xref: /qemu/python/qemu/qmp/protocol.py (revision af76484e)
2Generic Asynchronous Message-based Protocol Support
4This module provides a generic framework for sending and receiving
5messages over an asyncio stream. `AsyncProtocol` is an abstract class
6that implements the core mechanisms of a simple send/receive protocol,
7and is designed to be extended.
9In this package, it is used as the implementation for the `QMPClient`
13# It's all the docstrings ... ! It's long for a good reason ^_^;
14# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
16import asyncio
17from asyncio import StreamReader, StreamWriter
18from enum import Enum
19from functools import wraps
20import logging
21from ssl import SSLContext
22from typing import (
23    Any,
24    Awaitable,
25    Callable,
26    Generic,
27    List,
28    Optional,
29    Tuple,
30    TypeVar,
31    Union,
32    cast,
35from .error import QMPError
36from .util import (
37    bottom_half,
38    create_task,
39    exception_summary,
40    flush,
41    is_closing,
42    pretty_traceback,
43    upper_half,
44    wait_closed,
48T = TypeVar('T')
49_U = TypeVar('_U')
50_TaskFN = Callable[[], Awaitable[None]]  # aka ``async def func() -> None``
52InternetAddrT = Tuple[str, int]
53UnixAddrT = str
54SocketAddrT = Union[UnixAddrT, InternetAddrT]
57class Runstate(Enum):
58    """Protocol session runstate."""
60    #: Fully quiesced and disconnected.
61    IDLE = 0
62    #: In the process of connecting or establishing a session.
63    CONNECTING = 1
64    #: Fully connected and active session.
65    RUNNING = 2
66    #: In the process of disconnecting.
67    #: Runstate may be returned to `IDLE` by calling `disconnect()`.
71class ConnectError(QMPError):
72    """
73    Raised when the initial connection process has failed.
75    This Exception always wraps a "root cause" exception that can be
76    interrogated for additional information.
78    :param error_message: Human-readable string describing the error.
79    :param exc: The root-cause exception.
80    """
81    def __init__(self, error_message: str, exc: Exception):
82        super().__init__(error_message)
83        #: Human-readable error string
84        self.error_message: str = error_message
85        #: Wrapped root cause exception
86        self.exc: Exception = exc
88    def __str__(self) -> str:
89        cause = str(self.exc)
90        if not cause:
91            # If there's no error string, use the exception name.
92            cause = exception_summary(self.exc)
93        return f"{self.error_message}: {cause}"
96class StateError(QMPError):
97    """
98    An API command (connect, execute, etc) was issued at an inappropriate time.
100    This error is raised when a command like
101    :py:meth:`~AsyncProtocol.connect()` is issued at an inappropriate
102    time.
104    :param error_message: Human-readable string describing the state violation.
105    :param state: The actual `Runstate` seen at the time of the violation.
106    :param required: The `Runstate` required to process this command.
107    """
108    def __init__(self, error_message: str,
109                 state: Runstate, required: Runstate):
110        super().__init__(error_message)
111        self.error_message = error_message
112        self.state = state
113        self.required = required
116F = TypeVar('F', bound=Callable[..., Any])  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
119# Don't Panic.
120def require(required_state: Runstate) -> Callable[[F], F]:
121    """
122    Decorator: protect a method so it can only be run in a certain `Runstate`.
124    :param required_state: The `Runstate` required to invoke this method.
125    :raise StateError: When the required `Runstate` is not met.
126    """
127    def _decorator(func: F) -> F:
128        # _decorator is the decorator that is built by calling the
129        # require() decorator factory; e.g.:
130        #
131        # @require(Runstate.IDLE) def foo(): ...
132        # will replace 'foo' with the result of '_decorator(foo)'.
134        @wraps(func)
135        def _wrapper(proto: 'AsyncProtocol[Any]',
136                     *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
137            # _wrapper is the function that gets executed prior to the
138            # decorated method.
140            name = type(proto).__name__
142            if proto.runstate != required_state:
143                if proto.runstate == Runstate.CONNECTING:
144                    emsg = f"{name} is currently connecting."
145                elif proto.runstate == Runstate.DISCONNECTING:
146                    emsg = (f"{name} is disconnecting."
147                            " Call disconnect() to return to IDLE state.")
