xref: /qemu/hw/input/ps2.c (revision 927f0425)
1 /*
2  * QEMU PS/2 keyboard/mouse emulation
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2003 Fabrice Bellard
5  *
6  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
7  * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
8  * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
9  * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
10  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
11  * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12  *
13  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
14  * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
15  *
23  */
24 #include "qemu/osdep.h"
25 #include "qemu/log.h"
26 #include "hw/hw.h"
27 #include "hw/input/ps2.h"
28 #include "ui/console.h"
29 #include "ui/input.h"
30 #include "sysemu/sysemu.h"
32 #include "trace.h"
34 /* debug PC keyboard */
35 //#define DEBUG_KBD
37 /* debug PC keyboard : only mouse */
38 //#define DEBUG_MOUSE
40 /* Keyboard Commands */
41 #define KBD_CMD_SET_LEDS	0xED	/* Set keyboard leds */
42 #define KBD_CMD_ECHO     	0xEE
43 #define KBD_CMD_SCANCODE	0xF0	/* Get/set scancode set */
44 #define KBD_CMD_GET_ID 	        0xF2	/* get keyboard ID */
45 #define KBD_CMD_SET_RATE	0xF3	/* Set typematic rate */
46 #define KBD_CMD_ENABLE		0xF4	/* Enable scanning */
47 #define KBD_CMD_RESET_DISABLE	0xF5	/* reset and disable scanning */
48 #define KBD_CMD_RESET_ENABLE   	0xF6    /* reset and enable scanning */
49 #define KBD_CMD_RESET		0xFF	/* Reset */
51 /* Keyboard Replies */
52 #define KBD_REPLY_POR		0xAA	/* Power on reset */
53 #define KBD_REPLY_ID		0xAB	/* Keyboard ID */
54 #define KBD_REPLY_ACK		0xFA	/* Command ACK */
55 #define KBD_REPLY_RESEND	0xFE	/* Command NACK, send the cmd again */
57 /* Mouse Commands */
58 #define AUX_SET_SCALE11		0xE6	/* Set 1:1 scaling */
59 #define AUX_SET_SCALE21		0xE7	/* Set 2:1 scaling */
60 #define AUX_SET_RES		0xE8	/* Set resolution */
61 #define AUX_GET_SCALE		0xE9	/* Get scaling factor */
62 #define AUX_SET_STREAM		0xEA	/* Set stream mode */
63 #define AUX_POLL		0xEB	/* Poll */
64 #define AUX_RESET_WRAP		0xEC	/* Reset wrap mode */
65 #define AUX_SET_WRAP		0xEE	/* Set wrap mode */
66 #define AUX_SET_REMOTE		0xF0	/* Set remote mode */
67 #define AUX_GET_TYPE		0xF2	/* Get type */
68 #define AUX_SET_SAMPLE		0xF3	/* Set sample rate */
69 #define AUX_ENABLE_DEV		0xF4	/* Enable aux device */
70 #define AUX_DISABLE_DEV		0xF5	/* Disable aux device */
71 #define AUX_SET_DEFAULT		0xF6
72 #define AUX_RESET		0xFF	/* Reset aux device */
73 #define AUX_ACK			0xFA	/* Command byte ACK. */
75 #define MOUSE_STATUS_REMOTE     0x40
76 #define MOUSE_STATUS_ENABLED    0x20
77 #define MOUSE_STATUS_SCALE21    0x10
79 #define PS2_QUEUE_SIZE 16  /* Buffer size required by PS/2 protocol */
81 /* Bits for 'modifiers' field in PS2KbdState */
82 #define MOD_CTRL_L  (1 << 0)
83 #define MOD_SHIFT_L (1 << 1)
84 #define MOD_ALT_L   (1 << 2)
85 #define MOD_CTRL_R  (1 << 3)
86 #define MOD_SHIFT_R (1 << 4)
87 #define MOD_ALT_R   (1 << 5)
89 typedef struct {
90     /* Keep the data array 256 bytes long, which compatibility
91      with older qemu versions. */
92     uint8_t data[256];
93     int rptr, wptr, count;
94 } PS2Queue;
96 struct PS2State {
97     PS2Queue queue;
98     int32_t write_cmd;
99     void (*update_irq)(void *, int);
100     void *update_arg;
101 };
103 typedef struct {
104     PS2State common;
105     int scan_enabled;
106     int translate;
107     int scancode_set; /* 1=XT, 2=AT, 3=PS/2 */
108     int ledstate;
109     bool need_high_bit;
110     unsigned int modifiers; /* bitmask of MOD_* constants above */
111 } PS2KbdState;
113 typedef struct {
114     PS2State common;
115     uint8_t mouse_status;
116     uint8_t mouse_resolution;
117     uint8_t mouse_sample_rate;
118     uint8_t mouse_wrap;
119     uint8_t mouse_type; /* 0 = PS2, 3 = IMPS/2, 4 = IMEX */
120     uint8_t mouse_detect_state;
121     int mouse_dx; /* current values, needed for 'poll' mode */
122     int mouse_dy;
123     int mouse_dz;
124     uint8_t mouse_buttons;
125 } PS2MouseState;
127 /* Table to convert from QEMU codes to scancodes.  */
128 static const uint16_t qcode_to_keycode_set1[Q_KEY_CODE__MAX] = {
129     [0 ... Q_KEY_CODE__MAX - 1] = 0,
131     [Q_KEY_CODE_A] = 0x1e,
132     [Q_KEY_CODE_B] = 0x30,
133     [Q_KEY_CODE_C] = 0x2e,
134     [Q_KEY_CODE_D] = 0x20,
135     [Q_KEY_CODE_E] = 0x12,
136     [Q_KEY_CODE_F] = 0x21,
137     [Q_KEY_CODE_G] = 0x22,
138     [Q_KEY_CODE_H] = 0x23,
139     [Q_KEY_CODE_I] = 0x17,
140     [Q_KEY_CODE_J] = 0x24,
141     [Q_KEY_CODE_K] = 0x25,
142     [Q_KEY_CODE_L] = 0x26,
143     [Q_KEY_CODE_M] = 0x32,
144     [Q_KEY_CODE_N] = 0x31,
145     [Q_KEY_CODE_O] = 0x18,
146     [Q_KEY_CODE_P] = 0x19,
147     [Q_KEY_CODE_Q] = 0x10,
148     [Q_KEY_CODE_R] = 0x13,
149     [Q_KEY_CODE_S] = 0x1f,
150     [Q_KEY_CODE_T] = 0x14,
151     [Q_KEY_CODE_U] = 0x16,
152     [Q_KEY_CODE_V] = 0x2f,
153     [Q_KEY_CODE_W] = 0x11,
154     [Q_KEY_CODE_X] = 0x2d,
155     [Q_KEY_CODE_Y] = 0x15,
156     [Q_KEY_CODE_Z] = 0x2c,
157     [Q_KEY_CODE_0] = 0x0b,
158     [Q_KEY_CODE_1] = 0x02,
159     [Q_KEY_CODE_2] = 0x03,
160     [Q_KEY_CODE_3] = 0x04,
161     [Q_KEY_CODE_4] = 0x05,
162     [Q_KEY_CODE_5] = 0x06,
163     [Q_KEY_CODE_6] = 0x07,
164     [Q_KEY_CODE_7] = 0x08,
165     [Q_KEY_CODE_8] = 0x09,
166     [Q_KEY_CODE_9] = 0x0a,
167     [Q_KEY_CODE_GRAVE_ACCENT] = 0x29,
168     [Q_KEY_CODE_MINUS] = 0x0c,
169     [Q_KEY_CODE_EQUAL] = 0x0d,
170     [Q_KEY_CODE_BACKSLASH] = 0x2b,
171     [Q_KEY_CODE_BACKSPACE] = 0x0e,
172     [Q_KEY_CODE_SPC] = 0x39,
173     [Q_KEY_CODE_TAB] = 0x0f,
174     [Q_KEY_CODE_CAPS_LOCK] = 0x3a,
175     [Q_KEY_CODE_SHIFT] = 0x2a,
176     [Q_KEY_CODE_CTRL] = 0x1d,
177     [Q_KEY_CODE_META_L] = 0xe05b,
178     [Q_KEY_CODE_ALT] = 0x38,
179     [Q_KEY_CODE_SHIFT_R] = 0x36,
180     [Q_KEY_CODE_CTRL_R] = 0xe01d,
181     [Q_KEY_CODE_META_R] = 0xe05c,
182     [Q_KEY_CODE_ALT_R] = 0xe038,
183     [Q_KEY_CODE_MENU] = 0xe05d,
184     [Q_KEY_CODE_RET] = 0x1c,
185     [Q_KEY_CODE_ESC] = 0x01,
186     [Q_KEY_CODE_F1] = 0x3b,
187     [Q_KEY_CODE_F2] = 0x3c,
188     [Q_KEY_CODE_F3] = 0x3d,
189     [Q_KEY_CODE_F4] = 0x3e,
190     [Q_KEY_CODE_F5] = 0x3f,
191     [Q_KEY_CODE_F6] = 0x40,
192     [Q_KEY_CODE_F7] = 0x41,
193     [Q_KEY_CODE_F8] = 0x42,
194     [Q_KEY_CODE_F9] = 0x43,
195     [Q_KEY_CODE_F10] = 0x44,
196     [Q_KEY_CODE_F11] = 0x57,
197     [Q_KEY_CODE_F12] = 0x58,
198     /* special handling for Q_KEY_CODE_PRINT */
199     [Q_KEY_CODE_SCROLL_LOCK] = 0x46,
200     /* special handling for Q_KEY_CODE_PAUSE */
201     [Q_KEY_CODE_BRACKET_LEFT] = 0x1a,
202     [Q_KEY_CODE_INSERT] = 0xe052,
203     [Q_KEY_CODE_HOME] = 0xe047,
204     [Q_KEY_CODE_PGUP] = 0xe049,
205     [Q_KEY_CODE_DELETE] = 0xe053,
