xref: /reactos/win32ss/user/user32/windows/dialog.c (revision 62919904)
1 /*
2  *  ReactOS kernel
3  *  Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 ReactOS Team
4  *
5  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  *  (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18  */
19 /*
20  * PROJECT:         ReactOS user32.dll
21  * FILE:            win32ss/user/user32/windows/dialog.c
22  * PURPOSE:         Dialog Manager
23  * PROGRAMMER:      Casper S. Hornstrup (chorns@users.sourceforge.net)
24  *                  Thomas Weidenmueller (w3seek@users.sourceforge.net)
25  *                  Steven Edwards (Steven_Ed4153@yahoo.com)
27  *      07-26-2003  Code ported from wine
28  *      09-05-2001  CSH  Created
29  */
31 #include <user32.h>
35 /* MACROS/DEFINITIONS ********************************************************/
37 #define DF_END  0x0001
38 #define DF_DIALOGACTIVE 0x4000 // ReactOS
40 #define GETDLGINFO(hwnd) DIALOG_get_info(hwnd, FALSE)
41 #define SETDLGINFO(hwnd, info) SetWindowLongPtrW((hwnd), DWLP_ROS_DIALOGINFO, (LONG_PTR)(info))
42 #define GET_WORD(ptr)  (*(WORD *)(ptr))
43 #define GET_DWORD(ptr) (*(DWORD *)(ptr))
44 #define GET_LONG(ptr) (*(const LONG *)(ptr))
45 #define DLG_ISANSI 2
47 /* INTERNAL STRUCTS **********************************************************/
49 /* Dialog info structure */
50 typedef struct
51 {
52     HWND      hwndFocus;   /* Current control with focus */
53     HFONT     hUserFont;   /* Dialog font */
54     HMENU     hMenu;       /* Dialog menu */
55     UINT      xBaseUnit;   /* Dialog units (depends on the font) */
56     UINT      yBaseUnit;
57     INT       idResult;    /* EndDialog() result / default pushbutton ID */
58     UINT      flags;       /* EndDialog() called for this dialog */
61 /* Dialog control information */
62 typedef struct
63 {
64     DWORD      style;
65     DWORD      exStyle;
66     DWORD      helpId;
67     short      x;
68     short      y;
69     short      cx;
70     short      cy;
71     UINT       id;
72     LPCWSTR    className;
73     LPCWSTR    windowName;
74     BOOL       windowNameFree; // ReactOS
75     LPCVOID    data;
78 /* Dialog template */
79 typedef struct
80 {
81     DWORD      style;
82     DWORD      exStyle;
83     DWORD      helpId;
84     WORD       nbItems;
85     short      x;
86     short      y;
87     short      cx;
88     short      cy;
89     LPCWSTR    menuName;
90     LPCWSTR    className;
91     LPCWSTR    caption;
92     WORD       pointSize;
93     WORD       weight;
94     BOOL       italic;
95     LPCWSTR    faceName;
96     BOOL       dialogEx;
99 /* CheckRadioButton structure */
100 typedef struct
101 {
102   UINT firstID;
103   UINT lastID;
104   UINT checkID;
108 /*********************************************************************
109  * dialog class descriptor
110  */
111 const struct builtin_class_descr DIALOG_builtin_class =
112 {
113     WC_DIALOG,       /* name */
114     CS_SAVEBITS | CS_DBLCLKS, /* style  */
115     DefDlgProcA,              /* procA */
116     DefDlgProcW,              /* procW */
117     DLGWINDOWEXTRA,           /* extra */
118     (LPCWSTR) IDC_ARROW,      /* cursor */
119     0                         /* brush */
120 };
123 /* INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ********************************************************/
125 /***********************************************************************
126 *               DIALOG_get_info
127 *
128 * Get the DIALOGINFO structure of a window, allocating it if needed
129 * and 'create' is TRUE.
130 *
131 * ReactOS
132 */
133 DIALOGINFO *DIALOG_get_info( HWND hWnd, BOOL create )
134 {
135     PWND pWindow;
136     DIALOGINFO* dlgInfo;
138     pWindow = ValidateHwnd( hWnd );
139     if (!pWindow)
140     {
141        return NULL;
142     }
144     dlgInfo = (DIALOGINFO *)GetWindowLongPtrW( hWnd, DWLP_ROS_DIALOGINFO );
146     if (!dlgInfo && create)
147     {
148         if (pWindow && pWindow->cbwndExtra >= DLGWINDOWEXTRA)
149         {
150             if (!(dlgInfo = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(*dlgInfo) )))
151                 return NULL;
153             dlgInfo->idResult = IDOK;
154             SETDLGINFO( hWnd, dlgInfo );
155        }
156        else
157        {
158            return NULL;
159        }
160     }
162     if (dlgInfo)
163     {
164         if (!(pWindow->state & WNDS_DIALOGWINDOW))
165         {
166            NtUserxSetDialogPointer( hWnd, dlgInfo );
167         }
168     }
169     return dlgInfo;
170 }
172 /***********************************************************************
173  *           DIALOG_GetControl32
174  *
175  * Return the class and text of the control pointed to by ptr,
176  * fill the header structure and return a pointer to the next control.
177  */
178 static const WORD *DIALOG_GetControl32( const WORD *p, DLG_CONTROL_INFO *info,
179                                         BOOL dialogEx )
180 {
181     if (dialogEx)
182     {
183         info->helpId  = GET_DWORD(p); p += 2;
184         info->exStyle = GET_DWORD(p); p += 2;
185         info->style   = GET_DWORD(p); p += 2;
186     }
187     else
188     {
189         info->helpId  = 0;
190         info->style   = GET_DWORD(p); p += 2;
191         info->exStyle = GET_DWORD(p); p += 2;
192     }
193     info->x       = GET_WORD(p); p++;
194     info->y       = GET_WORD(p); p++;
195     info->cx      = GET_WORD(p); p++;
196     info->cy      = GET_WORD(p); p++;
198     if (dialogEx)
199     {
200         /* id is 4 bytes for DIALOGEX */
201         info->id = GET_LONG(p);
202         p += 2;
203     }
204     else
205     {
206         info->id = GET_WORD(p);
207         p++;
208     }
210     if (GET_WORD(p) == 0xffff)
211     {
212         static const WCHAR class_names[6][10] =
213         {
214             { 'B','u','t','t','o','n', },             /* 0x80 */
215             { 'E','d','i','t', },                     /* 0x81 */
216             { 'S','t','a','t','i','c', },             /* 0x82 */
217             { 'L','i','s','t','B','o','x', },         /* 0x83 */
218             { 'S','c','r','o','l','l','B','a','r', }, /* 0x84 */
219             { 'C','o','m','b','o','B','o','x', }      /* 0x85 */
220         };
221         WORD id = GET_WORD(p+1);
222         /* Windows treats dialog control class ids 0-5 same way as 0x80-0x85 */
223         if ((id >= 0x80) && (id <= 0x85)) id -= 0x80;
224         if (id <= 5)
225         {
226             info->className = class_names[id];
227         }
228         else
229         {
230             info->className = NULL;
231             /* FIXME: load other classes here? */
232             ERR("Unknown built-in class id %04x\n", id );
233         }
234         p += 2;
235     }
236     else
237     {
238         info->className = (LPCWSTR)p;
239         p += strlenW( info->className ) + 1;
240     }
242     if (GET_WORD(p) == 0xffff)  /* Is it an integer id? */
243     {
244 //// ReactOS Rev 6478
245         info->windowName = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(L"#65535") );
246         if (info->windowName != NULL)
247         {
248             wsprintf((LPWSTR)info->windowName, L"#%u", GET_WORD(p + 1));
249             info->windowNameFree = TRUE;
250         }
251         else
252         {
253             info->windowNameFree = FALSE;
254         }
255         p += 2;
256     }
257     else
258     {
259         info->windowName = (LPCWSTR)p;
260         info->windowNameFree = FALSE;
261         p += strlenW( info->windowName ) + 1;
262     }
264     TRACE("    %s %s %ld, %d, %d, %d, %d, %08x, %08x, %08x\n",
265           debugstr_w( info->className ), debugstr_w( info->windowName ),
266           info->id, info->x, info->y, info->cx, info->cy,
267           info->style, info->exStyle, info->helpId );
269     if (GET_WORD(p))
270     {
271         info->data = p;
272         p += GET_WORD(p) / sizeof(WORD);
273     }
274     else info->data = NULL;
275     p++;
277     /* Next control is on dword boundary */
278     return (const WORD *)(((UINT_PTR)p + 3) & ~3);
279 }
282 /***********************************************************************
283  *           DIALOG_CreateControls32
284  *
285  * Create the control windows for a dialog.
286  */
287 static BOOL DIALOG_CreateControls32( HWND hwnd, LPCSTR template, const DLG_TEMPLATE *dlgTemplate,
288                                      HINSTANCE hInst, BOOL unicode )
289 {
290     DIALOGINFO * dlgInfo;
291     DLG_CONTROL_INFO info;
292     HWND hwndCtrl, hwndDefButton = 0;
293     INT items = dlgTemplate->nbItems;
295     if (!(dlgInfo = GETDLGINFO(hwnd))) return FALSE;
297     TRACE(" BEGIN\n" );
298     while (items--)
299     {
300         template = (LPCSTR)DIALOG_GetControl32( (const WORD *)template, &info,
301                                                 dlgTemplate->dialogEx );
302         info.style &= ~WS_POPUP;
303         info.style |= WS_CHILD;
305         if (info.style & WS_BORDER)
306         {
307             info.style &= ~WS_BORDER;
308             info.exStyle |= WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE;
309         }
311         if (unicode)
312         {
313             hwndCtrl = CreateWindowExW( info.exStyle | WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY,
314                                         info.className, info.windowName,
315                                         info.style | WS_CHILD,
316                                         MulDiv(info.x, dlgInfo->xBaseUnit, 4),
317                                         MulDiv(info.y, dlgInfo->yBaseUnit, 8),
318                                         MulDiv(info.cx, dlgInfo->xBaseUnit, 4),
319                                         MulDiv(info.cy, dlgInfo->yBaseUnit, 8),
320                                         hwnd, (HMENU)(ULONG_PTR)info.id,
321                                         hInst, (LPVOID)info.data );
322         }
323         else
324         {
325             LPSTR class = (LPSTR)info.className;
326             LPSTR caption = (LPSTR)info.windowName;
328             if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(class))
329             {
330                 DWORD len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, info.className, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
331                 class = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len );
332                 if (class != NULL)
333                     WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, info.className, -1, class, len, NULL, NULL );
334             }
335             if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(caption))
336             {
337                 DWORD len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, info.windowName, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
338                 caption = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len );
339                 if (caption != NULL)
340                     WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, info.windowName, -1, caption, len, NULL, NULL );
341             }
343             if (class != NULL && caption != NULL)
344             {
345                 hwndCtrl = CreateWindowExA( info.exStyle | WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY,
346                                             class, caption, info.style | WS_CHILD,
347                                             MulDiv(info.x, dlgInfo->xBaseUnit, 4),
348                                             MulDiv(info.y, dlgInfo->yBaseUnit, 8),
349                                             MulDiv(info.cx, dlgInfo->xBaseUnit, 4),
350                                             MulDiv(info.cy, dlgInfo->yBaseUnit, 8),
351                                             hwnd, (HMENU)(ULONG_PTR)info.id,
352                                             hInst, (LPVOID)info.data );
353             }
354             else
355                 hwndCtrl = NULL;
356             if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(class)) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, class );
357             if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(caption)) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, caption );
358         }
360         if (info.windowNameFree)
361         {
362             HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (LPVOID)info.windowName );
363         }
365         if (!hwndCtrl)
366         {
367             WARN("control %s %s creation failed\n", debugstr_w(info.className),
368                   debugstr_w(info.windowName));
369             if (dlgTemplate->style & DS_NOFAILCREATE) continue;
370             return FALSE;
371         }
373         /* Send initialisation messages to the control */
374         if (dlgInfo->hUserFont) SendMessageW( hwndCtrl, WM_SETFONT,
375                                              (WPARAM)dlgInfo->hUserFont, 0 );
376         if (SendMessageW(hwndCtrl, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0) & DLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON)
377         {
378             /* If there's already a default push-button, set it back */
379             /* to normal and use this one instead. */
380             if (hwndDefButton)
381                 SendMessageW( hwndDefButton, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_PUSHBUTTON, FALSE );
382             hwndDefButton = hwndCtrl;
383             dlgInfo->idResult = GetWindowLongPtrA( hwndCtrl, GWLP_ID );
384         }
385     }
386     TRACE(" END\n" );
387     return TRUE;
388 }
391  /***********************************************************************
392   *           DIALOG_IsAccelerator
393   */
394 static BOOL DIALOG_IsAccelerator( HWND hwnd, HWND hwndDlg, WPARAM wParam )
395 {
396     HWND hwndControl = hwnd;
397     HWND hwndNext;
398     INT dlgCode;
399     WCHAR buffer[128];
401     do
402     {
403         DWORD style = GetWindowLongPtrW( hwndControl, GWL_STYLE );
404         if ((style & (WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED)) == WS_VISIBLE)
405         {
406             dlgCode = SendMessageW( hwndControl, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0 );
407             if ( (dlgCode & (DLGC_BUTTON | DLGC_STATIC)) &&
408                  GetWindowTextW( hwndControl, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR) ))
409             {
410                 /* find the accelerator key */
411                 LPWSTR p = buffer - 2;
413                 do
414                 {
415                     p = strchrW( p + 2, '&' );
416                 }
417                 while (p != NULL && p[1] == '&');
419                 /* and check if it's the one we're looking for */
420                 if (p != NULL && toupperW( p[1] ) == toupperW( wParam ) )
421                 {
422                     if ((dlgCode & DLGC_STATIC) || (style & 0x0f) == BS_GROUPBOX )
423                     {
424                         /* set focus to the control */
425                         SendMessageW( hwndDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)hwndControl, 1);
426                         /* and bump it on to next */
427                         SendMessageW( hwndDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, 0, 0);
428                     }
429                     else if (dlgCode & DLGC_BUTTON)
430                     {
431                         /* send BM_CLICK message to the control */
432                         SendMessageW( hwndControl, BM_CLICK, 0, 0 );
433                     }
434                     return TRUE;
435                 }
436             }
437             hwndNext = GetWindow( hwndControl, GW_CHILD );
438         }
439         else hwndNext = 0;
441         if (!hwndNext) hwndNext = GetWindow( hwndControl, GW_HWNDNEXT );
443         while (!hwndNext && hwndControl)
444         {
445             hwndControl = GetParent( hwndControl );
446             if (hwndControl == hwndDlg)
447             {
448                 if(hwnd==hwndDlg)   /* prevent endless loop */
449                 {
450                     hwndNext=hwnd;
451                     break;
452                 }
453                 hwndNext = GetWindow( hwndDlg, GW_CHILD );
454             }
455             else
456                 hwndNext = GetWindow( hwndControl, GW_HWNDNEXT );
457         }
458         hwndControl = hwndNext;
459     }
460     while (hwndControl && (hwndControl != hwnd));
462     return FALSE;
463 }
465  /***********************************************************************
466   *           DIALOG_FindMsgDestination
467   *
468   * The messages that IsDialogMessage sends may not go to the dialog
469   * calling IsDialogMessage if that dialog is a child, and it has the
470   * DS_CONTROL style set.