148                elif proto.runstate == Runstate.RUNNING:
149                    emsg = f"{name} is already connected and running."
150                elif proto.runstate == Runstate.IDLE:
151                    emsg = f"{name} is disconnected and idle."
152                else:
153                    assert False
154                raise StateError(emsg, proto.runstate, required_state)
155            # No StateError, so call the wrapped method.
156            return func(proto, *args, **kwargs)
158        # Return the decorated method;
159        # Transforming Func to Decorated[Func].
160        return cast(F, _wrapper)
162    # Return the decorator instance from the decorator factory. Phew!
163    return _decorator
166class AsyncProtocol(Generic[T]):
167    """
168    AsyncProtocol implements a generic async message-based protocol.
170    This protocol assumes the basic unit of information transfer between
171    client and server is a "message", the details of which are left up
172    to the implementation. It assumes the sending and receiving of these
173    messages is full-duplex and not necessarily correlated; i.e. it
174    supports asynchronous inbound messages.
176    It is designed to be extended by a specific protocol which provides
177    the implementations for how to read and send messages. These must be
178    defined in `_do_recv()` and `_do_send()`, respectively.
180    Other callbacks have a default implementation, but are intended to be
181    either extended or overridden:
183     - `_establish_session`:
184         The base implementation starts the reader/writer tasks.
185         A protocol implementation can override this call, inserting
186         actions to be taken prior to starting the reader/writer tasks
187         before the super() call; actions needing to occur afterwards
188         can be written after the super() call.
189     - `_on_message`:
190         Actions to be performed when a message is received.
191     - `_cb_outbound`:
192         Logging/Filtering hook for all outbound messages.
193     - `_cb_inbound`:
194         Logging/Filtering hook for all inbound messages.
195         This hook runs *before* `_on_message()`.
197    :param name:
198        Name used for logging messages, if any. By default, messages
199        will log to 'qemu.qmp.protocol', but each individual connection
200        can be given its own logger by giving it a name; messages will
201        then log to 'qemu.qmp.protocol.${name}'.
202    """
203    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
205    #: Logger object for debugging messages from this connection.
206    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
208    # Maximum allowable size of read buffer
209    _limit = (64 * 1024)
211    # -------------------------
212    # Section: Public interface
213    # -------------------------
215    def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
216        #: The nickname for this connection, if any.
217        self.name: Optional[str] = name
218        if self.name is not None:
219            self.logger = self.logger.getChild(self.name)
221        # stream I/O
222        self._reader: Optional[StreamReader] = None
223        self._writer: Optional[StreamWriter] = None
225        # Outbound Message queue
226        self._outgoing: asyncio.Queue[T]
228        # Special, long-running tasks:
229        self._reader_task: Optional[asyncio.Future[None]] = None
230        self._writer_task: Optional[asyncio.Future[None]] = None
232        # Aggregate of the above two tasks, used for Exception management.
233        self._bh_tasks: Optional[asyncio.Future[Tuple[None, None]]] = None
235        #: Disconnect task. The disconnect implementation runs in a task
236        #: so that asynchronous disconnects (initiated by the
237        #: reader/writer) are allowed to wait for the reader/writers to
238        #: exit.
239        self._dc_task: Optional[asyncio.Future[None]] = None
241        self._runstate = Runstate.IDLE
242        self._runstate_changed: Optional[asyncio.Event] = None
244        # Server state for start_server() and _incoming()
245        self._server: Optional[asyncio.AbstractServer] = None
246        self._accepted: Optional[asyncio.Event] = None
248    def __repr__(self) -> str:
249        cls_name = type(self).__name__
250        tokens = []
251        if self.name is not None:
252            tokens.append(f"name={self.name!r}")
253        tokens.append(f"runstate={self.runstate.name}")
254        return f"<{cls_name} {' '.join(tokens)}>"
256    @property  # @upper_half
257    def runstate(self) -> Runstate:
258        """The current `Runstate` of the connection."""