206     [Q_KEY_CODE_END] = 0xe04f,
207     [Q_KEY_CODE_PGDN] = 0xe051,
208     [Q_KEY_CODE_UP] = 0xe048,
209     [Q_KEY_CODE_LEFT] = 0xe04b,
210     [Q_KEY_CODE_DOWN] = 0xe050,
211     [Q_KEY_CODE_RIGHT] = 0xe04d,
212     [Q_KEY_CODE_NUM_LOCK] = 0x45,
213     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_DIVIDE] = 0xe035,
214     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_MULTIPLY] = 0x37,
215     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_SUBTRACT] = 0x4a,
216     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_ADD] = 0x4e,
217     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_ENTER] = 0xe01c,
218     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_DECIMAL] = 0x53,
219     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_0] = 0x52,
220     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_1] = 0x4f,
221     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_2] = 0x50,
222     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_3] = 0x51,
223     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_4] = 0x4b,
224     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_5] = 0x4c,
225     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_6] = 0x4d,
226     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_7] = 0x47,
227     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_8] = 0x48,
228     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_9] = 0x49,
229     [Q_KEY_CODE_BRACKET_RIGHT] = 0x1b,
230     [Q_KEY_CODE_SEMICOLON] = 0x27,
231     [Q_KEY_CODE_APOSTROPHE] = 0x28,
232     [Q_KEY_CODE_COMMA] = 0x33,
233     [Q_KEY_CODE_DOT] = 0x34,
234     [Q_KEY_CODE_SLASH] = 0x35,
236     [Q_KEY_CODE_POWER] = 0x0e5e,
237     [Q_KEY_CODE_SLEEP] = 0x0e5f,
238     [Q_KEY_CODE_WAKE] = 0x0e63,
240     [Q_KEY_CODE_AUDIONEXT] = 0xe019,
241     [Q_KEY_CODE_AUDIOPREV] = 0xe010,
242     [Q_KEY_CODE_AUDIOSTOP] = 0xe024,
243     [Q_KEY_CODE_AUDIOPLAY] = 0xe022,
244     [Q_KEY_CODE_AUDIOMUTE] = 0xe020,
245     [Q_KEY_CODE_VOLUMEUP] = 0xe030,
246     [Q_KEY_CODE_VOLUMEDOWN] = 0xe02e,
247     [Q_KEY_CODE_MEDIASELECT] = 0xe06d,
248     [Q_KEY_CODE_MAIL] = 0xe06c,
249     [Q_KEY_CODE_CALCULATOR] = 0xe021,
250     [Q_KEY_CODE_COMPUTER] = 0xe06b,
251     [Q_KEY_CODE_FIND] = 0xe065,
252     [Q_KEY_CODE_AC_HOME] = 0xe032,
253     [Q_KEY_CODE_AC_BACK] = 0xe06a,
254     [Q_KEY_CODE_AC_FORWARD] = 0xe069,
255     [Q_KEY_CODE_STOP] = 0xe068,
256     [Q_KEY_CODE_AC_REFRESH] = 0xe067,
257     [Q_KEY_CODE_AC_BOOKMARKS] = 0xe066,
259     [Q_KEY_CODE_ASTERISK] = 0x37,
260     [Q_KEY_CODE_LESS] = 0x56,
261     [Q_KEY_CODE_RO] = 0x73,
262     [Q_KEY_CODE_HIRAGANA] = 0x70,
263     [Q_KEY_CODE_HENKAN] = 0x79,
264     [Q_KEY_CODE_YEN] = 0x7d,
265     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_COMMA] = 0x7e,
266 };
268 static const uint16_t qcode_to_keycode_set2[Q_KEY_CODE__MAX] = {
269     [0 ... Q_KEY_CODE__MAX - 1] = 0,
271     [Q_KEY_CODE_A] = 0x1c,
272     [Q_KEY_CODE_B] = 0x32,
273     [Q_KEY_CODE_C] = 0x21,
274     [Q_KEY_CODE_D] = 0x23,
275     [Q_KEY_CODE_E] = 0x24,
276     [Q_KEY_CODE_F] = 0x2b,
277     [Q_KEY_CODE_G] = 0x34,
278     [Q_KEY_CODE_H] = 0x33,
279     [Q_KEY_CODE_I] = 0x43,
280     [Q_KEY_CODE_J] = 0x3b,
281     [Q_KEY_CODE_K] = 0x42,
282     [Q_KEY_CODE_L] = 0x4b,
283     [Q_KEY_CODE_M] = 0x3a,
284     [Q_KEY_CODE_N] = 0x31,
285     [Q_KEY_CODE_O] = 0x44,
286     [Q_KEY_CODE_P] = 0x4d,
287     [Q_KEY_CODE_Q] = 0x15,
288     [Q_KEY_CODE_R] = 0x2d,
289     [Q_KEY_CODE_S] = 0x1b,
290     [Q_KEY_CODE_T] = 0x2c,
291     [Q_KEY_CODE_U] = 0x3c,
292     [Q_KEY_CODE_V] = 0x2a,
293     [Q_KEY_CODE_W] = 0x1d,
294     [Q_KEY_CODE_X] = 0x22,
295     [Q_KEY_CODE_Y] = 0x35,
296     [Q_KEY_CODE_Z] = 0x1a,
297     [Q_KEY_CODE_0] = 0x45,
298     [Q_KEY_CODE_1] = 0x16,
299     [Q_KEY_CODE_2] = 0x1e,
300     [Q_KEY_CODE_3] = 0x26,
301     [Q_KEY_CODE_4] = 0x25,
302     [Q_KEY_CODE_5] = 0x2e,
303     [Q_KEY_CODE_6] = 0x36,
304     [Q_KEY_CODE_7] = 0x3d,
305     [Q_KEY_CODE_8] = 0x3e,
306     [Q_KEY_CODE_9] = 0x46,
307     [Q_KEY_CODE_GRAVE_ACCENT] = 0x0e,
308     [Q_KEY_CODE_MINUS] = 0x4e,
309     [Q_KEY_CODE_EQUAL] = 0x55,
310     [Q_KEY_CODE_BACKSLASH] = 0x5d,
311     [Q_KEY_CODE_BACKSPACE] = 0x66,
312     [Q_KEY_CODE_SPC] = 0x29,
313     [Q_KEY_CODE_TAB] = 0x0d,
314     [Q_KEY_CODE_CAPS_LOCK] = 0x58,
315     [Q_KEY_CODE_SHIFT] = 0x12,
316     [Q_KEY_CODE_CTRL] = 0x14,
317     [Q_KEY_CODE_META_L] = 0xe01f,
318     [Q_KEY_CODE_ALT] = 0x11,
319     [Q_KEY_CODE_SHIFT_R] = 0x59,
320     [Q_KEY_CODE_CTRL_R] = 0xe014,
321     [Q_KEY_CODE_META_R] = 0xe027,
322     [Q_KEY_CODE_ALT_R] = 0xe011,
323     [Q_KEY_CODE_MENU] = 0xe02f,
324     [Q_KEY_CODE_RET] = 0x5a,
325     [Q_KEY_CODE_ESC] = 0x76,
326     [Q_KEY_CODE_F1] = 0x05,
327     [Q_KEY_CODE_F2] = 0x06,
328     [Q_KEY_CODE_F3] = 0x04,
329     [Q_KEY_CODE_F4] = 0x0c,
330     [Q_KEY_CODE_F5] = 0x03,
331     [Q_KEY_CODE_F6] = 0x0b,
332     [Q_KEY_CODE_F7] = 0x83,
333     [Q_KEY_CODE_F8] = 0x0a,
334     [Q_KEY_CODE_F9] = 0x01,
335     [Q_KEY_CODE_F10] = 0x09,
336     [Q_KEY_CODE_F11] = 0x78,
337     [Q_KEY_CODE_F12] = 0x07,
338     /* special handling for Q_KEY_CODE_PRINT */
339     [Q_KEY_CODE_SCROLL_LOCK] = 0x7e,
340     /* special handling for Q_KEY_CODE_PAUSE */
341     [Q_KEY_CODE_BRACKET_LEFT] = 0x54,
342     [Q_KEY_CODE_INSERT] = 0xe070,
343     [Q_KEY_CODE_HOME] = 0xe06c,
344     [Q_KEY_CODE_PGUP] = 0xe07d,
345     [Q_KEY_CODE_DELETE] = 0xe071,
346     [Q_KEY_CODE_END] = 0xe069,
347     [Q_KEY_CODE_PGDN] = 0xe07a,
348     [Q_KEY_CODE_UP] = 0xe075,
349     [Q_KEY_CODE_LEFT] = 0xe06b,
350     [Q_KEY_CODE_DOWN] = 0xe072,
351     [Q_KEY_CODE_RIGHT] = 0xe074,
352     [Q_KEY_CODE_NUM_LOCK] = 0x77,
353     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_DIVIDE] = 0xe04a,
354     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_MULTIPLY] = 0x7c,
355     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_SUBTRACT] = 0x7b,
356     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_ADD] = 0x79,
357     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_ENTER] = 0xe05a,
358     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_DECIMAL] = 0x71,
359     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_0] = 0x70,
360     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_1] = 0x69,
361     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_2] = 0x72,
362     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_3] = 0x7a,
363     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_4] = 0x6b,
364     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_5] = 0x73,
365     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_6] = 0x74,
366     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_7] = 0x6c,
367     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_8] = 0x75,
