xref: /reactos/dll/win32/dbghelp/storage.c (revision 84ccccab)
1 /*
2  * Various storage structures (pool allocation, vector, hash table)
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 1993, Eric Youngdale.
5  *               2004, Eric Pouech
6  *
7  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
9  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
20  */
22 #include "dbghelp_private.h"
24 #ifdef USE_STATS
25 #include <math.h>
26 #endif
30 struct pool_arena
31 {
32     struct list entry;
33     char       *current;
34     char       *end;
35 };
37 void pool_init(struct pool* a, size_t arena_size)
38 {
39     list_init( &a->arena_list );
40     list_init( &a->arena_full );
41     a->arena_size = arena_size;
42 }
44 void pool_destroy(struct pool* pool)
45 {
46     struct pool_arena*  arena;
47     struct pool_arena*  next;
49 #ifdef USE_STATS
50     size_t alloc, used, num;
52     alloc = used = num = 0;
53     LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( arena, &pool->arena_list, struct pool_arena, entry )
54     {
55         alloc += arena->end - (char *)arena;
56         used += arena->current - (char*)arena;
57         num++;
58     }
59     LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( arena, &pool->arena_full, struct pool_arena, entry )
60     {
61         alloc += arena->end - (char *)arena;
62         used += arena->current - (char*)arena;
63         num++;
64     }
65     if (alloc == 0) alloc = 1;      /* avoid division by zero */
66     FIXME("STATS: pool %p has allocated %u kbytes, used %u kbytes in %u arenas, non-allocation ratio: %.2f%%\n",
67           pool, (unsigned)(alloc >> 10), (unsigned)(used >> 10), (unsigned)num,
68           100.0 - (float)used / (float)alloc * 100.0);
69 #endif
71     LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE( arena, next, &pool->arena_list, struct pool_arena, entry )
72     {
73         list_remove( &arena->entry );
74         HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, arena);
75     }
76     LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE( arena, next, &pool->arena_full, struct pool_arena, entry )
77     {
78         list_remove( &arena->entry );
79         HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, arena);
80     }
81 }
83 void* pool_alloc(struct pool* pool, size_t len)
84 {
85     struct pool_arena*  arena;
86     void*               ret;
87     size_t size;
89     len = (len + 3) & ~3; /* round up size on DWORD boundary */
91     LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( arena, &pool->arena_list, struct pool_arena, entry )
92     {
93         if (arena->end - arena->current >= len)
94         {
95             ret = arena->current;
96             arena->current += len;
97             if (arena->current + 16 >= arena->end)
98             {
99                 list_remove( &arena->entry );
100                 list_add_tail( &pool->arena_full, &arena->entry );
101             }
102             return ret;
103         }
104     }
106     size = max( pool->arena_size, len );
107     arena = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size + sizeof(struct pool_arena));
108     if (!arena) return NULL;
110     ret = arena + 1;
111     arena->current = (char*)ret + len;
112     arena->end = (char*)ret + size;
113     if (arena->current + 16 >= arena->end)
114         list_add_tail( &pool->arena_full, &arena->entry );
115     else
116         list_add_head( &pool->arena_list, &arena->entry );
117     return ret;
118 }
120 char* pool_strdup(struct pool* pool, const char* str)
121 {
122     char* ret;
123     if ((ret = pool_alloc(pool, strlen(str) + 1))) strcpy(ret, str);
124     return ret;
125 }
127 void vector_init(struct vector* v, unsigned esz, unsigned bucket_sz)
128 {
129     v->buckets = NULL;
130     /* align size on DWORD boundaries */
131     v->elt_size = (esz + 3) & ~3;
132     switch (bucket_sz)
133     {
134     case    2: v->shift =  1; break;
135     case    4: v->shift =  2; break;
136     case    8: v->shift =  3; break;
137     case   16: v->shift =  4; break;
138     case   32: v->shift =  5; break;
139     case   64: v->shift =  6; break;
140     case  128: v->shift =  7; break;
141     case  256: v->shift =  8; break;
142     case  512: v->shift =  9; break;
143     case 1024: v->shift = 10; break;
144     default: assert(0);
145     }
146     v->num_buckets = 0;
147     v->buckets_allocated = 0;
148     v->num_elts = 0;
149 }
151 unsigned vector_length(const struct vector* v)
152 {
153     return v->num_elts;
154 }
156 void* vector_at(const struct vector* v, unsigned pos)
157 {
158     unsigned o;
160     if (pos >= v->num_elts) return NULL;
161     o = pos & ((1 << v->shift) - 1);
162     return (char*)v->buckets[pos >> v->shift] + o * v->elt_size;
163 }
165 void* vector_add(struct vector* v, struct pool* pool)
166 {
167     unsigned    ncurr = v->num_elts++;
169     /* check that we don't wrap around */
170     assert(v->num_elts > ncurr);
171     if (ncurr == (v->num_buckets << v->shift))
172     {
173         if(v->num_buckets == v->buckets_allocated)
174         {
175             /* Double the bucket cache, so it scales well with big vectors.*/
176             unsigned    new_reserved;
177             void*       new;
179             new_reserved = 2*v->buckets_allocated;
180             if(new_reserved == 0) new_reserved = 1;
182             /* Don't even try to resize memory.
