xref: /xv6-public/README (revision b818915f)
182537b71Srtmxv6 is a re-implementation of Dennis Ritchie's and Ken Thompson's Unix
282537b71SrtmVersion 6 (v6).  xv6 loosely follows the structure and style of v6,
382537b71Srtmbut is implemented for a modern x86-based multiprocessor using ANSI C.
7f0400600Srscxv6 is inspired by John Lions's Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition (Peer
882537b71Srtmto Peer Communications; ISBN: 1-57398-013-7; 1st edition (June 14,
9*b818915fSFrans Kaashoek2000)). See also https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/, which
1082537b71Srtmprovides pointers to on-line resources for v6.
1282537b71Srtmxv6 borrows code from the following sources:
1382537b71Srtm    JOS (asm.h, elf.h, mmu.h, bootasm.S, ide.c, console.c, and others)
1482bb0b56SAustin Clements    Plan 9 (entryother.S, mp.h, mp.c, lapic.c)
15801affcdSkaashoek    FreeBSD (ioapic.c)
1682537b71Srtm    NetBSD (console.c)
185bf3fbeeSFrans KaashoekThe following people have made contributions: Russ Cox (context switching,
195bf3fbeeSFrans Kaashoeklocking), Cliff Frey (MP), Xiao Yu (MP), Nickolai Zeldovich, and Austin
205bf3fbeeSFrans KaashoekClements.
225bf3fbeeSFrans KaashoekWe are also grateful for the bug reports and patches contributed by Silas
23f3048879SFrans KaashoekBoyd-Wickizer, Anton Burtsev, Cody Cutler, Mike CAT, Tej Chajed, eyalz800,
24f3048879SFrans KaashoekNelson Elhage, Saar Ettinger, Alice Ferrazzi, Nathaniel Filardo, Peter
25f3048879SFrans KaashoekFroehlich, Yakir Goaron,Shivam Handa, Bryan Henry, Jim Huang, Alexander
26f3048879SFrans KaashoekKapshuk, Anders Kaseorg, kehao95, Wolfgang Keller, Eddie Kohler, Austin
27*b818915fSFrans KaashoekLiew, Imbar Marinescu, Yandong Mao, Matan Shabtay, Hitoshi Mitake, Carmi
28f3048879SFrans KaashoekMerimovich, Mark Morrissey, mtasm, Joel Nider, Greg Price, Ayan Shafqat,
29f3048879SFrans KaashoekEldar Sehayek, Yongming Shen, Cam Tenny, tyfkda, Rafael Ubal, Warren
30f3048879SFrans KaashoekToomey, Stephen Tu, Pablo Ventura, Xi Wang, Keiichi Watanabe, Nicolas
31f3048879SFrans KaashoekWolovick, wxdao, Grant Wu, Jindong Zhang, Icenowy Zheng, and Zou Chang Wei.
327b814133SAustin Clements
33fa1b3410SrscThe code in the files that constitute xv6 is
34b2ca8e3eSFrans KaashoekCopyright 2006-2018 Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, and Russ Cox.
362e898063SkaashoekERROR REPORTS
384638cabfSRobert MorrisPlease send errors and suggestions to Frans Kaashoek and Robert Morris
394638cabfSRobert Morris(kaashoek,rtm@mit.edu). The main purpose of xv6 is as a teaching
404638cabfSRobert Morrisoperating system for MIT's 6.828, so we are more interested in
414638cabfSRobert Morrissimplifications and clarifications than new features.
454638cabfSRobert MorrisTo build xv6 on an x86 ELF machine (like Linux or FreeBSD), run
464638cabfSRobert Morris"make". On non-x86 or non-ELF machines (like OS X, even on x86), you
474638cabfSRobert Morriswill need to install a cross-compiler gcc suite capable of producing
48*b818915fSFrans Kaashoekx86 ELF binaries (see https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/).
494638cabfSRobert MorrisThen run "make TOOLPREFIX=i386-jos-elf-". Now install the QEMU PC
504638cabfSRobert Morrissimulator and run "make qemu".