xref: /original-bsd/usr.sbin/sendmail/src/READ_ME (revision f0fd5f8a)
1This directory contains the files for sendmail.  On some
2installations it may also contain the source files for
3auxiliary mailers.
7This is a non-trivial task -- please plan to take time to think
8about this process carefully.
10Creating a Makefile
12You may have to create a new makefile.  There are only two
13basic types: for a v6 system & for a v7 system.  All pathnames &
14system dependent stuff should be in conf.c.  The makefile distributed
15is for our ARPAVAX site, and should work for you.  You may want to
16change some of the compile flags as listed in the makefile; these
17control things like logging, hashed alias tables, and debugging
18info.  We distribute makefile.m4 which can be turned into a makefile;
19it may be easier in the long run to modify this file.
21Creating a Configuration Table
23The configuration table describes the mail world to sendmail.  This
24table is quite complex, but in general the table from Berkeley can
25be modified to work.  We use an m4 file to specify configuration for
26multiple machines; the file whoami.m4 can probably be modified to
27set the correct parameters for cf.m4 to generate a sendmail.cf.
29Whoami.m4 defines or may define the following macros:
31WHOAMI		From /usr/include/whoami, this drives the entire
32		configuration.
33BNHOST		If defined, the name of this host on BerkNet.
34UNHOST		If defined, the name of this host on UUCPnet.
35ANHOST		If defined, the name of this host on ArpaNet.
36ENHOST		If defined, the name of this host on EtherNet.
37m4_SCCS		If defined, we have the SCCS files here.
38m4_VAX		If defined, this is a VAX.
39m4_VFORK	If defined, we should use the VFORK syscall.
40m4_DBMLIB	If defined, we have the DBM version of the alias
41		file.
43You should really read sendmail.doc before trying anything with
44sendmail.  You can run this off using:
45	nroff -me sendmail.doc
46Among other things, this describes how to build a configuration file.
48Creating Pseudo-Users.
50Sometimes (particularly in Arpa-land) mail comes from a person who
51doesn't really exist.  Some mail will be returned to them from a
52pseudo-user named MAILER-DAEMON, which will of course be returned.
53But MAILER-DAEMON does not exist, so it is returned.... and you have
54a loop.  To break this, every site should have the entry:
56in their aliases file.
58Actual Installation
60You will have to do the following things as root:
62Put the new sysexits.h in /usr/include.  This defines some other
63exit codes used by sendmail.  This is not dangerous unless you
64have extended sysexits yourself.
66Create the following files:
67-rw-rw-rw- 1 root    5161 Jan 10 17:47 /usr/lib/aliases
68-rw-rw-rw- 1 root    4096 Jan 10 17:47 /usr/lib/aliases.dir
69-rw-rw-rw- 1 root   37888 Jan 10 17:47 /usr/lib/aliases.pag
70drwxr-xr-x 2 eric      64 Nov  8 12:56 /usr/lib/mailers
71-rwxr-xr-x 1 eric   63162 Jan  5 10:01 /usr/lib/sendmail
72-rw-r--r-- 1 eric    3484 Jan  1 18:42 /usr/lib/sendmail.cf
73-rw-r--r-- 1 eric     708 Nov  7 15:34 /usr/lib/sendmail.hf
74-rw-rw-rw- 1 eric     168 Jan 10 19:11 /usr/lib/sendmail.st
75drwxrwxrwx 2 eric     176 Jan 10 19:11 /usr/spool/mqueue
77/usr/spool/mqueue may be some less permissive mode if sendmail
78runs setuid to the owner (root is recommended, as sendmail will
79then do certain file ownerships correctly).  Likewise, the
80alias files need not be mode 666 unless you want users to be
81able to update the alias file directly.  /usr/lib/sendmail.st
82stores statistics and may be safely removed.
86AUX		A directory of "other stuff" (which may or may
87		not be interesting).  This stuff is UNSUPPORTED
88		and given only for examples sake.  Many of these
89		programs have not run in some time and may not
90		even have reasonable sendmail calling conventions.
91AUX/arpa.c	An old (v6 NCP) queueing program, formerly called
92		by sendmail on an ARPANET gateway.
93AUX/mail-dm.c	An old (v6 NCP) incoming FTP mail server module,
94		which called sendmail one time long ago.
95FILES		A list of "interesting" files.
96READ_ME		This file.
97TODO		New features to be put in (maybe) at some time.
98Version.c	The version number and information about this
99		version of sendmail.  Theoretically, this gets
100		modified on every change.
101alias.c		Does name aliasing in all forms.
102aliases.5	Documentation for the alias file used by sendmail.
103arpadate.c	A subroutine used by sendmail & AUX/arpa.c which
104		creates ARPANET standard dates.
