xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/uucp/libacu/hys24.c (revision 57124d5e)
1 #ifndef lint
2 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)hys24.c	1.1 (Berkeley) 01/13/86";
3 #endif !lint
5 #include "../condevs.h"
7 #ifdef HAYES2400
8 /*
9  *	hyspopn24(telno, flds, dev) connect to hayes smartmodem (pulse call)
10  *	hystopn24(telno, flds, dev) connect to hayes smartmodem (tone call)
11  *	char *flds[], *dev[];
12  *
13  *	return codes:
14  *		>0  -  file number  -  ok
15  *		CF_DIAL,CF_DEVICE  -  failed
16  */
18 hyspopn24(telno, flds, dev)
19 char *telno, *flds[];
20 struct Devices *dev;
21 {
22 	return hysopn24(telno, flds, dev, 0);
23 }
25 hystopn24(telno, flds, dev)
26 char *telno, *flds[];
27 struct Devices *dev;
28 {
29 	return hysopn24(telno, flds, dev, 1);
30 }
32 /* ARGSUSED */
33 hysopn24(telno, flds, dev, toneflag)
34 char *telno;
35 char *flds[];
36 struct Devices *dev;
37 int toneflag;
38 {
39 	int	dh = -1;
40 	char *ii;
41 	extern errno;
42 	char dcname[20];
44 	sprintf(dcname, "/dev/%s", dev->D_line);
45 	DEBUG(4, "dc - %s\n", dcname);
46 	if (setjmp(Sjbuf)) {
47 		logent(dcname, "TIMEOUT");
48 		if (dh >= 0)
49 			hyscls24(dh);
50 		return CF_DIAL;
51 	}
52 	signal(SIGALRM, alarmtr);
53 	getnextfd();
54 	alarm(10);
55 	dh = open(dcname, 2); /* read/write */
56 	alarm(0);
58 	for (ii = telno; *ii; ii++)
59 		if (*ii == '=')
60 		    *ii = ',';
62 	/* modem is open */
63 	next_fd = -1;
64 	if (dh >= 0) {
65 		fixline(dh, dev->D_speed);
66 		write(dh, "\rATZH\r", 6);
67 		sleep(2);
68 		if (dochat(dev, flds, dh)) {
69 			logent(dcname, "CHAT FAILED");
70 			hyscls24(dh);
71 			return CF_DIAL;
72 		}
73 		write(dh, "AT&F&D3&C1E0X1\r", 15);
74 		if (expect("OK\r\n", dh) != 0) {
75 			logent(dcname, "HSM not responding OK");
76 			hyscls24(dh);
77 			return CF_DIAL;
78 		}
79 		if (toneflag)
80 			write(dh, "\rATDT", 5);
81 		else
82 			write(dh, "\rATDP", 5);
83 		write(dh, telno, strlen(telno));
84 		write(dh, "\r", 1);
86 		if (expect("CONNECT", dh) != 0) {
87 			logent("HSM no carrier", _FAILED);
88 			strcpy(devSel, dev->D_line);
89 			hyscls24(dh);
90 			return CF_DIAL;
91 		}
93 	}
94 	if (dh < 0) {
95 		logent(dcname, "CAN'T OPEN");
96 		return dh;
97 	}
98 	DEBUG(4, "hayes ok\n", CNULL);
99 	return dh;
100 }
102 hyscls24(fd)
103 int fd;
104 {
105 	char dcname[20];
107 	if (fd > 0) {
108 		sprintf(dcname, "/dev/%s", devSel);
109 		DEBUG(4, "Hanging up fd = %d\n", fd);
110 		sleep(1);
111 /*
112  * Since we have a getty sleeping on this line, when it wakes up it sends
113  * all kinds of garbage to the modem.  Unfortunatly, the modem likes to
114  * execute the previous command when it sees the garbage.  The previous
115  * command was to dial the phone, so let's make the last command reset
116  * the modem.
117  */
118 		write(fd, "\r+++", 4);
119 		sleep(2);
120 		write(fd, "\rATH\rATZ\r", 9);
121 		sleep(2);
122 		close(fd);
123 		delock(devSel);
124 	}
125 }
126 #endif HAYES2400