1; pc98disp.inf 2; 3; Installation file for the display adapter on PC-9821 4; 5[Version] 6Signature = "$Windows NT$" 7;Signature = "$ReactOS$" 8LayoutFile = layout.inf 9Class = Display 10ClassGUID = {4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} 11Provider = %ReactOS% 12DriverVer = 08/11/2020,5.2 13 14[DestinationDirs] 15DefaultDestDir = 12 16 17[Manufacturer] 18%NecMfg% = NecMfg 19 20[NecMfg] 21%pc98vid.DeviceDesc% = Pc98Vid_Inst 22%PCI\VEN_1033&DEV_0009.DeviceDesc% = Pc98Vid_Inst,PCI\VEN_1033&DEV_0009 23 24;---------------------------- PC98VID DRIVER ---------------------------- 25 26[Pc98Vid_Inst.NT] 27CopyFiles = pc98vid_CopyFiles.NT 28 29[pc98vid_CopyFiles.NT] 30vgapnp.sys 31 32[Pc98Vid_Inst.NT.Services] 33AddService = vga, 0x00000002, vga_Service_Inst 34 35[vga_Service_Inst] 36ServiceType = 1 37StartType = 1 38ErrorControl = 0 39ServiceBinary = %12%\vgapnp.sys 40LoadOrderGroup = Video 41 42[vga.SoftwareSettings] 43AddReg = vga_SoftwareDeviceSettings 44 45[vga_SoftwareDeviceSettings] 46HKR,, InstalledDisplayDrivers, 0x00010000, framebuf 47HKR,, VgaCompatible, 0x00010001, 1 48HKR,, VideoDebugLevel, 0x00010001, 0 49 50;-------------------------------- STRINGS ------------------------------- 51 52[Strings] 53; Non-localizable 54ReactOS = "ReactOS Project" 55NecMfg = "NEC" 56 57; Localizable 58PCI\VEN_1033&DEV_0009.DeviceDesc = "NEC PCI to Core-Graph Bridge" 59pc98vid.DeviceDesc = "Graphic controller for PC-9821" 60 61[Strings.0419] 62pc98vid.DeviceDesc = "Графический контроллер для PC-9821" 63