259        return self._runstate
261    @upper_half
262    async def runstate_changed(self) -> Runstate:
263        """
264        Wait for the `runstate` to change, then return that runstate.
265        """
266        await self._runstate_event.wait()
267        return self.runstate
269    @upper_half
270    @require(Runstate.IDLE)
271    async def start_server_and_accept(
272            self, address: SocketAddrT,
273            ssl: Optional[SSLContext] = None
274    ) -> None:
275        """
276        Accept a connection and begin processing message queues.
278        If this call fails, `runstate` is guaranteed to be set back to `IDLE`.
279        This method is precisely equivalent to calling `start_server()`
280        followed by `accept()`.
282        :param address:
283            Address to listen on; UNIX socket path or TCP address/port.
284        :param ssl: SSL context to use, if any.
286        :raise StateError: When the `Runstate` is not `IDLE`.
287        :raise ConnectError:
288            When a connection or session cannot be established.
290            This exception will wrap a more concrete one. In most cases,
291            the wrapped exception will be `OSError` or `EOFError`. If a
292            protocol-level failure occurs while establishing a new
293            session, the wrapped error may also be an `QMPError`.
294        """
295        await self.start_server(address, ssl)
296        await self.accept()
297        assert self.runstate == Runstate.RUNNING
299    @upper_half
300    @require(Runstate.IDLE)
301    async def start_server(self, address: SocketAddrT,
302                           ssl: Optional[SSLContext] = None) -> None:
303        """
304        Start listening for an incoming connection, but do not wait for a peer.
306        This method starts listening for an incoming connection, but
307        does not block waiting for a peer. This call will return
308        immediately after binding and listening on a socket. A later
309        call to `accept()` must be made in order to finalize the
310        incoming connection.
312        :param address:
313            Address to listen on; UNIX socket path or TCP address/port.
314        :param ssl: SSL context to use, if any.
316        :raise StateError: When the `Runstate` is not `IDLE`.
317        :raise ConnectError:
318            When the server could not start listening on this address.
320            This exception will wrap a more concrete one. In most cases,
321            the wrapped exception will be `OSError`.
322        """
323        await self._session_guard(
324            self._do_start_server(address, ssl),
325            'Failed to establish connection')
326        assert self.runstate == Runstate.CONNECTING
328    @upper_half
329    @require(Runstate.CONNECTING)
330    async def accept(self) -> None:
331        """
332        Accept an incoming connection and begin processing message queues.
334        If this call fails, `runstate` is guaranteed to be set back to `IDLE`.
336        :raise StateError: When the `Runstate` is not `CONNECTING`.
337        :raise QMPError: When `start_server()` was not called yet.
338        :raise ConnectError:
339            When a connection or session cannot be established.
341            This exception will wrap a more concrete one. In most cases,
342            the wrapped exception will be `OSError` or `EOFError`. If a
343            protocol-level failure occurs while establishing a new
344            session, the wrapped error may also be an `QMPError`.
345        """
346        if self._accepted is None:
347            raise QMPError("Cannot call accept() before start_server().")
348        await self._session_guard(
349            self._do_accept(),
350            'Failed to establish connection')
351        await self._session_guard(
352            self._establish_session(),
353            'Failed to establish session')
354        assert self.runstate == Runstate.RUNNING
356    @upper_half
357    @require(Runstate.IDLE)
358    async def connect(self, address: SocketAddrT,
359                      ssl: Optional[SSLContext] = None) -> None:
360        """
361        Connect to the server and begin processing message queues.
363        If this call fails, `runstate` is guaranteed to be set back to `IDLE`.
365        :param address:
366            Address to connect to; UNIX socket path or TCP address/port.
367        :param ssl: SSL context to use, if any.
369        :raise StateError: When the `Runstate` is not `IDLE`.
370        :raise ConnectError:
371            When a connection or session cannot be established.
373            This exception will wrap a more concrete one. In most cases,
374            the wrapped exception will be `OSError` or `EOFError`. If a
375            protocol-level failure occurs while establishing a new
376            session, the wrapped error may also be an `QMPError`.
377        """
378        await self._session_guard(
379            self._do_connect(address, ssl),
380            'Failed to establish connection')
381        await self._session_guard(
382            self._establish_session(),
383            'Failed to establish session')
384        assert self.runstate == Runstate.RUNNING
386    @upper_half
387    async def disconnect(self) -> None:
388        """
389        Disconnect and wait for all tasks to fully stop.
391        If there was an exception that caused the reader/writers to
392        terminate prematurely, it will be raised here.
394        :raise Exception: When the reader or writer terminate unexpectedly.