368     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_9] = 0x7d,
369     [Q_KEY_CODE_BRACKET_RIGHT] = 0x5b,
370     [Q_KEY_CODE_SEMICOLON] = 0x4c,
371     [Q_KEY_CODE_APOSTROPHE] = 0x52,
372     [Q_KEY_CODE_COMMA] = 0x41,
373     [Q_KEY_CODE_DOT] = 0x49,
374     [Q_KEY_CODE_SLASH] = 0x4a,
376     [Q_KEY_CODE_POWER] = 0x0e37,
377     [Q_KEY_CODE_SLEEP] = 0x0e3f,
378     [Q_KEY_CODE_WAKE] = 0x0e5e,
380     [Q_KEY_CODE_AUDIONEXT] = 0xe04d,
381     [Q_KEY_CODE_AUDIOPREV] = 0xe015,
382     [Q_KEY_CODE_AUDIOSTOP] = 0xe03b,
383     [Q_KEY_CODE_AUDIOPLAY] = 0xe034,
384     [Q_KEY_CODE_AUDIOMUTE] = 0xe023,
385     [Q_KEY_CODE_VOLUMEUP] = 0xe032,
386     [Q_KEY_CODE_VOLUMEDOWN] = 0xe021,
387     [Q_KEY_CODE_MEDIASELECT] = 0xe050,
388     [Q_KEY_CODE_MAIL] = 0xe048,
389     [Q_KEY_CODE_CALCULATOR] = 0xe02b,
390     [Q_KEY_CODE_COMPUTER] = 0xe040,
391     [Q_KEY_CODE_FIND] = 0xe010,
392     [Q_KEY_CODE_AC_HOME] = 0xe03a,
393     [Q_KEY_CODE_AC_BACK] = 0xe038,
394     [Q_KEY_CODE_AC_FORWARD] = 0xe030,
395     [Q_KEY_CODE_STOP] = 0xe028,
396     [Q_KEY_CODE_AC_REFRESH] = 0xe020,
397     [Q_KEY_CODE_AC_BOOKMARKS] = 0xe018,
399     [Q_KEY_CODE_ASTERISK] = 0x7c,
400     [Q_KEY_CODE_LESS] = 0x61,
401     [Q_KEY_CODE_SYSRQ] = 0x7f,
402     [Q_KEY_CODE_RO] = 0x51,
403     [Q_KEY_CODE_HIRAGANA] = 0x13,
404     [Q_KEY_CODE_HENKAN] = 0x64,
405     [Q_KEY_CODE_YEN] = 0x6a,
406     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_COMMA] = 0x6d,
407 };
409 static const uint16_t qcode_to_keycode_set3[Q_KEY_CODE__MAX] = {
410     [0 ... Q_KEY_CODE__MAX - 1] = 0,
412     [Q_KEY_CODE_A] = 0x1c,
413     [Q_KEY_CODE_B] = 0x32,
414     [Q_KEY_CODE_C] = 0x21,
415     [Q_KEY_CODE_D] = 0x23,
416     [Q_KEY_CODE_E] = 0x24,
417     [Q_KEY_CODE_F] = 0x2b,
418     [Q_KEY_CODE_G] = 0x34,
419     [Q_KEY_CODE_H] = 0x33,
420     [Q_KEY_CODE_I] = 0x43,
421     [Q_KEY_CODE_J] = 0x3b,
422     [Q_KEY_CODE_K] = 0x42,
423     [Q_KEY_CODE_L] = 0x4b,
424     [Q_KEY_CODE_M] = 0x3a,
425     [Q_KEY_CODE_N] = 0x31,
426     [Q_KEY_CODE_O] = 0x44,
427     [Q_KEY_CODE_P] = 0x4d,
428     [Q_KEY_CODE_Q] = 0x15,
429     [Q_KEY_CODE_R] = 0x2d,
430     [Q_KEY_CODE_S] = 0x1b,
431     [Q_KEY_CODE_T] = 0x2c,
432     [Q_KEY_CODE_U] = 0x3c,
433     [Q_KEY_CODE_V] = 0x2a,
434     [Q_KEY_CODE_W] = 0x1d,
435     [Q_KEY_CODE_X] = 0x22,
436     [Q_KEY_CODE_Y] = 0x35,
437     [Q_KEY_CODE_Z] = 0x1a,
438     [Q_KEY_CODE_0] = 0x45,
439     [Q_KEY_CODE_1] = 0x16,
440     [Q_KEY_CODE_2] = 0x1e,
441     [Q_KEY_CODE_3] = 0x26,
442     [Q_KEY_CODE_4] = 0x25,
443     [Q_KEY_CODE_5] = 0x2e,
444     [Q_KEY_CODE_6] = 0x36,
445     [Q_KEY_CODE_7] = 0x3d,
446     [Q_KEY_CODE_8] = 0x3e,
447     [Q_KEY_CODE_9] = 0x46,
448     [Q_KEY_CODE_GRAVE_ACCENT] = 0x0e,
449     [Q_KEY_CODE_MINUS] = 0x4e,
450     [Q_KEY_CODE_EQUAL] = 0x55,
451     [Q_KEY_CODE_BACKSLASH] = 0x5c,
452     [Q_KEY_CODE_BACKSPACE] = 0x66,
453     [Q_KEY_CODE_SPC] = 0x29,
454     [Q_KEY_CODE_TAB] = 0x0d,
455     [Q_KEY_CODE_CAPS_LOCK] = 0x14,
456     [Q_KEY_CODE_SHIFT] = 0x12,
457     [Q_KEY_CODE_CTRL] = 0x11,
458     [Q_KEY_CODE_META_L] = 0x8b,
459     [Q_KEY_CODE_ALT] = 0x19,
460     [Q_KEY_CODE_SHIFT_R] = 0x59,
461     [Q_KEY_CODE_CTRL_R] = 0x58,
462     [Q_KEY_CODE_META_R] = 0x8c,
463     [Q_KEY_CODE_ALT_R] = 0x39,
464     [Q_KEY_CODE_MENU] = 0x8d,
465     [Q_KEY_CODE_RET] = 0x5a,
466     [Q_KEY_CODE_ESC] = 0x08,
467     [Q_KEY_CODE_F1] = 0x07,
468     [Q_KEY_CODE_F2] = 0x0f,
469     [Q_KEY_CODE_F3] = 0x17,
470     [Q_KEY_CODE_F4] = 0x1f,
471     [Q_KEY_CODE_F5] = 0x27,
472     [Q_KEY_CODE_F6] = 0x2f,
473     [Q_KEY_CODE_F7] = 0x37,
474     [Q_KEY_CODE_F8] = 0x3f,
475     [Q_KEY_CODE_F9] = 0x47,
476     [Q_KEY_CODE_F10] = 0x4f,
477     [Q_KEY_CODE_F11] = 0x56,
478     [Q_KEY_CODE_F12] = 0x5e,
479     [Q_KEY_CODE_PRINT] = 0x57,
480     [Q_KEY_CODE_SCROLL_LOCK] = 0x5f,
481     [Q_KEY_CODE_PAUSE] = 0x62,
482     [Q_KEY_CODE_BRACKET_LEFT] = 0x54,
483     [Q_KEY_CODE_INSERT] = 0x67,
484     [Q_KEY_CODE_HOME] = 0x6e,
485     [Q_KEY_CODE_PGUP] = 0x6f,
486     [Q_KEY_CODE_DELETE] = 0x64,
487     [Q_KEY_CODE_END] = 0x65,
488     [Q_KEY_CODE_PGDN] = 0x6d,
489     [Q_KEY_CODE_UP] = 0x63,
490     [Q_KEY_CODE_LEFT] = 0x61,
491     [Q_KEY_CODE_DOWN] = 0x60,
492     [Q_KEY_CODE_RIGHT] = 0x6a,
493     [Q_KEY_CODE_NUM_LOCK] = 0x76,
494     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_DIVIDE] = 0x4a,
495     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_MULTIPLY] = 0x7e,
496     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_SUBTRACT] = 0x4e,
497     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_ADD] = 0x7c,
498     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_ENTER] = 0x79,
499     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_DECIMAL] = 0x71,
500     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_0] = 0x70,
501     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_1] = 0x69,
502     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_2] = 0x72,
503     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_3] = 0x7a,
504     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_4] = 0x6b,
505     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_5] = 0x73,
506     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_6] = 0x74,
507     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_7] = 0x6c,
508     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_8] = 0x75,
509     [Q_KEY_CODE_KP_9] = 0x7d,
510     [Q_KEY_CODE_BRACKET_RIGHT] = 0x5b,
511     [Q_KEY_CODE_SEMICOLON] = 0x4c,
512     [Q_KEY_CODE_APOSTROPHE] = 0x52,
513     [Q_KEY_CODE_COMMA] = 0x41,
514     [Q_KEY_CODE_DOT] = 0x49,
515     [Q_KEY_CODE_SLASH] = 0x4a,
517     [Q_KEY_CODE_HIRAGANA] = 0x87,
518     [Q_KEY_CODE_HENKAN] = 0x86,
519     [Q_KEY_CODE_YEN] = 0x5d,
520 };
522 static uint8_t translate_table[256] = {
523     0xff, 0x43, 0x41, 0x3f, 0x3d, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x58,
524     0x64, 0x44, 0x42, 0x40, 0x3e, 0x0f, 0x29, 0x59,
525     0x65, 0x38, 0x2a, 0x70, 0x1d, 0x10, 0x02, 0x5a,
526     0x66, 0x71, 0x2c, 0x1f, 0x1e, 0x11, 0x03, 0x5b,
527     0x67, 0x2e, 0x2d, 0x20, 0x12, 0x05, 0x04, 0x5c,
528     0x68, 0x39, 0x2f, 0x21, 0x14, 0x13, 0x06, 0x5d,
529     0x69, 0x31, 0x30, 0x23, 0x22, 0x15, 0x07, 0x5e,
530     0x6a, 0x72, 0x32, 0x24, 0x16, 0x08, 0x09, 0x5f,
531     0x6b, 0x33, 0x25, 0x17, 0x18, 0x0b, 0x0a, 0x60,
532     0x6c, 0x34, 0x35, 0x26, 0x27, 0x19, 0x0c, 0x61,
533     0x6d, 0x73, 0x28, 0x74, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0x62, 0x6e,
534     0x3a, 0x36, 0x1c, 0x1b, 0x75, 0x2b, 0x63, 0x76,
535     0x55, 0x56, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x0e, 0x7b,
536     0x7c, 0x4f, 0x7d, 0x4b, 0x47, 0x7e, 0x7f, 0x6f,
537     0x52, 0x53, 0x50, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x48, 0x01, 0x45,
