1 /* 2 * PROJECT: Filesystem Filter Manager library 3 * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory 4 * FILE: dll/win32/fltlib/message.c 5 * PURPOSE: Handles messaging to and from the filter manager 6 * PROGRAMMERS: Ged Murphy (ged.murphy@reactos.org) 7 */ 8 9 #define WIN32_NO_STATUS 10 #include <windef.h> 11 #include <winbase.h> 12 13 #define NTOS_MODE_USER 14 #include <ndk/iofuncs.h> 15 #include <ndk/obfuncs.h> 16 #include <ndk/rtlfuncs.h> 17 #include <fltuser.h> 18 #include <fltmgr_shared.h> 19 20 #include "fltlib.h" 21 22 _Must_inspect_result_ 23 HRESULT 24 WINAPI 25 FilterConnectCommunicationPort(_In_ LPCWSTR lpPortName, 26 _In_ DWORD dwOptions, 27 _In_reads_bytes_opt_(wSizeOfContext) LPCVOID lpContext, 28 _In_ WORD wSizeOfContext, 29 _In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, 30 _Outptr_ HANDLE *hPort) 31 { 32 OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; 33 IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; 34 PFILTER_PORT_DATA PortData; 35 UNICODE_STRING DeviceName; 36 UNICODE_STRING PortName; 37 HANDLE FileHandle; 38 ULONG PortNameSize; 39 ULONG BufferSize; 40 PCHAR Ptr; 41 NTSTATUS Status; 42 HRESULT hr; 43 44 *hPort = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; 45 46 /* Sanity check */ 47 if (lpContext && wSizeOfContext == 0) 48 { 49 return E_INVALIDARG; 50 } 51 52 /* Get the length of the port name */ 53 PortNameSize = wcslen(lpPortName) * sizeof(WCHAR); 54 55 /* Calculate and allocate the size of the required buffer */ 56 BufferSize = sizeof(FILTER_PORT_DATA) + PortNameSize + wSizeOfContext; 57 PortData = RtlAllocateHeap(GetProcessHeap(), 0, BufferSize); 58 if (PortData == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; 59 60 /* Clear out the buffer and find the end of the fixed struct */ 61 RtlZeroMemory(PortData, BufferSize); 62 Ptr = (PCHAR)(PortData + 1); 63 64 PortData->Size = BufferSize; 65 PortData->Options = dwOptions; 66 67 /* Setup the port name */ 68 RtlInitUnicodeString(&PortName, lpPortName); 69 PortData->PortName.Buffer = (PWCH)Ptr; 70 PortData->PortName.MaximumLength = PortNameSize; 71 RtlCopyUnicodeString(&PortData->PortName, &PortName); 72 Ptr += PortData->PortName.Length; 73 74 /* Check if we were given a context */ 75 if (lpContext) 76 { 77 /* Add that into the buffer too */ 78 PortData->Context = Ptr; 79 RtlCopyMemory(PortData->Context, lpContext, wSizeOfContext); 80 } 81 82 /* Initialize the object attributes */ 83 RtlInitUnicodeString(&DeviceName, L"\\Global??\\FltMgrMsg"); 84 InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, 85 &DeviceName, 86 OBJ_EXCLUSIVE | OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 87 NULL, 88 NULL); 89 90 /* Check if we were passed any security attributes */ 91 if (lpSecurityAttributes) 92 { 93 /* Add these manually and update the flags if we were asked to make it inheritable */ 94 ObjectAttributes.SecurityDescriptor = lpSecurityAttributes->lpSecurityDescriptor; 95 if (lpSecurityAttributes->bInheritHandle) 96 { 97 ObjectAttributes.Attributes |= OBJ_INHERIT; 98 } 99 } 100 101 /* Now get a handle to the device */ 102 Status = NtCreateFile(&FileHandle, 103 SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA, 104 &ObjectAttributes, 105 &IoStatusBlock, 106 0, 107 0, 108 0, 109 FILE_OPEN_IF, 110 0, 111 PortData, 112 BufferSize); 113 if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) 114 { 115 *hPort = FileHandle; 116 hr = S_OK; 117 } 118 else 119 { 120 hr = NtStatusToHResult(Status); 121 } 122 123 /* Cleanup and return */ 124 RtlFreeHeap(GetProcessHeap(), 0, PortData); 125 return hr; 126 } 127 128 _Must_inspect_result_ 129 HRESULT 130 WINAPI 131 FilterSendMessage(_In_ HANDLE hPort, 132 _In_reads_bytes_(dwInBufferSize) LPVOID lpInBuffer, 133 _In_ DWORD dwInBufferSize, 134 _Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(dwOutBufferSize, *lpBytesReturned) LPVOID lpOutBuffer, 135 _In_ DWORD dwOutBufferSize, 136 _Out_ LPDWORD lpBytesReturned) 137 { 138 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hPort); 139 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpInBuffer); 140 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwInBufferSize); 141 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpOutBuffer); 142 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwOutBufferSize); 143 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpBytesReturned); 144 return E_NOTIMPL; 145 } 146 147 _Must_inspect_result_ 148 HRESULT 149 WINAPI 150 FilterGetMessage(_In_ HANDLE hPort, 151 _Out_writes_bytes_(dwMessageBufferSize) PFILTER_MESSAGE_HEADER lpMessageBuffer, 152 _In_ DWORD dwMessageBufferSize, 153 _Inout_opt_ LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) 154 { 155 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hPort); 156 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpMessageBuffer); 157 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwMessageBufferSize); 158 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpOverlapped); 159 return E_NOTIMPL; 160 } 161 162 _Must_inspect_result_ 163 HRESULT 164 WINAPI 165 FilterReplyMessage(_In_ HANDLE hPort, 166 _In_reads_bytes_(dwReplyBufferSize) PFILTER_REPLY_HEADER lpReplyBuffer, 167 _In_ DWORD dwReplyBufferSize) 168 { 169 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hPort); 170 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpReplyBuffer); 171 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwReplyBufferSize); 172 return E_NOTIMPL; 173 } 174