395        """
396        self.logger.debug("disconnect() called.")
397        self._schedule_disconnect()
398        await self._wait_disconnect()
400    # --------------------------
401    # Section: Session machinery
402    # --------------------------
404    async def _session_guard(self, coro: Awaitable[None], emsg: str) -> None:
405        """
406        Async guard function used to roll back to `IDLE` on any error.
408        On any Exception, the state machine will be reset back to
409        `IDLE`. Most Exceptions will be wrapped with `ConnectError`, but
410        `BaseException` events will be left alone (This includes
411        asyncio.CancelledError, even prior to Python 3.8).
413        :param error_message:
414            Human-readable string describing what connection phase failed.
416        :raise BaseException:
417            When `BaseException` occurs in the guarded block.
418        :raise ConnectError:
419            When any other error is encountered in the guarded block.
420        """
421        # Note: After Python 3.6 support is removed, this should be an
422        # @asynccontextmanager instead of accepting a callback.
423        try:
424            await coro
425        except BaseException as err:
426            self.logger.error("%s: %s", emsg, exception_summary(err))
427            self.logger.debug("%s:\n%s\n", emsg, pretty_traceback())
428            try:
429                # Reset the runstate back to IDLE.
430                await self.disconnect()
431            except:
432                # We don't expect any Exceptions from the disconnect function
433                # here, because we failed to connect in the first place.
434                # The disconnect() function is intended to perform
435                # only cannot-fail cleanup here, but you never know.
436                emsg = (
437                    "Unexpected bottom half exception. "
438                    "This is a bug in the QMP library. "
439                    "Please report it to <qemu-devel@nongnu.org> and "
440                    "CC: John Snow <jsnow@redhat.com>."
441                )
442                self.logger.critical("%s:\n%s\n", emsg, pretty_traceback())
443                raise
445            # CancelledError is an Exception with special semantic meaning;
446            # We do NOT want to wrap it up under ConnectError.
447            # NB: CancelledError is not a BaseException before Python 3.8
448            if isinstance(err, asyncio.CancelledError):
449                raise
451            # Any other kind of error can be treated as some kind of connection
452            # failure broadly. Inspect the 'exc' field to explore the root
453            # cause in greater detail.
454            if isinstance(err, Exception):
455                raise ConnectError(emsg, err) from err
457            # Raise BaseExceptions un-wrapped, they're more important.
458            raise
460    @property
461    def _runstate_event(self) -> asyncio.Event:
462        # asyncio.Event() objects should not be created prior to entrance into
463        # an event loop, so we can ensure we create it in the correct context.
464        # Create it on-demand *only* at the behest of an 'async def' method.
465        if not self._runstate_changed:
466            self._runstate_changed = asyncio.Event()
467        return self._runstate_changed
469    @upper_half
470    @bottom_half
471    def _set_state(self, state: Runstate) -> None:
472        """
473        Change the `Runstate` of the protocol connection.
475        Signals the `runstate_changed` event.
476        """
477        if state == self._runstate:
478            return
480        self.logger.debug("Transitioning from '%s' to '%s'.",
481                          str(self._runstate), str(state))
482        self._runstate = state
483        self._runstate_event.set()
484        self._runstate_event.clear()
486    @bottom_half
487    async def _stop_server(self) -> None:
488        """
489        Stop listening for / accepting new incoming connections.
490        """
491        if self._server is None:
492            return
494        try:
495            self.logger.debug("Stopping server.")
496            self._server.close()
497            await self._server.wait_closed()
498            self.logger.debug("Server stopped.")
499        finally:
500            self._server = None
502    @bottom_half  # However, it does not run from the R/W tasks.
503    async def _incoming(self,
504                        reader: asyncio.StreamReader,
505                        writer: asyncio.StreamWriter) -> None:
506        """
507        Accept an incoming connection and signal the upper_half.
509        This method does the minimum necessary to accept a single
510        incoming connection. It signals back to the upper_half ASAP so
511        that any errors during session initialization can occur
512        naturally in the caller's stack.