538     0x57, 0x4e, 0x51, 0x4a, 0x37, 0x49, 0x46, 0x54,
539     0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x41, 0x54, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87,
540     0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f,
541     0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97,
542     0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f,
543     0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7,
544     0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf,
545     0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7,
546     0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf,
547     0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7,
548     0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf,
549     0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7,
550     0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf,
551     0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7,
552     0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef,
553     0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7,
554     0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff,
555 };
557 static unsigned int ps2_modifier_bit(QKeyCode key)
558 {
559     switch (key) {
560     case Q_KEY_CODE_CTRL:
561         return MOD_CTRL_L;
562     case Q_KEY_CODE_CTRL_R:
563         return MOD_CTRL_R;
564     case Q_KEY_CODE_SHIFT:
565         return MOD_SHIFT_L;
566     case Q_KEY_CODE_SHIFT_R:
567         return MOD_SHIFT_R;
568     case Q_KEY_CODE_ALT:
569         return MOD_ALT_L;
570     case Q_KEY_CODE_ALT_R:
571         return MOD_ALT_R;
572     default:
573         return 0;
574     }
575 }
577 static void ps2_reset_queue(PS2State *s)
578 {
579     PS2Queue *q = &s->queue;
581     q->rptr = 0;
582     q->wptr = 0;
583     q->count = 0;
584 }
586 void ps2_queue(PS2State *s, int b)
587 {
588     PS2Queue *q = &s->queue;
590     if (q->count >= PS2_QUEUE_SIZE - 1)
591         return;
592     q->data[q->wptr] = b;
593     if (++q->wptr == PS2_QUEUE_SIZE)
594         q->wptr = 0;
595     q->count++;
596     s->update_irq(s->update_arg, 1);
597 }
599 /* keycode is the untranslated scancode in the current scancode set. */
600 static void ps2_put_keycode(void *opaque, int keycode)
601 {
602     PS2KbdState *s = opaque;
604     trace_ps2_put_keycode(opaque, keycode);
605     qemu_system_wakeup_request(QEMU_WAKEUP_REASON_OTHER);
607     if (s->translate) {
608         if (keycode == 0xf0) {
609             s->need_high_bit = true;
610         } else if (s->need_high_bit) {
611             ps2_queue(&s->common, translate_table[keycode] | 0x80);
612             s->need_high_bit = false;
613         } else {
614             ps2_queue(&s->common, translate_table[keycode]);
615         }
616     } else {
617         ps2_queue(&s->common, keycode);
618     }
619 }
621 static void ps2_keyboard_event(DeviceState *dev, QemuConsole *src,
622                                InputEvent *evt)
623 {
624     PS2KbdState *s = (PS2KbdState *)dev;
625     InputKeyEvent *key = evt->u.key.data;
626     int qcode;
627     uint16_t keycode;
628     int mod;
630     qemu_system_wakeup_request(QEMU_WAKEUP_REASON_OTHER);
631     assert(evt->type == INPUT_EVENT_KIND_KEY);
632     qcode = qemu_input_key_value_to_qcode(key->key);
634     mod = ps2_modifier_bit(qcode);
635     trace_ps2_keyboard_event(s, qcode, key->down, mod, s->modifiers);
636     if (key->down) {
637         s->modifiers |= mod;
638     } else {
639         s->modifiers &= ~mod;
640     }
642     if (s->scancode_set == 1) {
643         if (qcode == Q_KEY_CODE_PAUSE) {
644             if (key->down) {
645                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe1);
646                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x1d);
647                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x45);
648                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe1);
649                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x9d);
650                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xc5);
651             }
652         } else if (qcode == Q_KEY_CODE_PRINT) {
653             if (s->modifiers & MOD_ALT_L) {
654                 if (key->down) {
655                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xb8);
656                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x38);
657                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x54);
658                 } else {
659                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xd4);
660                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xb8);
661                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x38);
662                 }
663             } else if (s->modifiers & MOD_ALT_R) {
664                 if (key->down) {
665                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
666                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xb8);
667                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
668                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x38);
669                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x54);
670                 } else {
671                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xd4);
672                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
673                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xb8);
674                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
675                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x38);
676                 }
677             } else if (s->modifiers & (MOD_SHIFT_L | MOD_CTRL_L |
678                                        MOD_SHIFT_R | MOD_CTRL_R)) {
679                 if (key->down) {
680                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
681                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x37);
682                 } else {
683                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
684                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xb7);
685                 }
686             } else {
687                 if (key->down) {
688                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
689                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x2a);
690                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
691                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x37);
692                 } else {
693                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
694                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xb7);