105asm.sed		A script to post-process the assembly language
106		output from the C compiler; this implements some
107		efficiency hacks.
108bmove.c		A core-to-core move.  This is in a separate file
109		because it can easily be replaced by a blindingly
110		efficient version on Vaxes.
111cf.m4		The m4 version of sendmail.cf.  This may be somewhat
112		inscrutable.
113collect.c	The routine that actually reads the mail into a temp
114		file.  It also does a certain amount of parsing of
115		the header, etc.
116conf.c		The configuration file.  This contains information
117		that is presumed to be quite static and non-
118		controversial, or code compiled in for efficiency
119		reasons.  Most of the configuration is in sendmail.cf.
120convtime.c	A routine to sanely process times.
121daemon.c	Routines to implement daemon mode.
122deliver.c	Routines to deliver mail.
123err.c		Routines to print error messages.
124headers.c	Routines to process message headers.
125macro.c		The macro expander.  This is used internally to
126		insert information from the configuration file.
127macros.m4 	Macros used by M4 when doing .cf configuration at
128		Berkeley.
129mailstats.c	A program to print out the mail statistics.
130main.c		The main routine to sendmail.  This file also
131		contains some miscellaneous routines.
132makefile	The makefile used here; this is created from
133		makefile.m4.
134makefile.m4	A makefile template.
135matchhdr.c	A routine used by arpa.c to perform a match on
136		ARPANET format header items.
137parse.c		The routines which do address parsing.
138praliases.c	A debugging routine to print out the DBM version of
139		the alias file.
140queue.c		Routines to implement message queueing.
141readcf.c	The routine that reads the configuration file and
142		translates it to internal form.
143rmail.c		A program to replace /bin/rmail that reads those
144		ugly UUCP header lines and replaces them by a real
145		From line with a real address.
146savemail.c	Routines which save the letter on processing errors.
147sendmail.8	Documentation for sendmail.
148sendmail.cf	A sample configuration file.
149sendmail.doc	A large paper on sendmail.
150sendmail.h	Main header file for sendmail.
151sendmail.hf	The help file.  This is used by the SMTP HELP command.
152sendto.c	Routines to do address queueing.
153spell.good	A list of words that spell chokes on for sendmail.doc
154		but which are still ok.
155srvrsmtp.c	Routines to implement server SMTP.
156stab.c		Routines to manage the symbol table.
157stats.c		Routines to collect and post the statistics.
158sysexits.c	List of error messages associated with error codes
159		in sysexits.h.
160sysexits.h	List of exit statuses that could someday become a
161		standard.  In any case, they are what sendmail &
162		a handful of other programs use.
163useful.h	A header file containing a few things that appear to
164		be useful for even the most various programs.
165userdbm.h	A header file for the -ldbm stuff.  This should be
166		in /usr/include.
167usersmtp.c	Routines to implement user SMTP.
168util.c		Some general purpose routines used by sendmail.
169vacation.1	Documentation for the vacation program.
170vacation.c	A program that lets you automatically send a message
171		to people saying "I am on vacation."
172version.c	A master file for Version.c -- it may not exist in
173		your distribution.
174whoami.m4	An m4 file describing who we are.  This is driven by
175		the file /usr/include/whoami, which should contain a
176		single word giving your system name.
180You will have to change your equivalent of /bin/mail to take a
181"-d" flag.  If this flag is not asserted, /bin/mail should just
182turn itself into /usr/lib/sendmail (this is probably in a routine
183called "bulkmail" or "sendmail").  The code looks like something
186# ifdef SENDMAIL
187	{search argv for a -d flag}
188	if (!dflag)
189	{
190		argv[0] = "-sendmail";
191		argv[argc] = 0;
192		execv(SENDMAIL, argv);
193		perror(SENDMAIL);
194	}
195	{ignore -d flag in further processing}
196# endif
198This is actually somewhat oversimplified.  See the example mailers
199for something more realistic.  Besides the mailers in this directory,
200see ../berknet/v6mail.c.
202Argv[0] should begin with a "-" to indicate that it is being called
203from /bin/mail.  [This is currently unused, but I have tentative
204plans... isn't it easier to do it now?]
206If you are running server FTP on arpanet, you will have to change
207the incoming mail routine to accept mail for any address (rather than
208checking to see that the user exists).  Instead of writing the
209mail in some non-standard mailbox, pipe the mail to /usr/lib/sendmail
210instead (include the -a flag).  Sendmail will give the "350 Enter
211Mail" message, etc.  Our "mail-dm.c" is given as an example.
215This version of sendmail can really truly run as root if you want
216it to.  It does some neat stuff if you do, but it is not necessary.
219Eric Allman
221(Version 3.2, last update 06/17/82 10:43:01)