514        :param reader: Incoming `asyncio.StreamReader`
515        :param writer: Incoming `asyncio.StreamWriter`
516        """
517        peer = writer.get_extra_info('peername', 'Unknown peer')
518        self.logger.debug("Incoming connection from %s", peer)
520        if self._reader or self._writer:
521            # Sadly, we can have more than one pending connection
522            # because of https://bugs.python.org/issue46715
523            # Close any extra connections we don't actually want.
524            self.logger.warning("Extraneous connection inadvertently accepted")
525            writer.close()
526            return
528        # A connection has been accepted; stop listening for new ones.
529        assert self._accepted is not None
530        await self._stop_server()
531        self._reader, self._writer = (reader, writer)
532        self._accepted.set()
534    @upper_half
535    async def _do_start_server(self, address: SocketAddrT,
536                               ssl: Optional[SSLContext] = None) -> None:
537        """
538        Start listening for an incoming connection, but do not wait for a peer.
540        This method starts listening for an incoming connection, but does not
541        block waiting for a peer. This call will return immediately after
542        binding and listening to a socket. A later call to accept() must be
543        made in order to finalize the incoming connection.
545        :param address:
546            Address to listen on; UNIX socket path or TCP address/port.
547        :param ssl: SSL context to use, if any.
549        :raise OSError: For stream-related errors.
550        """
551        assert self.runstate == Runstate.IDLE
552        self._set_state(Runstate.CONNECTING)
554        self.logger.debug("Awaiting connection on %s ...", address)
555        self._accepted = asyncio.Event()
557        if isinstance(address, tuple):
558            coro = asyncio.start_server(
559                self._incoming,
560                host=address[0],
561                port=address[1],
562                ssl=ssl,
563                backlog=1,
564                limit=self._limit,
565            )
566        else:
567            coro = asyncio.start_unix_server(
568                self._incoming,
569                path=address,
570                ssl=ssl,
571                backlog=1,
572                limit=self._limit,
573            )
575        # Allow runstate watchers to witness 'CONNECTING' state; some
576        # failures in the streaming layer are synchronous and will not
577        # otherwise yield.
578        await asyncio.sleep(0)
580        # This will start the server (bind(2), listen(2)). It will also
581        # call accept(2) if we yield, but we don't block on that here.
582        self._server = await coro
583        self.logger.debug("Server listening on %s", address)
585    @upper_half
586    async def _do_accept(self) -> None:
587        """
588        Wait for and accept an incoming connection.
590        Requires that we have not yet accepted an incoming connection
591        from the upper_half, but it's OK if the server is no longer
592        running because the bottom_half has already accepted the
593        connection.
594        """
595        assert self._accepted is not None
596        await self._accepted.wait()
597        assert self._server is None
598        self._accepted = None
600        self.logger.debug("Connection accepted.")
602    @upper_half
603    async def _do_connect(self, address: SocketAddrT,
604                          ssl: Optional[SSLContext] = None) -> None:
605        """
606        Acting as the transport client, initiate a connection to a server.
608        :param address:
609            Address to connect to; UNIX socket path or TCP address/port.
610        :param ssl: SSL context to use, if any.
612        :raise OSError: For stream-related errors.
613        """
614        assert self.runstate == Runstate.IDLE
615        self._set_state(Runstate.CONNECTING)
617        # Allow runstate watchers to witness 'CONNECTING' state; some
618        # failures in the streaming layer are synchronous and will not
619        # otherwise yield.
620        await asyncio.sleep(0)
622        self.logger.debug("Connecting to %s ...", address)
624        if isinstance(address, tuple):
625            connect = asyncio.open_connection(
626                address[0],
627                address[1],
628                ssl=ssl,
629                limit=self._limit,
630            )
631        else:
632            connect = asyncio.open_unix_connection(
633                path=address,
634                ssl=ssl,
635                limit=self._limit,
636            )
637        self._reader, self._writer = await connect
639        self.logger.debug("Connected.")
641    @upper_half
642    async def _establish_session(self) -> None:
643        """
644        Establish a new session.
646        Starts the readers/writer tasks; subclasses may perform their
647        own negotiations here. The Runstate will be RUNNING upon
648        successful conclusion.
