1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1983 Eric P. Allman
3  * Copyright (c) 1988, 1993
4  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
7  *
8  */
10 #ifndef lint
11 static char copyright[] =
12 "@(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1993\n\
13 	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.\n";
14 #endif /* not lint */
16 #ifndef lint
17 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)mailstats.c	8.4 (Berkeley) 08/14/94";
18 #endif /* not lint */
20 #include <sendmail.h>
21 #include <mailstats.h>
22 #include <pathnames.h>
24 #define MNAMELEN	20	/* max length of mailer name */
26 main(argc, argv)
27 	int argc;
28 	char **argv;
29 {
30 	extern char *optarg;
31 	extern int optind;
32 	struct statistics stat;
33 	register int i;
34 	int mno;
35 	int ch, fd;
36 	char *sfile;
37 	char *cfile;
38 	FILE *cfp;
39 	bool mnames;
40 	long frmsgs = 0, frbytes = 0, tomsgs = 0, tobytes = 0;
41 	char mtable[MAXMAILERS][MNAMELEN+1];
42 	char sfilebuf[100];
43 	char buf[MAXLINE];
44 	extern char *ctime();
46 	cfile = _PATH_SENDMAILCF;
47 	sfile = NULL;
48 	mnames = TRUE;
49 	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "C:f:o")) != EOF)
50 	{
51 		switch (ch)
52 		{
53 		  case 'C':
54 			cfile = optarg;
55 			break;
57 		  case 'f':
58 			sfile = optarg;
59 			break;
61 		  case 'o':
62 			mnames = FALSE;
63 			break;
65 		  case '?':
66 		  default:
67   usage:
68 			fputs("usage: mailstats [-C cffile] [-f stfile]\n", stderr);
69 			exit(EX_USAGE);
70 		}
71 	}
72 	argc -= optind;
73 	argv += optind;
75 	if (argc != 0)
76 		goto usage;
78 	if ((cfp = fopen(cfile, "r")) == NULL)
79 	{
80 		fprintf(stderr, "mailstats: ");
81 		perror(cfile);
82 		exit(EX_NOINPUT);
83 	}
85 	mno = 0;
86 	(void) strcpy(mtable[mno++], "prog");
87 	(void) strcpy(mtable[mno++], "*file*");
88 	(void) strcpy(mtable[mno++], "*include*");
90 	while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), cfp) != NULL)
91 	{
92 		register char *b;
93 		char *s;
94 		register char *m;
96 		b = buf;
97 		switch (*b++)
98 		{
99 		  case 'M':		/* mailer definition */
100 			break;
102 		  case 'O':		/* option -- see if .st file */
103 			if (strncasecmp(b, " StatusFile", 11) == 0 &&
104 			    !isalnum(b[11]))
105 			{
106 				/* new form -- find value */
107 				b = strchr(b, '=');
108 				if (b == NULL)
109 					continue;
110 				while (isspace(*++b))
111 					continue;
112 			}
113 			else if (*b++ != 'S')
114 			{
115 				/* something else boring */
116 				continue;
117 			}
119 			/* this is the S or StatusFile option -- save it */
120 			strcpy(sfilebuf, b);
121 			b = strchr(sfilebuf, '#');
122 			if (b == NULL)
123 				b = strchr(sfilebuf, '\n');
124 			if (b == NULL)
125 				b = &sfilebuf[strlen(sfilebuf)];
126 			while (isspace(*--b))
127 				continue;
128 			*++b = '\0';
129 			if (sfile == NULL)
130 				sfile = sfilebuf;
132 		  default:
133 			continue;
134 		}
136 		if (mno >= MAXMAILERS)
137 		{
138 			fprintf(stderr,
139 				"Too many mailers defined, %d max.\n",
140 				MAXMAILERS);
141 			exit(EX_SOFTWARE);
142 		}
143 		m = mtable[mno];
144 		s = m + MNAMELEN;		/* is [MNAMELEN+1] */
145 		while (*b != ',' && !isspace(*b) && *b != '\0' && m < s)
146 			*m++ = *b++;
147 		*m = '\0';
148 		for (i = 0; i < mno; i++)
149 		{
150 			if (strcmp(mtable[i], mtable[mno]) == 0)
151 				break;
152 		}
153 		if (i == mno)
154 			mno++;
155 	}
156 	(void) fclose(cfp);
157 	for (; mno < MAXMAILERS; mno++)
158 		mtable[mno][0]='\0';
160 	if (sfile == NULL)
161 	{
162 		fprintf(stderr, "mailstats: no statistics file located\n");
163 		exit (EX_OSFILE);
164 	}
166 	if ((fd = open(sfile, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
167 		fputs("mailstats: ", stderr);
168 		perror(sfile);
169 		exit(EX_NOINPUT);
170 	}
171 	if (read(fd, &stat, sizeof(stat)) != sizeof(stat) ||
172 	    stat.stat_size != sizeof(stat))
173 	{
174 		fputs("mailstats: file size changed.\n", stderr);
175 		exit(EX_OSERR);
176 	}
178 	printf("Statistics from %s", ctime(&stat.stat_itime));
179 	printf(" M msgsfr bytes_from  msgsto   bytes_to%s\n",
180 		mnames ? "  Mailer" : "");
181 	for (i = 0; i < MAXMAILERS; i++)
182 	{
183 		if (stat.stat_nf[i] || stat.stat_nt[i])
184 		{
185 			printf("%2d %6ld %10ldK %6ld %10ldK", i,
186 			    stat.stat_nf[i], stat.stat_bf[i],
187 			    stat.stat_nt[i], stat.stat_bt[i]);
188 			if (mnames)
189 				printf("  %s", mtable[i]);
190 			printf("\n");
191 			frmsgs += stat.stat_nf[i];
192 			frbytes += stat.stat_bf[i];
193 			tomsgs += stat.stat_nt[i];
194 			tobytes += stat.stat_bt[i];
195 		}
196 	}
197 	printf("========================================\n");
198 	printf(" T %6ld %10ldK %6ld %10ldK\n",
199 		frmsgs, frbytes, tomsgs, tobytes);
200 	exit(EX_OK);
201 }