183                Pool datastructure is very inefficient with reallocs. */
184             new = pool_alloc(pool, new_reserved * sizeof(void*));
185             memcpy(new, v->buckets, v->buckets_allocated * sizeof(void*));
186             v->buckets = new;
187             v->buckets_allocated = new_reserved;
188         }
189         v->buckets[v->num_buckets] = pool_alloc(pool, v->elt_size << v->shift);
190         return v->buckets[v->num_buckets++];
191     }
192     return vector_at(v, ncurr);
193 }
195 /* We construct the sparse array as two vectors (of equal size)
196  * The first vector (key2index) is the lookup table between the key and
197  * an index in the second vector (elements)
198  * When inserting an element, it's always appended in second vector (and
199  * never moved in memory later on), only the first vector is reordered
200  */
201 struct key2index
202 {
203     unsigned long       key;
204     unsigned            index;
205 };
207 void sparse_array_init(struct sparse_array* sa, unsigned elt_sz, unsigned bucket_sz)
208 {
209     vector_init(&sa->key2index, sizeof(struct key2index), bucket_sz);
210     vector_init(&sa->elements, elt_sz, bucket_sz);
211 }
213 /******************************************************************
214  *		sparse_array_lookup
215  *
216  * Returns the first index which key is >= at passed key
217  */
218 static struct key2index* sparse_array_lookup(const struct sparse_array* sa,
219                                              unsigned long key, unsigned* idx)
220 {
221     struct key2index*   pk2i;
222     unsigned            low, high;
224     if (!sa->elements.num_elts)
225     {
226         *idx = 0;
227         return NULL;
228     }
229     high = sa->elements.num_elts;
230     pk2i = vector_at(&sa->key2index, high - 1);
231     if (pk2i->key < key)
232     {
233         *idx = high;
234         return NULL;
235     }
236     if (pk2i->key == key)
237     {
238         *idx = high - 1;
239         return pk2i;
240     }
241     low = 0;
242     pk2i = vector_at(&sa->key2index, low);
243     if (pk2i->key >= key)
244     {
245         *idx = 0;
246         return pk2i;
247     }
248     /* now we have: sa(lowest key) < key < sa(highest key) */
249     while (low < high)
250     {
251         *idx = (low + high) / 2;
252         pk2i = vector_at(&sa->key2index, *idx);
253         if (pk2i->key > key)            high = *idx;
254         else if (pk2i->key < key)       low = *idx + 1;
255         else                            return pk2i;
256     }
257     /* binary search could return exact item, we search for highest one
258      * below the key
259      */
260     if (pk2i->key < key)
261         pk2i = vector_at(&sa->key2index, ++(*idx));
262     return pk2i;
263 }
265 void*   sparse_array_find(const struct sparse_array* sa, unsigned long key)
266 {
267     unsigned            idx;
268     struct key2index*   pk2i;
270     if ((pk2i = sparse_array_lookup(sa, key, &idx)) && pk2i->key == key)
271         return vector_at(&sa->elements, pk2i->index);
272     return NULL;
273 }
275 void*   sparse_array_add(struct sparse_array* sa, unsigned long key,
276                          struct pool* pool)
277 {
278     unsigned            idx, i;
279     struct key2index*   pk2i;
280     struct key2index*   to;
282     pk2i = sparse_array_lookup(sa, key, &idx);
283     if (pk2i && pk2i->key == key)
284     {
285         FIXME("re-adding an existing key\n");
286         return NULL;
287     }
288     to = vector_add(&sa->key2index, pool);
289     if (pk2i)
290     {
291         /* we need to shift vector's content... */
292         /* let's do it brute force... (FIXME) */
293         assert(sa->key2index.num_elts >= 2);
294         for (i = sa->key2index.num_elts - 1; i > idx; i--)
295         {
296             pk2i = vector_at(&sa->key2index, i - 1);