649        """
650        assert self.runstate == Runstate.CONNECTING
652        self._outgoing = asyncio.Queue()
654        reader_coro = self._bh_loop_forever(self._bh_recv_message, 'Reader')
655        writer_coro = self._bh_loop_forever(self._bh_send_message, 'Writer')
657        self._reader_task = create_task(reader_coro)
658        self._writer_task = create_task(writer_coro)
660        self._bh_tasks = asyncio.gather(
661            self._reader_task,
662            self._writer_task,
663        )
665        self._set_state(Runstate.RUNNING)
666        await asyncio.sleep(0)  # Allow runstate_event to process
668    @upper_half
669    @bottom_half
670    def _schedule_disconnect(self) -> None:
671        """
672        Initiate a disconnect; idempotent.
674        This method is used both in the upper-half as a direct
675        consequence of `disconnect()`, and in the bottom-half in the
676        case of unhandled exceptions in the reader/writer tasks.
678        It can be invoked no matter what the `runstate` is.
679        """
680        if not self._dc_task:
681            self._set_state(Runstate.DISCONNECTING)
682            self.logger.debug("Scheduling disconnect.")
683            self._dc_task = create_task(self._bh_disconnect())
685    @upper_half
686    async def _wait_disconnect(self) -> None:
687        """
688        Waits for a previously scheduled disconnect to finish.
690        This method will gather any bottom half exceptions and re-raise
691        the one that occurred first; presuming it to be the root cause
692        of any subsequent Exceptions. It is intended to be used in the
693        upper half of the call chain.
695        :raise Exception:
696            Arbitrary exception re-raised on behalf of the reader/writer.
697        """
698        assert self.runstate == Runstate.DISCONNECTING
699        assert self._dc_task
701        aws: List[Awaitable[object]] = [self._dc_task]
702        if self._bh_tasks:
703            aws.insert(0, self._bh_tasks)
704        all_defined_tasks = asyncio.gather(*aws)
706        # Ensure disconnect is done; Exception (if any) is not raised here:
707        await asyncio.wait((self._dc_task,))
709        try:
710            await all_defined_tasks  # Raise Exceptions from the bottom half.
711        finally:
712            self._cleanup()
713            self._set_state(Runstate.IDLE)
715    @upper_half
716    def _cleanup(self) -> None:
717        """
718        Fully reset this object to a clean state and return to `IDLE`.
719        """
720        def _paranoid_task_erase(task: Optional['asyncio.Future[_U]']
721                                 ) -> Optional['asyncio.Future[_U]']:
722            # Help to erase a task, ENSURING it is fully quiesced first.
723            assert (task is None) or task.done()
724            return None if (task and task.done()) else task
726        assert self.runstate == Runstate.DISCONNECTING
727        self._dc_task = _paranoid_task_erase(self._dc_task)
728        self._reader_task = _paranoid_task_erase(self._reader_task)
729        self._writer_task = _paranoid_task_erase(self._writer_task)
730        self._bh_tasks = _paranoid_task_erase(self._bh_tasks)
732        self._reader = None
733        self._writer = None
734        self._accepted = None
736        # NB: _runstate_changed cannot be cleared because we still need it to
737        # send the final runstate changed event ...!
739    # ----------------------------
740    # Section: Bottom Half methods
741    # ----------------------------
743    @bottom_half
744    async def _bh_disconnect(self) -> None:
745        """
746        Disconnect and cancel all outstanding tasks.
748        It is designed to be called from its task context,
749        :py:obj:`~AsyncProtocol._dc_task`. By running in its own task,
750        it is free to wait on any pending actions that may still need to
751        occur in either the reader or writer tasks.
752        """
753        assert self.runstate == Runstate.DISCONNECTING
755        def _done(task: Optional['asyncio.Future[Any]']) -> bool:
756            return task is not None and task.done()
758        # If the server is running, stop it.
759        await self._stop_server()
761        # Are we already in an error pathway? If either of the tasks are
762        # already done, or if we have no tasks but a reader/writer; we
763        # must be.
764        #
765        # NB: We can't use _bh_tasks to check for premature task
766        # completion, because it may not yet have had a chance to run
767        # and gather itself.
768        tasks = tuple(filter(None, (self._writer_task, self._reader_task)))
769        error_pathway = _done(self._reader_task) or _done(self._writer_task)
770        if not tasks:
771            error_pathway |= bool(self._reader) or bool(self._writer)
773        try:
774            # Try to flush the writer, if possible.
775            # This *may* cause an error and force us over into the error path.