695                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
696                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xaa);
697                 }
698             }
699         } else {
700             keycode = qcode_to_keycode_set1[qcode];
701             if (keycode) {
702                 if (keycode & 0xff00) {
703                     ps2_put_keycode(s, keycode >> 8);
704                 }
705                 if (!key->down) {
706                     keycode |= 0x80;
707                 }
708                 ps2_put_keycode(s, keycode & 0xff);
709             } else {
710                 qemu_log_mask(LOG_UNIMP,
711                               "ps2: ignoring key with qcode %d\n", qcode);
712             }
713         }
714     } else if (s->scancode_set == 2) {
715         if (qcode == Q_KEY_CODE_PAUSE) {
716             if (key->down) {
717                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe1);
718                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x14);
719                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x77);
720                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe1);
721                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xf0);
722                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x14);
723                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xf0);
724                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x77);
725             }
726         } else if (qcode == Q_KEY_CODE_PRINT) {
727             if (s->modifiers & MOD_ALT_L) {
728                 if (key->down) {
729                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xf0);
730                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x11);
731                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x11);
732                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x84);
733                 } else {
734                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xf0);
735                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x84);
736                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xf0);
737                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x11);
738                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x11);
739                 }
740             } else if (s->modifiers & MOD_ALT_R) {
741                 if (key->down) {
742                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
743                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xf0);
744                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x11);
745                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
746                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x11);
747                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x84);
748                 } else {
749                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xf0);
750                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x84);
751                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
752                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xf0);
753                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x11);
754                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
755                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x11);
756                 }
757             } else if (s->modifiers & (MOD_SHIFT_L | MOD_CTRL_L |
758                                        MOD_SHIFT_R | MOD_CTRL_R)) {
759                 if (key->down) {
760                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
761                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x7c);
762                 } else {
763                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
764                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xf0);
765                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x7c);
766                 }
767             } else {
768                 if (key->down) {
769                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
770                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x12);
771                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
772                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x7c);
773                 } else {
774                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
775                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xf0);
776                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x7c);
777                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xe0);
778                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xf0);
779                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0x12);
780                 }
781             }
782         } else {
783             keycode = qcode_to_keycode_set2[qcode];
784             if (keycode) {
785                 if (keycode & 0xff00) {
786                     ps2_put_keycode(s, keycode >> 8);
787                 }
788                 if (!key->down) {
789                     ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xf0);
790                 }
791                 ps2_put_keycode(s, keycode & 0xff);
792             } else {
793                 qemu_log_mask(LOG_UNIMP,
794                               "ps2: ignoring key with qcode %d\n", qcode);
795             }
796         }
797     } else if (s->scancode_set == 3) {
798         keycode = qcode_to_keycode_set3[qcode];
799         if (keycode) {
800             /* FIXME: break code should be configured on a key by key basis */
801             if (!key->down) {
802                 ps2_put_keycode(s, 0xf0);
803             }
804             ps2_put_keycode(s, keycode);
805         } else {
806             qemu_log_mask(LOG_UNIMP,
807                           "ps2: ignoring key with qcode %d\n", qcode);
808         }
809     }
810 }
812 uint32_t ps2_read_data(PS2State *s)
813 {
814     PS2Queue *q;
815     int val, index;
817     trace_ps2_read_data(s);
818     q = &s->queue;
819     if (q->count == 0) {
820         /* NOTE: if no data left, we return the last keyboard one
821            (needed for EMM386) */
822         /* XXX: need a timer to do things correctly */
823         index = q->rptr - 1;
824         if (index < 0)
825             index = PS2_QUEUE_SIZE - 1;
826         val = q->data[index];
827     } else {
828         val = q->data[q->rptr];
829         if (++q->rptr == PS2_QUEUE_SIZE)
830             q->rptr = 0;
