (api_exch_intype(EXCH_TYPE_BYTES, sd.length, buffer) == -1) {
134 		return -1;
135 	    }
136 	    buffer[sd.length] = 0;
137 	    passwd = getpass(buffer);		/* Go to terminal */
138 	    passwd_length = strlen(passwd);
139 	    if (api_exch_intype(EXCH_TYPE_STORE_DESC, sizeof sd, (char *)&sd) == -1) {
140 		return -1;
141 	    }
142 	    if (api_exch_intype(EXCH_TYPE_BYTES, sd.length, buffer) == -1) {
143 		return -1;
144 	    }
145 	    buffer[sd.length] = 0;
146 	    if (sd.length) {
147 		char *ptr;
149 		ptr = passwd;
150 		i = 0;
151 		while (*ptr) {
152 		    *ptr++ ^= buffer[i++];
153 		    if (i >= sd.length) {
154 			i = 0;
155 		    }
156 		}
157 	    }
158 	    sd.length = passwd_length;
159 	    if (api_exch_outcommand(EXCH_CMD_AUTH) == -1) {
160 		return -1;
161 	    }
162 	    if (api_exch_outtype(EXCH_TYPE_STORE_DESC, sizeof sd, (char *)&sd) == -1) {
163 		return -1;
164 	    }
165 	    if (api_exch_outtype(EXCH_TYPE_BYTES, passwd_length, passwd) == -1) {
166 		return -1;
167 	    }
168 	    break;
169 	case -1:
170 	    return -1;
171 	default:
172 	    fprintf(stderr,
173 		    "Waiting for connection indicator, received 0x%x.\n", i);
174 	    break;
175 	}
176     }
177     /* YEAH */
178     return 0;		/* Happiness! */
179 }
182 api_exch_api(regs, sregs, parms, length)
183 union REGS *regs;
184 struct SREGS *sregs;
185 char *parms;
186 int length;
187 {
188     struct storage_descriptor sd;
189     int i;
191     if (api_exch_outcommand(EXCH_CMD_REQUEST) == -1) {
192 	return -1;
193     }
194     if (api_exch_outtype(EXCH_TYPE_REGS, sizeof *regs, (char *)regs) == -1) {
195 	return -1;
196     }
197     if (api_exch_outtype(EXCH_TYPE_SREGS, sizeof *sregs, (char *)sregs) == -1) {
198 	return -1;
199     }
200     sd.length = length;
201     sd.location = (long) parms;
202     if (api_exch_outtype(EXCH_TYPE_STORE_DESC, sizeof sd, (char *)&sd) == -1) {
203 	return -1;
204     }
205     if (api_exch_outtype(EXCH_TYPE_BYTES, length, parms) == -1) {
206 	return -1;
207     }
208     while ((i = api_exch_nextcommand()) != EXCH_CMD_REPLY) {
209 	switch (i) {
210 	case EXCH_CMD_GIMME:
211 	    if (api_exch_intype(EXCH_TYPE_STORE_DESC, sizeof sd, (char *)&sd)
212 					== -1) {
213 		return -1;
214 	    }
215 	    /*XXX validity check GIMME? */
216 	    if (api_exch_outcommand(EXCH_CMD_HEREIS) == -1) {
217 		return -1;
218 	    }
219 	    if (api_exch_outtype(EXCH_TYPE_STORE_DESC, sizeof sd, (char *)&sd)
220 				== -1) {
221 		return -1;
222 	    }
223 	    if (api_exch_outtype(EXCH_TYPE_BYTES, sd.length,
224 			    (char *)sd.location) == -1) {
225 		return -1;
226 	    }
227 	    break;
228 	case EXCH_CMD_HEREIS:
229 	    if (api_exch_intype(EXCH_TYPE_STORE_DESC, sizeof sd, (char *)&sd)
230 					== -1) {
231 		return -1;
232 	    }
233 	    /* XXX Validty check HEREIS? */
234 	    if (api_exch_intype(EXCH_TYPE_BYTES, sd.length,
235 			    (char *)sd.location) == -1) {
236 		return -1;
237 	    }
238 	    break;
239 	default:
240 	    fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for reply command, we got command %d.\n",
241 			i);
242 	    return -1;
243 	}
244     }
245     if (api_exch_intype(EXCH_TYPE_REGS, sizeof *regs, (char *)regs) == -1) {
246 	return -1;
247     }
248     if (api_exch_intype(EXCH_TYPE_SREGS, sizeof *sregs, (char *)sregs) == -1) {
249 	return -1;
250     }
251     /* YEAH */
252     return 0;		/* Happiness! */
253 }
255 #endif	/* unix */