297             *to = *pk2i;
298             to = pk2i;
299         }
300     }
302     to->key = key;
303     to->index = sa->elements.num_elts;
305     return vector_add(&sa->elements, pool);
306 }
308 unsigned sparse_array_length(const struct sparse_array* sa)
309 {
310     return sa->elements.num_elts;
311 }
313 static unsigned hash_table_hash(const char* name, unsigned num_buckets)
314 {
315     unsigned    hash = 0;
316     while (*name)
317     {
318         hash += *name++;
319         hash += (hash << 10);
320         hash ^= (hash >> 6);
321     }
322     hash += (hash << 3);
323     hash ^= (hash >> 11);
324     hash += (hash << 15);
325     return hash % num_buckets;
326 }
328 void hash_table_init(struct pool* pool, struct hash_table* ht, unsigned num_buckets)
329 {
330     ht->num_elts = 0;
331     ht->num_buckets = num_buckets;
332     ht->pool = pool;
333     ht->buckets = NULL;
334 }
336 void hash_table_destroy(struct hash_table* ht)
337 {
338 #if defined(USE_STATS)
339     int                         i;
340     unsigned                    len;
341     unsigned                    min = 0xffffffff, max = 0, sq = 0;
342     struct hash_table_elt*      elt;
343     double                      mean, variance;
345     for (i = 0; i < ht->num_buckets; i++)
346     {
347         for (len = 0, elt = ht->buckets[i]; elt; elt = elt->next) len++;
348         if (len < min) min = len;
349         if (len > max) max = len;
350         sq += len * len;
351     }
352     mean = (double)ht->num_elts / ht->num_buckets;
353     variance = (double)sq / ht->num_buckets - mean * mean;
354     FIXME("STATS: elts[num:%-4u size:%u mean:%f] buckets[min:%-4u variance:%+f max:%-4u]\n",
355           ht->num_elts, ht->num_buckets, mean, min, variance, max);
357     for (i = 0; i < ht->num_buckets; i++)
358     {
359         for (len = 0, elt = ht->buckets[i]; elt; elt = elt->next) len++;
360         if (len == max)
361         {
362             FIXME("Longest bucket:\n");
363             for (elt = ht->buckets[i]; elt; elt = elt->next)
364                 FIXME("\t%s\n", elt->name);
365             break;
366         }
368     }
369 #endif
370 }
372 void hash_table_add(struct hash_table* ht, struct hash_table_elt* elt)
373 {
374     unsigned                    hash = hash_table_hash(elt->name, ht->num_buckets);
376     if (!ht->buckets)
377     {
378         ht->buckets = pool_alloc(ht->pool, ht->num_buckets * sizeof(struct hash_table_bucket));
379         assert(ht->buckets);
380         memset(ht->buckets, 0, ht->num_buckets * sizeof(struct hash_table_bucket));
381     }
383     /* in some cases, we need to get back the symbols of same name in the order
384      * in which they've been inserted. So insert new elements at the end of the list.
385      */
386     if (!ht->buckets[hash].first)
387     {
388         ht->buckets[hash].first = elt;
389     }
390     else
391     {
392         ht->buckets[hash].last->next = elt;
393     }
394     ht->buckets[hash].last = elt;
395     elt->next = NULL;
396     ht->num_elts++;
397 }
399 void hash_table_iter_init(const struct hash_table* ht,
400                           struct hash_table_iter* hti, const char* name)
401 {
402     hti->ht = ht;
403     if (name)
404     {
405         hti->last = hash_table_hash(name, ht->num_buckets);
406         hti->index = hti->last - 1;
407     }
408     else
409     {
410         hti->last = ht->num_buckets - 1;
411         hti->index = -1;
412     }
413     hti->element = NULL;
414 }
416 void* hash_table_iter_up(struct hash_table_iter* hti)
417 {
418     if (!hti->ht->buckets) return NULL;
420     if (hti->element) hti->element = hti->element->next;
421     while (!hti->element && hti->index < hti->last)
422         hti->element = hti->ht->buckets[++hti->index].first;
423     return hti->element;
424 }