831         q->count--;
832         /* reading deasserts IRQ */
833         s->update_irq(s->update_arg, 0);
834         /* reassert IRQs if data left */
835         s->update_irq(s->update_arg, q->count != 0);
836     }
837     return val;
838 }
840 static void ps2_set_ledstate(PS2KbdState *s, int ledstate)
841 {
842     trace_ps2_set_ledstate(s, ledstate);
843     s->ledstate = ledstate;
844     kbd_put_ledstate(ledstate);
845 }
847 static void ps2_reset_keyboard(PS2KbdState *s)
848 {
849     trace_ps2_reset_keyboard(s);
850     s->scan_enabled = 1;
851     s->scancode_set = 2;
852     ps2_reset_queue(&s->common);
853     ps2_set_ledstate(s, 0);
854 }
856 void ps2_write_keyboard(void *opaque, int val)
857 {
858     PS2KbdState *s = (PS2KbdState *)opaque;
860     trace_ps2_write_keyboard(opaque, val);
861     switch(s->common.write_cmd) {
862     default:
863     case -1:
864         switch(val) {
865         case 0x00:
866             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_ACK);
867             break;
868         case 0x05:
869             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_RESEND);
870             break;
871         case KBD_CMD_GET_ID:
872             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_ACK);
873             /* We emulate a MF2 AT keyboard here */
874             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_ID);
875             if (s->translate)
876                 ps2_queue(&s->common, 0x41);
877             else
878                 ps2_queue(&s->common, 0x83);
879             break;
880         case KBD_CMD_ECHO:
881             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_CMD_ECHO);
882             break;
883         case KBD_CMD_ENABLE:
884             s->scan_enabled = 1;
885             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_ACK);
886             break;
887         case KBD_CMD_SCANCODE:
888         case KBD_CMD_SET_LEDS:
889         case KBD_CMD_SET_RATE:
890             s->common.write_cmd = val;
891             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_ACK);
892             break;
893         case KBD_CMD_RESET_DISABLE:
894             ps2_reset_keyboard(s);
895             s->scan_enabled = 0;
896             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_ACK);
897             break;
898         case KBD_CMD_RESET_ENABLE:
899             ps2_reset_keyboard(s);
900             s->scan_enabled = 1;
901             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_ACK);
902             break;
903         case KBD_CMD_RESET:
904             ps2_reset_keyboard(s);
905             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_ACK);
906             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_POR);
907             break;
908         default:
909             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_RESEND);
910             break;
911         }
912         break;
913     case KBD_CMD_SCANCODE:
914         if (val == 0) {
915             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_ACK);
916             ps2_put_keycode(s, s->scancode_set);
917         } else if (val >= 1 && val <= 3) {
918             s->scancode_set = val;
919             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_ACK);
920         } else {
921             ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_RESEND);
922         }
923         s->common.write_cmd = -1;
924         break;
925     case KBD_CMD_SET_LEDS:
926         ps2_set_ledstate(s, val);
927         ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_ACK);
928         s->common.write_cmd = -1;
929         break;
930     case KBD_CMD_SET_RATE:
931         ps2_queue(&s->common, KBD_REPLY_ACK);
932         s->common.write_cmd = -1;
933         break;
934     }
935 }
937 /* Set the scancode translation mode.
938    0 = raw scancodes.
939    1 = translated scancodes (used by qemu internally).  */
941 void ps2_keyboard_set_translation(void *opaque, int mode)
942 {
943     PS2KbdState *s = (PS2KbdState *)opaque;
944     trace_ps2_keyboard_set_translation(opaque, mode);
945     s->translate = mode;
946 }
948 static void ps2_mouse_send_packet(PS2MouseState *s)
949 {
950     unsigned int b;
951     int dx1, dy1, dz1;
953     dx1 = s->mouse_dx;
954     dy1 = s->mouse_dy;
955     dz1 = s->mouse_dz;
956     /* XXX: increase range to 8 bits ? */
957     if (dx1 > 127)
958         dx1 = 127;
959     else if (dx1 < -127)
960         dx1 = -127;
961     if (dy1 > 127)
962         dy1 = 127;
963     else if (dy1 < -127)
964         dy1 = -127;
965     b = 0x08 | ((dx1 < 0) << 4) | ((dy1 < 0) << 5) | (s->mouse_buttons & 0x07);
966     ps2_queue(&s->common, b);
967     ps2_queue(&s->common, dx1 & 0xff);
968     ps2_queue(&s->common, dy1 & 0xff);
969     /* extra byte for IMPS/2 or IMEX */
970     switch(s->mouse_type) {
971     default:
972         break;
973     case 3:
974         if (dz1 > 127)
975             dz1 = 127;
976         else if (dz1 < -127)
977                 dz1 = -127;
978         ps2_queue(&s->common, dz1 & 0xff);
979         break;
980     case 4:
981         if (dz1 > 7)
982             dz1 = 7;
983         else if (dz1 < -7)
984             dz1 = -7;
985         b = (dz1 & 0x0f) | ((s->mouse_buttons & 0x18) << 1);
986         ps2_queue(&s->common, b);
987         break;
988     }
990     trace_ps2_mouse_send_packet(s, dx1, dy1, dz1, b);
991     /* update deltas */
992     s->mouse_dx -= dx1;
993     s->mouse_dy -= dy1;
994     s->mouse_dz -= dz1;
995 }
997 static void ps2_mouse_event(DeviceState *dev, QemuConsole *src,
998                             InputEvent *evt)
999 {
1000     static const int bmap[INPUT_BUTTON__MAX] = {
1006     };
1007     PS2MouseState *s = (PS2MouseState *)dev;
1008     InputMoveEvent *move;
1009     InputBtnEvent *btn;
1011     /* check if deltas are recorded when disabled */
1012     if (!(s->mouse_status & MOUSE_STATUS_ENABLED))
1013         return;
1015     switch (evt->type) {
1016     case INPUT_EVENT_KIND_REL:
1017         move = evt->u.rel.data;
1018         if (move->axis == INPUT_AXIS_X) {
1019             s->mouse_dx += move->value;
1020         } else if (move->axis == INPUT_AXIS_Y) {
1021             s->mouse_dy -= move->value;
1022         }
1023         break;
1025     case INPUT_EVENT_KIND_BTN:
1026         btn = evt->u.btn.data;
1027         if (btn->down) {
1028             s->mouse_buttons |= bmap[btn->button];
1029             if (btn->button == INPUT_BUTTON_WHEEL_UP) {
1030                 s->mouse_dz--;
1031             } else if (btn->button == INPUT_BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN) {
1032                 s->mouse_dz++;
1033             }
1034         } else {
1035             s->mouse_buttons &= ~bmap[btn->button];
