1 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)seekdir.c 4.6 9/12/82";
3 #include <sys/param.h>
4 #include <ndir.h>
6 /*
7  * seek to an entry in a directory.
8  * Only values returned by "telldir" should be passed to seekdir.
9  */
10 void
11 seekdir(dirp, loc)
12 	register DIR *dirp;
13 	long loc;
14 {
15 	long base, offset;
16 	struct direct *dp;
18 /* rti!trt: Always seek.  Slower, but safer. This may even fix a bug.
19 	if (loc == telldir(dirp))
20 		return;
21  */
22 	base = loc & ~(DIRBLKSIZ - 1);
23 	offset = loc & (DIRBLKSIZ - 1);
24 	lseek(dirp->dd_fd, base, 0);
25 	dirp->dd_loc = 0;
26 	while (dirp->dd_loc < offset) {
27 		dp = readdir(dirp);
28 		if (dp == NULL)
29 			return;
30 	}
31 }