xref: /reactos/ntoskrnl/tests/TestDebug.c (revision b09b5584)
1 #define NATIVE 0
3 #if NATIVE
4 #define _X86_
5 #include "ntndk.h"
6 #else
7 #include "stdio.h"
8 #include "windows.h"
9 #endif
12 Main(VOID)
13 {
14 #if NATIVE
15     NTSTATUS Status;
16     OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes;
17     CLIENT_ID ClientId;
19 #else
20     DWORD Error, BytesRead;
21     DEBUG_EVENT DebugEvent;
22     WCHAR ImageName[MAX_PATH];
23 #endif
24     HANDLE hProcess;
25     BOOLEAN Alive = TRUE;
27 #if NATIVE
28     printf("*** Native (DbgUi) Debugging Test Application\n");
29     printf("Press any key to connect to Dbgk...");
30     getchar();
32     Status = DbgUiConnectToDbg();
33     printf(" Connection Established. Status: %lx\n", Status);
34     printf("Debug Object Handle: %lx\n", NtCurrentTeb()->DbgSsReserved[1]);
35     printf("Press any key to debug services.exe...");
36 #else
37     printf("*** Win32 (Debug) Debugging Test Application\n");
38     printf("Press any key to debug services.exe...");
39 #endif
40     getchar();
42 #if NATIVE
43     InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
44     ClientId.UniqueThread = 0;
45     ClientId.UniqueProcess = UlongToHandle(168);
46     Status = NtOpenProcess(&hProcess,
47                            PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,
48                            &ObjectAttributes,
49                            &ClientId);
50     Status = DbgUiDebugActiveProcess(hProcess);
51 #else
52     Error = DebugActiveProcess(168);
53 #endif
55 #if NATIVE
56     printf(" Debugger Attached. Status: %lx\n", Status);
57 #else
58     printf(" Debugger Attached. Error: %lx\n", Error);
59 #endif
60     printf("Press any key to get first debug event... ");
61     getchar();
63     while (Alive)
64     {
65 #if NATIVE
66         Status = DbgUiWaitStateChange(&State, NULL);
67         printf(" Event Received. Status: %lx\n", Status);
68         printf("New State: %lx. Application Client ID: %lx/%lx\n",
69                State.NewState,
70                State.AppClientId.UniqueProcess, State.AppClientId.UniqueThread);
71 #else
72         Error = WaitForDebugEvent(&DebugEvent, -1);
73         printf(" Event Received. Error: %lx\n", Error);
74         printf("New State: %lx. Application Client ID: %lx/%lx\n",
75                DebugEvent.dwDebugEventCode,
76                DebugEvent.dwProcessId, DebugEvent.dwThreadId);
77 #endif
79 #if NATIVE
80         switch (State.NewState)
81 #else
82         switch (DebugEvent.dwDebugEventCode)
83 #endif
84         {
85 #if NATIVE
86             case DbgCreateProcessStateChange:
87                 printf("Process Handle: %lx. Thread Handle: %lx\n",
88                     State.StateInfo.CreateProcessInfo.HandleToProcess,
89                     State.StateInfo.CreateProcessInfo.HandleToThread);
90                 printf("Process image handle: %lx\n",
91                     State.StateInfo.CreateProcessInfo.NewProcess.FileHandle);
92                 printf("Process image base: %lx\n",
93                     State.StateInfo.CreateProcessInfo.NewProcess.BaseOfImage);
94 #else
95             case CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT:
96                 printf("Process Handle: %lx. Thread Handle: %lx\n",
97                         DebugEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hProcess,
98                         DebugEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hThread);
99                 printf("Process image handle: %lx\n",
100                         DebugEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hFile);
101                 printf("Process image base: %lx\n",
102                         DebugEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.lpBaseOfImage);
103                 hProcess = DebugEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hProcess;
104 #endif
105                 break;
107 #if NATIVE
108             case DbgCreateThreadStateChange:
109                 printf("New thread: %lx\n", State.StateInfo.CreateThread.HandleToThread);
110                 printf("Thread Start Address: %p\n", State.StateInfo.CreateThread.NewThread.StartAddress);
111 #else
112             case CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT:
113                 printf("New thread: %lx\n", DebugEvent.u.CreateThread.hThread);
114                 printf("Thread Start Address: %p\n",
115                         DebugEvent.u.CreateThread.lpStartAddress);
116 #endif
117                 break;
119 #if NATIVE
120             case DbgLoadDllStateChange:
121                 printf("New DLL: %lx\n", State.StateInfo.LoadDll.FileHandle);
122                 printf("DLL LoadAddress: %p\n", State.StateInfo.LoadDll.BaseOfDll);
123 #else
124             case LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT:
125                 printf("New DLL: %lx\n", DebugEvent.u.LoadDll.hFile);
126                 printf("DLL LoadAddress: %p\n", DebugEvent.u.LoadDll.lpBaseOfDll);
127                 Error = ReadProcessMemory(hProcess,
128                                           DebugEvent.u.LoadDll.lpImageName,
129                                           &DebugEvent.u.LoadDll.lpImageName,
130                                           sizeof(DebugEvent.u.LoadDll.lpImageName),
131                                           &BytesRead);
132                 if (DebugEvent.u.LoadDll.lpImageName)
133                 {
134                     Error = ReadProcessMemory(hProcess,
135                                               DebugEvent.u.LoadDll.lpImageName,
136                                               ImageName,
137                                               sizeof(ImageName),
138                                               &BytesRead);
139                     printf("DLL Name: %S\n", ImageName);
140                 }
141 #endif
142                 break;
144 #if NATIVE
145             case DbgBreakpointStateChange:
146                 printf("Initial breakpoint hit at: %p!\n",
147                        State.StateInfo.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress);
148 #else
150 #endif
151                 break;
153 #if NATIVE
154             case DbgExitThreadStateChange:
155                 printf("Thread exited: %lx\n", State.StateInfo.ExitThread.ExitStatus);
156 #else
158 #endif
159                 break;
161 #if NATIVE
162             case DbgExitProcessStateChange:
163                 printf("Process exited: %lx\n", State.StateInfo.ExitProcess.ExitStatus);
164                 Alive = FALSE;
165 #else
167 #endif
168                 break;
169         }
171         printf("Press any key to continue debuggee...");
172         getchar();
174 #if NATIVE
175         ClientId.UniqueProcess = State.AppClientId.UniqueProcess;
176         ClientId.UniqueThread = State.AppClientId.UniqueThread;
177         Status = DbgUiContinue(&ClientId, DBG_CONTINUE);
178         printf(" Debuggee Resumed. Status: %lx\n", Status);
179 #else
180         Error = ContinueDebugEvent(DebugEvent.dwProcessId,
181                                    DebugEvent.dwThreadId,
182                                    DBG_CONTINUE);
183         printf(" Debuggee Resumed. Error: %lx\n", Error);
184 #endif
186         printf("Press any key to get next debug event... ");
187         getchar();
188     };
189     printf("*** End of test\n");
190     getchar();
191 }