776            if not error_pathway:
777                await self._bh_flush_writer()
778        except BaseException as err:
779            error_pathway = True
780            emsg = "Failed to flush the writer"
781            self.logger.error("%s: %s", emsg, exception_summary(err))
782            self.logger.debug("%s:\n%s\n", emsg, pretty_traceback())
783            raise
784        finally:
785            # Cancel any still-running tasks (Won't raise):
786            if self._writer_task is not None and not self._writer_task.done():
787                self.logger.debug("Cancelling writer task.")
788                self._writer_task.cancel()
789            if self._reader_task is not None and not self._reader_task.done():
790                self.logger.debug("Cancelling reader task.")
791                self._reader_task.cancel()
793            # Close out the tasks entirely (Won't raise):
794            if tasks:
795                self.logger.debug("Waiting for tasks to complete ...")
796                await asyncio.wait(tasks)
798            # Lastly, close the stream itself. (*May raise*!):
799            await self._bh_close_stream(error_pathway)
800            self.logger.debug("Disconnected.")
802    @bottom_half
803    async def _bh_flush_writer(self) -> None:
804        if not self._writer_task:
805            return
807        self.logger.debug("Draining the outbound queue ...")
808        await self._outgoing.join()
809        if self._writer is not None:
810            self.logger.debug("Flushing the StreamWriter ...")
811            await flush(self._writer)
813    @bottom_half
814    async def _bh_close_stream(self, error_pathway: bool = False) -> None:
815        # NB: Closing the writer also implicitly closes the reader.
816        if not self._writer:
817            return
819        if not is_closing(self._writer):
820            self.logger.debug("Closing StreamWriter.")
821            self._writer.close()
823        self.logger.debug("Waiting for StreamWriter to close ...")
824        try:
825            await wait_closed(self._writer)
826        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
827            # It's hard to tell if the Stream is already closed or
828            # not. Even if one of the tasks has failed, it may have
829            # failed for a higher-layered protocol reason. The
830            # stream could still be open and perfectly fine.
831            # I don't know how to discern its health here.
833            if error_pathway:
834                # We already know that *something* went wrong. Let's
835                # just trust that the Exception we already have is the
836                # better one to present to the user, even if we don't
837                # genuinely *know* the relationship between the two.
838                self.logger.debug(
839                    "Discarding Exception from wait_closed:\n%s\n",
840                    pretty_traceback(),
841                )
842            else:
843                # Oops, this is a brand-new error!
844                raise
845        finally:
846            self.logger.debug("StreamWriter closed.")
848    @bottom_half
849    async def _bh_loop_forever(self, async_fn: _TaskFN, name: str) -> None:
850        """
851        Run one of the bottom-half methods in a loop forever.
853        If the bottom half ever raises any exception, schedule a
854        disconnect that will terminate the entire loop.
856        :param async_fn: The bottom-half method to run in a loop.
857        :param name: The name of this task, used for logging.
858        """
859        try:
860            while True:
861                await async_fn()
862        except asyncio.CancelledError:
863            # We have been cancelled by _bh_disconnect, exit gracefully.
864            self.logger.debug("Task.%s: cancelled.", name)
865            return
866        except BaseException as err:
867            self.logger.log(
868                logging.INFO if isinstance(err, EOFError) else logging.ERROR,
869                "Task.%s: %s",
870                name, exception_summary(err)
871            )
872            self.logger.debug("Task.%s: failure:\n%s\n",
873                              name, pretty_traceback())
874            self._schedule_disconnect()
875            raise
876        finally:
877            self.logger.debug("Task.%s: exiting.", name)
879    @bottom_half
880    async def _bh_send_message(self) -> None:
881        """
882        Wait for an outgoing message, then send it.
884        Designed to be run in `_bh_loop_forever()`.
885        """
886        msg = await self._outgoing.get()
887        try:
888            await self._send(msg)
889        finally:
890            self._outgoing.task_done()
892    @bottom_half
893    async def _bh_recv_message(self) -> None:
894        """
895        Wait for an incoming message and call `_on_message` to route it.
897        Designed to be run in `_bh_loop_forever()`.
898        """
899        msg = await self._recv()
900        await self._on_message(msg)
902    # --------------------
903    # Section: Message I/O
904    # --------------------
906    @upper_half
907    @bottom_half
908    def _cb_outbound(self, msg: T) -> T:
909        """
910        Callback: outbound message hook.
912        This is intended for subclasses to be able to add arbitrary
913        hooks to filter or manipulate outgoing messages. The base
914        implementation does nothing but log the message without any
915        manipulation of the message.