471   * We propagate up until we hit one that does not have DS_CONTROL, or
472   * whose parent is not a dialog.
473   *
474   * This is undocumented behaviour.
475   */
476 static HWND DIALOG_FindMsgDestination( HWND hwndDlg )
477 {
478     while (GetWindowLongA(hwndDlg, GWL_STYLE) & DS_CONTROL)
479     {
480         PWND pWnd;
481         HWND hParent = GetParent(hwndDlg);
482         if (!hParent) break;
483 // ReactOS
484         if (!IsWindow(hParent)) break;
486         pWnd = ValidateHwnd(hParent);
487         // FIXME: Use pWnd->fnid == FNID_DESKTOP
488         if (!pWnd || !TestWindowProcess(pWnd) || hParent == GetDesktopWindow()) break;
490         if (!(pWnd->state & WNDS_DIALOGWINDOW))
491         {
492             break;
493         }
495         hwndDlg = hParent;
496     }
498     return hwndDlg;
499 }
501  /***********************************************************************
502  *           DIALOG_DoDialogBox
503  */
504 INT DIALOG_DoDialogBox( HWND hwnd, HWND owner )
505 {
506     DIALOGINFO * dlgInfo;
507     MSG msg;
508     INT retval;
509     BOOL bFirstEmpty;
510     PWND pWnd;
512     pWnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd);
513     if (!pWnd) return -1;
515     if (!(dlgInfo = GETDLGINFO(hwnd))) return -1;
517     bFirstEmpty = TRUE;
518     if (!(dlgInfo->flags & DF_END)) /* was EndDialog called in WM_INITDIALOG ? */
519     {
520         for (;;)
521         {
522             if (!PeekMessageW( &msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ))
523             {
524                 if (bFirstEmpty)
525                 {
526                     /* ShowWindow the first time the queue goes empty */
527                     ShowWindow( hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
528                     bFirstEmpty = FALSE;
529                 }
530                 if (!(GetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, GWL_STYLE ) & DS_NOIDLEMSG))
531                {
532                     /* No message present -> send ENTERIDLE and wait */
533                     SendMessageW( owner, WM_ENTERIDLE, MSGF_DIALOGBOX, (LPARAM)hwnd );
534                 }
535                 GetMessageW( &msg, 0, 0, 0 );
536             }
538             if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
539             {
540                 PostQuitMessage( msg.wParam );
541                 if (!IsWindow( hwnd )) return 0;
542                 break;
543             }
545             /*
546              * If the user is pressing Ctrl+C, send a WM_COPY message.
547              * Guido Pola, CORE-4829, Is there another way to check if the Dialog is a MessageBox?
548              */
549             if (msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN &&
550                 pWnd->state & WNDS_MSGBOX && // Yes!
551                 GetForegroundWindow() == hwnd)
552             {
553                 if (msg.wParam == L'C' && GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0)
554                     SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_COPY, 0, 0);
555             }
557             if (!IsWindow( hwnd )) return 0;
558             if (!(dlgInfo->flags & DF_END) && !IsDialogMessageW( hwnd, &msg))
559             {
560                 TranslateMessage( &msg );
561                 DispatchMessageW( &msg );
562             }
563             if (!IsWindow( hwnd )) return 0;
564             if (dlgInfo->flags & DF_END) break;
566             if (bFirstEmpty && msg.message == WM_TIMER)
567             {
568                 ShowWindow( hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
569                 bFirstEmpty = FALSE;
570             }
571         }
572     }
573     retval = dlgInfo->idResult;
574     DestroyWindow( hwnd );
575     return retval;
576 }
578  /***********************************************************************
579  *           DIALOG_ParseTemplate32
580  *
581  * Fill a DLG_TEMPLATE structure from the dialog template, and return
582  * a pointer to the first control.
583  */
584 static LPCSTR DIALOG_ParseTemplate32( LPCSTR template, DLG_TEMPLATE * result )
585 {
586     const WORD *p = (const WORD *)template;
587     WORD signature;
588     WORD dlgver;
590     dlgver = GET_WORD(p); p++;
591     signature = GET_WORD(p); p++;
593     if (dlgver == 1 && signature == 0xffff)  /* DIALOGEX resource */
594     {
595         result->dialogEx = TRUE;
596         result->helpId   = GET_DWORD(p); p += 2;
597         result->exStyle  = GET_DWORD(p); p += 2;
598         result->style    = GET_DWORD(p); p += 2;
599     }
600     else
601     {
602         result->style = GET_DWORD(p - 2);
603         result->dialogEx = FALSE;
604         result->helpId   = 0;
605         result->exStyle  = GET_DWORD(p); p += 2;
606     }
607     result->nbItems = GET_WORD(p); p++;
608     result->x       = GET_WORD(p); p++;
609     result->y       = GET_WORD(p); p++;
610     result->cx      = GET_WORD(p); p++;
611     result->cy      = GET_WORD(p); p++;
612     TRACE("DIALOG%s %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",
613            result->dialogEx ? "EX" : "", result->x, result->y,
614            result->cx, result->cy, result->helpId );
615     TRACE(" STYLE 0x%08x\n", result->style );
616     TRACE(" EXSTYLE 0x%08x\n", result->exStyle );
618     /* Get the menu name */
620     switch(GET_WORD(p))
621     {
622         case 0x0000:
623             result->menuName = NULL;
624             p++;
625             break;
626         case 0xffff:
627             result->menuName = (LPCWSTR)(UINT_PTR)GET_WORD( p + 1 );
628             p += 2;
629             TRACE(" MENU %04x\n", LOWORD(result->menuName) );
630             break;
631         default:
632             result->menuName = (LPCWSTR)p;
633             TRACE(" MENU %s\n", debugstr_w(result->menuName) );
634             p += strlenW( result->menuName ) + 1;
635             break;
636     }
638     /* Get the class name */
640     switch(GET_WORD(p))
641     {
642         case 0x0000:
643             result->className = WC_DIALOG;
644             p++;
645             break;
646         case 0xffff:
647             result->className = (LPCWSTR)(UINT_PTR)GET_WORD( p + 1 );
648             p += 2;
649             TRACE(" CLASS %04x\n", LOWORD(result->className) );
650             break;
651         default:
652             result->className = (LPCWSTR)p;
653             TRACE(" CLASS %s\n", debugstr_w( result->className ));
654             p += strlenW( result->className ) + 1;
655             break;
656     }
658     /* Get the window caption */
660     result->caption = (LPCWSTR)p;
661     p += strlenW( result->caption ) + 1;
662     TRACE(" CAPTION %s\n", debugstr_w( result->caption ) );
664     /* Get the font name */
666     result->pointSize = 0;
667     result->faceName = NULL;
668     result->weight = FW_DONTCARE;
669     result->italic = FALSE;
671     if (result->style & DS_SETFONT)
672     {
673         result->pointSize = GET_WORD(p);
674         p++;
676         /* If pointSize is 0x7fff, it means that we need to use the font
677          * in NONCLIENTMETRICSW.lfMessageFont, and NOT read the weight,
678          * italic, and facename from the dialog template.
679          */
680         if (result->pointSize == 0x7fff)
681         {
682             /* We could call SystemParametersInfo here, but then we'd have
683              * to convert from pixel size to point size (which can be
684              * imprecise).
685              */
686             TRACE(" FONT: Using message box font\n");
687         }
688         else
689         {
690             if (result->dialogEx)
691             {
692                 result->weight = GET_WORD(p); p++;
693                 result->italic = LOBYTE(GET_WORD(p)); p++;
694             }
695             result->faceName = (LPCWSTR)p;
696             p += strlenW( result->faceName ) + 1;
698             TRACE(" FONT %d, %s, %d, %s\n",
699                   result->pointSize, debugstr_w( result->faceName ),
700                   result->weight, result->italic ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" );
701         }
702     }
704     /* First control is on dword boundary */
705     return (LPCSTR)((((UINT_PTR)p) + 3) & ~3);
706 }
708 /***********************************************************************
709  *           DEFDLG_SetFocus
710  *
711  * Set the focus to a control of the dialog, selecting the text if
712  * the control is an edit dialog that has DLGC_HASSETSEL.
713  */
714 static void DEFDLG_SetFocus( HWND hwndCtrl )
715 {
716     if (SendMessageW( hwndCtrl, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0 ) & DLGC_HASSETSEL)
717         SendMessageW( hwndCtrl, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1 );
718     SetFocus( hwndCtrl );
719 }
722 /***********************************************************************
723  *           DEFDLG_SaveFocus
724  */
725 static void DEFDLG_SaveFocus( HWND hwnd )
726 {
727     DIALOGINFO *infoPtr;
728     HWND hwndFocus = GetFocus();
730     if (!hwndFocus || !IsChild( hwnd, hwndFocus )) return;
731     if (!(infoPtr = GETDLGINFO(hwnd))) return;
732     infoPtr->hwndFocus = hwndFocus;
733     /* Remove default button */
734 }
737 /***********************************************************************
738  *           DEFDLG_RestoreFocus
739  */
740 static void DEFDLG_RestoreFocus( HWND hwnd, BOOL justActivate )
741 {
742     DIALOGINFO *infoPtr;
744     if (IsIconic( hwnd )) return;
745     if (!(infoPtr = GETDLGINFO(hwnd))) return;
746     /* Don't set the focus back to controls if EndDialog is already called.*/
747     if (infoPtr->flags & DF_END) return;
748     if (!IsWindow(infoPtr->hwndFocus) || infoPtr->hwndFocus == hwnd) {
749         if (justActivate) return;
750         /* If no saved focus control exists, set focus to the first visible,
751            non-disabled, WS_TABSTOP control in the dialog */
752         infoPtr->hwndFocus = GetNextDlgTabItem( hwnd, 0, FALSE );
753         /* If there are no WS_TABSTOP controls, set focus to the first visible,
754            non-disabled control in the dialog */
755         if (!infoPtr->hwndFocus) infoPtr->hwndFocus = GetNextDlgGroupItem( hwnd, 0, FALSE );
756         if (!IsWindow( infoPtr->hwndFocus )) return;
757     }
758     if (justActivate)
759         SetFocus( infoPtr->hwndFocus );
760     else
761         DEFDLG_SetFocus( infoPtr->hwndFocus );
763     infoPtr->hwndFocus = NULL;
764 }
766 /***********************************************************************
767  *           DIALOG_CreateIndirect
768  *       Creates a dialog box window
769  *
770  *       modal = TRUE if we are called from a modal dialog box.
