1 # include <stdio.h>
2 # include <pwd.h>
3 # include "sendmail.h"
5 static char	SccsId[] = "@(#)savemail.c	3.6	03/20/81";
7 /*
8 **  SAVEMAIL -- Save mail on error
9 **
10 **	If the MailBack flag is set, mail it back to the originator
11 **	together with an error message; otherwise, just put it in
12 **	dead.letter in the user's home directory (if he exists on
13 **	this machine).
14 **
15 **	Parameters:
16 **		none
17 **
18 **	Returns:
19 **		none
20 **
21 **	Side Effects:
22 **		Saves the letter, by writing or mailing it back to the
23 **		sender, or by putting it in dead.letter in her home
24 **		directory.
25 **
26 **		WARNING: the user id is reset to the original user.
27 */
29 savemail()
30 {
31 	register struct passwd *pw;
32 	register FILE *xfile;
33 	char buf[MAXLINE+1];
34 	extern errhdr();
35 	auto ADDRESS to_addr;
36 	extern struct passwd *getpwnam();
37 	register char *p;
38 	register int i;
39 	auto long tim;
40 	extern int errno;
41 	extern char *ttypath();
42 	extern ADDRESS *parse();
43 	static int exclusive;
44 	extern char *strcpy(), *strcat();
45 	extern char *expand();
47 	if (exclusive++)
48 		return;
50 	/*
51 	**  In the unhappy event we don't know who to return the mail
52 	**  to, make someone up.
53 	*/
55 	if (From.q_paddr == NULL)
56 	{
57 		if (parse("root", &From, 0) == NULL)
58 		{
59 			syserr("Cannot parse root!");
60 			ExitStat = EX_SOFTWARE;
61 			finis();
62 		}
63 	}
65 	/*
66 	**  If called from Eric Schmidt's network, do special mailback.
67 	**	Fundamentally, this is the mailback case except that
68 	**	it returns an OK exit status (assuming the return
69 	**	worked).
70 	*/
72 	if (BerkNet)
73 	{
74 		ExitStat = EX_OK;
75 		MailBack++;
76 	}
78 	/*
79 	**  If writing back, do it.
80 	**	If the user is still logged in on the same terminal,
81 	**	then write the error messages back to hir (sic).
82 	**	If not, set the MailBack flag so that it will get
83 	**	mailed back instead.
84 	*/
86 	if (WriteBack)
87 	{
88 		p = ttypath();
89 		if (p == NULL || freopen(p, "w", stdout) == NULL)
90 		{
91 			MailBack++;
92 			errno = 0;
93 		}
94 		else
95 		{
96 			xfile = fopen(Transcript, "r");
97 			if (xfile == NULL)
98 				syserr("Cannot open %s", Transcript);
99 			printf("\r\nMessage from %s\r\n", expand("$n", buf, &buf[sizeof buf - 1]));
100 			printf("Errors occurred while sending mail, transcript follows:\r\n");
101 			while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, xfile) && !ferror(stdout))
102 				fputs(buf, stdout);
103 			if (ferror(stdout))
104 				syserr("savemail: stdout: write err");
105 			fclose(xfile);
106 		}
107 	}
109 	/*
110 	**  If mailing back, do it.
111 	**	Throw away all further output.  Don't do aliases, since
112 	**	this could cause loops, e.g., if joe mails to x:joe,
113 	**	and for some reason the network for x: is down, then
114 	**	the response gets sent to x:joe, which gives a
115 	**	response, etc.  Also force the mail to be delivered
116 	**	even if a version of it has already been sent to the
117 	**	sender.
118 	*/
120 	if (MailBack)
121 	{
122 		freopen("/dev/null", "w", stdout);
123 		NoAlias++;
124 		ForceMail++;
126 		/* fake up an address header for the from person */
127 		bmove((char *) &From, (char *) &to_addr, sizeof to_addr);
128 		if (parse(expand("$n", buf, &buf[sizeof buf - 1]), &From, -1) == NULL)
129 		{
130 			syserr("Can't parse myself!");
131 			ExitStat = EX_SOFTWARE;
132 			finis();
133 		}
134 		i = deliver(&to_addr, errhdr);
135 		bmove((char *) &to_addr, (char *) &From, sizeof From);
136 		if (i != 0)
137 			syserr("Can't return mail to %s", p);
138 		else
139 			return;
140 	}
142 	/*
143 	**  Save the message in dead.letter.
144 	**	If we weren't mailing back, and the user is local, we
145 	**	should save the message in dead.letter so that the
146 	**	poor person doesn't have to type it over again --
147 	**	and we all know what poor typists programmers are.
148 	*/
150 	setuid(getuid());
151 	setgid(getgid());
152 	setpwent();
153 	if (From.q_mailer == 0 && (pw = getpwnam(From.q_user)) != NULL)
154 	{
155 		/* user has a home directory */
156 		p = pw->pw_dir;
157 	}
158 	else
159 	{
160 		syserr("Can't return mail to %s (pw=%u)", From.q_paddr, pw);
161 # ifdef DEBUG
162 		p = "/usr/tmp";
163 # else
164 		p = NULL;
165 # endif
166 	}
167 	if (p != NULL)
168 	{
169 		/* we have a home directory; open dead.letter */
170 		strcpy(buf, p);
171 		strcat(buf, "/dead.letter");
172 		if (mailfile(buf) != EX_OK)
173 			printf("Cannot save mail, sorry\n");
174 		else
175 			printf("Letter saved in dead.letter\n");
176 	}
177 	else
179 	/* add terminator to writeback message */
180 	if (WriteBack)
181 		printf("-----\r\n");
182 }
183 /*
184 **  ERRHDR -- Output the header for error mail.
185 **
186 **	This is the edit filter to error mailbacks.
187 **
188 **	Algorithm:
189 **		Output fixed header.
190 **		Output the transcript part.
191 **		Output the original message.
192 **
193 **	Parameters:
194 **		xfile -- the transcript file.
195 **		fp -- the output file.
196 **
197 **	Returns:
198 **		none
199 **
200 **	Side Effects:
201 **		input from xfile
202 **		output to fp
203 **
204 **	Called By:
205 **		deliver
206 */
209 errhdr(fp)
210 	register FILE *fp;
211 {
212 	char buf[MAXLINE];
213 	register FILE *xfile;
214 	extern int errno;
216 	fflush(stdout);
217 	if ((xfile = fopen(Transcript, "r")) == NULL)
218 		syserr("Cannot open %s", Transcript);
219 	errno = 0;
220 	fprintf(fp, "To: %s\n", To);
221 	fprintf(fp, "Subject: Unable to deliver mail\n");
222 	fprintf(fp, "\n   ----- Transcript of session follows -----\n");
223 	while (fgets(xfile, buf, sizeof buf) != NULL)
224 		fputs(buf, fp);
225 	fprintf(fp, "\n   ----- Unsent message follows -----\n");
226 	fflush(fp);
227 	putmessage(fp, Mailer[1]);
228 	close(xfile);
229 	if (errno != 0)
230 		syserr("errhdr: I/O error");
231 }