917        :param msg: raw outbound message
918        :return: final outbound message
919        """
920        self.logger.debug("--> %s", str(msg))
921        return msg
923    @upper_half
924    @bottom_half
925    def _cb_inbound(self, msg: T) -> T:
926        """
927        Callback: inbound message hook.
929        This is intended for subclasses to be able to add arbitrary
930        hooks to filter or manipulate incoming messages. The base
931        implementation does nothing but log the message without any
932        manipulation of the message.
934        This method does not "handle" incoming messages; it is a filter.
935        The actual "endpoint" for incoming messages is `_on_message()`.
937        :param msg: raw inbound message
938        :return: processed inbound message
939        """
940        self.logger.debug("<-- %s", str(msg))
941        return msg
943    @upper_half
944    @bottom_half
945    async def _readline(self) -> bytes:
946        """
947        Wait for a newline from the incoming reader.
949        This method is provided as a convenience for upper-layer
950        protocols, as many are line-based.
952        This method *may* return a sequence of bytes without a trailing
953        newline if EOF occurs, but *some* bytes were received. In this
954        case, the next call will raise `EOFError`. It is assumed that
955        the layer 5 protocol will decide if there is anything meaningful
956        to be done with a partial message.
958        :raise OSError: For stream-related errors.
959        :raise EOFError:
960            If the reader stream is at EOF and there are no bytes to return.
961        :return: bytes, including the newline.
962        """
963        assert self._reader is not None
964        msg_bytes = await self._reader.readline()
966        if not msg_bytes:
967            if self._reader.at_eof():
968                raise EOFError
970        return msg_bytes
972    @upper_half
973    @bottom_half
974    async def _do_recv(self) -> T:
975        """
976        Abstract: Read from the stream and return a message.
978        Very low-level; intended to only be called by `_recv()`.
979        """
980        raise NotImplementedError
982    @upper_half
983    @bottom_half
984    async def _recv(self) -> T:
985        """
986        Read an arbitrary protocol message.
988        .. warning::
989            This method is intended primarily for `_bh_recv_message()`
990            to use in an asynchronous task loop. Using it outside of
991            this loop will "steal" messages from the normal routing
992            mechanism. It is safe to use prior to `_establish_session()`,
993            but should not be used otherwise.
995        This method uses `_do_recv()` to retrieve the raw message, and
996        then transforms it using `_cb_inbound()`.
998        :return: A single (filtered, processed) protocol message.
999        """
1000        message = await self._do_recv()
1001        return self._cb_inbound(message)
1003    @upper_half
1004    @bottom_half
1005    def _do_send(self, msg: T) -> None:
1006        """
1007        Abstract: Write a message to the stream.
1009        Very low-level; intended to only be called by `_send()`.
1010        """
1011        raise NotImplementedError
1013    @upper_half
1014    @bottom_half
1015    async def _send(self, msg: T) -> None:
1016        """
1017        Send an arbitrary protocol message.
1019        This method will transform any outgoing messages according to
1020        `_cb_outbound()`.
1022        .. warning::
1023            Like `_recv()`, this method is intended to be called by
1024            the writer task loop that processes outgoing
1025            messages. Calling it directly may circumvent logic
1026            implemented by the caller meant to correlate outgoing and
1027            incoming messages.
1029        :raise OSError: For problems with the underlying stream.
1030        """
1031        msg = self._cb_outbound(msg)
1032        self._do_send(msg)
1034    @bottom_half
1035    async def _on_message(self, msg: T) -> None:
1036        """
1037        Called to handle the receipt of a new message.
1039        .. caution::
1040            This is executed from within the reader loop, so be advised
1041            that waiting on either the reader or writer task will lead
1042            to deadlock. Additionally, any unhandled exceptions will
1043            directly cause the loop to halt, so logic may be best-kept
1044            to a minimum if at all possible.
1046        :param msg: The incoming message, already logged/filtered.
1047        """
1048        # Nothing to do in the abstract case.