1LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US 2 3STRINGTABLE 4BEGIN 5 IDS_USAGE "Type ""EVENTCREATE /?"" for usage information.\n" 6 IDS_HELP "\n\ 7EVENTCREATE [/S computer [/U [domain\\]user [/P password]]] /ID EventID\n\ 8 {[/L logname] | [/SO source]} /T type /C category /D description\n\ 9\n\ 10Description:\n\ 11 This tool enables an administrator to create a custom event in\n\ 12 a specified event log.\n\ 13\n\ 14Parameters:\n\ 15 /S computer Specifies the remote computer where to connect.\n\ 16\n\ 17 /U [domain\\]user Specifies the user account under which the command\n\ 18 should execute.\n\ 19\n\ 20 /P [password] Specifies the password of the user account.\n\ 21 Prompts for input if omitted.\n\ 22\n\ 23 /L logname Specifies the name of the log where the event will be\n\ 24 created. The valid names are:\n\ 25 Application, System, Security\n\ 26 (the latter is reserved only for the SYSTEM account).\n\ 27\n\ 28 /SO source Specifies the source name to use for the event\n\ 29 (if not specified, the default source name\n\ 30 will be 'eventcreate').\n\ 31 A valid source can be any string and should represent\n\ 32 the application or the component that is generating\n\ 33 the event.\n\ 34\n\ 35 /T type Specifies the type of event to create.\n\ 36 The valid types are: SUCCESS, ERROR, WARNING,\n\ 37 INFORMATION.\n\ 38\n\ 39 /C category Specifies the event category (integer) for the event.\n\ 40\n\ 41 /ID EventID Specifies the event ID for the event. This must be\n\ 42 an integer between 0 and 65535.\n\ 43\n\ 44 /D description Specifies the description to use for the newly\n\ 45 created event.\n\ 46\n\ 47 /? Displays this help screen.\n\ 48" 49 IDS_INVALIDSWITCH "Invalid switch - '%s'.\n" 50 IDS_BADSYNTAX_0 "Bad command line syntax.\n" 51 IDS_BADSYNTAX_1 "Bad command line syntax. The option '%s' requires a value.\n" 52 IDS_BADSYNTAX_2 "Bad command line syntax. The value for the option '%s' cannot be empty.\n" 53 IDS_BADSYNTAX_3 "Bad command line syntax. The value '%s' is not allowed for the option '%s'.\n" 54 IDS_BADSYNTAX_4 "Bad command line syntax. The value cannot be specified for the option '%s'.\n" 55 IDS_BADSYNTAX_5 "Bad command line syntax. The option '%s' is not allowed more than %lu times.\n" 56 IDS_BADSYNTAX_6 "Bad command line syntax. The mandatory option '%s' is absent.\n" 57 // IDS_BADSYNTAX_7 "Bad command line syntax. The value for the option '%s' is outside the allowed range.\n" 58 IDS_BADSYNTAX_7 "Bad command line syntax. The value for the option '%s' must be between %d and %d.\n" 59 60 IDS_LOG_NOT_FOUND "The log '%s' does not exist. Cannot create the event.\n" 61 IDS_SOURCE_NOCREATE "The new source cannot be created because the log name is not specified.\nPlease use the /L switch to specify the log name.\n" 62 IDS_SOURCE_EXISTS "The source already exists in the log '%s' and cannot be duplicated.\n" 63 IDS_SOURCE_NOT_CUSTOM "The Source parameter is used to identify the custom scripts/applications\n(not the installed applications).\n" 64 65 IDS_SUCCESS_1 "Operation successful: an event of type '%s' has been created in the log '%s'.\n" 66 IDS_SUCCESS_2 "Operation successful: an event of type '%s' has been created with the source '%s'.\n" 67 IDS_SUCCESS_3 "Operation successful: an event of type '%s' has been created\nin the log '%s' with the source '%s'.\n" 68 IDS_SWITCH_UNIMPLEMENTED "The option '%s' is not currently supported, sorry for the inconvenience!\n" 69END 70