1036         }
1037         break;
1039     default:
1040         /* keep gcc happy */
1041         break;
1042     }
1043 }
1045 static void ps2_mouse_sync(DeviceState *dev)
1046 {
1047     PS2MouseState *s = (PS2MouseState *)dev;
1049     if (s->mouse_buttons) {
1050         qemu_system_wakeup_request(QEMU_WAKEUP_REASON_OTHER);
1051     }
1052     if (!(s->mouse_status & MOUSE_STATUS_REMOTE)) {
1053         while (s->common.queue.count < PS2_QUEUE_SIZE - 4) {
1054             /* if not remote, send event. Multiple events are sent if
1055                too big deltas */
1056             ps2_mouse_send_packet(s);
1057             if (s->mouse_dx == 0 && s->mouse_dy == 0 && s->mouse_dz == 0)
1058                 break;
1059         }
1060     }
1061 }
1063 void ps2_mouse_fake_event(void *opaque)
1064 {
1065     PS2MouseState *s = opaque;
1066     trace_ps2_mouse_fake_event(opaque);
1067     s->mouse_dx++;
1068     ps2_mouse_sync(opaque);
1069 }
1071 void ps2_write_mouse(void *opaque, int val)
1072 {
1073     PS2MouseState *s = (PS2MouseState *)opaque;
1075     trace_ps2_write_mouse(opaque, val);
1076 #ifdef DEBUG_MOUSE
1077     printf("kbd: write mouse 0x%02x\n", val);
1078 #endif
1079     switch(s->common.write_cmd) {
1080     default:
1081     case -1:
1082         /* mouse command */
1083         if (s->mouse_wrap) {
1084             if (val == AUX_RESET_WRAP) {
1085                 s->mouse_wrap = 0;
1086                 ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1087                 return;
1088             } else if (val != AUX_RESET) {
1089                 ps2_queue(&s->common, val);
1090                 return;
1091             }
1092         }
1093         switch(val) {
1094         case AUX_SET_SCALE11:
1095             s->mouse_status &= ~MOUSE_STATUS_SCALE21;
1096             ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1097             break;
1098         case AUX_SET_SCALE21:
1099             s->mouse_status |= MOUSE_STATUS_SCALE21;
1100             ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1101             break;
1102         case AUX_SET_STREAM:
1103             s->mouse_status &= ~MOUSE_STATUS_REMOTE;
1104             ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1105             break;
1106         case AUX_SET_WRAP:
1107             s->mouse_wrap = 1;
1108             ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1109             break;
1110         case AUX_SET_REMOTE:
1111             s->mouse_status |= MOUSE_STATUS_REMOTE;
1112             ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1113             break;
1114         case AUX_GET_TYPE:
1115             ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1116             ps2_queue(&s->common, s->mouse_type);
1117             break;
1118         case AUX_SET_RES:
1119         case AUX_SET_SAMPLE:
1120             s->common.write_cmd = val;
1121             ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1122             break;
1123         case AUX_GET_SCALE:
1124             ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1125             ps2_queue(&s->common, s->mouse_status);
1126             ps2_queue(&s->common, s->mouse_resolution);
1127             ps2_queue(&s->common, s->mouse_sample_rate);
1128             break;
1129         case AUX_POLL:
1130             ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1131             ps2_mouse_send_packet(s);
1132             break;
1133         case AUX_ENABLE_DEV:
1134             s->mouse_status |= MOUSE_STATUS_ENABLED;
1135             ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1136             break;
1137         case AUX_DISABLE_DEV:
1138             s->mouse_status &= ~MOUSE_STATUS_ENABLED;
1139             ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1140             break;
1141         case AUX_SET_DEFAULT:
1142             s->mouse_sample_rate = 100;
1143             s->mouse_resolution = 2;
1144             s->mouse_status = 0;
1145             ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1146             break;
1147         case AUX_RESET:
1148             s->mouse_sample_rate = 100;
1149             s->mouse_resolution = 2;
1150             s->mouse_status = 0;
1151             s->mouse_type = 0;
1152             ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1153             ps2_queue(&s->common, 0xaa);
1154             ps2_queue(&s->common, s->mouse_type);
1155             break;
1156         default:
1157             break;
1158         }
1159         break;
1160     case AUX_SET_SAMPLE:
1161         s->mouse_sample_rate = val;
1162         /* detect IMPS/2 or IMEX */
1163         switch(s->mouse_detect_state) {
1164         default:
1165         case 0:
1166             if (val == 200)
1167                 s->mouse_detect_state = 1;
1168             break;
1169         case 1:
1170             if (val == 100)
1171                 s->mouse_detect_state = 2;
1172             else if (val == 200)
1173                 s->mouse_detect_state = 3;
1174             else
1175                 s->mouse_detect_state = 0;
1176             break;
1177         case 2:
1178             if (val == 80)
1179                 s->mouse_type = 3; /* IMPS/2 */
1180             s->mouse_detect_state = 0;
1181             break;
1182         case 3:
1183             if (val == 80)
1184                 s->mouse_type = 4; /* IMEX */
1185             s->mouse_detect_state = 0;
1186             break;
1187         }
1188         ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1189         s->common.write_cmd = -1;
1190         break;
1191     case AUX_SET_RES:
1192         s->mouse_resolution = val;
1193         ps2_queue(&s->common, AUX_ACK);
1194         s->common.write_cmd = -1;
1195         break;
1196     }
1197 }
1199 static void ps2_common_reset(PS2State *s)
1200 {
1201     s->write_cmd = -1;
1202     ps2_reset_queue(s);
1203     s->update_irq(s->update_arg, 0);
1204 }
1206 static void ps2_common_post_load(PS2State *s)
1207 {
1208     PS2Queue *q = &s->queue;
1209     int size;
1210     int i;
1211     int tmp_data[PS2_QUEUE_SIZE];
1213     /* set the useful data buffer queue size, < PS2_QUEUE_SIZE */
1214     size = q->count > PS2_QUEUE_SIZE ? 0 : q->count;
1216     /* move the queue elements to the start of data array */
1217     if (size > 0) {
1218         for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
1219             /* move the queue elements to the temporary buffer */
1220             tmp_data[i] = q->data[q->rptr];
1221             if (++q->rptr == 256) {
1222                 q->rptr = 0;
1223             }
1224         }
1225         memcpy(q->data, tmp_data, size);
1226     }
1227     /* reset rptr/wptr/count */
1228     q->rptr = 0;
