1:: 2:: PROJECT: ReactOS CMD Testing Suite 3:: LICENSE: GPL v2 or any later version 4:: FILE: run.cmd 5:: PURPOSE: Runs the testing scripts 6:: COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2008 Colin Finck <mail@colinfinck.de> 7:: 8 9@echo off 10cls 11echo ReactOS CMD Testing Suite 12echo ========================== 13echo. 14 15:: Preparations 16set failed_tests=0 17set successful_tests=0 18set test_count=0 19 20if exist "temp\." ( 21 rmdir /s /q "temp" 22) 23 24mkdir "temp" 25 26:: Run the tests 27call :_runtest at 28call :_runtest environment 29call :_runtest if 30call :_runtest redirect 31call :_runtest set 32 33:: Print the summary and clean up 34echo Executed %test_count% tests, %successful_tests% successful, %failed_tests% failed 35rmdir /s /q "temp" 36goto :EOF 37 38:: Functions 39:_runtest 40type "tests\%~1.cmd" > "temp\%~1.cmd" 41type "lib\testlib.cmd" >> "temp\%~1.cmd" 42call "temp\%~1.cmd" 43goto :EOF 44