xref: /reactos/sdk/lib/ucrt/misc/perror.cpp (revision fe11f7a2)
1 /***
2 *perror.c - print system error message
3 *
4 *       Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
5 *
6 *Purpose:
7 *       defines perror() - print system error message
8 *       System error message are indexed by errno; conforms to XENIX
9 *       standard, with much compatability with 1983 uniforum draft standard.
10 *
11 *******************************************************************************/
12 #include <corecrt_internal.h>
13 #include <corecrt_internal_lowio.h>
14 #include <corecrt_internal_ptd_propagation.h>
15 #include <io.h>
16 #include <stdio.h>
17 #include <stdlib.h>
18 #include <string.h>
20 #pragma warning(disable:__WARNING_RETVAL_IGNORED_FUNC_COULD_FAIL) // 6031 return value ignored
22 /***
23 *void perror(message) - print system error message
24 *
25 *Purpose:
26 *       prints user's error message, then follows it with ": ", then the system
27 *       error message, then a newline.  All output goes to stderr.  If user's
28 *       message is nullptr or a null string, only the system error message is
29 *       printer.  If errno is weird, prints "Unknown error".
30 *
31 *Entry:
32 *       const char *message - users message to prefix system error message
33 *
34 *Exit:
35 *       Prints message; no return value.
36 *
37 *Exceptions:
38 *
39 *******************************************************************************/
41 static void __cdecl _perror_internal(char const* const user_prefix, __crt_cached_ptd_host& ptd)
42 {
43     int const fh = 2;
45     __acrt_lowio_lock_fh(fh);
46     __try
47     {
48         if (user_prefix != nullptr && user_prefix[0] != '\0')
49         {
50             _write_nolock(fh, user_prefix, static_cast<unsigned>(strlen(user_prefix)), ptd);
51             _write_nolock(fh, ": ", 2, ptd);
52         }
54         // Use PTD directly to access previously set errno value.
55         char const* const system_message = _get_sys_err_msg(ptd.get_raw_ptd()->_terrno);
57         _write_nolock(fh, system_message, static_cast<unsigned>(strlen(system_message)), ptd);
58         _write_nolock(fh, "\n", 1, ptd);
60     }
61     __finally
62     {
63         __acrt_lowio_unlock_fh( fh );
64     }
65     __endtry
66 }
68 extern "C" void __cdecl perror(char const* const user_prefix)
69 {
70     __crt_cached_ptd_host ptd;
71     return _perror_internal(user_prefix, ptd);
72 }