771  *       (it's more compatible to do it here, as under Windows the owner
772  *       is never disabled if the dialog fails because of an invalid template)
773  */
774 static HWND DIALOG_CreateIndirect( HINSTANCE hInst, LPCVOID dlgTemplate,
775                                    HWND owner, DLGPROC dlgProc, LPARAM param,
776                                    BOOL unicode, HWND *modal_owner )
777 {
778     HWND hwnd;
779     RECT rect;
780     POINT pos;
781     SIZE size;
782     DLG_TEMPLATE template;
783     DIALOGINFO * dlgInfo = NULL;
784     DWORD units = GetDialogBaseUnits();
785     HWND disabled_owner = NULL;
786     HMENU hMenu = 0;
787     HFONT hUserFont = 0;
788     UINT flags = 0;
789     UINT xBaseUnit = LOWORD(units);
790     UINT yBaseUnit = HIWORD(units);
792       /* Parse dialog template */
794     if (!dlgTemplate) return 0;
795     dlgTemplate = DIALOG_ParseTemplate32( dlgTemplate, &template );
797       /* Load menu */
799     if (template.menuName) hMenu = LoadMenuW( hInst, template.menuName );
801       /* Create custom font if needed */
803     if (template.style & DS_SETFONT)
804     {
805         HDC dc = GetDC(0);
807         if (template.pointSize == 0x7fff)
808         {
809             /* We get the message font from the non-client metrics */
810             NONCLIENTMETRICSW ncMetrics;
812             ncMetrics.cbSize = sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICSW);
813             if (SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS,
814                                       sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICSW), &ncMetrics, 0))
815             {
816                 hUserFont = CreateFontIndirectW( &ncMetrics.lfMessageFont );
817             }
818         }
819         else
820         {
821             /* We convert the size to pixels and then make it -ve.  This works
822              * for both +ve and -ve template.pointSize */
823             int pixels = MulDiv(template.pointSize, GetDeviceCaps(dc , LOGPIXELSY), 72);
824             hUserFont = CreateFontW( -pixels, 0, 0, 0, template.weight,
825                                               template.italic, FALSE, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET, 0, 0,
826                                               PROOF_QUALITY, FF_DONTCARE,
827                                               template.faceName );
828         }
830         if (hUserFont)
831         {
832             SIZE charSize;
833             HFONT hOldFont = SelectObject( dc, hUserFont );
834             charSize.cx = GdiGetCharDimensions( dc, NULL, &charSize.cy );
835             if (charSize.cx)
836             {
837                 xBaseUnit = charSize.cx;
838                 yBaseUnit = charSize.cy;
839             }
840             SelectObject( dc, hOldFont );
841         }
842         ReleaseDC(0, dc);
843         TRACE("units = %d,%d\n", xBaseUnit, yBaseUnit );
844     }
846     /* Create dialog main window */
848     SetRect(&rect, 0, 0, MulDiv(template.cx, xBaseUnit, 4), MulDiv(template.cy, yBaseUnit, 8));
849     if (template.style & DS_CONTROL)
850         template.style &= ~(WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU);
851     template.style |= DS_3DLOOK;
852     if (template.style & DS_MODALFRAME)
853         template.exStyle |= WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME;
854     if ((template.style & DS_CONTROL) || !(template.style & WS_CHILD))
855         template.exStyle |= WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT;
856     AdjustWindowRectEx( &rect, template.style, (hMenu != 0), template.exStyle );
857     pos.x = rect.left;
858     pos.y = rect.top;
859     size.cx = rect.right - rect.left;
860     size.cy = rect.bottom - rect.top;
862     if (template.x == CW_USEDEFAULT16)
863     {
864         pos.x = pos.y = CW_USEDEFAULT;
865     }
866     else
867     {
868         HMONITOR monitor = 0;
869         MONITORINFO mon_info;
871         mon_info.cbSize = sizeof(mon_info);
872         if (template.style & DS_CENTER)
873         {
874             monitor = MonitorFromWindow( owner ? owner : GetActiveWindow(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY );
875             GetMonitorInfoW( monitor, &mon_info );
876             pos.x = (mon_info.rcWork.left + mon_info.rcWork.right - size.cx) / 2;
877             pos.y = (mon_info.rcWork.top + mon_info.rcWork.bottom - size.cy) / 2;
878         }
879         else if (template.style & DS_CENTERMOUSE)
880         {
881             GetCursorPos( &pos );
882             monitor = MonitorFromPoint( pos, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY );
883             GetMonitorInfoW( monitor, &mon_info );
884         }
885         else
886         {
887             pos.x += MulDiv(template.x, xBaseUnit, 4);
888             pos.y += MulDiv(template.y, yBaseUnit, 8);
889             //
890             // REACTOS : Need an owner to be passed!!!
891             //
892             if (!(template.style & (WS_CHILD|DS_ABSALIGN)) && owner ) ClientToScreen( owner, &pos );
893         }
894         if ( !(template.style & WS_CHILD) )
895         {
896             INT dX, dY;
898             /* try to fit it into the desktop */
900             if (!monitor)
901             {
902                 SetRect( &rect, pos.x, pos.y, pos.x + size.cx, pos.y + size.cy );
903                 monitor = MonitorFromRect( &rect, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY );
904                 GetMonitorInfoW( monitor, &mon_info );
905             }
906             if ((dX = pos.x + size.cx + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME) - mon_info.rcWork.right) > 0)
907                 pos.x -= dX;
908             if ((dY = pos.y + size.cy + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME) - mon_info.rcWork.bottom) > 0)
909                 pos.y -= dY;
910             if( pos.x < mon_info.rcWork.left ) pos.x = mon_info.rcWork.left;
911             if( pos.y < mon_info.rcWork.top ) pos.y = mon_info.rcWork.top;
912         }
913     }
915     if (modal_owner && owner)
916     {
917         HWND parent = NULL;
918         /*
919          * Owner needs to be top level window. We need to duplicate the logic from server,
920          * because we need to disable it before creating dialog window. Note that we do that
921          * even if dialog has WS_CHILD, but only for modal dialogs, which matched what
922          * Windows does.
923          */
924         while ((GetWindowLongW( owner, GWL_STYLE ) & (WS_POPUP|WS_CHILD)) == WS_CHILD)
925         {
926             parent = GetParent( owner );
927             if (!parent || parent == GetDesktopWindow()) break;
928             owner = parent;
929         }
930         ////// Wine'ie babies need to fix your code!!!! CORE-11633
931         if (!parent) parent = GetAncestor( owner, GA_ROOT );
933         if (parent)
934         {
935            owner = parent;
937            if (IsWindowEnabled( owner ))
938            {
939                disabled_owner = owner;
940                EnableWindow( disabled_owner, FALSE );
941            }
942         }
943         *modal_owner = owner;
944     }
946     if (unicode)
947     {
948         hwnd = CreateWindowExW(template.exStyle, template.className, template.caption,
949                                template.style & ~WS_VISIBLE, pos.x, pos.y, size.cx, size.cy,
950                                owner, hMenu, hInst, NULL );
951     }
952     else
953     {
954         LPCSTR class = (LPCSTR)template.className;
955         LPCSTR caption = (LPCSTR)template.caption;
956         LPSTR class_tmp = NULL;
957         LPSTR caption_tmp = NULL;
959         if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(class))
960         {
961             DWORD len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, template.className, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
962             class_tmp = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len );
963             WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, template.className, -1, class_tmp, len, NULL, NULL );
964             class = class_tmp;
965         }
966         if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(caption))
967         {
968             DWORD len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, template.caption, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
969             caption_tmp = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len );
970             WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, template.caption, -1, caption_tmp, len, NULL, NULL );
971             caption = caption_tmp;
972         }
973         hwnd = CreateWindowExA(template.exStyle, class, caption,
974                                template.style & ~WS_VISIBLE, pos.x, pos.y, size.cx, size.cy,
975                                owner, hMenu, hInst, NULL );
976         HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, class_tmp );
977         HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, caption_tmp );
978     }
980     if (!hwnd)
981     {
982         if (hUserFont) DeleteObject( hUserFont );
983         if (hMenu) DestroyMenu( hMenu );
984         if (disabled_owner) EnableWindow( disabled_owner, TRUE );
985         return 0;
986     }
988     /* moved this from the top of the method to here as DIALOGINFO structure
989     will be valid only after WM_CREATE message has been handled in DefDlgProc
990     All the members of the structure get filled here using temp variables */
991     dlgInfo = DIALOG_get_info( hwnd, TRUE );
992     // ReactOS
993     if (dlgInfo == NULL)
994     {
995         if (hUserFont) DeleteObject( hUserFont );
996         if (hMenu) DestroyMenu( hMenu );
997         if (disabled_owner) EnableWindow( disabled_owner, TRUE );
998         return 0;
999     }
1000     //
1001     dlgInfo->hwndFocus   = 0;
1002     dlgInfo->hUserFont   = hUserFont;
1003     dlgInfo->hMenu       = hMenu;
1004     dlgInfo->xBaseUnit   = xBaseUnit;
1005     dlgInfo->yBaseUnit   = yBaseUnit;
1006     dlgInfo->flags       = flags;
1008     if (template.helpId) SetWindowContextHelpId( hwnd, template.helpId );
1010     if (unicode) SetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, DWLP_DLGPROC, (ULONG_PTR)dlgProc );
1011     else SetWindowLongPtrA( hwnd, DWLP_DLGPROC, (ULONG_PTR)dlgProc );
1013     if (dlgProc && dlgInfo->hUserFont)
1014         SendMessageW( hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)dlgInfo->hUserFont, 0 );
1016     /* Create controls */
1018     if (DIALOG_CreateControls32( hwnd, dlgTemplate, &template, hInst, unicode ))
1019     {
1020         /* Send initialisation messages and set focus */
1022         if (dlgProc)
1023         {
1024             HWND focus = GetNextDlgTabItem( hwnd, 0, FALSE );
1025             if (!focus) focus = GetNextDlgGroupItem( hwnd, 0, FALSE );
1026             if (SendMessageW( hwnd, WM_INITDIALOG, (WPARAM)focus, param ) && IsWindow( hwnd ) &&
1027                 ((~template.style & DS_CONTROL) || (template.style & WS_VISIBLE)))
1028             {
1029                 /* By returning TRUE, app has requested a default focus assignment.
1030                  * WM_INITDIALOG may have changed the tab order, so find the first
1031                  * tabstop control again. */
1032                 focus = GetNextDlgTabItem( hwnd, 0, FALSE );
1033                 if (!focus) focus = GetNextDlgGroupItem( hwnd, 0, FALSE );
1034                 if (focus)
1035                 {
1036                     if (SendMessageW( focus, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0 ) & DLGC_HASSETSEL)
1037                         SendMessageW( focus, EM_SETSEL, 0, MAXLONG );
1038                     SetFocus( focus );
1039                 }
1040                 else
1041                 {
1042                     if (!(template.style & WS_CHILD))
1043                         SetFocus( hwnd );
1044                 }
1045             }
1046 //// ReactOS see 43396, Fixes setting focus on Open and Close dialogs to the FileName edit control in OpenOffice.
1047 //// This now breaks test_SaveRestoreFocus.