1229     q->wptr = size;
1230     q->count = size;
1231     s->update_irq(s->update_arg, q->count != 0);
1232 }
1234 static void ps2_kbd_reset(void *opaque)
1235 {
1236     PS2KbdState *s = (PS2KbdState *) opaque;
1238     trace_ps2_kbd_reset(opaque);
1239     ps2_common_reset(&s->common);
1240     s->scan_enabled = 0;
1241     s->translate = 0;
1242     s->scancode_set = 2;
1243     s->modifiers = 0;
1244 }
1246 static void ps2_mouse_reset(void *opaque)
1247 {
1248     PS2MouseState *s = (PS2MouseState *) opaque;
1250     trace_ps2_mouse_reset(opaque);
1251     ps2_common_reset(&s->common);
1252     s->mouse_status = 0;
1253     s->mouse_resolution = 0;
1254     s->mouse_sample_rate = 0;
1255     s->mouse_wrap = 0;
1256     s->mouse_type = 0;
1257     s->mouse_detect_state = 0;
1258     s->mouse_dx = 0;
1259     s->mouse_dy = 0;
1260     s->mouse_dz = 0;
1261     s->mouse_buttons = 0;
1262 }
1264 static const VMStateDescription vmstate_ps2_common = {
1265     .name = "PS2 Common State",
1266     .version_id = 3,
1267     .minimum_version_id = 2,
1268     .fields = (VMStateField[]) {
1269         VMSTATE_INT32(write_cmd, PS2State),
1270         VMSTATE_INT32(queue.rptr, PS2State),
1271         VMSTATE_INT32(queue.wptr, PS2State),
1272         VMSTATE_INT32(queue.count, PS2State),
1273         VMSTATE_BUFFER(queue.data, PS2State),
1274         VMSTATE_END_OF_LIST()
1275     }
1276 };
1278 static bool ps2_keyboard_ledstate_needed(void *opaque)
1279 {
1280     PS2KbdState *s = opaque;
1282     return s->ledstate != 0; /* 0 is default state */
1283 }
1285 static int ps2_kbd_ledstate_post_load(void *opaque, int version_id)
1286 {
1287     PS2KbdState *s = opaque;
1289     kbd_put_ledstate(s->ledstate);
1290     return 0;
1291 }
1293 static const VMStateDescription vmstate_ps2_keyboard_ledstate = {
1294     .name = "ps2kbd/ledstate",
1295     .version_id = 3,
1296     .minimum_version_id = 2,
1297     .post_load = ps2_kbd_ledstate_post_load,
1298     .needed = ps2_keyboard_ledstate_needed,
1299     .fields = (VMStateField[]) {
1300         VMSTATE_INT32(ledstate, PS2KbdState),
1301         VMSTATE_END_OF_LIST()
1302     }
1303 };
1305 static bool ps2_keyboard_need_high_bit_needed(void *opaque)
1306 {
1307     PS2KbdState *s = opaque;
1308     return s->need_high_bit != 0; /* 0 is the usual state */
1309 }
1311 static const VMStateDescription vmstate_ps2_keyboard_need_high_bit = {
1312     .name = "ps2kbd/need_high_bit",
1313     .version_id = 1,
1314     .minimum_version_id = 1,
1315     .needed = ps2_keyboard_need_high_bit_needed,
1316     .fields = (VMStateField[]) {
1317         VMSTATE_BOOL(need_high_bit, PS2KbdState),
1318         VMSTATE_END_OF_LIST()
1319     }
1320 };
1322 static int ps2_kbd_post_load(void* opaque, int version_id)
1323 {
1324     PS2KbdState *s = (PS2KbdState*)opaque;
1325     PS2State *ps2 = &s->common;
1327     if (version_id == 2)
1328         s->scancode_set=2;
1330     ps2_common_post_load(ps2);
1332     return 0;
1333 }
1335 static int ps2_kbd_pre_save(void *opaque)
1336 {
1337     PS2KbdState *s = (PS2KbdState *)opaque;
1338     PS2State *ps2 = &s->common;
1340     ps2_common_post_load(ps2);
1342     return 0;
1343 }
1345 static const VMStateDescription vmstate_ps2_keyboard = {
1346     .name = "ps2kbd",
1347     .version_id = 3,
1348     .minimum_version_id = 2,
1349     .post_load = ps2_kbd_post_load,
1350     .pre_save = ps2_kbd_pre_save,
1351     .fields = (VMStateField[]) {
1352         VMSTATE_STRUCT(common, PS2KbdState, 0, vmstate_ps2_common, PS2State),
1353         VMSTATE_INT32(scan_enabled, PS2KbdState),
1354         VMSTATE_INT32(translate, PS2KbdState),
1355         VMSTATE_INT32_V(scancode_set, PS2KbdState,3),
1356         VMSTATE_END_OF_LIST()
1357     },
1358     .subsections = (const VMStateDescription*[]) {
1359         &vmstate_ps2_keyboard_ledstate,
1360         &vmstate_ps2_keyboard_need_high_bit,
1361         NULL
1362     }
1363 };
1365 static int ps2_mouse_post_load(void *opaque, int version_id)
1366 {
1367     PS2MouseState *s = (PS2MouseState *)opaque;
1368     PS2State *ps2 = &s->common;
1370     ps2_common_post_load(ps2);
1372     return 0;
1373 }
1375 static int ps2_mouse_pre_save(void *opaque)
1376 {
1377     PS2MouseState *s = (PS2MouseState *)opaque;
1378     PS2State *ps2 = &s->common;
1380     ps2_common_post_load(ps2);
1382     return 0;
1383 }
1385 static const VMStateDescription vmstate_ps2_mouse = {
1386     .name = "ps2mouse",
1387     .version_id = 2,
1388     .minimum_version_id = 2,
1389     .post_load = ps2_mouse_post_load,
1390     .pre_save = ps2_mouse_pre_save,
1391     .fields = (VMStateField[]) {
1392         VMSTATE_STRUCT(common, PS2MouseState, 0, vmstate_ps2_common, PS2State),
1393         VMSTATE_UINT8(mouse_status, PS2MouseState),
1394         VMSTATE_UINT8(mouse_resolution, PS2MouseState),
1395         VMSTATE_UINT8(mouse_sample_rate, PS2MouseState),
1396         VMSTATE_UINT8(mouse_wrap, PS2MouseState),
1397         VMSTATE_UINT8(mouse_type, PS2MouseState),
1398         VMSTATE_UINT8(mouse_detect_state, PS2MouseState),
1399         VMSTATE_INT32(mouse_dx, PS2MouseState),
1400         VMSTATE_INT32(mouse_dy, PS2MouseState),
1401         VMSTATE_INT32(mouse_dz, PS2MouseState),
1402         VMSTATE_UINT8(mouse_buttons, PS2MouseState),
1403         VMSTATE_END_OF_LIST()
1404     }
1405 };
1407 static QemuInputHandler ps2_keyboard_handler = {
1408     .name  = "QEMU PS/2 Keyboard",
1409     .mask  = INPUT_EVENT_MASK_KEY,
1410     .event = ps2_keyboard_event,
1411 };
1413 void *ps2_kbd_init(void (*update_irq)(void *, int), void *update_arg)
1414 {
1415     PS2KbdState *s = (PS2KbdState *)g_malloc0(sizeof(PS2KbdState));
1417     trace_ps2_kbd_init(s);
1418     s->common.update_irq = update_irq;
1419     s->common.update_arg = update_arg;
1420     s->scancode_set = 2;
1421     vmstate_register(NULL, 0, &vmstate_ps2_keyboard, s);
1422     qemu_input_handler_register((DeviceState *)s,
1423                                 &ps2_keyboard_handler);
1424     qemu_register_reset(ps2_kbd_reset, s);
1425     return s;
1426 }
1428 static QemuInputHandler ps2_mouse_handler = {
1429     .name  = "QEMU PS/2 Mouse",
1431     .event = ps2_mouse_event,
1432     .sync  = ps2_mouse_sync,
1433 };
1435 void *ps2_mouse_init(void (*update_irq)(void *, int), void *update_arg)
1436 {
1437     PS2MouseState *s = (PS2MouseState *)g_malloc0(sizeof(PS2MouseState));
1439     trace_ps2_mouse_init(s);
1440     s->common.update_irq = update_irq;
1441     s->common.update_arg = update_arg;
1442     vmstate_register(NULL, 0, &vmstate_ps2_mouse, s);
1443     qemu_input_handler_register((DeviceState *)s,
1444                                 &ps2_mouse_handler);
1445     qemu_register_reset(ps2_mouse_reset, s);
1446     return s;
1447 }