xref: /original-bsd/usr.bin/window/wwiomux.c (revision 4f00418d)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1983, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
6  * Edward Wang at The University of California, Berkeley.
7  *
8  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
9  */
11 #ifndef lint
12 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)wwiomux.c	8.1 (Berkeley) 06/06/93";
13 #endif /* not lint */
15 #include "ww.h"
16 #include <sys/time.h>
17 #include <sys/types.h>
18 #if !defined(OLD_TTY) && !defined(TIOCPKT_DATA)
19 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
20 #endif
21 #include <fcntl.h>
23 /*
24  * Multiple window output handler.
25  * The idea is to copy window outputs to the terminal, via the
26  * display package.  We try to give wwcurwin highest priority.
27  * The only return conditions are when there is keyboard input
28  * and when a child process dies, which are serviced by signal
29  * catchers (wwrint() and wwchild()).
30  * When there's nothing to do, we sleep in a select().
31  * This can be done better with interrupt driven io.  But that's
32  * not supported on ptys, yet.
33  * The history of this routine is interesting.
34  */
35 wwiomux()
36 {
37 	register struct ww *w;
38 	fd_set imask;
39 	register n;
40 	register char *p;
41 	char c;
42 	struct timeval tv;
43 	char noblock = 0;
45 	for (;;) {
46 		if (wwinterrupt()) {
47 			wwclrintr();
48 			return;
49 		}
51 		FD_ZERO(&imask);
52 		n = -1;
53 		for (w = wwhead.ww_forw; w != &wwhead; w = w->ww_forw) {
54 			if (w->ww_pty < 0)
55 				continue;
56 			if (w->ww_obq < w->ww_obe) {
57 				if (w->ww_pty > n)
58 					n = w->ww_pty;
59 				FD_SET(w->ww_pty, &imask);
60 			}
61 			if (w->ww_obq > w->ww_obp && !w->ww_stopped)
62 				noblock = 1;
63 		}
65 		if (!noblock) {
66 			if (wwcurwin != 0)
67 				wwcurtowin(wwcurwin);
68 			wwupdate();
69 			wwflush();
70 			(void) setjmp(wwjmpbuf);
71 			wwsetjmp = 1;
72 			if (wwinterrupt()) {
73 				wwsetjmp = 0;
74 				wwclrintr();
75 				return;
76 			}
77 			/*
78 			 * Defensive code.  If somebody else (for example,
79 			 * wall) clears the ASYNC flag on us, we will block
80 			 * forever.  So we need a finite timeout and set
81 			 * the flag again.  Anything more clever will probably
82 			 * need even more system calls.  (This is a bug
83 			 * in the kernel.)
84 			 * I don't like this one bit.
85 			 */
86 			(void) fcntl(0, F_SETFL, wwnewtty.ww_fflags);
87 			tv.tv_sec = 30;
88 			tv.tv_usec = 0;
89 		} else {
90 			tv.tv_sec = 0;
91 			tv.tv_usec = 10000;
92 		}
93 		wwnselect++;
94 		n = select(n + 1, &imask, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, &tv);
95 		wwsetjmp = 0;
96 		noblock = 0;
98 		if (n < 0)
99 			wwnselecte++;
100 		else if (n == 0)
101 			wwnselectz++;
102 		else
103 			for (w = wwhead.ww_forw; w != &wwhead; w = w->ww_forw) {
104 				if (w->ww_pty < 0 ||
105 				    !FD_ISSET(w->ww_pty, &imask))
106 					continue;
107 				wwnwread++;
108 				p = w->ww_obq;
109 				if (w->ww_ispty) {
110 					if (p == w->ww_ob) {
111 						w->ww_obp++;
112 						w->ww_obq++;
113 					} else
114 						p--;
115 					c = *p;
116 				}
117 				n = read(w->ww_pty, p, w->ww_obe - p);
118 				if (n < 0) {
119 					wwnwreade++;
120 					(void) close(w->ww_pty);
121 					w->ww_pty = -1;
122 				} else if (n == 0) {
123 					wwnwreadz++;
124 					(void) close(w->ww_pty);
125 					w->ww_pty = -1;
126 				} else if (!w->ww_ispty) {
127 					wwnwreadd++;
128 					wwnwreadc += n;
129 					w->ww_obq += n;
130 				} else if (*p == TIOCPKT_DATA) {
131 					n--;
132 					wwnwreadd++;
133 					wwnwreadc += n;
134 					w->ww_obq += n;
135 				} else {
136 					wwnwreadp++;
137 					if (*p & TIOCPKT_STOP)
138 						w->ww_stopped = 1;
139 					if (*p & TIOCPKT_START)
140 						w->ww_stopped = 0;
141 					if (*p & TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE) {
142 						w->ww_stopped = 0;
143 						w->ww_obq = w->ww_obp =
144 							w->ww_ob;
145 					}
146 				}
147 				if (w->ww_ispty)
148 					*p = c;
149 			}
150 		/*
151 		 * Try the current window first, if there is output
152 		 * then process it and go back to the top to try again.
153 		 * This can lead to starvation of the other windows,
154 		 * but presumably that what we want.
155 		 * Update will eventually happen when output from wwcurwin
156 		 * dies down.
157 		 */
158 		if ((w = wwcurwin) != 0 && w->ww_pty >= 0 &&
159 		    w->ww_obq > w->ww_obp && !w->ww_stopped) {
160 			n = wwwrite(w, w->ww_obp, w->ww_obq - w->ww_obp);
161 			if ((w->ww_obp += n) == w->ww_obq)
162 				w->ww_obq = w->ww_obp = w->ww_ob;
163 			noblock = 1;
164 			continue;
165 		}
166 		for (w = wwhead.ww_forw; w != &wwhead; w = w->ww_forw)
167 			if (w->ww_pty >= 0 && w->ww_obq > w->ww_obp &&
168 			    !w->ww_stopped) {
169 				n = wwwrite(w, w->ww_obp,
170 					w->ww_obq - w->ww_obp);
171 				if ((w->ww_obp += n) == w->ww_obq)
172 					w->ww_obq = w->ww_obp = w->ww_ob;
173 				if (wwinterrupt())
174 					break;
175 			}
176 	}
177 }