1048             //DEFDLG_SaveFocus( hwnd );
1049 ////
1050         }
1051 //// ReactOS Rev 30613 & 30644
1052         if (!(GetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_CHILD))
1053             SendMessageW( hwnd, WM_CHANGEUISTATE, MAKEWPARAM(UIS_INITIALIZE, 0), 0);
1054 ////
1055         if (template.style & WS_VISIBLE && !(GetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_VISIBLE))
1056         {
1057            ShowWindow( hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL );   /* SW_SHOW doesn't always work */
1058            UpdateWindow( hwnd );
1059            IntNotifyWinEvent(EVENT_SYSTEM_DIALOGSTART, hwnd, OBJID_WINDOW, CHILDID_SELF, 0);
1060         }
1061         return hwnd;
1062     }
1063     if (disabled_owner) EnableWindow( disabled_owner, TRUE );
1065     if( IsWindow(hwnd) )
1066     {
1067       DestroyWindow( hwnd );
1068       //// ReactOS
1069       if (owner)
1070       {  ERR("DIALOG_CreateIndirect 1\n");
1071          if ( NtUserGetThreadState(THREADSTATE_FOREGROUNDTHREAD) && // Rule #1.
1072              !NtUserQueryWindow(owner, QUERY_WINDOW_FOREGROUND) )
1073          { ERR("DIALOG_CreateIndirect SFW\n");
1074             SetForegroundWindow(owner);
1075          }
1076       }
1077       ////
1078     }
1079     return 0;
1080 }
1083 /***********************************************************************
1084  *           DEFDLG_FindDefButton
1085  *
1086  * Find the current default push-button.
1087  */
1088 static HWND DEFDLG_FindDefButton( HWND hwndDlg )
1089 {
1090     HWND hwndChild, hwndTmp;
1092     hwndChild = GetWindow( hwndDlg, GW_CHILD );
1093     while (hwndChild)
1094     {
1095         if (SendMessageW( hwndChild, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0 ) & DLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON)
1096             break;
1098         /* Recurse into WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT controls */
1099         if (GetWindowLongPtrW( hwndChild, GWL_EXSTYLE ) & WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT)
1100         {
1101             LONG dsStyle = GetWindowLongPtrW( hwndChild, GWL_STYLE );
1102             if ((dsStyle & WS_VISIBLE) && !(dsStyle & WS_DISABLED) &&
1103                 (hwndTmp = DEFDLG_FindDefButton(hwndChild)) != NULL)
1104            return hwndTmp;
1105         }
1106         hwndChild = GetWindow( hwndChild, GW_HWNDNEXT );
1107     }
1108     return hwndChild;
1109 }
1112 /***********************************************************************
1113  *           DEFDLG_SetDefId
1114  *
1115  * Set the default button id.
1116  */
1117 static BOOL DEFDLG_SetDefId( HWND hwndDlg, DIALOGINFO *dlgInfo, WPARAM wParam)
1118 {
1119     DWORD dlgcode=0; /* initialize just to avoid a warning */
1120     HWND hwndOld, hwndNew = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, wParam);
1121     INT old_id = dlgInfo->idResult;
1123     dlgInfo->idResult = wParam;
1124     if (hwndNew &&
1125         !((dlgcode=SendMessageW(hwndNew, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0 ))
1127         return FALSE;  /* Destination is not a push button */
1129     /* Make sure the old default control is a valid push button ID */
1130     hwndOld = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, old_id );
1131     if (!hwndOld || !(SendMessageW( hwndOld, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0) & DLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON))
1132         hwndOld = DEFDLG_FindDefButton( hwndDlg );
1133     if (hwndOld && hwndOld != hwndNew)
1134         SendMessageW( hwndOld, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_PUSHBUTTON, TRUE );
1136     if (hwndNew)
1137     {
1138         if(dlgcode & DLGC_UNDEFPUSHBUTTON)
1139             SendMessageW( hwndNew, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, TRUE );
1140     }
1141     return TRUE;
1142 }
1145 /***********************************************************************
1146  *           DEFDLG_SetDefButton
1147  *
1148  * Set the new default button to be hwndNew.
1149  */
1150 static BOOL DEFDLG_SetDefButton( HWND hwndDlg, DIALOGINFO *dlgInfo, HWND hwndNew )
1151 {
1152     DWORD dlgcode=0; /* initialize just to avoid a warning */
1153     HWND hwndOld = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, dlgInfo->idResult );
1155     if (hwndNew &&
1156         !((dlgcode=SendMessageW(hwndNew, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0 ))
1158     {
1159         /**
1160          * Need to draw only default push button rectangle.
1161          * Since the next control is not a push button, need to draw the push
1162          * button rectangle for the default control.
1163          */
1164         hwndNew = hwndOld;
1165         dlgcode = SendMessageW(hwndNew, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0 );
1166     }
1168     /* Make sure the old default control is a valid push button ID */
1169     if (!hwndOld || !(SendMessageW( hwndOld, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0) & DLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON))
1170         hwndOld = DEFDLG_FindDefButton( hwndDlg );
1171     if (hwndOld && hwndOld != hwndNew)
1172         SendMessageW( hwndOld, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_PUSHBUTTON, TRUE );
1174     if (hwndNew)
1175     {
1176         if(dlgcode & DLGC_UNDEFPUSHBUTTON)
1177             SendMessageW( hwndNew, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, TRUE );
1178     }
1179     return TRUE;
1180 }
1183 /***********************************************************************
1184  *           DEFDLG_Proc
1185  *
1186  * Implementation of DefDlgProc(). Only handle messages that need special
1187  * handling for dialogs.
1188  */
1189 static LRESULT DEFDLG_Proc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam,
1190                             LPARAM lParam, DIALOGINFO *dlgInfo )
1191 {
1192     switch(msg)
1193     {
1194         case WM_ERASEBKGND:
1195         {
1196             HBRUSH brush = GetControlColor( hwnd, hwnd, (HDC)wParam, WM_CTLCOLORDLG);
1197             if (brush)
1198             {
1199                 RECT rect;
1200                 HDC hdc = (HDC)wParam;
1201                 GetClientRect( hwnd, &rect );
1202                 DPtoLP( hdc, (LPPOINT)&rect, 2 );
1203                 FillRect( hdc, &rect, brush );
1204             }
1205             return 1;
1206         }
1207         case WM_NCDESTROY:
1208 //// ReactOS
1209             if ((dlgInfo = (DIALOGINFO *)SetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, DWLP_ROS_DIALOGINFO, 0 )))
1210             {
1211                 if (dlgInfo->hUserFont) DeleteObject( dlgInfo->hUserFont );
1212                 if (dlgInfo->hMenu) DestroyMenu( dlgInfo->hMenu );
1213                 HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dlgInfo );
1214                 NtUserSetThreadState(0,DF_DIALOGACTIVE);
1215                 NtUserxSetDialogPointer( hwnd, 0 );
1216             }
1217              /* Window clean-up */
1218             return DefWindowProcA( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam );
1220         case WM_SHOWWINDOW:
1221             if (!wParam) DEFDLG_SaveFocus( hwnd );
1222             return DefWindowProcA( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam );
1224         case WM_ACTIVATE:
1225             { // ReactOS
1226                DWORD dwSetFlag;
1227                HWND hwndparent = DIALOG_FindMsgDestination( hwnd );
1228                // if WA_CLICK/ACTIVE ? set dialog is active.
1229                dwSetFlag = wParam ? DF_DIALOGACTIVE : 0;
1230                if (hwndparent != hwnd) NtUserSetThreadState(dwSetFlag, DF_DIALOGACTIVE);
1231             }
1232             if (wParam) DEFDLG_RestoreFocus( hwnd, TRUE );
1233             else DEFDLG_SaveFocus( hwnd );
1234             return 0;
1236         case WM_SETFOCUS:
1237             DEFDLG_RestoreFocus( hwnd, FALSE );
1238             return 0;
1240         case DM_SETDEFID:
1241             if (dlgInfo && !(dlgInfo->flags & DF_END))
1242                 DEFDLG_SetDefId( hwnd, dlgInfo, wParam );
1243             return 1;
1245         case DM_GETDEFID:
1246             if (dlgInfo && !(dlgInfo->flags & DF_END))
1247             {
1248                 HWND hwndDefId;
1249                 if (dlgInfo->idResult)
1250                     return MAKELONG( dlgInfo->idResult, DC_HASDEFID );
1251                 if ((hwndDefId = DEFDLG_FindDefButton( hwnd )))
1252                     return MAKELONG( GetDlgCtrlID( hwndDefId ), DC_HASDEFID);
1253             }
1254             return 0;
1256         case WM_NEXTDLGCTL:
1257             if (dlgInfo)
1258             {
1259                 HWND hwndDest = (HWND)wParam;
1260                 if (!lParam)
1261                     hwndDest = GetNextDlgTabItem(hwnd, GetFocus(), wParam);
1262                 if (hwndDest) DEFDLG_SetFocus( hwndDest );
1263                 DEFDLG_SetDefButton( hwnd, dlgInfo, hwndDest );
1264             }
1265             return 0;
1267         case WM_ENTERMENULOOP:
1268         case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
1269         case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN:
1270             {
1271                 HWND hwndFocus = GetFocus();
1272                 if (hwndFocus)
1273                 {
1274                     /* always make combo box hide its listbox control */
1275                     if (!SendMessageW( hwndFocus, CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, FALSE, 0 ))
1276                         SendMessageW( GetParent(hwndFocus), CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, FALSE, 0 );
1277                 }
1278             }
1279             return DefWindowProcA( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam );
1281         case WM_GETFONT:
1282             return dlgInfo ? (LRESULT)dlgInfo->hUserFont : 0;
1284         case WM_CLOSE:
1285             PostMessageA( hwnd, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(IDCANCEL, BN_CLICKED),
1286                             (LPARAM)GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDCANCEL ) );
1287             return 0;
1288     }
1289     return 0;
1290 }
1292 /***********************************************************************
1293  *           DEFDLG_Epilog
1294  */
1295 static LRESULT DEFDLG_Epilog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL fResult, BOOL fAnsi)
1296 {
1297     if ((msg >= WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX && msg <= WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC) ||
1298          msg == WM_CTLCOLOR)
1299        {
1300           if (fResult) return fResult;
1302           return fAnsi ? DefWindowProcA(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam):
1303                          DefWindowProcW(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
1304        }
1305     if ( msg == WM_COMPAREITEM ||
1306          msg == WM_VKEYTOITEM || msg == WM_CHARTOITEM ||
1307          msg == WM_QUERYDRAGICON || msg == WM_INITDIALOG)
1308         return fResult;
1310     return GetWindowLongPtrW( hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT );
1311 }
1313 /***********************************************************************
1314  *           DIALOG_GetNextTabItem
1315  *
1316  * Helper for GetNextDlgTabItem
1317  */
1318 static HWND DIALOG_GetNextTabItem( HWND hwndMain, HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndCtrl, BOOL fPrevious )
1319 {
1320     LONG dsStyle;
1321     LONG exStyle;
1322     UINT wndSearch = fPrevious ? GW_HWNDPREV : GW_HWNDNEXT;
1323     HWND retWnd = 0;
1324     HWND hChildFirst = 0;
1326     if(!hwndCtrl)
1327     {
1328         hChildFirst = GetWindow(hwndDlg,GW_CHILD);
1329         if(fPrevious) hChildFirst = GetWindow(hChildFirst,GW_HWNDLAST);
1330     }
1331     else if (IsChild( hwndMain, hwndCtrl ))
1332     {
1333         hChildFirst = GetWindow(hwndCtrl,wndSearch);
1334         if(!hChildFirst)
1335         {
1336             if(GetParent(hwndCtrl) != hwndMain)
1337                 /* i.e. if we are not at the top level of the recursion */
1338                 hChildFirst = GetWindow(GetParent(hwndCtrl),wndSearch);
1339             else
1340                 hChildFirst = GetWindow(hwndCtrl, fPrevious ? GW_HWNDLAST : GW_HWNDFIRST);
1341         }
1342     }
1344     while(hChildFirst)
1345     {
1346         dsStyle = GetWindowLongPtrA(hChildFirst,GWL_STYLE);
1347         exStyle = GetWindowLongPtrA(hChildFirst,GWL_EXSTYLE);
1348         if( (exStyle & WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT) && (dsStyle & WS_VISIBLE) && !(dsStyle & WS_DISABLED))
1349         {
1350             HWND retWnd;
1351             retWnd = DIALOG_GetNextTabItem(hwndMain,hChildFirst,NULL,fPrevious );
1352             if (retWnd) return (retWnd);
1353         }
1354         else if( (dsStyle & WS_TABSTOP) && (dsStyle & WS_VISIBLE) && !(dsStyle & WS_DISABLED))
1355         {
1356             return (hChildFirst);
1357         }
1358         hChildFirst = GetWindow(hChildFirst,wndSearch);
1359     }
1360     if(hwndCtrl)
1361     {
1362         HWND hParent = GetParent(hwndCtrl);
1363         while(hParent)
1364         {
1365             if(hParent == hwndMain) break;
1366             retWnd = DIALOG_GetNextTabItem(hwndMain,GetParent(hParent),hParent,fPrevious );
1367             if(retWnd) break;
1368             hParent = GetParent(hParent);
1369         }
1370         if(!retWnd)
1371             retWnd = DIALOG_GetNextTabItem(hwndMain,hwndMain,NULL,fPrevious );
1372     }
1373     return retWnd ? retWnd : hwndCtrl;
1374 }
1377 /**********************************************************************
1378  *	    DIALOG_DlgDirListW
1379  *
1380  * Helper function for DlgDirList*W
1381  */
1382 static INT DIALOG_DlgDirListW( HWND hDlg, LPWSTR spec, INT idLBox,
1383                                 INT idStatic, UINT attrib, BOOL combo )
1384 {
1385     HWND hwnd;
1386     LPWSTR orig_spec = spec;
1387     WCHAR any[] = {'*','.','*',0};
1388     WCHAR star[] = {'*',0};
1390 #define SENDMSG(msg,wparam,lparam) \
1391     ((attrib & DDL_POSTMSGS) ? PostMessageW( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) \
1392                              : SendMessageW( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ))
1394     TRACE("%p %s %d %d %04x\n", hDlg, debugstr_w(spec), idLBox, idStatic, attrib );
1396     /* If the path exists and is a directory, chdir to it */
1397     if (!spec || !spec[0] || SetCurrentDirectoryW( spec )) spec = star;
1398     else
1399     {
1400         WCHAR *p, *p2;
1402         if (!strchrW(spec, '*') && !strchrW(spec, '?'))
