1/* Magnus Olsen, 2005 */
7    IDS_NO_ENTRY "This command is not supported by the help utility.\nTry ""%s /?"".\n"
12    IDS_USAGE "Provides Help information for ReactOS commands.\n\n\
13HELP [command]\n\n\
14  command - Display help information for this command.\n"
15    IDS_HELP1 "List of all available commands (+ description)\n\n\
16  help command\n\
17  command /?     For more information on a specific command\n\n\
18?        List all available commands (without description).\n\
19ALIAS    Sets, removes or shows aliases.\n\
20ATTRIB   Displays or changes file attributes.\n\
21BEEP     Beep the speaker.\n\
22CALL     Calls one batch program from another.\n\
23CD       Displays the name of or changes the current directory.\n\
24CHCP     Displays or sets the active code page number.\n\
25CHOICE   Waits for the user to choose one of a set of choices.\n\
26CLS      Clears the screen.\n\
27CMD      Starts a new instance of the ReactOS command interpreter.\n\
28COLOR    Sets the default console foreground and background colors.\n\
29COPY     Copies one or more files to another location.\n\
30DATE     Displays or sets the date.\n\
31DELETE   Deletes one or more files.\n\
32DIR      Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.\n\
33ECHO     Displays messages, or turns command echoing on or off.\n\
34ERASE    Deletes one or more files.\n\
35EXIT     Quits the CMD.EXE program (command interpreter).\n\
36FOR      Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files.\n\
37FREE     (free) disc space.\n\
38GOTO     Directs the ReactOS command interpreter to a labeled line in\n\
39         a batch program.\n\
40HELP     Provides Help information for ReactOS commands.\n\
41HISTORY  Lists all commands which have been used.\n\
42IF       Performs conditional processing in batch programs.\n\
43LABEL    Creates, changes, or deletes the volume label of a disk.\n\
44MD       Creates a directory.\n\
45MKDIR    Creates a directory.\n\
46MKLINK   Creates a filesystem link object.\n\
47MOVE     Moves one or more files from one directory to another\n\
48         directory.\n\
49PATH     Displays or sets a search path for executable files.\n\
50PAUSE    Suspends processing of a batch file and displays a message.\n\
51POPD     Restores the previous value of the current directory saved by\n\
52         PUSHD.\n\
53PROMPT   Changes the command prompt.\n\
54PUSHD    Saves the current directory then changes it.\n\
55RD       Removes a directory.\n\
56REM      Records comments (remarks) in batch files.\n\
57REN      Renames a file or files.\n\
58RENAME   Renames a file or files.\n\
59REPLACE  Replaces files.\n\
60RMDIR    Removes a directory.\n\
61SCREEN   Move cursor and optionally print text.\n\
62SET      Displays, sets, or removes ReactOS environment variables.\n\
63SHIFT    Shifts the position of replaceable parameters in batch files.\n"
64    IDS_HELP2 "START    Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command.\n\
65         Executes command.\n\
66TIME     Displays or sets the system time.\n\
67TIMER    Allow the use of ten stopwatches.\n\
68TITLE    Sets the window title for a CMD.EXE session.\n\
69TYPE     Displays the contents of a text file.\n\
70VER      Displays the ReactOS version.\n\
71VERIFY   Tells ReactOS whether to verify that your files are written\n\
72         correctly to a disk.\n\
73VOL      Displays a disk volume label and serial number.\n"