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1ReactOS command line interpreter CMD
4The ReactOS command line interpreter CMD is derived from FreeCOM, the
5FreeDOS command line interpreter.
7We are shooting mainly to be just like 2000/XP cmd.exe.  They are very close and only a small number(none that i can recall off the top of my head, so maybe 0) differences have been found between those two.  It has been reported that ROS cmd.exe does not work on nt4 because of a missing api.  I'm hoping to fix this at some point.
12ROS cmd used to depend on __REACTOS__ to provide two different ways to build cmd.  There is still code left in it for this but...  The __REACTOS__ = 0 has not been develped, maintained.  And therefore it does not even compile anymore.  __REACTOS__ = 1 works fine on both windows(nt). and someday i plan to remove all the __REACTOS__ = 0.
14Using rbuild you can compile cmd separately by "make cmd_install".  Also you can compile cmd using MSVC 6 and soon 7/8 hopefully.
17Current Features
19 - environment handling with prompt and path support.
20 - directory utilities.
21 - command-line history with doskey-like features.
22 - batch file processing.
23 - input/output redirection and piping.
24 - alias support.
25 - filename completion (use TAB), both Bash and Windows-CMD style.
30FreeDOS developers:
31 (Tim Norman)
32 (Matt Rains)
33 (Evan Jeffrey)
34   Steffen.Kaiser@Informatik.TU-Chemnitz.DE (Steffen Kaiser)
35   Svante Frey (
36   Oliver Mueller (
37   Aaron Kaufman (
38   Marc Desrochers (
39   Rob Lake (
40   John P. Price <>
41   Hans B Pufal <>
43ReactOS developers:
44   Eric Kohl
45   Emanuele Aliberti <>
46   Paolo Pantaleo <>
47   Brandon Turner <>
52There are still many bugs ;)
53Please report bugs to ReactOS team <> or to JIRA at


1General Overview of How Things Work
3First it comes into _main in cmd.c(1811).  The command line params are taking in and if it is unicode it uses CommandLineToArgvW.
4This can cause a problem on older machines and that is why we have our own custom _CommandLineToArgvW to help this along.
5We pull in the launch directory as the initial dir and set that in _tchdir.  We make a handle to the default console out using CreateFile.
7Then we call Initialize().  Here we need to load ntdll.dll if it isn't loaded (windows 9x machines).
8We also setup some global vars like default io handles and nErrorLevel and set %prompt% to $P$G.
9This is where all command lines switches given to cmd on startup are done.
11From here main calls ProcessInput().  This is where cmd loops for getting input and doing the commands.
12First it checks to see if there is a batch file(note: there is a global struct "bc" which is NULL when not processing a batch file)
13and if there is it will pull a new line from that file.  If not, then it will wait for input.
14Currently there is some stuff for set /a in there, which might stay there or see if we can find a better spot.
16Once there is input taken in from the command line it is sent into ParseCommandLine().
17In here we fist check for aliases and convert if need be.
18Then we look for redirections using GetRedirection() which will remove any redirection symbols.
19and pass back info about where to redirect.
20from this info it will do some switching around with the handles for where things go and send them as need be.
21personally i dont like this code and i tried to change it before but failed.
22it is confusing to me and i dont understand why a lot of it is there but apparently it is needed.
24It sends the new string without any redirection info into DoCommand(). In this function we just look to see what should be done.
25There is one of 2 things that could happen.
261) we fnd the matching command and send it off to that commands little section.
272) we dont find it so we send it to Execute() and see if it is a file that we can do something.
29Execute will try to launch the file using createprocess and falls back on shellexecute.
30It calls a function called SearchForExecutable() to find the full path name and looks in all the correct locations like PATH,
31 current folder, windows folder.  If it cant find it, just fails and prints out a message.
33Some useful functions that are used a lot:
35split() - splits a string into an array of string on spaces that aren't inside quotes. which you need to call freep() on later t clean up.
36//Split it�s used to take the Arguments from Command Line, it�s the best option for almost all the cases.
37//If the Command has special needs as Dir, it�s better to make a Parser INSIDE that Command(as DIR has)
38//Dont get mad(as i did): Split() can be find in Misc.c file.Really easy to follow.
39//Also remember split() receives the Command Line, but the Command Line WITHOUT command name.
41splitspace()-split a string into an array of string using spaces as splitters.which you need to call freep() on later to clean up.
42//This is the son of split() for commands that manage in the same way "/" and "\" when are INSIDE the paths.
43//i.e move works in the same way with: move C:\this/is\a/mess C:\i/know,and with move C:/this/is/a/mess C:/i/know
44//Other commands DOESNT.
45//You can find also in misc.c
47IsValidPathName(), IsExistingFile(), IsExistingDirectory() - all do what you would expect.
48PagePrompt() -  ask them to hit a key to continue
49FilePromptYN[A]() - ask them a yes or no question