1403         {
1404             SetLastError(ERROR_NO_WILDCARD_CHARACTERS);
1405             return FALSE;
1406         }
1407         p = spec;
1408         if ((p2 = strchrW( p, ':' ))) p = p2 + 1;
1409         if ((p2 = strrchrW( p, '\\' ))) p = p2;
1410         if ((p2 = strrchrW( p, '/' ))) p = p2;
1411         if (p != spec)
1412         {
1413             WCHAR sep = *p;
1414             *p = 0;
1415             if (!SetCurrentDirectoryW( spec ))
1416             {
1417                 *p = sep;  /* Restore the original spec */
1418                 return FALSE;
1419             }
1420             spec = p + 1;
1421         }
1422     }
1424     TRACE( "mask=%s\n", spec );
1426     if (idLBox && ((hwnd = GetDlgItem( hDlg, idLBox )) != 0))
1427     {
1428         if (attrib == DDL_DRIVES) attrib |= DDL_EXCLUSIVE;
1430         SENDMSG( combo ? CB_RESETCONTENT : LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 );
1431         if (attrib & DDL_DIRECTORY)
1432         {
1433             if (!(attrib & DDL_EXCLUSIVE))
1434             {
1435                 SENDMSG( combo ? CB_DIR : LB_DIR,
1436                          attrib & ~(DDL_DIRECTORY | DDL_DRIVES),
1437                          (LPARAM)spec );
1438             }
1439             SENDMSG( combo ? CB_DIR : LB_DIR,
1440                    (attrib & (DDL_DIRECTORY | DDL_DRIVES)) | DDL_EXCLUSIVE,
1441                    (LPARAM)any );
1442         }
1443         else
1444         {
1445             SENDMSG( combo ? CB_DIR : LB_DIR, attrib, (LPARAM)spec );
1446         }
1447     }
1449     /* Convert path specification to uppercase */
1450     if (spec) CharUpperW(spec);
1452     if (idStatic && ((hwnd = GetDlgItem( hDlg, idStatic )) != 0))
1453     {
1454         WCHAR temp[MAX_PATH];
1455         GetCurrentDirectoryW( sizeof(temp)/sizeof(WCHAR), temp );
1456         CharLowerW( temp );
1457         /* Can't use PostMessage() here, because the string is on the stack */
1458         SetDlgItemTextW( hDlg, idStatic, temp );
1459     }
1461     if (orig_spec && (spec != orig_spec))
1462     {
1463         /* Update the original file spec */
1464         WCHAR *p = spec;
1465         while ((*orig_spec++ = *p++));
1466     }
1468     return TRUE;
1469 #undef SENDMSG
1470 }
1473 /**********************************************************************
1474  *	    DIALOG_DlgDirListA
1475  *
1476  * Helper function for DlgDirList*A
1477  */
1478 static INT DIALOG_DlgDirListA( HWND hDlg, LPSTR spec, INT idLBox,
1479                                INT idStatic, UINT attrib, BOOL combo )
1480 {
1481     if (spec)
1482     {
1483         INT ret, len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, spec, -1, NULL, 0 );
1484         LPWSTR specW = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
1485         if (specW == NULL)
1486             return FALSE;
1487         MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, spec, -1, specW, len );
1488         ret = DIALOG_DlgDirListW( hDlg, specW, idLBox, idStatic, attrib, combo );
1489         WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, specW, -1, spec, 0x7fffffff, NULL, NULL );
1490         HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, specW );
1491         return ret;
1492     }
1493     return DIALOG_DlgDirListW( hDlg, NULL, idLBox, idStatic, attrib, combo );
1494 }
1496 /**********************************************************************
1497  *           DIALOG_DlgDirSelect
1498  *
1499  * Helper function for DlgDirSelect*
1500  */
1501 static BOOL DIALOG_DlgDirSelect( HWND hwnd, LPWSTR str, INT len,
1502                                  INT id, BOOL unicode, BOOL combo )
1503 {
1504     WCHAR *buffer, *ptr;
1505     INT item, size;
1506     BOOL ret;
1507     HWND listbox = GetDlgItem( hwnd, id );
1509     TRACE("%p %s %d\n", hwnd, unicode ? debugstr_w(str) : debugstr_a((LPSTR)str), id );
1510     if (!listbox) return FALSE;
1512     item = SendMessageW(listbox, combo ? CB_GETCURSEL : LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
1513     if (item == LB_ERR) return FALSE;
1515     size = SendMessageW(listbox, combo ? CB_GETLBTEXTLEN : LB_GETTEXTLEN, item, 0 );
1516     if (size == LB_ERR) return FALSE;
1518     if (!(buffer = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (size+2) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return FALSE;
1520     SendMessageW( listbox, combo ? CB_GETLBTEXT : LB_GETTEXT, item, (LPARAM)buffer );
1522     if ((ret = (buffer[0] == '[')))  /* drive or directory */
1523     {
1524         if (buffer[1] == '-')  /* drive */
1525         {
1526             buffer[3] = ':';
1527             buffer[4] = 0;
1528             ptr = buffer + 2;
1529         }
1530         else
1531         {
1532             buffer[strlenW(buffer)-1] = '\\';
1533             ptr = buffer + 1;
1534         }
1535     }
1536     else
1537     {
1538         /* Filenames without a dot extension must have one tacked at the end */
1539         if (strchrW(buffer, '.') == NULL)
1540         {
1541             buffer[strlenW(buffer)+1] = '\0';
1542             buffer[strlenW(buffer)] = '.';
1543         }
1544         ptr = buffer;
1545     }
1547     if (!unicode)
1548     {
1549         if (len > 0 && !WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, ptr, -1, (LPSTR)str, len, 0, 0 ))
1550             ((LPSTR)str)[len-1] = 0;
1551     }
1552     else lstrcpynW( str, ptr, len );
1553     HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer );
1554     TRACE("Returning %d %s\n", ret, unicode ? debugstr_w(str) : debugstr_a((LPSTR)str) );
1555     return ret;
1556 }
1559 /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/
1561 /*
1562  * @implemented
1563  */
1564 HWND
1566 CreateDialogIndirectParamAorW(
1567   HINSTANCE hInstance,
1568   LPCDLGTEMPLATE lpTemplate,
1569   HWND hWndParent,
1570   DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
1571   LPARAM lParamInit,
1572   DWORD Flags)
1573 {
1574 /* FIXME:
1575  *   This function might be obsolete since I don't think it is exported by NT
1576  *   Also wine has one more parameter identifying weather it should call
1577  *   the function with unicode or not
1578  */
1579   return DIALOG_CreateIndirect( hInstance, lpTemplate, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, lParamInit , Flags == DLG_ISANSI ? FALSE : TRUE, NULL );
1580 }
1583 /*
1584  * @implemented
1585  */
1586 HWND
1588 CreateDialogIndirectParamA(
1589   HINSTANCE hInstance,
1590   LPCDLGTEMPLATE lpTemplate,
1591   HWND hWndParent,
1592   DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
1593   LPARAM lParamInit)
1594 {
1595   return CreateDialogIndirectParamAorW( hInstance, lpTemplate, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, lParamInit, DLG_ISANSI);
1596 }
1599 /*
1600  * @implemented
1601  */
1602 HWND
1604 CreateDialogIndirectParamW(
1605   HINSTANCE hInstance,
1606   LPCDLGTEMPLATE lpTemplate,
1607   HWND hWndParent,
1608   DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
1609   LPARAM lParamInit)
1610 {
1611   return CreateDialogIndirectParamAorW( hInstance, lpTemplate, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, lParamInit, 0);
1612 }
1615 /*
1616  * @implemented
1617  */
1618 HWND
1620 CreateDialogParamA(
1621   HINSTANCE hInstance,
1622   LPCSTR lpTemplateName,
1623   HWND hWndParent,
1624   DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
1625   LPARAM dwInitParam)
1626 {
1627 	HRSRC hrsrc;
1630     if (!(hrsrc = FindResourceA( hInstance, lpTemplateName, (LPCSTR)RT_DIALOG ))) return 0;
1631     if (!(ptr = (LPCDLGTEMPLATE)LoadResource(hInstance, hrsrc))) return 0;
1632 	return CreateDialogIndirectParamA( hInstance, ptr, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam );
1633 }
1636 /*
1637  * @implemented
1638  */
1639 HWND
1641 CreateDialogParamW(
1642   HINSTANCE hInstance,
1643   LPCWSTR lpTemplateName,
1644   HWND hWndParent,
1645   DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
1646   LPARAM dwInitParam)
1647 {
1648 	HRSRC hrsrc;
1651 	if (!(hrsrc = FindResourceW( hInstance, lpTemplateName, (LPCWSTR)RT_DIALOG ))) return 0;
1652 	if (!(ptr = (LPCDLGTEMPLATE)LoadResource(hInstance, hrsrc))) return 0;
1653 	return CreateDialogIndirectParamW( hInstance, ptr, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam );
1654 }
1657 /*
1658  * @implemented
1659  */
1662 DefDlgProcA(
1663   HWND hDlg,
1664   UINT Msg,
1665   WPARAM wParam,
1666   LPARAM lParam)
1667 {
1668     DIALOGINFO *dlgInfo;
1669     WNDPROC dlgproc;
1670     BOOL result = FALSE;
1672     /* Perform DIALOGINFO initialization if not done */
1673     if(!(dlgInfo = DIALOG_get_info( hDlg, TRUE ))) return 0; //// REACTOS : Always TRUE! See RealGetWindowClass.
