2- name: Installation of extra packages to build QEMU
3  hosts: all
4  tasks:
5    - name: Extra check for CentOS Stream 8
6      lineinfile:
7        path: /etc/redhat-release
8        line: CentOS Stream release 8
9        state: present
10      check_mode: yes
11      register: centos_stream_8
13    - name: Enable PowerTools repo on CentOS Stream 8
14      ini_file:
15        path: /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Stream-PowerTools.repo
16        section: powertools
17        option: enabled
18        value: "1"
19      when:
20        - ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'CentOS'
21        - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == '8'
22        - centos_stream_8
24    - name: Install basic packages to build QEMU on CentOS Stream 8
25      dnf:
26        name:
27          - device-mapper-multipath-devel
28          - glusterfs-api-devel
29          - gnutls-devel
30          - libcap-ng-devel
31          - libcurl-devel
32          - libfdt-devel
33          - libiscsi-devel
34          - libpmem-devel
35          - librados-devel
36          - librbd-devel
37          - libseccomp-devel
38          - libssh-devel
39          - libxkbcommon-devel
40          - ninja-build
41          - numactl-devel
42          - python3-sphinx
43          - redhat-rpm-config
44          - snappy-devel
45          - spice-server-devel
46          - systemd-devel
47        state: present
48      when:
49        - ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'CentOS'
50        - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == '8'
51        - centos_stream_8