xref: /qemu/tests/tcg/hexagon/first.S (revision 825d6eba)
1*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson/*
2*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson *  Copyright(c) 2019-2021 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson *
4*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson *  (at your option) any later version.
8*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson *
9*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson *  GNU General Public License for more details.
13*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson *
14*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson *  along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson */
17*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson
18*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson#define SYS_write		 64
19*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson#define SYS_exit_group           94
20*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson#define SYS_exit                 93
21*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson
22*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson#define FD_STDOUT                1
23*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson
24*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson	.type	str,@object
25*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson	.section	.rodata
26*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpsonstr:
27*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson	.string	"Hello!\n"
28*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson	.size	str, 8
29*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson
30*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson.text
31*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson.global _start
32*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson_start:
33*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson	r6 = #SYS_write
34*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson	r0 = #FD_STDOUT
35*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson	r1 = ##str
36*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson	r2 = #7
37*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson	trap0(#1)
38*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson
39*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson	r0 = #0
40*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson	r6 = #SYS_exit_group
41*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson	trap0(#1)
42*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson
43*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson.section ".note.ABI-tag", "a"
44*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson.align 4
45*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson.long 1f - 0f          /* name length */
46*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson.long 3f - 2f          /* data length */
47*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson.long  1               /* note type */
48*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson
49*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson/*
50*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson * vendor name seems like this should be MUSL but lldb doesn't agree.
51*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson */
52*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson0:     .asciz "GNU"
53*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson1:     .align 4
54*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson2:     .long 0 /* linux */
55*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson       .long 3,0,0
56*825d6ebaSTaylor Simpson3:     .align 4