1675     SetWindowLongPtrW( hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, 0 );
1677     if ((dlgproc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtrW( hDlg, DWLP_DLGPROC )))
1678     {
1679         /* Call dialog procedure */
1680         result = CallWindowProcA( dlgproc, hDlg, Msg, wParam, lParam );
1681     }
1683     if (!result && IsWindow(hDlg))
1684     {
1685         /* callback didn't process this message */
1687         switch(Msg)
1688         {
1689             case WM_ERASEBKGND:
1690             case WM_SHOWWINDOW:
1691             case WM_ACTIVATE:
1692             case WM_SETFOCUS:
1693             case DM_SETDEFID:
1694             case DM_GETDEFID:
1695             case WM_NEXTDLGCTL:
1696             case WM_GETFONT:
1697             case WM_CLOSE:
1698             case WM_NCDESTROY:
1699             case WM_ENTERMENULOOP:
1700             case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
1701             case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN:
1702                  return DEFDLG_Proc( hDlg, Msg, wParam, lParam, dlgInfo );
1703             case WM_INITDIALOG:
1704             case WM_VKEYTOITEM:
1705             case WM_COMPAREITEM:
1706             case WM_CHARTOITEM:
1707                  break;
1709             default:
1710                  return DefWindowProcA( hDlg, Msg, wParam, lParam );
1711         }
1712     }
1713     return DEFDLG_Epilog(hDlg, Msg, wParam, lParam, result, TRUE);
1714 }
1717 /*
1718  * @implemented
1719  */
1722 DefDlgProcW(
1723   HWND hDlg,
1724   UINT Msg,
1725   WPARAM wParam,
1726   LPARAM lParam)
1727 {
1728     DIALOGINFO *dlgInfo;
1729     WNDPROC dlgproc;
1730     BOOL result = FALSE;
1732     /* Perform DIALOGINFO initialization if not done */
1733     if(!(dlgInfo = DIALOG_get_info( hDlg, TRUE ))) return 0; //// REACTOS : Always TRUE! See RealGetWindowClass.
1735     SetWindowLongPtrW( hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, 0 );
1737     if ((dlgproc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtrW( hDlg, DWLP_DLGPROC )))
1738     {
1739         /* Call dialog procedure */
1740         result = CallWindowProcW( dlgproc, hDlg, Msg, wParam, lParam );
1741     }
1743     if (!result && IsWindow(hDlg))
1744     {
1745         /* callback didn't process this message */
1747         switch(Msg)
1748         {
1749             case WM_ERASEBKGND:
1750             case WM_SHOWWINDOW:
1751             case WM_ACTIVATE:
1752             case WM_SETFOCUS:
1753             case DM_SETDEFID:
1754             case DM_GETDEFID:
1755             case WM_NEXTDLGCTL:
1756             case WM_GETFONT:
1757             case WM_CLOSE:
1758             case WM_NCDESTROY:
1759             case WM_ENTERMENULOOP:
1760             case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
1761             case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN:
1762                  return DEFDLG_Proc( hDlg, Msg, wParam, lParam, dlgInfo );
1763             case WM_INITDIALOG:
1764             case WM_VKEYTOITEM:
1765             case WM_COMPAREITEM:
1766             case WM_CHARTOITEM:
1767                  break;
1769             default:
1770                  return DefWindowProcW( hDlg, Msg, wParam, lParam );
1771         }
1772     }
1773     return DEFDLG_Epilog(hDlg, Msg, wParam, lParam, result, FALSE);
1774 }
1777 /*
1778  * @implemented
1779  */
1780 INT_PTR
1782 DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW(
1783   HINSTANCE hInstance,
1784   LPCDLGTEMPLATE hDialogTemplate,
1785   HWND hWndParent,
1786   DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
1787   LPARAM dwInitParam,
1788   DWORD Flags)
1789 {
1790 /* FIXME:
1791  *  This function might be obsolete since I don't think it is exported by NT
1792  *  Also wine has one more parameter identifying weather it should call
1793  *  the function with unicode or not
1794  */
1795   HWND hWnd = DIALOG_CreateIndirect( hInstance, hDialogTemplate, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam, Flags == DLG_ISANSI ? FALSE : TRUE, &hWndParent );
1796   if (hWnd) return DIALOG_DoDialogBox( hWnd, hWndParent );
1797   return -1;
1798 }
1801 /*
1802  * @implemented
1803  */
1804 INT_PTR
1806 DialogBoxIndirectParamA(
1807   HINSTANCE hInstance,
1808   LPCDLGTEMPLATE hDialogTemplate,
1809   HWND hWndParent,
1810   DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
1811   LPARAM dwInitParam)
1812 {
1813   return DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW( hInstance, hDialogTemplate, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam, DLG_ISANSI);
1814 }
1817 /*
1818  * @implemented
1819  */
1820 INT_PTR
1822 DialogBoxIndirectParamW(
1823   HINSTANCE hInstance,
1824   LPCDLGTEMPLATE hDialogTemplate,
1825   HWND hWndParent,
1826   DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
1827   LPARAM dwInitParam)
1828 {
1829   return DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW( hInstance, hDialogTemplate, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam, 0);
1830 }
1833 /*
1834  * @implemented
1835  */
1836 INT_PTR
1838 DialogBoxParamA(
1839   HINSTANCE hInstance,
1840   LPCSTR lpTemplateName,
1841   HWND hWndParent,
1842   DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
1843   LPARAM dwInitParam)
1844 {
1845     HWND hwnd;
1846     HRSRC hrsrc;
1847     LPCDLGTEMPLATE ptr;
1848 //// ReactOS rev 33532
1849     if (!(hrsrc = FindResourceA( hInstance, lpTemplateName, (LPCSTR)RT_DIALOG )) ||
1850         !(ptr = LoadResource(hInstance, hrsrc)))
1851     {
1852         SetLastError(ERROR_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND);
1853         return -1;
1854     }
1855     if (hWndParent != NULL && !IsWindow(hWndParent))
1856     {
1857         SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE);
1858         return 0;
1859     }
1860     hwnd = DIALOG_CreateIndirect(hInstance, ptr, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam, FALSE, &hWndParent );
1861     if (hwnd) return DIALOG_DoDialogBox(hwnd, hWndParent);
1862     return -1;
1863 }
1866 /*
1867  * @implemented
1868  */
1869 INT_PTR
1871 DialogBoxParamW(
1872   HINSTANCE hInstance,
1873   LPCWSTR lpTemplateName,
1874   HWND hWndParent,
1875   DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
1876   LPARAM dwInitParam)
1877 {
1878     HWND hwnd;
1879     HRSRC hrsrc;
1880     LPCDLGTEMPLATE ptr;
1881 //// ReactOS rev 33532
1882     if (!(hrsrc = FindResourceW( hInstance, lpTemplateName, (LPCWSTR)RT_DIALOG )) ||
1883         !(ptr = LoadResource(hInstance, hrsrc)))
1884     {
1885         SetLastError(ERROR_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND);
1886         return -1;
1887     }
1888     if (hWndParent != NULL && !IsWindow(hWndParent))
1889     {
1890         SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE);
1891         return 0;
1892     }
1893     hwnd = DIALOG_CreateIndirect(hInstance, ptr, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam, TRUE, &hWndParent );
1894     if (hwnd) return DIALOG_DoDialogBox(hwnd, hWndParent);
1895     return -1;
1896 }
1899 /*
1900  * @implemented
1901  */
1902 int
1904 DlgDirListA(
1905   HWND hDlg,
1906   LPSTR lpPathSpec,
1907   int nIDListBox,
1908   int nIDStaticPath,
1909   UINT uFileType)
1910 {
1911     return DIALOG_DlgDirListA( hDlg, lpPathSpec, nIDListBox, nIDStaticPath, uFileType, FALSE );
1912 }
1915 /*
1916  * @implemented
1917  */
1918 int
1920 DlgDirListComboBoxA(
1921   HWND hDlg,
1922   LPSTR lpPathSpec,
1923   int nIDComboBox,
1924   int nIDStaticPath,
1925   UINT uFiletype)
1926 {
1927   return DIALOG_DlgDirListA( hDlg, lpPathSpec, nIDComboBox, nIDStaticPath, uFiletype, TRUE );
1928 }
1931 /*
1932  * @implemented
1933  */
1934 int
1936 DlgDirListComboBoxW(
1937   HWND hDlg,
1938   LPWSTR lpPathSpec,
1939   int nIDComboBox,
1940   int nIDStaticPath,
1941   UINT uFiletype)
1942 {
1943   return DIALOG_DlgDirListW( hDlg, lpPathSpec, nIDComboBox, nIDStaticPath, uFiletype, TRUE );
1944 }
1947 /*
1948  * @implemented
1949  */
1950 int
1952 DlgDirListW(
1953   HWND hDlg,
1954   LPWSTR lpPathSpec,
1955   int nIDListBox,
1956   int nIDStaticPath,
1957   UINT uFileType)
1958 {
1959   return DIALOG_DlgDirListW( hDlg, lpPathSpec, nIDListBox, nIDStaticPath, uFileType, FALSE );
1960 }
1963 /*
1964  * @implemented
1965  */
1966 BOOL
1968 DlgDirSelectComboBoxExA(
1969   HWND hDlg,
1970   LPSTR lpString,
1971   int nCount,
1972   int nIDComboBox)
1973 {
1974   return DIALOG_DlgDirSelect( hDlg, (LPWSTR)lpString, nCount, nIDComboBox, FALSE, TRUE );
1975 }
1978 /*
1979  * @implemented
1980  */
1981 BOOL
1983 DlgDirSelectComboBoxExW(
1984   HWND hDlg,
1985   LPWSTR lpString,
1986   int nCount,
1987   int nIDComboBox)
1988 {
1989   return DIALOG_DlgDirSelect( hDlg, (LPWSTR)lpString, nCount, nIDComboBox, TRUE, TRUE );
1990 }
1993 /*
1994  * @implemented
1995  */
1996 BOOL
1998 DlgDirSelectExA(
1999   HWND hDlg,
2000   LPSTR lpString,
2001   int nCount,
2002   int nIDListBox)
2003 {
2004   return DIALOG_DlgDirSelect( hDlg, (LPWSTR)lpString, nCount, nIDListBox, FALSE, FALSE );
2005 }
2008 /*
2009  * @implemented
2010  */
2011 BOOL
2013 DlgDirSelectExW(
2014   HWND hDlg,
2015   LPWSTR lpString,
2016   int nCount,
2017   int nIDListBox)
2018 {
2019   return DIALOG_DlgDirSelect( hDlg, lpString, nCount, nIDListBox, TRUE, FALSE );
2020 }
2023 /*
2024  * @implemented Modified for ReactOS. Do not Port Sync!!!
2025  */
2026 BOOL
2028 EndDialog(
2029   HWND hwnd,
2030   INT_PTR retval)
2031 {
2032     DIALOGINFO * dlgInfo;
2033     HWND owner;
2034     BOOL wasActive;
2036     TRACE("%p %ld\n", hwnd, retval );
2038     if (!(dlgInfo = GETDLGINFO(hwnd)))
2039     {
2040         ERR("got invalid window handle (%p); buggy app !?\n", hwnd);
2041         return FALSE;
2042     }
2043     wasActive = (hwnd == GetActiveWindow());
2044     dlgInfo->idResult = retval;
2045     dlgInfo->flags |= DF_END;
2047     if ((GetWindowLongW( hwnd, GWL_STYLE ) & (WS_POPUP|WS_CHILD)) == WS_CHILD)
2048     {
2049        owner = GetAncestor( hwnd, GA_PARENT);
2050     }
2051     else
2052        owner = GetWindow( hwnd, GW_OWNER );
2054     if (owner)
2055         EnableWindow( owner, TRUE );
2057     /* Windows sets the focus to the dialog itself in EndDialog */
2059     if (wasActive && IsChild(hwnd, GetFocus()))
2060        SetFocus( hwnd );
2062     /* Don't have to send a ShowWindow(SW_HIDE), just do
2063        SetWindowPos with SWP_HIDEWINDOW as done in Windows */
2065     SetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE
2068     if (wasActive && owner)
2069     {
2070         /* If this dialog was given an owner then set the focus to that owner. */
2071         SetActiveWindow(owner);
2072     }
2073     else if (hwnd == GetActiveWindow()) // Check it again!
