1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
6  * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
7  * to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
8  * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
9  * software without specific prior written permission. This software
10  * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
11  */
13 #ifndef lint
14 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)networkdelta.c	2.2 (Berkeley) 12/23/87";
15 #endif /* not lint */
17 #include "globals.h"
18 #include <protocols/timed.h>
20 extern int machup;
22 /*
23  * `networkdelta' selects the largest set of deltas that fall within the
24  * interval RANGE, and uses them to compute the network average delta
25  */
27 long networkdelta()
28 {
29 	int i, j, maxind, minind;
30 	int ext;
31 	int tempind;
32 	long tempdata;
33 	long x[NHOSTS];
34 	long average;
36 	for (i=0; i<slvcount; i++)
37 		x[i] = hp[i].delta;
38 	for (i=0; i<slvcount-1; i++) {
39 		tempdata = x[i];
40 		tempind = i;
41 		for (j=i+1; j<slvcount; j++) {
42 			if (x[j] < tempdata) {
43 				tempdata = x[j];
44 				tempind = j;
45 			}
46 		}
47 		x[tempind] = x[i];
48 		x[i] = tempdata;
49 	}
51 	/* this piece of code is critical: DO NOT TOUCH IT! */
52 /****/
53 	i=0; j=1; minind=0; maxind=1;
54 	if (machup == 2)
55 		goto compute;
56 	do {
57 		if (x[j]-x[i] <= RANGE)
58 			j++;
59 		else {
60 			if (j > i+1)
61  				j--;
62 			if ((x[j]-x[i] <= RANGE) && (j-i >= maxind-minind)) {
63 				minind=i;
64 				maxind=j;
65 			}
66 			i++;
67 			if(i = j)
68 				j++;
69 		}
70 	} while (j < machup);
71 	if ((x[machup-1] - x[i] <= RANGE) && (machup-i-1 >= maxind-minind)) {
72 		minind=i; maxind=machup-1;
73 	}
74 /****/
75 compute:
76 	ext = maxind - minind + 1;
77 	average = 0;
78 	for (i=minind; i<=maxind; i++)
79 		average += x[i];
80 	average /= ext;
81 	return(average);
82 }