2074     {
2076     }
2078     /* unblock dialog loop */
2079     PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_NULL, 0, 0);
2080     return TRUE;
2081 }
2084 /*
2085  * @implemented
2086  */
2087 LONG
2089 GetDialogBaseUnits(VOID)
2090 {
2091     static DWORD units;
2093     if (!units)
2094     {
2095         HDC hdc;
2096         SIZE size;
2098         if ((hdc = GetDC(0)))
2099         {
2100             size.cx = GdiGetCharDimensions( hdc, NULL, &size.cy );
2101             if (size.cx) units = MAKELONG( size.cx, size.cy );
2102             ReleaseDC( 0, hdc );
2103         }
2104     }
2105     return units;
2106 }
2109 /*
2110  * @implemented
2111  */
2112 int
2114 GetDlgCtrlID(
2115   HWND hwndCtl)
2116 {
2117 	return GetWindowLongPtrW( hwndCtl, GWLP_ID );
2118 }
2121 /*
2122  * @implemented
2123  */
2124 HWND
2126 GetDlgItem(
2127   HWND hDlg,
2128   int nIDDlgItem)
2129 {
2130     int i;
2131     HWND *list;
2132     HWND ret = 0;
2134     if (!hDlg) return 0;
2136     list = WIN_ListChildren(hDlg);
2137     if (!list) return 0;
2139     for (i = 0; list[i]; i++) if (GetWindowLongPtrW(list[i], GWLP_ID) == nIDDlgItem) break;
2140     ret = list[i];
2141     HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, list);
2142 //    if (!ret) SetLastError(ERROR_CONTROL_ID_NOT_FOUND);
2143     return ret;
2144 }
2147 /*
2148  * @implemented
2149  */
2150 UINT
2152 GetDlgItemInt(
2153   HWND hDlg,
2154   int nIDDlgItem,
2155   BOOL *lpTranslated,
2156   BOOL bSigned)
2157 {
2158     char str[30];
2159     char * endptr;
2160     LONG_PTR result = 0;
2162     if (lpTranslated) *lpTranslated = FALSE;
2163     if (!SendDlgItemMessageA(hDlg, nIDDlgItem, WM_GETTEXT, sizeof(str), (LPARAM)str))
2164         return 0;
2165     if (bSigned)
2166     {
2167         result = strtol( str, &endptr, 10 );
2168         if (!endptr || (endptr == str))  /* Conversion was unsuccessful */
2169             return 0;
2170         if (((result == LONG_MIN) || (result == LONG_MAX)))
2171             return 0;
2172     }
2173     else
2174     {
2175         result = strtoul( str, &endptr, 10 );
2176         if (!endptr || (endptr == str))  /* Conversion was unsuccessful */
2177             return 0;
2178         if (result == ULONG_MAX) return 0;
2179     }
2180     if (lpTranslated) *lpTranslated = TRUE;
2181     return (UINT)result;
2182 }
2185 /*
2186  * @implemented
2187  */
2188 UINT
2190 GetDlgItemTextA(
2191   HWND hDlg,
2192   int nIDDlgItem,
2193   LPSTR lpString,
2194   int nMaxCount)
2195 {
2196   HWND hWnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, nIDDlgItem);
2197   if ( hWnd ) return GetWindowTextA(hWnd, lpString, nMaxCount);
2198   if ( nMaxCount ) lpString[0] = '\0';
2199   return 0;
2200 }
2203 /*
2204  * @implemented
2205  */
2206 UINT
2208 GetDlgItemTextW(
2209   HWND hDlg,
2210   int nIDDlgItem,
2211   LPWSTR lpString,
2212   int nMaxCount)
2213 {
2214   HWND hWnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, nIDDlgItem);
2215   if ( hWnd ) return GetWindowTextW(hWnd, lpString, nMaxCount);
2216   if ( nMaxCount ) lpString[0] = '\0';
2217   return 0;
2218 }
2220 /*
2221  * @implemented
2222  */
2223 HWND
2225 GetNextDlgGroupItem(
2226   HWND hDlg,
2227   HWND hCtl,
2228   BOOL bPrevious)
2229 {
2230     HWND hwnd, hwndNext, retvalue, hwndLastGroup = 0;
2231     BOOL fLooped=FALSE;
2232     BOOL fSkipping=FALSE;
2234     if (hDlg == hCtl) hCtl = NULL;
2235     if (!hCtl && bPrevious) return 0;
2237         /* if the hwndCtrl is the child of the control in the hwndDlg,
2238          * then the hwndDlg has to be the parent of the hwndCtrl */
2240     if (hCtl)
2241     {
2242         if (!IsChild (hDlg, hCtl)) return 0;
2243         /* Make sure hwndCtrl is a top-level child */
2245     }
2246     else
2247     {
2248         /* No ctrl specified -> start from the beginning */
2249         if (!(hCtl = GetWindow( hDlg, GW_CHILD ))) return 0;
2250         /* MSDN is wrong. fPrevious does not result in the last child */
2252         /* No ctrl specified -> start from the beginning */
2253         if (!(hCtl = GetWindow( hDlg, GW_CHILD ))) return 0;
2255         /* MSDN is wrong. fPrevious does not result in the last child */
2257         /* Maybe that first one is valid.  If so then we don't want to skip it*/
2258         if ((GetWindowLongPtrW( hCtl, GWL_STYLE ) & (WS_VISIBLE|WS_DISABLED)) == WS_VISIBLE)
2259         {
2260             return hCtl;
2261         }
2263     }
2265     /* Always go forward around the group and list of controls; for the
2266      * previous control keep track; for the next break when you find one
2267      */
2268     retvalue = hCtl;
2269     hwnd = hCtl;
2270     while (1)
2271     {
2272         hwndNext = GetWindow (hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT);
2273         while (!hwndNext)
2274         {
2275             /* Climb out until there is a next sibling of the ancestor or we
2276              * reach the top (in which case we loop back to the start)
2277              */
2278             if (hDlg == GetParent (hwnd))
2279             {
2280                 /* Wrap around to the beginning of the list, within the same
2281                  * group. (Once only)
2282                  */
2283                 if (fLooped) goto end;
2284                 fLooped = TRUE;
2285                 hwndNext = GetWindow (hDlg, GW_CHILD);
2286             }
2287             else
2288             {
2289                 hwnd = GetParent (hwnd);
2290                 hwndNext = GetWindow (hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT);
2291             }
2292         }
2293         hwnd = hwndNext;
2295         /* Wander down the leading edge of controlparents */
2296         while ( (GetWindowLongPtrW (hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT) &&
2297                 ((GetWindowLongPtrW (hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & (WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED)) == WS_VISIBLE) &&
2298                 (hwndNext = GetWindow (hwnd, GW_CHILD)))
2299             hwnd = hwndNext;
2300         /* Question.  If the control is a control parent but either has no
2301          * children or is not visible/enabled then if it has a WS_GROUP does
2302          * it count?  For that matter does it count anyway?
2303          * I believe it doesn't count.
2304          */
2306         if ((GetWindowLongPtrW (hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_GROUP))
2307         {
2308             hwndLastGroup = hwnd;
2309             if (!fSkipping)
2310             {
2311                 /* Look for the beginning of the group */
2312                 fSkipping = TRUE;
2313             }
2314         }
2316         if (hwnd == hCtl)
2317         {
2318             if (!fSkipping) break;
2319             if (hwndLastGroup == hwnd) break;
2320             hwnd = hwndLastGroup;
2321             fSkipping = FALSE;
2322             fLooped = FALSE;
2323         }
2325         if (!fSkipping &&
2326             (GetWindowLongPtrW (hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & (WS_VISIBLE|WS_DISABLED)) ==
2327              WS_VISIBLE)
2328         {
2329             retvalue = hwnd;
2330             if (!bPrevious) break;
2331         }
2332     }
2333 end:
2334     return retvalue;
2335 }
2338 /*
2339  * @implemented
2340  */
2341 HWND
2343 GetNextDlgTabItem(
2344   HWND hDlg,
2345   HWND hCtl,
2346   BOOL bPrevious)
2347 {
2348     PWND pWindow;
2350     pWindow = ValidateHwnd( hDlg );
2351     if (!pWindow) return NULL;
2352     if (hCtl)
2353     {
2354        pWindow = ValidateHwnd( hCtl );
2355        if (!pWindow) return NULL;
2356     }
2358     /* Undocumented but tested under Win2000 and WinME */
2359     if (hDlg == hCtl) hCtl = NULL;
2361     /* Contrary to MSDN documentation, tested under Win2000 and WinME
2362      * NB GetLastError returns whatever was set before the function was
2363      * called.
2364      */
2365     if (!hCtl && bPrevious) return 0;
2367     return DIALOG_GetNextTabItem(hDlg, hDlg, hCtl, bPrevious);
2368 }
2371 #if 0
2372 BOOL
2374 IsDialogMessage(
2375   HWND hDlg,
2376   LPMSG lpMsg)
2377 {
2378 	return IsDialogMessageW(hDlg, lpMsg);
2379 }
2380 #endif
2382 /***********************************************************************
2383  *              DIALOG_FixOneChildOnChangeFocus
2384  *
2385  * Callback helper for DIALOG_FixChildrenOnChangeFocus
2386  */
2388 static BOOL CALLBACK DIALOG_FixOneChildOnChangeFocus (HWND hwndChild,
2389         LPARAM lParam)
2390 {
2391     /* If a default pushbutton then no longer default */
2392     if (DLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON & SendMessageW (hwndChild, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0))
2393         SendMessageW (hwndChild, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_PUSHBUTTON, TRUE);
2394     return TRUE;
2395 }
2397 /***********************************************************************
2398  *              DIALOG_FixChildrenOnChangeFocus
2399  *
2400  * Following the change of focus that occurs for example after handling
2401  * a WM_KEYDOWN VK_TAB in IsDialogMessage, some tidying of the dialog's
2402  * children may be required.
2403  */
2404 static void DIALOG_FixChildrenOnChangeFocus (HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndNext)
2405 {
2406     INT dlgcode_next = SendMessageW (hwndNext, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0);
2407     /* INT dlgcode_dlg  = SendMessageW (hwndDlg, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0); */
2408     /* Windows does ask for this.  I don't know why yet */
2410     EnumChildWindows (hwndDlg, DIALOG_FixOneChildOnChangeFocus, 0);
2412     /* If the button that is getting the focus WAS flagged as the default
2413      * pushbutton then ask the dialog what it thinks the default is and
2414      * set that in the default style.
2415      */
2416     if (dlgcode_next & DLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON)
2417     {
2418         DWORD def_id = SendMessageW (hwndDlg, DM_GETDEFID, 0, 0);
2419         if (HIWORD(def_id) == DC_HASDEFID)
2420         {
2421             HWND hwndDef;
2422             def_id = LOWORD(def_id);
2423             hwndDef = GetDlgItem (hwndDlg, def_id);
2424             if (hwndDef)
2425             {
2426                 INT dlgcode_def = SendMessageW (hwndDef, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0);
2427                 /* I know that if it is a button then it should already be a
2428                  * UNDEFPUSHBUTTON, since we have just told the buttons to
2429                  * change style.  But maybe they ignored our request
2430                  */
2431                 if ((dlgcode_def & DLGC_BUTTON) &&
2432                         (dlgcode_def &  DLGC_UNDEFPUSHBUTTON))
2433                 {
2434                     SendMessageW (hwndDef, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, TRUE);
2435                 }
2436             }
2437         }
2438     }
2439     else if ((dlgcode_next & DLGC_BUTTON) && (dlgcode_next & DLGC_UNDEFPUSHBUTTON))
2440     {
2441         SendMessageW (hwndNext, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, TRUE);
2442         /* I wonder why it doesn't send a DM_SETDEFID */
2443     }
2444 }
2446 /***********************************************************************
2447  *           DIALOG_IdToHwnd
2448  *
2449  * A recursive version of GetDlgItem
2450  *
2451  * RETURNS
2452  *  The HWND for a Child ID.
2453  */
2454 static HWND DIALOG_IdToHwnd( HWND hwndDlg, INT id )
2455 {
2456     int i;
2457     HWND *list = WIN_ListChildren( hwndDlg );
2458     HWND ret = 0;
2460     if (!list) return 0;
2462     for (i = 0; list[i]; i++)
2463     {
2464         if (GetWindowLongPtrW( list[i], GWLP_ID ) == id)
2465         {
2466             ret = list[i];
2467             break;
2468         }
2470         /* Recurse into every child */
2471         if ((ret = DIALOG_IdToHwnd( list[i], id ))) break;
2472     }
2474     HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, list );
2475     return ret;
2476 }
2479 /*
2480  * @implemented
2481  */
2482 BOOL
2484 IsDialogMessageW(
2485   HWND hDlg,
2486   LPMSG lpMsg)
2487 {
2488     INT dlgCode = 0;
2490     if (!IsWindow( hDlg ))
2491         return FALSE;
2493     if (CallMsgFilterW( lpMsg, MSGF_DIALOGBOX )) return TRUE;
2495     if (hDlg == GetDesktopWindow()) return FALSE;
2496     if ((hDlg != lpMsg->hwnd) && !IsChild( hDlg, lpMsg->hwnd )) return FALSE;
2498      hDlg = DIALOG_FindMsgDestination(hDlg);
2500      switch(lpMsg->message)
2501      {
2502      case WM_KEYDOWN:
2503         dlgCode = SendMessageW( lpMsg->hwnd, WM_GETDLGCODE, lpMsg->wParam, (LPARAM)lpMsg );
2504          if (dlgCode & DLGC_WANTMESSAGE) break;
2506          switch(lpMsg->wParam)
2507          {
2508          case VK_TAB:
2509             if (!(dlgCode & DLGC_WANTTAB))
2510             {
2511                 BOOL fIsDialog = TRUE;
2512                 WND *pWnd = ValidateHwnd(hDlg);
2514                 if (pWnd && TestWindowProcess(pWnd))
2515                 {
2516                     fIsDialog = (GETDLGINFO(hDlg) != NULL);
2517                 }
2519                 SendMessageW(hDlg, WM_CHANGEUISTATE, MAKEWPARAM(UIS_CLEAR, UISF_HIDEFOCUS), 0);
2521                 /* I am not sure under which circumstances the TAB is handled
2522                  * each way.  All I do know is that it does not always simply
2523                  * send WM_NEXTDLGCTL.  (Personally I have never yet seen it
2524                  * do so but I presume someone has)
2525                  */
2526                 if (fIsDialog)
2527                     SendMessageW( hDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000), 0 );
2528                 else
2529                 {
2530                     /* It would appear that GetNextDlgTabItem can handle being
2531                      * passed hwndDlg rather than NULL but that is undocumented
2532                      * so let's do it properly
2533                      */
2534                     HWND hwndFocus = GetFocus();
2535                     HWND hwndNext = GetNextDlgTabItem (hDlg,
2536                             hwndFocus == hDlg ? NULL : hwndFocus,
2537                             GetKeyState (VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000);
2538                     if (hwndNext)
2539                     {
2540                         dlgCode = SendMessageW (hwndNext, WM_GETDLGCODE,
2541                                 lpMsg->wParam, (LPARAM)lpMsg);
2542                         if (dlgCode & DLGC_HASSETSEL)
2543                         {
2544                             INT maxlen = 1 + SendMessageW (hwndNext, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
2545                             WCHAR *buffer = HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap(), 0, maxlen * sizeof(WCHAR));
2546                             if (buffer)
2547                             {
2548                                 SIZE_T length;
2549                                 SendMessageW (hwndNext, WM_GETTEXT, maxlen, (LPARAM) buffer);
2550                                 length = strlenW (buffer);
2551                                 HeapFree (GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer);
2552                                 SendMessageW (hwndNext, EM_SETSEL, 0, length);
2553                             }
2554                         }
2555                         SetFocus (hwndNext);
2556                         DIALOG_FixChildrenOnChangeFocus (hDlg, hwndNext);
2557                     }
2558                     else
2559                         return FALSE;
2560                 }
2561                 return TRUE;
2562             }
2563             break;
2565          case VK_RIGHT:
2566          case VK_DOWN:
2567          case VK_LEFT:
2568          case VK_UP:
2569              if (!(dlgCode & DLGC_WANTARROWS))
2570              {
2571                  BOOL fPrevious = (lpMsg->wParam == VK_LEFT || lpMsg->wParam == VK_UP);
2572                  HWND hwndNext = GetNextDlgGroupItem( hDlg, lpMsg->hwnd, fPrevious );
2573                  if (hwndNext && SendMessageW( hwndNext, WM_GETDLGCODE, lpMsg->wParam, (LPARAM)lpMsg ) == (DLGC_BUTTON | DLGC_RADIOBUTTON))
2574                  {
2575                      SetFocus( hwndNext );
2576                      if ((GetWindowLongW( hwndNext, GWL_STYLE ) & BS_TYPEMASK) == BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON &&
2577                          SendMessageW( hwndNext, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0 ) != BST_CHECKED)
2578                          SendMessageW( hwndNext, BM_CLICK, 1, 0 );
2579                  }
2580                  else
2581                      SendMessageW( hDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)hwndNext, 1 );
2582                  return TRUE;
2583              }
2584              break;
2586          case VK_CANCEL:
2587          case VK_ESCAPE:
2588              SendMessageW( hDlg, WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL, (LPARAM)GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDCANCEL ) );
2589              return TRUE;
2591          case VK_EXECUTE:
2592          case VK_RETURN:
2593               {
2594                  DWORD dw;
2595                  HWND hwndFocus = GetFocus();
2596                  if (IsChild( hDlg, hwndFocus ) &&
2597                      (SendMessageW (hwndFocus, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0) & DLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON))
2598                  {
2599                      SendMessageW( hDlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM( GetDlgCtrlID( hwndFocus ), BN_CLICKED ), (LPARAM)hwndFocus );
2600                  }
2601                  else if (DC_HASDEFID == HIWORD(dw = SendMessageW (hDlg, DM_GETDEFID, 0, 0)))
2602                  {
2603                     HWND hwndDef = DIALOG_IdToHwnd(hDlg, LOWORD(dw));
2604                     if (!hwndDef || IsWindowEnabled(hwndDef))
2605                         SendMessageW( hDlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM( LOWORD(dw), BN_CLICKED ), (LPARAM)hwndDef);
2606                  }
2607                  else
2608                  {
2609                      SendMessageW( hDlg, WM_COMMAND, IDOK, (LPARAM)GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDOK ) );
2610                  }
2611              }
2612              return TRUE;
2613          }
2614          break;
2616      case WM_CHAR:
2617          /* FIXME Under what circumstances does WM_GETDLGCODE get sent?
2618           * It does NOT get sent in the test program I have
2619           */
2620          dlgCode = SendMessageW( lpMsg->hwnd, WM_GETDLGCODE, lpMsg->wParam, (LPARAM)lpMsg );
2621          if (dlgCode & (DLGC_WANTCHARS|DLGC_WANTMESSAGE)) break;
2622          if (lpMsg->wParam == '\t' && (dlgCode & DLGC_WANTTAB)) break;
2623          /* drop through */
2625      case WM_SYSCHAR:
2626          if (DIALOG_IsAccelerator( lpMsg->hwnd, hDlg, lpMsg->wParam ))
2627          {
2628              /* don't translate or dispatch */
2629              return TRUE;
2630          }
2631          break;
2632 //// ReactOS
2633      case WM_SYSKEYDOWN:
2634          /* If the ALT key is being pressed display the keyboard cues */
2635          if ( HIWORD(lpMsg->lParam) & KF_ALTDOWN &&
2636              !(gpsi->dwSRVIFlags & SRVINFO_KBDPREF) && !(gpsi->PUSIFlags & PUSIF_KEYBOARDCUES) )
2638          break;
2640      case WM_SYSCOMMAND:
2641          /* If the ALT key is being pressed display the keyboard cues */
2642          if ( lpMsg->wParam == SC_KEYMENU &&
2643              !(gpsi->dwSRVIFlags & SRVINFO_KBDPREF) && !(gpsi->PUSIFlags & PUSIF_KEYBOARDCUES) )
2644          {
2646          }
2647          break;
2648      }
2650      TranslateMessage( lpMsg );
2651      DispatchMessageW( lpMsg );
2652      return TRUE;
2653 }
2656 /*
2657  * @implemented
2658  */
2659 UINT
2661 IsDlgButtonChecked(
2662   HWND hDlg,
2663   int nIDButton)
2664 {
2665   return (UINT)SendDlgItemMessageW( hDlg, nIDButton, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0 );
2666 }
2669 /*
2670  * @implemented
2671  */
2672 BOOL
2674 MapDialogRect(
2675   HWND hDlg,
2676   LPRECT lpRect)
2677 {
2678 	DIALOGINFO * dlgInfo;
2679 	if (!(dlgInfo = GETDLGINFO(hDlg))) return FALSE;
2680 	lpRect->left   = MulDiv(lpRect->left, dlgInfo->xBaseUnit, 4);
2681 	lpRect->right  = MulDiv(lpRect->right, dlgInfo->xBaseUnit, 4);
2682 	lpRect->top    = MulDiv(lpRect->top, dlgInfo->yBaseUnit, 8);
2683 	lpRect->bottom = MulDiv(lpRect->bottom, dlgInfo->yBaseUnit, 8);
2684 	return TRUE;
2685 }
2688 /*
2689  * @implemented
2690  */
2693 SendDlgItemMessageA(
2694   HWND hDlg,
2695   int nIDDlgItem,
2696   UINT Msg,
2697   WPARAM wParam,
2698   LPARAM lParam)
2699 {
2700 	HWND hwndCtrl;
2701 	if ( hDlg == HWND_TOPMOST || hDlg == HWND_BROADCAST ) return 0; // ReactOS
2702 	hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem( hDlg, nIDDlgItem );
2703 	if (hwndCtrl) return SendMessageA( hwndCtrl, Msg, wParam, lParam );
2704 	else return 0;
2705 }
2708 /*
2709  * @implemented
2710  */
2713 SendDlgItemMessageW(
2714   HWND hDlg,
2715   int nIDDlgItem,
2716   UINT Msg,
2717   WPARAM wParam,
2718   LPARAM lParam)
2719 {
2720 	HWND hwndCtrl;
2721 	if ( hDlg == HWND_TOPMOST || hDlg == HWND_BROADCAST ) return 0; // ReactOS
2722 	hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem( hDlg, nIDDlgItem );
2723 	if (hwndCtrl) return SendMessageW( hwndCtrl, Msg, wParam, lParam );
2724 	else return 0;
2725 }
2728 /*
2729  * @implemented
2730  */
2731 BOOL
2733 SetDlgItemInt(
2734   HWND hDlg,
2735   int nIDDlgItem,
2736   UINT uValue,
2737   BOOL bSigned)
2738 {
2739 	char str[20];
2741 	if (bSigned) sprintf( str, "%d", (INT)uValue );
2742 	else sprintf( str, "%u", uValue );
2743 	SendDlgItemMessageA( hDlg, nIDDlgItem, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)str );
2744 	return TRUE;
2745 }
2748 /*
2749  * @implemented
2750  */
2751 BOOL
2753 SetDlgItemTextA(
2754   HWND hDlg,
2755   int nIDDlgItem,
2756   LPCSTR lpString)
2757 {
2758   HWND hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem( hDlg, nIDDlgItem ); // ReactOS Themes
2759   if (hwndCtrl) return SetWindowTextA( hwndCtrl, lpString );
2760   return FALSE;
2761 }
2764 /*
2765  * @implemented
2766  */
2767 BOOL
2769 SetDlgItemTextW(
2770   HWND hDlg,
2771   int nIDDlgItem,
2772   LPCWSTR lpString)
2773 {
2774   HWND hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem( hDlg, nIDDlgItem ); // ReactOS Themes
2775   if (hwndCtrl) return SetWindowTextW( hwndCtrl, lpString );
2776   return FALSE;
2777 }
2780 /*
2781  * @implemented
2782  */
2783 BOOL
2785 CheckDlgButton(
2786   HWND hDlg,
2787   int nIDButton,
2788   UINT uCheck)
2789 {
2790 	SendDlgItemMessageW( hDlg, nIDButton, BM_SETCHECK, uCheck, 0 );
2791 	return TRUE;
2792 }
2794 static BOOL CALLBACK CheckRB(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
2795 {
2796   LONG lChildID = GetWindowLongPtrW(hwnd, GWLP_ID);
2797   RADIOGROUP *lpRadioGroup = (RADIOGROUP *)lParam;
2799   if((lChildID >= lpRadioGroup->firstID) &&
2800      (lChildID <= lpRadioGroup->lastID))
2801   {
2802     if (lChildID == lpRadioGroup->checkID)
2803     {
2804       SendMessageW(hwnd, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0);
2805     }
2806     else
2807     {
2808       SendMessageW(hwnd, BM_SETCHECK, BST_UNCHECKED, 0);
2809     }
2810   }
2812    return TRUE;
2813 }
2815 /*
2816  * @implemented
2817  */
2818 BOOL
2820 CheckRadioButton(
2821   HWND hDlg,
2822   int nIDFirstButton,
2823   int nIDLastButton,
2824   int nIDCheckButton)
2825 {
2826   RADIOGROUP radioGroup;
2828   radioGroup.firstID = nIDFirstButton;
2829   radioGroup.lastID = nIDLastButton;
2830   radioGroup.checkID = nIDCheckButton;
2832   return EnumChildWindows(hDlg, CheckRB, (LPARAM)&radioGroup);
2833 }